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MotorStorm: Apocalypse Beta Opens To Public Soon?

Just about every big game with multiplayer gets a beta test these days, so why not MotorStorm: Apocalypse ?

According to GamingBolt , the hotly anticipated off-road/urban racer will get the benefit of a beta test for the purpose of locating and fixing bugs and glitches. Evidently, it will start with a closed beta test for select participants and then be opened up to the public at a later date. We don't know if PlayStation Plus members will be given priority – one needed to be a Plus member to have a shot at the Killzone 3 public beta – but we assume that info will come in due time. As proof of the Apocalypse beta, you can see an image of a specific website for the game's beta testers through the link above. Right now, it might be safe to assume the test will open up to more people by the end of the year, as the game is set to launch in February. Featuring more than a few upgrades and improvements, this installment should be the most dynamic and engaging yet. Off-road aficionados will see some really cool twists to the standard, accepted formula, and multiplayer ought to be a blast.

Sony might release some information on the MotorStorm: Apocalypse beta soon; access might involve pre-ordering the game…that's just a guess.

Related Game(s): MotorStorm: Apocalypse

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13 years ago

So many racing games coming out on the PS3, and that's a good thing.

13 years ago

That's the one thing which ps3 has a lot in common with ps1. A lot of great racing games, specially the exclusive ones.

Hoping for a new Wipeout too.

13 years ago

ooh, ooh! me. me. me!

Dang it, I don't want to pay for PSN+ but this makes it tempting =/

13 years ago

It makes 3D TVs tempting, too!

13 years ago

I tell myself that 3D will come in time. I'm still very fortunate to have a 40" 1080p HDTV. I hope it holds out long enough for 3DTV's to become more of a norm and lower cost (it's a Sony so it had better =p ), and, ideally, without those expensive glasses. I also think the next-gen Sony console (whenever that will be) will be a full-fledged custom configured piece of hardware that excels at 3D performance. Not that today's PS3 offerings don't work. But it seems opting for 3D in today's current generation of games presents a few concessions in performance and detail.

It's too bad they don't offer a mode that allows you to up the resolution in substitute for 3D mode. After-all, about 5 years ago, Sony was making such a big fuss about 1080p, it now seems to have been forgotten as most games aren't even near that res today.

Sony can get away with claiming GT5 is running at 1080p even if it's actually running at 1280×1080 which is actually only 67% of full on 1920×1080. But on the bright side, GT5 is still a good 67% higher in pixel throughput than 720p. Which makes for a much sharper and clearer game than the norm, today.

13 years ago

Quite, true. Maybe next-gen. Imagine full 1080p at 60fps in 3D!

By the way, doesn't GT5 use a variable resolution like Wipeout HD?

13 years ago

I am glad I joined PS+ ASAP if that matters for the beta, man the new Motorstorm looks so awesome. When I am not rally racing in HD on GT5 I'll be racing along side the apocalypse.

13 years ago

Ben, this is one game that makes me jealous of you having a 3D TV. Motorstorm:Apocalypse is supposedly better than even Killzone 3 in terms of 3D effect, according to E3 impressions.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I didn't realise that this was so close to release. Thought it was way back in next year. Anyway, I've played the demos for the other two PS3 Motorstorms, and enjoyed them. This one may make me break down and get in on the action. Lucky beta testers… getting to play the good games before the rest of us.

13 years ago

Awesome! Love the Motorstorm series. I put in so many hours into the first one and Pacific Rift was insane too.

Can't wait to get my hands on this! Hopefully they'll invite me…

13 years ago

Yes Please!!! I want this beta ASAP =D!

13 years ago

I've never played a MotorStorm game :/ all i hear is good things about it, it should be cheap now right? I've been thinking about getting one but not sure which one i should get.

Which one do you guys recommend or should i wait for the new one?

13 years ago

Both are so very unique and different.

The terrains alone are completely different experiences. You can't go wrong with any.

Even the psp version (Artic Storm) was really good. Again, very different from the other 2.

13 years ago

I'd go with the first one. Pacific Rift is great (and beautiful), but the AI is the most annoying thing i've seen in any racing game ever. The first MS had much better AI that didnt cheat.

13 years ago

as much as id love a beta to this, id much rather a beta for twisted metal!
been dying for a open world car combat game, now the creator of the genre has come marching in to reclaim the throne!

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