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Square-Enix Looking To Bolster FF Versus XIII Staff

Well, maybe this will speed things up.

Square-Enix apparently wants to kick development of Final Fantasy Versus XIII into high gear – or at least, a higher gear – as they are looking to add more talent to the development team. As found by Andriasang , Square-Enix is looking to add a certain number of planners, including a battle planner and level design planner. The former will have to work on the creation of enemy characters for an action/RPG; i.e., "creation of the battle concept for each chapter, field and dungeon, and formation of enemy character algorithms, parameter settings and other data work."

The level design planner needs to create level design "based off the scenario" and asks that the candidate have experience with action games. By the way, for the battle planner, they want someone with experience making "PS3 and Xbox 360 package games." It almost sounds as if development might not be as far along as we had hoped, but then again, perhaps the extra staffers are simply to speed things up. Maybe the game will be here sooner than expected.

Who knows? But we keep getting the feeling that it's only a matter of time before Versus XIII is announced for the 360, at which point we'll all look back to this news and go, "oh, I see, they needed to hire new people to help gimp the game so it'll work on 360." 'cough'

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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13 years ago

I might get this game if it is PS3-only. However, if it releases for both systems then I will have no interest in it. 🙁

13 years ago

I wonder if Square Enix are getting our complaints about the game being multiplatform.

13 years ago

If you guys as a rule only buy platform exclusives then you really are missing out on a lot, some would even say *most* of whats worth playing out there.
Do you really seriously think that games like mw2, dragon age:origins, Bioshock (or any other unreal-based game) would have been better if they were only released on the ps3?
A higher potensial sales gives a higher willingness to invest in development on any given title, and logically that should more than compensate for the advantages of devloping for just one platform.

13 years ago

Probably gonna be FF XII-2….God S-E, plz no.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Not the point, Beamboom. The point is whether or not a game can be as good multiplatform as an exclusive project.

…and it can't.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/18/2010 3:11:00 PM

13 years ago

Ben, that argument is coming from a guy who found Uncharted 2 to be mediocre. I can't ever take what he says seriously.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/18/2010 3:45:00 PM

13 years ago

i do agree that skipping out on multiplatform games may result in a gamer missing out on some good games.

HOWEVER, i think we have seen what happens when a game is exclusive to a console and the dev spent time to actually learn the system they are working with. The results end up being a more polished experience. Hard to argue against it

13 years ago

Jawk, what I've said about u2 is that I found the game to be way too linear, too "railroad" to ever be called anything like a "milestone" or anything other than a visual feast, and as such I did not agree that it was the best ever game on this generation since it 100% demanded that we as players followed the developers receipt, and was not given any creative workspace at all. And I stand by that. That does not mean that I did not find the game to be visually pleasing. It was. But underneath the glam and glory was nothing new. This is an opinion, and it is at least rationally argued, whether you agree with me or not.

13 years ago

@ Ben: I think I do understand your reasoning, that from a technical point of view a platform exclusive development must be better than a multi platform dev simply because a multi platform project have to "cut corners" and can not fully use the independent platform advantages. This is of course a 100% logical reasoning that I would agree with IF there was no such thing as budgets restraining development. However, in practise, in real life if you like, my claim is that the economical advantages of developing a multi plat game far outruns the theoretical advantages of developing just for one platform. That is, the guys sitting on the money bag has more patience for the devs to do their job is it multi plat development, than if the potential sales were smaller. This is why we have no exclusive Dragon Age'ish game (a game I found to be exceptionally good) or any of the other examples I supplied – plus others of course.
Or the other way around: There are so many poor or mediocre *exclusive* releases (on any platform) out there that I will claim proves my point, that I can't really understand how anyone can disagree…!

13 years ago

Fair enough Boombeam but its not as if Uncharted 2 was the only game to have that kind of formula. Just about every game besides RPG's and open world games are linear to some extent.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/18/2010 5:37:18 PM

13 years ago

No of course not, like you say most action games unfortunately are like that (however it must be said that many of them manage to disguise this fact better than u2). However, most of them are *not* hailed as the giant milestone, the next big thing, even "the future of gaming(!)" like U2 were. And that is the basis of my reactions.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/18/2010 5:58:07 PM

13 years ago

I doubt Nlayer doesn't play multiplat games beamboom, it's just this one in particular, since it was originally announced with exclusivity for the ps3. Which is something the general community of a playstation oriented website would be pumped for.

13 years ago

When FFXIII was announced as a multi-plat experience, it was as disappointing to fans as it would be to Halo fans if they announced that would be on PS3.

13 years ago

This game is becoming less and less desirable as the weeks go by.

Anyone else feeling this?

13 years ago

Up and down for me, but this particular news took a big dip.

13 years ago

I definitely am not Robinhood. I am almost convinced that this could be the defining FF title that we deserve for this new and improved Generation. FFXIII doesn't count. As I can definitely agree with Nlayer, you could see the lack of quality from being on the Threefixme.

13 years ago

Well, we are seeing no concrete gameplay, or really, details.

I am getting the horrible feeling that FFVXIII is getting all the hype due to the unorthodox FFXIII, and it is not going to live up to it.

I am just a tad worried, is all.

13 years ago

Just from the headline i new this had something to do with hiring Xbox people. This game is as doomed as FFXIII.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Lets not jump to any conclusions yet. While this thought did jump into my mind I can't see Square being THAT greedy and stupid.
/Exorbitant amounts of Optimism and Naivety

13 years ago

lax, i think you may be giving SE too much credit

13 years ago

after the last ff not being what it was expected to be i dont know what versus will turn into. if it turns into another gimped game for the 360 i will just not even look at it. all that advertising for ff13 makin it look exclusive some people are so stupid they actually think it is.

i was talkin to someone the other day and she was like "well microsoft has all the good games thats why the 360 is so popular."

like what the hell? serious? most games for the 360 are on ps3. she didnt care. "all the good games got bought up by microsoft." i said what about little big planet 1 & 2, uncharted 1 & 2, metal gear solid 4, god of war 1, 2 and 3, mag. nope those just dont exist it seems.

what is with the microsoft people?

13 years ago

They remind of the same people who say there is no deficit and that our President is doing just fine.

13 years ago

@Jawknee People say that? O.O
I have virtually no interest in politics and even I know that.

13 years ago

Yes, there are people who say that. Many of them are walking in the halls of our Congress.

13 years ago

i don't do politics online but seriously, how long has it been since this country as a whole was overwhelmingly satisfied with their president? its damn near impossible. Either side will always find reasons to not like the other.

13 years ago

Agreed Aaron, however i do know Bush's approval rating at this time his Presidency was double what Obama's is now. No one will ever be 100% happy with their leaders, i wasn't a fan of Bush but its hard to deny that so far this new guy has been a disaster for the country and the economy as a whole.


Last edited by Jawknee on 10/18/2010 5:24:49 PM

13 years ago

hard to argue against numbers, this much is true

13 years ago

The US isn't the only country fighting the economy right now.

We Canadians have issues too. Of course, we're one of the best in the economy right now, but I think part of that is because our current Prime Minister is an expert in Economy. Sure, he does some controversial things, and not everyone agrees with his conservatism, but it's no doubt our Economy is rocking the old cash box because this is his specialty.

But still… Newfoundland has a 15%+ unemployed rate. Ontario where I am is only 6.3%. But take it from me… On of my roles at Youth Opportunities Unlimited is as an Employment Counselor and Job Developer, and business is a-boomin'.

P.s. When are you guys gonna figure out a public health system is the way to go? We got one of the best in the world! You guys DO realize that even with public health, wealthier folks can still purchase better health coverage? In canada, I cut off my finger, and I'll get looked after if I'm broke. In the States… sorry you lost your finger buddy… NEXT!

13 years ago

Not true. The ER rooms here in the U.S. are full of uninsured poor people and immigrants who receive treatment for emergencies. There is not one hospital that will turn away someone, health coverage or none, if they’ve cut their finger off or something even more serious. That is a lie the liberals like to propagate.

The point is, there was nothing wrong with the system we had. That should have been obvious to Obama, Pelosi, and Reed when the polls showed the majority of Americans were overwhelmingly against their health care polices.

But what about the poor and elderly? That is what Medicaid and Medicare are for… two
government run health care programs that are running out of money. Oh… wait! So, how will Obamacare be any different? It will be just another poorly run government program.

But you know what, they didn't care; and they rammed it down our collective throats. Now the dems are going to pay at the booths next month.

13 years ago

Won't buy this game like FFXIII. I don't mind it being linear. FFX was linear as well, but the combat system in XIII left a lot to be desired so I passed it up. Really wasn't worth it. My cousin has it and he hasn't played that game anymore. He played for 2 weeks and that was it. Let it say exclusive!!

Last edited by sawao_yamanaka on 10/18/2010 11:29:34 AM

13 years ago

Action RPG makes more sense to be linear. So if I just lower my expectations to FFXIII, then there'll be nothing but surprises.

13 years ago

If its action rpg I would take kingdom hearts battle system over that crap sytem in XIII. Even X allowed you to do your stuff, this game not at all.

13 years ago

Since SE seems to be hell-bent to become a commercially a$$-kissing M$ "sell-out" these days,…..

"oh, I see, they needed to hire new people to help gimp the game so it'll work on 360." 'cough'

My name is Saint, and I approve of the above message.

13 years ago

Damn Right. The very least is that SE make the PS3 version a timed-exclusive, but NOOOO. They have wait for the XBox version complete then release them together. On top of that Xbox version gets exclusive Console versions in the US.

13 years ago

Square last chance to regain FF spirit, i am only in for FFvs13 if its PS3 exclusive. Great example is FF XIII, compromised at MAX. Damn square Enix don't make FF Fan's Mad.

13 years ago

Darn it. I am not liking this news. 🙁

Every time I hear something about the other console on this game, it makes me cringe.

It seems SE is willing to risk their artistic vision again like they did with FFXIII and cut some major content.

13 years ago

I don't think any company has lied as profusely as Square this generation. They keep telling everyone their games are going to be big and bad and that they will be PS3 exclusive then the closer we get to release…BOOM! That jackass Wada slaps us in the face with garbage like this. If this game goes multiplat im seriously done with Square Enix. They will not get any more of my money. If theres a PSP game i want, im heading to the local mom and pop shop and picking those suckers up used. I just emailed them again to let it be known.

13 years ago

Freaking seriously. Imagine him doing the same thing as '09 E3 where he presented a new FFXIII trailer in the Xbox conference. The world exploded that day, and I sense another one either in January or E3 '11.

Garbage indeed.

13 years ago

you e-mailed them? Can you give me the e-mail adress i have some words to say to them too…

BTW absolut agreed with ya
S-E sucks

13 years ago

You have to be a Square member. You have to login to send them any emails and fill out their tedious email fields. If your motivated enough, it only takes a few minutes to become a member and send them an email.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/18/2010 12:20:52 PM

13 years ago

i have a Square-enix memeber account, but i only see the games i bought, nothing where can i send an e-mail to them…
Btw i have EU account

13 years ago

Once logged in find the support section on the site and look around in there. You should be able to find a link to Contact Square.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Don't really see why they would mention anything about the Xbox360 unless they were making the game for that system as well. While bad news I think by now we've all accepted the game's fate.

13 years ago

This is why there so much pessimism coming from World and I. Anytime Square is in the news, it's bad news for Sony fans and Final Fantasy as a whole.

13 years ago

I agree with you both…

The fact that the game will most likely suffer bothers me a bit though there is still the (slim) possibility of SE delivering an excellent RPG for its fans. What really bothers me though is that Square lied to us… again.

If thats the case this will be the last time… I didn't buy XIII and I certainly won't buy this. I'M FED UP WITH YOUR BS SQUARE

Last edited by laxpro2001 on 10/18/2010 1:24:44 PM

13 years ago

IGN made this point. Take what you will from it.

"(Just a note before the comments start filling up. Versus XIII is currently PlayStation 3 exclusive. The mention of Xbox 360 in there could simply mean that they just want someone with experience working on HD consoles.)"

13 years ago

so like from a business stand point, this one game aside, if you plan to keep making multiplatform games then hiring someone that also knows the 360 makes sense.

but then again i guess from a business standpoint, you also shouldnt fu(% up your games and lie to your customers.

Last edited by frylock25 on 10/18/2010 12:10:21 PM

13 years ago

Exactly. I don't like liars and so far Wada is the biggest on in the industry. They lied about FFXIII, then they lied about it only being a mulitplat in the West and now we have another potential lie and another broken promise by these guys.

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