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Rumor: Prince Of Persia, Mortal Kombat Remakes For Europe

Collections, remakes and reboots are big these days. But a couple new collections might only be exclusive to the European region…

According to a Euro source citing Jeuxvideo , our gaming buddies across the pond will receive two sets of remakes in only a few months time: a Prince of Persia trilogy remastered for 3D compatibility and a Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection, remade in high-definition. The PoP set is supposedly set to arrive on November 4 and the MK remakes are going to show up on November 18, if the information is correct. Now, we've heard whispers of the PoP Collection before but as of yet, Ubisoft hasn't made an official announcement. There is the possibility that both collections in question will remain exclusive to Europe, although we're certain there are plenty of PoP and MK fans here in the US. But it is interesting to note that the advent of 3D gaming gives game makers another reason to re-release older titles; more remakes in the future might boast both HD and 3D, like the upcoming ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection . By the way, those three PoP entries from the PS2 era – Sands of Time , Warrior Within , and The Two Thrones – are well worth revisiting in our eyes.

We'll let you know if either of these collections becomes official in the coming weeks, and if North American gamers can expect some love.

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13 years ago

I would very well buy both of these collections. Especially the PoP one.

13 years ago

Exclusive to Europe? That's a dumb move if it's true, but somehow I doubt it.

13 years ago

Dumb? I think you will find there are more people in Europe as a whole than the US.

Not so dumb.

13 years ago

So you are telling me instead of making money from US, Canada, Europe, etc. they are willing to limited to just Europe? Yeah, that's dumb.

13 years ago


That's the worst argument ever.

13 years ago

copy cats, the artistry in POP series can never match that of the ICO, SOTC and Ueda.

The latest PoP is at most a mediocre, not like never had before.

13 years ago

The PoP would be a definite buy for me since I never did get to finish the trilogy. They are also the best PoP to come out. I did like the first PoP game that came out for this gen but the Forgotten Sands was a waste of time.

13 years ago

I can't say I'm a fan of either series. I've really tried to give MK loving, especially in it's early days, but it's combat design always paled in so many ways up against other competitive martial arts fighters from the east (SF,Tekken, VF etc)
I had high hopes for this newer MK, the initial reveal trailer was promising. Then with the more recent media my mind has changed.

Prince of Persia just hasn't been my thing. The first PS2 game came out during a similar time as NG and in my world, at the time, NG was everything.

Now I thought I read that there was supposed to be a Splinter Cell remake collection as well. Now that's something I would be interested in. That is, if they port the superior Xbox version onto the PS3; otherwise, I wouldn't be interested.

13 years ago

cool i sorta posted that news tip/Rumor over on the fourms but it was through Gameinfomer a few days ago plus it mention a possible Splinter Cell collection to. I would buy both Splinter Cell and MK Collection if it true.

13 years ago

As long as the trillogies were no more than £20, i'd definitly consider a purchase, and i'd love to replay PoP with trophies, im sure it would bring back some good memories.

13 years ago

I can see it now. 3D sand particles blowing in my face while I'm trying to take out a henchman.

Ooooo. Aaaah. Pass.

13 years ago

By 3D do they mean on screen 3D or stupid eyeglasses 3D?

Anyway, even if I have to make a dummy euro account or import, that Mortal Kombat Arkade collection is mine.

And the new Mortal Kombat will be mine.

13 years ago

It's coming to the States. It's not Euro exclusive. That would be like Warner Bros making a new Batman game and making it Euro exclusive. Heh.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

A PoP collection? I'll take that. You can keep MK though. November 4 seems a bit soon, especially without an official announcement, but if it's true… Oh wait, no. GT5 comes out that same day. Guess it's a later purcahse too.

13 years ago

The prince of persia games looked like crap compared to god of war series.I hope the remastering improves it graphics.

13 years ago

no, its the other way around.
one was a button masher, which required no brain what so ever to complete, where the other was the complete opposite required attention to detail and split second reflexes!
puzzles made the PoP series great, where GOW relied on gore and fast paced action.

13 years ago

I think he was referring to the games visually, not thematically.

13 years ago

well of course visually, its very rare you get a MP game looking better than a exclusive.
especially when the exclusives made by sony SM, i mean they have among the best programmers in the industry!

13 years ago

ill believe it when i see it!
theres been rumors of this and a splinter cell collection for ages, hope its true especially splinter cell since stealth games are extinct these days 🙁
the MK kolection was also suppose to have a exclusive early demo to next years MK9.
I seriously doubt it though, if they were releasing these than why not announce them at a big trades show?
pax would of been perfect!
yea, a games releasing in 1 months time and it has not been announced yet?
yea, pardon me if im a wee bit skeptical!

13 years ago

I've been waiting for a mention of the MK Kollection on this site for a couple of weeks now, and here it is! But it's not as cool as I thought it would be.

Missing from this news article, however, is that Gamestop also listed the MK Kollection earlier this week before having it removed from their systems, with a release date of November 16th. Plus there's a lot of information about the game(s) that isn't being picked up by sites at all. Kinda shocking.

13 years ago

I'd be happy with just HD remakes. 3D isn't that huge to me but I would definitely like a PoP collection.

Especially considering the glitch I hit in Warrior Within. I couldn't follow the woman through the portal at the end to the final boss and was too lazy to play through the whole thing again and 'hope' it worked this time.

Although you have to love the best weapon ever from that game: The Telephone of Sorrow!

Last edited by Drake_RB3 on 9/26/2010 3:19:47 PM

13 years ago

They aren't exclusive. They were just entered into a European retailer's website first. They are coming to the U.S. too.

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