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New Brotherhood Details: Additions And Improvements

Assassin's Creed II is one of the very best games of the generation. This is why we so badly want Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood .

And if you're big AC fans like us, you'll want to gather as many juicy details as possible. Head on over to the PlayStation Blog and learn about all the new enhancements and improvements. No, we're not talking about removals; we're talking about additions . Ezio is not only more capable than ever but he'll also have access to even more tools; Jeff Rubenstein said he saw the hero "man a cannon, sink a ship, and even pilot a primitive, da Vinci-designed tank." There's also more freedom involved, as you can sort of branch out on your own during the narrative by taking different assassinations. Even during the main quest, players will have even more choice; if you perform a certain secondary action during a primary question, that can increase your synchronization level, which can in turn lead to the surfacing of Ezio's lost memories. Some of them will even be playable.

Reader questions were also answered so you can check that, too. It seems we won't have PlayStation Move support in Brotherhood but that's okay…that's gotta be too complicated to translate well.

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13 years ago

I didn't enjoy the first one and thus didn't finish it. But with all the praise the 2nd game has received and how many of my fellow PSXE users have enjoyed the game I'm interested in playing the game. I'm wondering though, do I need to finish the first one to grasp what's going on in the 2nd game?

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 10/19/2010 10:01:22 PM

13 years ago

I don't know man, I never played the first one but I simply skipped to the second.

13 years ago

The first one blew donkey balls, so I skipped the second. But I don't think you'll need to have played the first since you are a different assassin in a different era. Whether or not you are the same guy in the future or not I forget.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

No, you don't need to have played the first at all.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/20/2010 10:45:11 AM

13 years ago

Just look up the first game's ending on YouTube. You'll be fine after that. Don't bother with the DLC. It's overpriced and has the worst (most annoying) missions in the game.

13 years ago

While I am with Ben in saying you don't need to have played the first. It does have some elements that would be nice for you to understand! I my self liked the first for it's gameplay but repetitive nature forced me also to stop playing it!

When the second arrived I'm glad I was able to push through the first and finish it though! And without giving away a lot, from the start of te second some previous characters are in the second game! And al though as world said, your are a different assassin ad in a new time period the same goal of the real enemy is trying to be achieved as well as the "good guys"! It is a continuation from the first game and is a direct sequel in my eyes!

If you can push through it, the first, then Id try to! Cus there are some elements and the story that transfers on over. Otherwise AC2 can stand alone as a great experience as well!

13 years ago

AC is definitely one of this generations gaming gems. With the brilliant sp and what looks to be unique and fun mp, Brotherhood will be setting standards across the map.

Now if only Ubi could make a SECOND awesome IP.

13 years ago

Splinter Cell
Prince Of Persia
Beyond Good & Evil
Rainbow Six
Ghost Recon

…or do you mean only one?

13 years ago

Ridiculous, it takes 4 men to run the DaVinci Tank.

Anyway, since I'm so behind in the series that I stopped at 1, did the tank controls improve in 2? I was thinking about getting it, since Ubisoft games are dirt cheap 4 seconds after they release.

13 years ago

LOL, ACII can be found for $11 currently online.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

…what tank controls?

13 years ago

The guy was pretty slow and mechanical for an assassin, he was almost as unwieldy as the horse.

13 years ago

I believe he means "assassin-in-training" controls, or perhaps "drunk man-on-the-run" controls, or maybe even "man-who-just-dumped-in-his-pants-but-still-walks-cool" controls. LOL. j/k I'll get AC2 again to platinum it some time. I beat it with 82% trophy set my first playthrough. Very atmospheric game.

13 years ago

Oh man, the horse. They might as well made it hop around on all fours. The most fugly equestrian animation in the generation thus far. As for Ezio's animation: definitely the best. Maneuvering during action is a different story though. But i can see how they were going for the realistic/simulation feel.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Woah…no idea what you're talking about. The control over Ezio in ACII was sublime. I doubt you'll find a review that says otherwise.

13 years ago

True, but i thought i even remember you mentioning the "assassin-in-training"/realistic feel…something to do the effect of Altair being a professional as opposed to Ezio being new to it all. I was like "whoa, boy, whoa…oh dayum, oh dayum, oh dayum…phew, yes, finally, nooooooo" my first few times everytime a borgian courier/thief took off with a few deniro.

And you gotta admit, compared to even last-gen Agro from Shadow of the Colossus, or even the horses in RDR, the equestrian animation was all sorts of fugliness. I thought they would've improved that from the sequel. But besides that nitpick, and the trying controls, it really has the best parkour animation in gaming thus far.

13 years ago

Tank control?

13 years ago

I was talking about AC1. It's been a while since that play though, so maybe I just wanted the fellow to be a bit more fleet of foot and quick with his weapons. Sure the kills were nice, but you gotta be able to handle the guards without looking like an amateur.

I just remember he was more like a nintendo tank than a nathan drake.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/19/2010 11:57:23 PM

13 years ago

Drake's of course a lot easier to maneuver. And i guess he want out in animation according to most awards (including every other category as well) because of the dynamically rendered, layered animation processed via cell (i.e drake grimacing from oncoming fire while taking cover and reloading = drake grimacing + drake taking cover + drake reloading ).

But as far as canned animations (non dynamically rendered), AC's by far looked the most realistic, just because that's what they were going for. So naturally, the realism got in the way of fun sometimes.

13 years ago

sorry, by "want out", i meant "won out".

13 years ago

Other news for graphics geeks like myself: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood on the ps3 will be up to par with the 360 version, according to Ubisoft. They admitted that ps3's AC2 was out the door before it was optimized and the bugs were ironed out. They now claim that Brotherhood will no longer have framerate issues, and at times will even run smoother than the 360 version.

13 years ago

I thought the horses looked pretty good, especially at the time of AC1… then RDR came out.
Still the single-player is starting to sound tempting, even though I was a bit cheesed about them jumping through the main story and then charging for it later so I never got the DLC.

13 years ago

It's those little additions, tweaks, and features that really sell the game, for me at least. I was already in love with the "exotic missions" that they were discussing as well as the whole Brotherhood aspect. But small things like the ability to call your horse, expanded side missions, more fluent combat…all those things culminate into what seems like an awesome package. I can't wait!!

Btw, did anyone else get to try the Multiplayer Beta? I liked it for the most part. It can get pretty tense at times, especially if you move into 1st place. Then practically half the team is on you!

13 years ago


Towards the end of the second paragraph you say "main question", do you mean, main quest?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

It's fixed.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Hey, that sounds cool! But uh, still going to need to get AC2 first. And I'm waiting for that to go Platinum, which is just an annoyance. Seriously, it should already be there by now. Hopefully early next year, then Brotherhood later in the year. The more I hear about these titles, the more I want them, in spite of the blandness and boringness of the original.

13 years ago

Dude, why not just buy it on amazon? Can get it new for even cheaper than a greatest hit.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I don't like buying online unless it's absolutely necessary. Something about the untrustworthiness of people over the internet. Or maybe it has to do with the weird people about. *Looks about shiftily*

EDIT: Also, I've got the first Platinum, and I want a bit of a pretty silver collection, given that I missed out on doing so with Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank. The originals of those were too good to pass up on getting the new ones ASAP. Ha, I'm odd…

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 10/20/2010 5:39:26 AM

13 years ago

Just thought I'd mention it, most people don't like the plat/greatest hits boxes. Amazon is trustworthy though, you don't have to go through sellers like you do with ebay.

13 years ago

soooooooooo stoked for this!
assassins creed is one of the best series created this gen!
GI had a few pages on the SP this month, the game starts right where AC2 left off with ezio escaping the catacombs and desmond felling from abstergo.
the new facility desmond retreats to is the ezios old palace.
desmond actually has hes own levels in this game, in AC2 i think you had one level platforming with desmond, brotherhood has several.
Leonardo is back too, one of his crazy contraptions you get to use is a prototype parachute.
cant freaking wait for this, AC2 was one of my favorite games of last year, this ones guaranteed GOTY!

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