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TGS 2010: Tecmo Reveals Third Ninja Gaiden Title

Tecmo Koei has completed their TGS 2010 conference and for fans of the developer, they got what they wanted.

Well, they got the confirmation of a potentially great new game, only without any specific details. Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi revealed three new titles: Dead or Alive Dimensions for the Nintendo 3DS, Ni-Oh , a samurai action game co-developed with Koei (which may or may not be a PlayStation 3 exclusive) and last but certainly not least, Ninja Gaiden 3 . Hayashi said the game could be summed up with only one image, which you see here: it's protagonist Ryu Hayabusa covered in blood, tugging at his face mask and looking into the camera. No idea what this could mean for the franchise in question, but feel free to toss out a few theories. Tecmo did not announce intended platforms for the third Ryu adventure, although one would like to assume it's coming for both the PS3 and Xbox 360. The series is known for debuting on the Xbox platform and then coming to the PS3 at a later date but these days, multiplatform productions are the general rule of thumb.

We'll be all over NG3 whenever they reveal more information. One of the very best action franchises out there, we have all sorts of confidence in Team Ninja.

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13 years ago

Metal Gear Rising will steals lots of sales from this

13 years ago

Uh no. We just heard about this and theres no guarentee the games will be released close together. Besides, i doubt MGSR will have the same level of difficulty the NG series is known for

13 years ago

they are 2 totally different games!
MGSR is more slow paced tactical game, where ninja gaiden is, well, as fast paced epic combat you can get!

13 years ago

Actually, the existence of MGSR may stimulate more demand for ninja-style action. Seeing that games of this sort don't usually crack much more than a million (MGSR will) both these games may help to widen their audience, rather than weaken it.

13 years ago

I'm betting NG3 on 360, then NGS3 on PS3.

13 years ago

Probably, but I hope not hah.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

My first thought also. Even though the head guy is gone, it only makes sense.

13 years ago

If it happens that way, they'll get my money twice, too.

13 years ago

Between the unfortunately unremarkable sales of NG2 on the 360 (unfortunate because despite it's glitches, it was a very well-done game), and Hayashi-san's previous comments of NG3 being known already to being developed as multiplatform, I think it would be a safe assumption to expect a simultaneous release this time across both the ps3 and 360.

And from the picture, it seems they won't be holding back on the blood for the ps3, this time. And we might even see the unmasking of the ninja.

Last edited by Shams on 9/16/2010 2:45:51 AM

13 years ago

There's no way that will happen this time around. The only reason for a "Sigma" version for the PS3 was because Itagaki refused to have his creations be attached to the PS3 machine. Therefore, Tecmo made modifications to his original vision, before releasing it to PS3 – thus the "Sigma" versions.

Now with Itagaki gone, my guess is Tecmo Koei will be able to release on both machines simultaneously.

13 years ago

It seems PS3 owners get the better of the deal when it comes to Ninja Gaiden. I rather hear the xbots brag about it for a year and we end up with a better version when Ninja Gaiden Sigma III comes around.

13 years ago

It's probably for the best that Team Ninja creates the "original" NG3 game for 360 and then recreates it as NG:S3 for PS3. That way the team can focus on making a great game for the 360 and then making it better (more stuff, refined combat) for the PS3.

13 years ago

And summing the game up with that one concept art image?

What? Are we going to have a super hero unmasking at the end of a bloody game?

13 years ago

I useda play the hell out of the old ones but could never much get into the new ones. I have Black on xbox but it was rather difficult. I have a tendency to go into mindless gamer mode with action games and the combos just enter themselves in my brain. NG doesn't work that way, takes some dedication and I like to save that for RPGs. I think MGSR might be more up my alley, even if I don't consider it an MGS.

I'll be keeping an eyeball out for Ni-oh.

13 years ago

Best news all year.

I'm somewhat surprised by the blood and gore element. Hayasashi said in interview during a NGS2 preview (gamespot?) that it was Team Ninja's decision to move the NG series away from the blood & gore and push more towards sleek & sexy. NGS2 was toned downed significantly in this department compared to NG2. I didn't feel strongly either way.

Blood & gore, cool. Sleek & sexy, cool.

I will say, I was sort of hoping for a real DOA announcement before NG3. I love NG, but it was already un-officially confirmed that we'd see another NG–no worries there. But DOA? I really hope the series doesn't get pawned off over to Nintendo owners as a lower grade fighter. Maybe it's the reformed Team Ninja's way of getting their feet wet with the series again by tackling it on lesser hardware before hitting it hard on PS3.

13 years ago

Maybe we'll see sleek & sexy blood & gore in the next game. Oh wait, that sounds more like Catherine. Hmmm…

13 years ago

Like Temjin, I too wanted a real DOA announcement, I heard about Dimensions about a month ago so that was no surprise.

C'mon Team Ninja, it's time to bring The Bounce to PS3.

13 years ago

Its probably for the 3DS….

13 years ago

The nice think about Ninja Gaiden games debuting on the 360 and then making the move to the PS3 is that the PS3 version is usually the better game. This was certainly the case (IMHO) with NGS2.

13 years ago

Was NGS2 an improvement over NGS in your opinion?

13 years ago

I played Ninja Gaiden on Xbox (original) and i thought it was amazing. NG∑2 on ps3 is good, but NG1 is just outstanding. You should really pick up a copy if you like the series.

13 years ago

Thanks, I played the first one. I might as well get the second. I've never seen anyone type a Sigma character before.

13 years ago

NGS2 stripped away most of the puzzle elements from the first game and focused mostly on pure action. The strength of the NG series is it's combat engine, and I liked the more focused approach of NGS2.

13 years ago

I can say since i started playing Σ2, i haven't replayed Σ1 (though i do plan to at some point).

13 years ago

I've played through Ninja Gaiden 1, 2, & 3 on the NES and they're better than any Ninja Gaiden out now.

13 years ago

This reminded me of the super secret game Ben cant tell us about… Idk why, but i thought of it.
Any chance you'll be able to let us know by the end of the year?

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 9/15/2010 11:42:32 PM

13 years ago

Wasn't that revealed as Twisted Metal?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

It was Twisted Metal.

13 years ago

I missed that somehow *slaps forehead*

Im not much of a TM fan, so i never really read the articles, just skimmed over them.

13 years ago

I missed that somehow *slaps forehead*

Im not much of a TM fan, so i never really read the articles, just skimmed over them.

13 years ago

I love me some ninjas, but I've yet to get into this series. I keep hearing it's waaay too effin' hard.

13 years ago

I'll wait to see what it looks like in real time before I decide if I want it or not. I loved the original Ninja Gaiden series on the NES and the Ninja Gaiden arcade game, but stories usually drive my gaming habits these days, and Ninja Gaiden didn't have a terribly well written story, and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 had an even less decent story.

what's really weird is that I always play the Ninja Gaiden releases, but can't stomach the DOA games at all. I have no explanation.

13 years ago

I don't know, I think there's a chance it'll be a simultaneous release. Itagaki was a major influencer in keeping Team Ninja stuff XBox. Haysashi has a different philosophy. I will not be surprised if they use the PS3 as a lead platform while developing it for both. It makes more financial sense to do it that way. And smaller companies like Tecmo/Koei are going to play it safe.

13 years ago

Agreed, Sensei Temjin. Hayashi has been fairly vocal ever since the release of NGΣ2 about hints of the third sequel ending of the Σ2, as well as the fact that it is already undergoing multiplatform development. And unlike Itagaki-san, he's been more open to the idea of multiplatform development, admitting to having fans and specialists of both platforms on his team (and moreover that they already of two teams). He himself speaks highly about the ps3, while Itagaki-san for whatever reason tended to be a MS loyalist.

13 years ago

As crazy as it sounds, Itagaki's departure was the best thing that happened for PS3-only users who wanted more of Tecmo's games. I love what Itagaki created, DOA and NG, but his unwillingness to broaden his audience I think negatively impacted the potential sales of NG and DOA in the long run.

His perspective made sense for the first Xbox. He wanted to spearhead the identity of the platform with a whole new culture of gamer on Xbox by being the face of fighters and action hack n slash for the Xbox brand. But seeing that MS's niche has boiled down to shooters and failed marketing in Japan, Itagaki should've recognized that he'd do better to broaden the audience by going back to multi-plat with the start of this current gen.

It looks like now, he's realized that with Devil's Third.

13 years ago

For sure.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Yeah! that's what I'm talking about. I'll beat the hell out of it.

13 years ago

We find out that Ryu Hayabusa is in actuality an archfiend in the very last scene of the game as he takes of his mask to reveal his archfiendish face and pan out to see he has decimated his entire clan i.e. the red blood all over.

Is it the real Ryu in the end? Don't know, you'll have to wait until NG4

13 years ago

He doesn't take off his mask.

13 years ago

And I don't know what you're talking about, either. In the first NG he gets cursed by Doku (blue skin). In NG2 nothing like that even happens to Ryu except for the Genshin boss on his 4th battle with Ryu.

13 years ago

Lol! I remember that. Blue skin and red eyes. He was like a super, evil, ninja, dolphin!

13 years ago

lol, yah, good o' blue ryu. Must've been where James Cameron got his inspiration for Avatar =p

And hey, how do you do that sigma symbol on the KB?
BTW, I'm typing from a Mac.

13 years ago

No no, he takes off his mask to reveal that he's been westernized.

Last edited by Alienange on 9/16/2010 12:36:34 PM

13 years ago

Damn Westernization. It's hit DMC the hardest. I feel sorry for Dante…

13 years ago

Lol, sorry I was just postulating an idea. Next time I think about opening my creative randomness I will surely think twice and quell any attempt to think outside of the norm.

13 years ago

@Sensei Temjin:

Typing from a regular pc, it's hold ALT,2,2,8, release ALT. Don't know about the Mac, though. I never knew there was a key-press combo for it, either, but I saw NoSmokingBandit use it, and i had to google it, then.

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