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Ueda Has Long Since Wanted ICO And SotC On The PS3

Now that we know the ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection is coming, we can all wait with a smile on our faces.

But did you know this is something game creator Fumito Ueda always wanted to do? It seems he had a long-term desire to bring both PS2 classics back into the limelight on the PS3; in speaking to GamerZines , he says he's "very happy" the team was able to make it happen, and "with even higher production values." As you should know by now, both titles will be available in both high-definition and 3D when they're released in the Collection in April. Said Ueda:

"I'm delighted with how it has turned out. Unfortunately, unlike the movie industry, videogames sometimes get forgotten when people move onto the next generation, so this is a great opportunity to makes these games accessible to both fans of the series and to a new audience."

He makes a good point there. Despite some format changes in the home movie viewing industry, everyone usually has access to most any movie made in the past 50 years or so. In the video game industry, new formats and new hardware often make it difficult for new generations to view what came before, which is perhaps one of the reasons why we're seeing so many remakes and retro revisits (especially in the downloadable realm). But either way, we're excited about the Collection in question; it's gonna be pretty .  Can't wait.

Related Game(s): ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection

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13 years ago

True video games sometimes get forgotten, but not games like SoTC.
This game is so unique it won't make you remember it, your brain won't let you forget it!

13 years ago

Sony best keep their number one talent happy like this at all times! OR ELSE! Or else what? EXACTLY.

13 years ago

Awesome. Now this is the kind of guy Capcom needs at their helm if they expect to get out of the dumps.

So much Team ICO news and I'm not even tired of it. 🙂 keep it coming.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/20/2010 11:32:33 AM

13 years ago

I can't understand how SE and Capcom think differently from the rest.

13 years ago

Who says they do any thinking these days?

13 years ago

Well we know what Squares problem is. It's Wada.

I don't know whats going on over at Capcom. Ever since Mikami left and they got in bed with MS, they have gone downhill. Even the Capcom Unity boards and community have turned into a haven for NG4 trolls and Xbots. Damn shame because Square and Capcom were my two favorite developers. Capcom since the NES days and Square since the PS1 days. In one gen they have both managed to lose my respect and loyalty.

Team ICO is the new Capcom in my book of favorites.

13 years ago

Team ICO > Capcom
Atlus > SE

(Level 5 is also greater than SE)

13 years ago

I have to be honest. I'm one of those people that turns their back on the old system when a new system comes out. Don't get me wrong….I'll still play my own PS1 and PS2 games, but I typically don't buy new games for an older system (the only one that came close was FFXII right at the time I got my PS3)

But I'm excited about this collection since I never played ICO. Still wishing for SotC II ….I guess the Last Guardian will do though.

13 years ago

So, you didn't play GOW 2 when it first came out?

13 years ago

Nope – that's the other collection I just got last year… The GoW collection. Was really nice to have them in HD. I had actually never played GoW 1 or 2. So I was really excited when that came to the PS3.

I think these rereleases are great for business. The people that loved it buy them and then it opens up new players to the experience.

13 years ago

he makes an excellent point using the movie example.

13 years ago

Fumito Ueda a great thinker,artist,innovator.

13 years ago

i definately like this guys thinking. Definately spot on with his analagy. I wish more developers would think the same then maybe we would get more HD upgrades or great classics.

13 years ago

ZZZZZZZZ no interest at all.

13 years ago

Holy crap, man! I've never felt this way before!

I've hit a revelation!

I can't fight this feeling anymore!

Never in my whole life…

not even once!

Not a single… solitary moment… have I not cared about someone's opinion SO MIGHTILY as I find myself not caring about your comments!

Way to contribute….. {slow sarcastic clap}

13 years ago

Yea why post if that's all you have to contribute?

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/20/2010 4:05:30 PM

13 years ago


So just how much Astroturf money is M$ paying you to act the troll on our site????

13 years ago

Besides the MGS games and the GoW games, these two were easily my favourites on the PS2. They're innovative epics and Ueda is nothing but a genious. I'm glad they're returning into the limelight with this upcoming collection. I can't wait to play through them again. Hey, and then when I eventually get a 3D TV, I can play through again, too!

All we need is a Metal Gear Solid Collection now and I will have everything I loved on my PS2 on my PS3.

13 years ago

And the Yakuza series with japanese voices!

13 years ago

I'm personally not a fan of the Yakuza series, but I hope you receive your wish and get the series in a collection format, too. 🙂

13 years ago

I'm very happy too that they are able to make that happen. Ever since God of War Collection came out, I've high hope one day we will see Ico/SotC Collection. I think both games are instant classic and will be very hard to forget.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Well, good on him for having his vision realised, with the aid of the good folks at Sony. This guy is what the Japanese industry needs, innovators, dreamers and forward thinkers. And I mean, he is obviously very good at creating these games of whimsy and lore, so that's what he does. He's not trying to cater to the mass market, but only to do what he can. Bravo Ueda!

13 years ago

Will buy. These game deserves to be replayed with ps3's power behind it.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 9/20/2010 2:24:01 PM

13 years ago

Scarecrow, apparently we have something in common, we both want a Metal Gear Sunny.

13 years ago

I remember the first time I played both of these games. I can't wait to do that again.

13 years ago

I'm with Scarecrow & Snaaaake on this one!

And, I want to see a "MGMeryl" done too!

13 years ago

In this ONE regard, I believe games should be like the movies. The classics don't go away. Generation after generation, we should still have access to those classics instead of them disappearing into obscurity because the console they ran on no longer exists.

By the way, just picked up the first Monkey Island during the 15th anniversary sale. SAH- WeeeT!

13 years ago

great games never get forgotten, I can still remember Metal Gears, Contra I played 22 years ago on NES: Chrono Trigger and Chross still remain the greatest rpg in my heart for 15 years or so; ICO and SOTC are still regarded as the two greatest adventure games to me. I still go back and play a lot of MGS1,2,3. FF 4,7,8,9,10, Castlevania SOTN etc.

so cant agree with that. Greatest titles are never forgotten by the ones loved them. just that newer generation are not willing to go back to the previous gen mainly because the previous gen cant deliver the same graphic power in newer games.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 9/21/2010 12:07:04 AM

13 years ago

so happy to finally be able to try these games out!
hopefully they will sell well and encourage other developers to remaster their games in HD.
id kill for a R&C collection!
lets just hope sony does a worldwide release for this, none of that 5 month BS they pulled with the GOW collection!
speaking of collections whens the sly cooper collection coming out?

13 years ago

D1P fo sho

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