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Bioshock Infinite Gameplay Proves Atmosphere Importance

When we tell you Bioshock Infinite will be a Game of the Year nominee in 2011, we've never been more serious about anything ever.

The original team is back, the game looks amazing, and although we still have to wait, we already have around 10 minutes of gameplay right here. In addition to fantastic controls and the depth and diversity offered by Plasmids vs. standard weapons, Bioshock is best known for its atmosphere. And within the first three or four minutes of this video, you'll understand why. Was anyone else sufficiently freaked out by that woman sweeping in the midst of an inferno? And how's about the over-the-top freakiness of the city in general?

Tough to take aim through a flurry of bothersome crows. The entire thing is just epic , and I'm once again reminded of why I loved the first two games so much. There's an environmental originality in these games we don't really see anywhere else; it's a matter of emotion and immersion, although it's a little difficult to pinpoint. But anyway, this is looking fantastic and we just can't wait to play it. How's about you?

Related Game(s): Bioshock Infinite

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13 years ago


I'll post again using a lot more multisyllable words but right now wow is the only thing that comes to mind.

Last edited by Condemnedsoul23 on 9/21/2010 9:41:15 PM

13 years ago

My mind is blown.

13 years ago

Looks pretty cool, and certainly unique. I'll be getting it off Steam for sure.

13 years ago

It's gonna be pretty sweet, that trailer also reminds me of the current political climate. Please let me hurt the tea party.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Don't you mean Log Cabin Republican?

13 years ago

Dude! Like Bro, dude!

13 years ago

Yea, those damn tea partiers when will they learn that wanting lower taxes and less spending makes you a xenophobe.

13 years ago

LOL exactly.

My friend Bill finally got a REAL job using his degree and has been a lifelong Dem. but called to let me know he's voting Republican this fall after seeing the amount taken out of his check.


13 years ago

Ha, he thinks he has it bad, he should try owning a small business. We get raped quarterly.

13 years ago

lol, it seems dems and repubs are always at each other

13 years ago

I don't even know which one's which. I'm canadian. Which one is Obama part of?

We keep it simple and straight to the point. Our 2 major political parties are called "The Liberals" and "The Conservative Party". lol

Last edited by Underdog15 on 9/22/2010 9:15:31 AM

13 years ago

Obama is a Democrat, aka liberal. Republican is the other political party and they're typically conservative.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 9/22/2010 9:27:42 AM

13 years ago

I had a small business for a while too, definitely could have used the tax cuts the GOP are blocking now.

13 years ago

Tax credits aren't tax cuts. You really need to stop watching MSNBC. Poisoning your mind friend. 😉

13 years ago

never in a million years would ever guessed that a BS trailer will raise a political argument. God u have to love PSX

13 years ago

HAHA, it's all World's fault!

13 years ago

That trailer just had sex with my eyeballs, so now I'm gonna need a cigarette

And Bioshock 3 has just pole vaulted itself to the top of my "gotta-have" pile!!!!

13 years ago

That was an amazing experience lol. I think the fire and the characters could use a little work though. The girls face didnt have too much life to it. Idk if its just me though cause of playing halo so much haha

13 years ago

Are you kidding me?? That looks amazing!

These guys have so much talent it's not even funny. And giving us that much gameplay footage this early? Is it any wonder so many complain about the serious lack of anything vsXIII? Publishers need to wake up. This is how it's done.

13 years ago

That was amazing, and we're still 2 years away from release.

13 years ago

This is indeed Bioshock. I wonder how they explain the plasmids in this world. Or if this world includes Rapture later on.

13 years ago

Saw it on HDTV via my PS3. Amazing.

13 years ago

How did you get the video to play in HD? HD YouTube doesnt work on my PS3.

13 years ago

Possibly thru gametrailers, as they have an HD version on their site. You can download the videos from the site to your ps3 via the ps3 browser.

13 years ago

Well Jawknee, my PS3 browser just played the video, and with a good amount of zooming (too much makes me see the vid very pixelated lol) it was perfect, at least to me lol

And I've done that a couple times from GT, just not this one LegendaryWolfeh lol

13 years ago

Sweet. Too bad it's so far off.

13 years ago

Game looks sick, but doesn't it come out in 2012?

13 years ago

I was just going to post that.

It comes out in 2012 not 2011.

13 years ago

Just watching felt like the environment was real…

Just how the hell did they do that?
It was totally SICK.

13 years ago


13 years ago

This looks leaps and bounds better than bioshock 1 and 2 graphically! And since Levine and irrational games are behind this one, i expect an amazing story which was lacking in the second game due to them not actually making the second one.

So glad they aren't returning to rapture, and not only that, there are no big daddies or little sisters either, so the iron clad thing we saw is something totally new and different. its really huge too

Last edited by aaronisbla on 9/22/2010 1:02:01 AM

13 years ago

Yea it does. I popped in Bioshock 2 after watching this, it looks fugly compared to this.

13 years ago


I hope developers take note of this.

THIS is how you make a sequel!!!

New environment, new characters, new story, vastly improved graphics (think Uncharted 2 compared to Uncharted 1), same epic feeling, same gameplay elements with tweaks and additions, revamped logical ways of using your powers and abilities… hang on…

I think I'm describing most sequels out there.

So what is it about Infinite that sets it so far apart from the original Bioshock? New time period? Completely opposite setting to the first? New characters? Aeren't most sequels like this?

Yes, they are!!! And Uncharted 2 and Infamous 2 is living proof that this formula CAN work!!! Bioshock Infinite is the icing on this glorious sequel cake.

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 9/22/2010 6:10:24 AM

13 years ago

BTW, is it just me or does the PS3 and most multiplat games on the PS3 as well have sequels that IMPROVE on the original?

Uncharted? Infamous? Killzone? Gran Turismo?

Last time I checked, Halo 3 and Crackdown 2 weren't better than their predecessors.

With Bioshock Infinite coming out on PS3, I guess it is true the PS3 can do everything. Even better sequels.

13 years ago

OH MY GOD! D1P for me! It looks amazing! I haven't gotten Bioshock 2 because at that time alot of other games I wanted badly were out, and I don't think I want Bioshock 2 anymore because I feel the Bioshosk 1 was a complete story, don't feel like adding onto it. But this? Honey, let's pack our stuff, we are going to Columbia!

13 years ago

how can it be a GOTY 2011 contender if its not releasing till 2012?
gaminformer have a massive info blowout on this game its looking absolutely freaking amazing!
this is looking like not a worthy successor to 1 and 2, its making 1 and 2 look like freaking nintendo 64 games!

13 years ago

This game is only about 20-30% complete, and it's already looking THIS GOOD!!!

I've seen more complete games that only look half as good as this!!!!!

After watching this gameplay video…

… WOW!!! Just…. wow!!!!!

If this is what the early version of the game looks like, I certainly can't wait to see what the final product will deliver.

This new environment is a breath of fresh air (pun intended, heehee) and all these new colourful games and sequels are just mind-blowing!!! The flowers sway gently in the breeze. The graphics…. MY GOD!! THE GRAPHICS!!!

I thought God of War 3 and Uncharted 2 were the pinnacle of what could be achieved in the graphics department. We may have a new contender.

D1P. No doubt. And a big thanks to the guys at 2K and Irrational Games for giving us, the gamers and fans, such a big in depth look so early in the game's development. To make something that polished this early is just such a treat.

And it's nice to see great developers allowing their games to speak for themselves rather than having to say something to put down the competition or boasting too much that their game will be bigger and better than COD or Uncharted or Halo, or whatever the big ones are in their eyes.

Show us the game, and let us be the judges. These guys know what we hardcore gamers want, and I applaud them.

13 years ago

See, the people making this game know very well that it has to be better than the first two, if not, people won't be interested in the series anymore, well, I think they achieved their goal, this game looks damn good!

13 years ago

That looks amazing!

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
13 years ago

A video game based on the ol "America bad!" thing? Isn't that the presidents gig? This is an unnecessary element, in my opinion.

Aside from that this game looks mind blowingly fantastic.

13 years ago

Hey, Square Enix! Take some notes… hell no, you must buy their book, dumbasses; you desperately need it.

Excellent example of how to PLEASE fans… and even though this game is a long way to be completed *cough* FFvs.XIII *cough* I'm 110% sure I'm going to buy this game.

13 years ago

That gameplay footage is absolutely ridiculous!!! Like many other people said. WOW!!! Everything about that was pure awesomeness. When he shot his electricity in to storm cloud i just couldn't believe it!!! Simply amazing!

Last edited by DjEezzy on 9/22/2010 1:50:42 PM

13 years ago

Very impressive. Very atmospheric, it's completely absorbing.

Incredible art direction.

The only thing i disliked was the dialogue. I wish it was quiet all the time or didn't rely on awful one liners or jokes and instead offered dialogue that seems out of place or strange….it would of enhanced the atmosphere.

A personal preference that goes against the Bioshock idea (hence personal preference), would be to rid the special powers and have it super slow tempo with you unarmed, that would make one hell of an atmospheric game.

13 years ago

I will reserve this today!!!

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