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FFXIII Team Talks Missing Content, FFXIII-2 Possibility

For a while now, there have been rumors about extra/downloadable content missing from Final Fantasy XIII , and now we have a bit more information on the subject.

Thanks to a FFXIII Ultimania Omega interview with producer Yoshinori Kitase and director Motomu Toriyama (as reported by Andriasang ), we now know what we've been missing. Well, at least it's one element we've been missing: the Seventh Ark. Originally, it was an area in FFXIII that featured quest-like play and free battles, but they couldn't quite reach the level of quality they desired and there was one other reason it didn't work…wait for it- "because of the great differences between the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 network systems."

You guys can do with that what you will. As for the lack of DLC, Kitase simply said that next time around, he'd "make preparations for online elements and DLC from the start." Yes, well, we don't need an online element but with the constant Westernizing going on, perhaps it's inevitable in the next FF. But the interesting news doesn't end there; those of you who remember FFX-2 may not be too shocked, either:

It seems Kitase "wants to do something that will allow players to further understand the FFXIII story by better passing along the Fabula Nova Crystalis mythology and showing things that won't even make it into Final Fantasy Agito XIII and Versus XIII ." When asked if this could mean the existence of FFXIII-2, Kitase said he wasn't sure and that it would "depend in the end on fan reaction." Toriyama added- "I'd like to at some point make a story where Lightning ends up happy." For the record, the FFXIII team is currently working on its next game, and Toriyama said they want to "incorporate some of the things they were unable to do for FFXIII's download content."

There's a lot to think about here. At this point, we're just a little annoyed at the continuous stream of, "we had to make this sacrifice for this reason" in regards to multiplatform development, and as for FFXIII-2, sure. We'll go for that. We loved FFXIII, regardless of what the haters say. …just make it an RPG, please.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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13 years ago

I read the title and went….


13 years ago

I have absolutely no clue how I should react.

13 years ago

Like Tom in this part:

That's how I felt like reacting.

13 years ago

Let me elaborate.
(Comment still pending moderator approval on WC, at this point)

I'm not really surprised, but I didn't think they would do it, either… and I always kinda knew the PS3 version was gimped, but this is really the first time they've come out and said it… I kinda liked FFXIII, but it sucked as an FF entry…

I dunno… when I say I don't know how to react, I'm incredibly luke-warm. I'm both excited and frustrated. I'm torn.

13 years ago

Lol, I love Tom & Jerry xD

13 years ago

So… the 360 version will get another DVD, and the PS3 version will get the one we should have.

How nice.

13 years ago

I am a little intrigued of a FFXIII-2. If they add all the cut content then I will buy this Day One.

13 years ago

It would be interesting if they would change the battle system, since that's what happened between FFX and FFX-2. If FFXIII-2 is to release, that's the main thing I'll be looking forward to.

Also, in FFXIII, I was really disappointed how they went back to the old "separate" battle screens. I'd find an enemy close to a cliff, only to be battling somewhere nowhere near it. It's just a different experience for me. If they can incorporate FFXII style for when you encounter enemies, and perhaps a new battle system, I might be interested.

13 years ago

I'd love it if they just used the EXACT SAME battle system from X-2.



13 years ago

Ugh, I hope they don't do that. I really hated FFXII's battle system. XIII's is much better.
I just wish they'd make it turn-based, with pretty stuff.

Last edited by wolfsinner on 10/4/2010 3:13:58 PM

13 years ago

Er….at least XII's battle system was turnbased. XIII's battle system is garbage.

13 years ago

XIII's battle system is just as turn-based as XII's is. In XII you can (conceivably) control every character. Which (for some unknown and probably dumb reason) you can't do in XIII. But that's the only major difference I can think of.


13 years ago

None of them are truly turn-based. I simply stated how I would prefer a turn-based Final Fantasy.

That doesn't change the fact that I significantly prefer XIII's battle system over XII's. Opinions.

Last edited by wolfsinner on 10/4/2010 5:28:31 PM

13 years ago

Your right. Apologies for being crass. I just can't understand how anyone would prefer XIII's battle system to any of the other Final Fantasy games. It had promise but auto battle, the lack of control of more than one character and game overs if the party leader dies regardless of the rest of the parties status made it a bust.

13 years ago


Isn't FFX turn-based?


13 years ago

No problem. I can understand why people dislike XIII, but I find it pretty good as a game. Don't get me wrong though, FFXIII is my second least favorite Final Fantasy, being XII the first.
XII was great in so many aspects, but I just couldn't find myself liking the battle system, which made the experience less interesting.

Of course it is, but I was talking about XII and XIII. Was X mentioned in the conversation?
FFX is my favorite FF, and I'd love to see future FF games with a similar battle system. 🙂

13 years ago

Sorry Wolf, I get it now. You said "none" instead of "neither." I thought you meant NO Final Fantasy games, period, were "truly turn-based."

Just a semantics issue. Never mind. 🙂


13 years ago

Im a hater too I guess. I only expected a great RPG but got a crappy battle simulator instead. So naturally I'm pissed having spent $60 on that crap.

13 years ago

not a lot of ff games i sell back after beating them…

13 years ago

Ive never sold a FF game. Im tempted to get rid of XIII and i haven't even finished it yet.

13 years ago

If there going to make a sequel to the Fabula Nova Crystalis mythology make it Versus XIII-2.

13 years ago

How about we get Versus XIII first?

13 years ago

I'd agree to that only because Vs. XIII is possibly exclusive to the PS3, so therefore no standardizing. With FFXIII, FFXIII-2 would have to include the X360 in mind because it only makes sense.

Otherwise, I liked the story in FFXIII, and I don't know anything yet about FF Vs. XIII's story, so I can't decide which I'd rather have right now.

13 years ago

I dunno. I'd like an FF13 but i should say….. move on to ff15. lol OR WAIT


13 years ago

If it happens, I'll stay true to our deal!

13 years ago

It would be nice if they actually do FFXIII-2 exclusive to PS3 to actually stop cutting things out bc 360 can't handle it or bc the networks r so diffrent… I'm tired of square-enix excuses this generation… Just stick to Sony like u did last generation and mayb u won't go bankrupt

13 years ago

Like Underdog15, I really have no clue how I should react.

"When asked if this could mean the existence of FFXIII-2, Kitase said he wasn't sure and that it would "depend in the end on fan reaction."

Wait, they actually care about the fans?

13 years ago

I think he was referring to the huge fanbase they've acquired with this game over at the other platform…

All 4 of them

13 years ago

All 4?
I'm not being sarcastic.

13 years ago

So, instead of sacrificing all that extra content for continuity, artistic merit, and flow; they actually cut that content because of the differences in the PS3 and Xbox360?

Wow, I did not see that one coming…</sarcasm>

I would really love to see what they could have done with the game but at this point I don't think I want to give them any more money for it.

At least they are being more honest about why the content was cut out now, but it seems a too little too late.

13 years ago

They are being honest in a effort to regain all the fans they angered. Thats why they are probably going to make a FFXIII-2 ver.

13 years ago

Like I always said, you don't have to see a person take a bite out of an apple to know they took a bite out of it. But like you said, at least theit being honest as to why they did it.

13 years ago

I would be happy to see a FXIII-2. Unlike many I rather enjoyed the game and value it as one of the better campaigns in my collection. In all honesty I don't really care what the next FF is because it will most likely be a D1P either way.. unless it's MMO..

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
13 years ago

At the rate SE completes games, FFXIII-2 should be ready by 2020.

13 years ago

No Mr. Adam West. In 2020 they're gonna be leaking "gameplay" videos like what happened with FF13vs, with gameplay referring to a character running around then running, then running again.. oh, and did I mention the character will just run?

13 years ago

This pisses me off. So they cut content because of 360 limitations then they want to sell to us as another game? Screw you Square. You too Katise. You should have done it right the first time but your greed hindered your ability to give us the Final Fantasy experiance we should have got all along.

Oh maybe, well get more diverse monsters instead of the same ones in every area only different colors. Maybe well get towns, NPC's and get to explore more than one section of the game.

/Bite me

This is pathetic. If I pick this up, bargain bin it will be. Not going to give Square money for a game that should have been apart of the original but wasn't because of the crappie console.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/4/2010 12:20:38 PM

13 years ago

That's why I didn't purchase this FF.

13 years ago

Had I known, I would have held off. That $60 could have gone to a more deserving developer.

13 years ago

As much as I like FFXIII (I'm not really a hater of the game), I'm glad I purchased it "used" if this article is true.

I think every FF games deserves to be played if you're a fan of the series. If you don't want to support the developers, you can always buy it used maxpontiac.

13 years ago

It (buying it used) has been something I have considered, but one of the people I do work for who loves FF had some bad things to say about the game.

So now I don't know.

13 years ago

Final Fantasy X-2 was a resonably good game and certainly extended the Universe of Final fantasy 10. While it was shorter than FFX it was definately worth the full cost of the game. I'm all for FF13-2 if it helps extend the games universe adds more to the story, brings in online elements and in terms of game length as size is just as big as 13.

13 years ago

I looked back at an older PSXextreme article about FFXIII (

It mentions about them cutting some content from FXIII, and saying it was only taken out of context. Now I hear them saying they cut out which looks to be like a pretty major feature, because of the difference between the consoles.

While I give them some props to finally tell the truth behind it, I'm still a bit annoyed.

13 years ago

I'm not falling for this. All they do is talk a lot of sh*t. They already know what gamers want and yet they constantly pretend to be oblivious.

I don't think they have the desire or the capability to make a Final Fantasy game anymore.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'm torn. While I can't deny the inherent quality of FFXIII, I'm not sure if I would want them to 'end' the story. I thought the way it ended was fine, with the exception of what happened to Fang and Vanille. I liked those two. I wouldn't mind seeing FFXIII-2, provided they make the battle system a little more involved.

On the other hand, the idea of Final Fantasy requiring online elements (with the exception of the MMOs because they're designed that way) is abhorrent. If I'm paying for Final Fantasy, I expect it to be everything that there is. Square-Enix are one of very few companies that hasn't been trying to nickle and dime us, but DLC for FF would be just that.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I like that in that interview, they said that Square-Enix wants each of its teams pumping out a new game every two years. How's that working out for ya. Unfortunately, we only seem to be getting PSP games. Versus has been in development for about five years yeah? There's a small indiscrepancy there for their two year plan if you ask me.

13 years ago

Toriyama added- "I'd like to at some point make a story where Lightning ends up happy."

Quick question: Is this a spoiler?

I'm currently on my way to finishing FFXIII, and if I'm not mistaken by this statement, there's going to be a sad ending for Lightning? 🙁

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Sorry if this is a little bit of a spoiler for you but.

He probably means something to do with a love interest. Just another mind-numbing plot device. Lightning ends up happy enough if you ask me. It certainly isn't really sad.

13 years ago

No, that's great way to put it. Thanks Lawless.

13 years ago

Naw no spoiler there at all.

13 years ago

my goodness SE…what are they smoking over there? The only thing that their good at is releasing trailers

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