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More Arkham City Details Surface

The British arm of OPM has apparently laid eyes on a Rocksteady demo of Batman: Arkham City . …and now we hate OPM UK.

Oh all right, it's jealousy. But at least we benefit; VG247 gives us the highlights of that big magazine blowout. In the hotly anticipated sequel, Gotham mayor Quincy Sharp has basically quarantined a part of the city; inside the fence, the criminals can do as they please, but they can't leave. You know, sorta like an outside jail. That fenced-off area is the size of Arkham Asylum, if you're wondering, but everyone is a little concerned that the nutjobs inside that fence will spill over… Batman is out patrolling, through, and the setting is described as "a mix of Tim Burton's original "Batman" movie and a touch of "Escape from New York."  …yeah?  Kurt Russell cameo?

Some may be disappointed in the aforementioned size, but the developers promise that "every nook and cranny has a story." Rocksteady wouldn't say if they were including any vehicles; merely stating they'll "cover that at a later date." Maybe the biggest addition is Batman's ability to fly; well, not exactly "fly," but he can certainly stay in the air a long time with the new Grapple Boost. Batman will be able to "run across rooftops, blend in, run while grappling, slide underneath objects, and jump between objects." The basic fighting is pretty much the same, but with a few nifty new skills and abilities that we can't wait to try.

You will have to use your brain, though, as the designers say they want to focus more on "forensics;" you'll have to "solve crimes with multiple bits of evidence." And lastly, they do show one mission where Batman actually has to rescue Catwoman, who has been abducted by Two-Face, and they're hinting that Catwoman might be a playable, co-op character. How cool would that be?

Related Game(s): Batman: Arkham City

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13 years ago

Looking forward to this game, even though I am not sure on how big the map will be. It needs to be larger and more open ended then the first one IMO.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 9/21/2010 11:31:11 AM

13 years ago

Yea, it would only make sense for a Batman game that takes place in the city.

13 years ago

I really think they should consider a sandbox game for their next installment. Seems like it would be a fun experiment.

I really wish they would choose or create a better engine for this game. I was playing the Enslaved demo last night, Unreal is really starting to show it's age.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/21/2010 11:36:04 AM

13 years ago

yeh i was thinking that too maybe a sandbox one would be cool
and yeh the graphics on enslaved arent the best

13 years ago

In my book, it showed it's age once Uncharted 2 came out.

13 years ago

I don't want a Batman sandbox game. They don't play the same as AA does. All the scripting and atmosphere and claustrophobia would be lost. You'd have people like yourself complaining that it's too much like Assassin's Creed. That there's too much repetition in the missions.

Rocksteady came along and schooled everyone on how to make a Batman game. And now we're going to tell them how to make a sequel?

13 years ago

@Alien: I believe Jawk was merely stating that he would like them to try a sandbox game, not a sandbox Batman game. We all know they are not doing Batman anymore after this one.

13 years ago

I really need to play Batman: AA at some point. I'm kinda late to the party on this one.

13 years ago

What are you waiting for?!
Just kidding. I bought Arkham last week, and it really deserves the game of the year award (2009).

13 years ago

It was an excellent, high quality, albeit very boring game. Yes, they did a great job building it, but YAWN.

13 years ago

Loved, Arkham Asylum, looking forward to this one.

13 years ago

I really can't wait for Arkham City this game will be good. by the way i just check out the Enslaved demo my self before i came here is it just me or did it almost had a Uncharted 2 feal to it. i really enjoyed it Day one buy for me along with NBA Elite 11 and a quick side note on NBA Elite 11 you get NBA JAM With it. Sorry 2k and M.J but any game with NBA JAM is golden in my book.

Last edited by n/a on 9/21/2010 12:10:33 PM

13 years ago

.,.?..,, You forgot these.

13 years ago

cant wait man the first one for me was one of this gens surprises!
and a playable Kurt Russel would be brilliant

13 years ago

Oh my god now you'll really feel like you're batman.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Sounds like some really good improvements over the original, but I still see no real reason to get it early. Like Arkham Asylum, I'll wait until this drops to $60-ish.

13 years ago

I might get thumbs down but I wouldn't mind seeing Robin involved either like they did with Barbara Gordon in the first one or a playable character in the multiplayer.

13 years ago

can't wait… Batman:AA was one of the best games i played that year

13 years ago

I was wondering how they'd set boundaries for the Arkham City setting. Looks like they've got a brilliant idea and setting. Don't know about you guys, but escape from New York was ridiculously fun to watch. I eagerly await my opportunity to get in there and bag me some goons.

13 years ago

Another game with an AI partner??? Hope not but if it's like Sheva in RE5 I'll pass…unless a second player joins you that's fine

13 years ago

Where did it say AI partner? If another player joins, they will be Catwoman. Maybe. It's not confirmed. But they never said anything about an AI partner.

13 years ago

"and they're hinting that Catwoman might be a playable, co-op character."

It's a possibility, hence my comment

Last edited by McClane on 9/22/2010 1:35:24 AM

13 years ago

Oh, I thought you were assuming it was true and that it meant if she were an optional coop player, that she would be forced as an AI. I assume it just means that if you are playing alone, it is just Batman. And if a friend joins, they give that friend Catwoman. I wonder how they would do that though…I mean in the one part they demoed, you have to save her.

13 years ago

How about optional partners like in Castlevania 3 for the NES?? You choose if you wanna have someone helping you or not, I'd choose playing solo, after all, it's Batman we're talking about, not X-Men…

13 years ago

Catwoman exclusive DLC to PS3 anyone?

13 years ago

cant wait for this to come out, AA is still the best beat them up game this gen!
the combat just felt so smooth and fluid, it was so easy to go from enemy to enemy back to previous enemies, felt as smooth as a babys bottom!
i wish WB would do a HD remake of batman begins, it may not have the combat of AA but it was far more stealth focused and more puzzle focused.
in batman begins you feel like the real batman, the detective.
in AA you feel like a random guy, the combats fantastic but batman is not about pounding bad guys its about the detective work in catching bad guys!
o, WB please do a HD remake of batman begins, it is still to this day the best batman game ever released!

13 years ago

Well, BB was not that good, average at best and another MGS wannabe…

However I agree with you on AA, once you master Batman's combos, you are virtually unstoppable…

My max combo on AA has been 102 hits, however I've seen combos around 160+…


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