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Pick Up The Move Battle Rifle For Supreme Accuracy

We have yet to see if the accuracy of PlayStation Move translates well to shooters, but this little item might help.

A reader has turned us onto a nifty rifle accessory for Sony's new motion sensing controller, and as everyone knows, rifles are more accurate than handguns . Amazon has the rifle attachment listed at $29.99 and it's set to release on November 10, so it'll be in plenty of time for the shooters scheduled to support Move in the near future. You might also notice you can get all three items in question – the move controller, pistol attachment, and rifle attachment – for $84.94, which is a pretty good deal. Those accessories may be absolutely essential for any success whatsoever at the hardcore shooting games; I felt as if I could've used a sturdy support when aiming during Archery in Sports Champions . Of course, that'd kinda be cheating in that sport but you get my meaning. Sure, it's an added expense, but don't you want the most out of Move…?

We'll be interested to see how it works out with games like SOCOM 4 and Killzone 3 . We still might prefer the traditional setup, though.

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13 years ago

Cool idea but couldn't they pick a better design? Like a Scar H or a Colt M4?

Like JohnLD I'm going to play every game with the DS3 first than Move.

by the way, is anyone having calibration problems with the Move? i have to recalibrate Heavy Rain every 20 minutes or so. its weird. Also noticed the camera quality is quite ugly. My black Converse appear pastel blue and orange colors appear pink. With enough lighting everything is visible. The colors are just way off.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/26/2010 9:46:26 PM

13 years ago

I'm having problems with loading Heavy Rain and sometimes it locks up when I make it to the menu and select continue. My controls stay calibrated however. I'm starting to think everybody's ps3's have unique quirks about them depending on how they are used.

Last edited by tes37 on 9/26/2010 10:28:17 PM

13 years ago

The PS Eye has always had a bit of a yellowish tinge to it I think. I've been using it ever since Eye of Judgment launched and it's never had the exact color replication. Maybe I just got used to it. I am however having issues with the move update for Tiger Woods 11. It just doesn't seem to be as smooth as I had hoped. The only reason I bought the game was because I thought it would be cool with the Move function, but now I may have to trade it in for something else…

13 years ago

I have some trouble with the menu too. Sometimes i have to restart the game to get it to work.

Bummer about the camera though. I thought it would have a better picture. My camera on my iPhone takes better images than the PSEye. Oh well, will mostly be using it for Move games anyways.

13 years ago


I read a few reviews of Tiger Woods 11 that weren't very favorable. I am wanting a decent golf game to play with Move. I'm willing to wait for someone to do a Sony exclusive with Move as it's intended control scheme.

13 years ago

i wouldve tried the move on the new mag beta but the update took so damn long it went past the beta time period. i'll try it sometime but right now i'm busy with demons souls and getting every pin and insignia for bad company 2. i think im about 5 insignia away.

i prefer the ISA rifle from killzone 2, come on sony, make it happen. i wouldnt mind that in a collectors edition killzone 3

Last edited by johnld on 9/27/2010 12:47:07 AM

13 years ago

How will this work?
You'll need a third arm to move your character.

13 years ago

The navigation controller is the pistol grip

13 years ago

Holy crap, now that I look closer, you're right!

13 years ago

Um, How are you suppose to use L1 or L2 on the nav controler with them being in the grip behind the trigger?

13 years ago

cool. this is how i always imagined the gun would work. i guess there's no other way unless they want to use the ps3eye to sense if you are running on the spot… but that would feel silly when the character is moving forward.

hmmm one day we will get those lovely holodecks… one day.

13 years ago

@chewy The L1 and L2 buttons are above and two the right of the trigger (I noticed them when I zoomed in on the picture).

13 years ago

That is a good looking accessory

13 years ago

i like this one better than the hand gun. kind of funny to me.

13 years ago

I pre-ordered this. I won't feel silly for very long after getting use to it. I'm removing that barrel since it can be reconfigured. It can be used as a very ugly handgun but I want it as a rifle for fps's.

Last edited by tes37 on 9/26/2010 10:00:32 PM

13 years ago

I wonder if i could just tie my Move and Nav control units to the AR15 i already own. LOL!

13 years ago

LOL. Don't point it at the tv the first time, if you test it out.

13 years ago

hehe, it'd prob. work the trigger wouldn't shoot tho, well not fake bullets at least. If the chamber just so happened not to be cleared you could say goodbye to your tv in a very dramatic way lol.

Anywyas, this does look like a pretty cool setup certainly better than the handgun thing that just looks ridiculous.

13 years ago

LOL! i know, accident waiting to happen right?

No, the AR will stay locked in the safe where it belongs when not in use….real use i mean. ha!

13 years ago

If they put out a Kill Zone 3 bundle with this I might have to make the expensive plunge for it.

I wonder if the 1st and 2nd stage are too heavy on the trigger.

Also: What kind of aiming sight are we dealing with?

13 years ago

We certainly all knew this was coming. Can't have motion controls without plastic guns to go with it.

13 years ago

Well, I don't see you getting one for Christmas. You know Santa frowns on cynicism. 🙂

13 years ago

I like cynicism buns!

No wait… what'd you say?!

13 years ago

LOL. Got milk?

13 years ago

We always have cynicism buns for breakfast on Christmas.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

This IS SO AWESOME!!!! BTW I see guy saying u have Move Calibration issues. MAKE sure YOU DO what it asks. Some Calibrations say Point to the PS EYE. Some say point to the middle of the TV. Read carefully. I have had 0 problems with Heavy Rain. 0!!

13 years ago

Can you picture this geared with a 3-d version of Killzone 3? Bundle that with some special edition 3-D Tactical goggles and I may have to run out and buy a new 3-D TV….It's funny how when motion sensing first came out on the Wii I scoffed at it, now that Sony and Associates are showing some more "interesting" potentials for this form of gaming, I'm making a running leap for the band wagon…When more quality shooting games finally make it onto the market, I'm definitely going to look into this accessory.

I don't think anything will really replace for me the use of an old controller, but the fact that this is an option to play a game is kind of cool. Although it will be funny to see the day come when you'll drive through your neighborhood and see all your neighbors dressed in full tactical gear, waging war on their TV's.

Looking at the design of this thing, it almost looks like it can fold down to be a pistol as well, anyone know any more info on this thing?

13 years ago

Something I never considered, Is this just a plastic case? or will the gun have actual force feedback and recoil? But if someone is already making one of these and you don't like the looks of it..just wait a few months, You know that someone is already working on making a more realistic one of their favourite guns…

Last edited by CH1N00K on 9/26/2010 10:52:42 PM

13 years ago

That Move Precision Shot 3 gun seems WAY cooler to me than the battle rifle, looks like something out of tron or what you'd use for GunCon's…

13 years ago


I got this setup and it is well made. The Move is easy to put on and take out. I can't wait to try it on Time Crisis.

13 years ago

Epic =D thanks for telling me, that is exactly the reason I want it, haha

13 years ago

FTY, I found a Move "Champions"Pack while surfing around, which contains a bow, shield, sword, & a table tennis paddle for 29.99 at Amazon….

13 years ago

If it's anything like the similar pack for the Wii, it probably blocks the sensors from working.

Caveat emptor.

13 years ago

i would be more excited about this but so far the games i played required you to aim at the ps eye so using this wouldnt be useful. anyone know of a demo or game that have you aiming for the center of the tv screen? i think even time crisis razing storm made you aim at the camera.

13 years ago

Some games do have you aiming the motion control at the center of the screen instead of the camera.

13 years ago

once some decent shooters come out for move it may be worth it, if its cheap enough already spent 180 on my move pack i think thats more than enough!
its weird EB dont have any of these in their system, i wanted to check the price of the pistol add on and they did not have it in their system today.
went in to pick up spiderman shattered dimensions, quantum theroy and GH warriors of rock and put a preorder on the new GT5 ps3 faceplate.
dunno why sony waited so long to do one of those, it would of sold like hotcakes if they did a GOW3 one!

i still want that white slim with kratos face airbrushed onto it and signed by the dev team.
they had one up for competition when i went to meet the dev team at the IGN meeting, sadly i was not lucky enough to win it.
got heaps of merchandise all signed by the dev team so i guess i cant complain.
even asked them about the ending to GOW3, but they refused to talk about it 🙁

13 years ago

I think a forward vertical grip would be a better solution for the navigation controller. Having the navigation controller in the pistol grip, does seem like a good idea, at first thought, but with the analogue stick quite a bit higher than the trigger (in this design anyway), I think it would be very hard/awkward to use both simultaneously.

13 years ago

The precision shot3 has the nav controller in the front grip.

13 years ago

Yeah, I saw that too. I think I'd just personally prefer a rifle style more, but that's just me being picky. It's nice to see that these two move accessories are by different companies, I'm sure we'll see more offerings once some high profile titles (Killzone 3 and SOCOM 4) are released.

13 years ago

I've always wondered. How are you going to turn around in shooting games? Surely you won't be facing away from the T.V since the move acts like the right analog stick in the DS3.

13 years ago

Probably based on where the move controller is pointing. I suspect if you aim to the right of the tv, your character will look right, same thing with aiming to the left.

13 years ago

You seriously think the Socom vets will buy that thing? NOT

13 years ago

I already see problems with this. The hardcore Christians and Puritans who "represent" the parents are gonna jump all over this and say it's too realistic and is teaching children how to become killers.

13 years ago

ah, good ol' cynical labeling.

Here's a question for those well versed in theology….

Are "hardcore" Christians REALLY examples of what Christianity teaches?

Usually not. Typically, it's the non-judgmental ones that seem to have their theology all straightened out.

13 years ago

I can't tell if you're directing that at me, but I don't mean to offend. I'm just saying what I really think will happen. If a game like Bully is deemed too violent, then surely this plastic gun accessory will be as well.

13 years ago

Oh for certain it will! I still remember some parents from my childhood not letting their kids play with waterguns with the rest of us in the neighborhood.

Those kids became the targets.

EDIT: Actually, it wasn't directed at you. (Sorry if it felt that way, I can see how it can seem like it now that I re-read it) I meant that those cynical folks label themselves as Christians, but I have a hard time believing that's what they are. I know some pretty awesome people that are Christians, and they're embarrassed by those types of folks who feel they can judge the world.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 9/28/2010 9:23:25 AM

13 years ago

I don't want this just because I don't want people seeing my toy guns lying around the house. I'm trying to renovate a classy home, man!

13 years ago

The Move Battle Rifle(the gun on top) can u play it on Killzone 2 ?

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