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Gearbox Software: Duke Hasn’t Nuked Our Other Projects

Yeah, Gearbox now has the exclusive rights to Duke Nukem but that doesn't mean everything else at the studio has come to a screeching halt.

Studio boss Randy Pitchford told VG247 that the announcement of Duke Nukem Forever hasn't caused the team to forget about Aliens: Colonial Marines or more DLC for Borderlands . Pitchford said the new Aliens title "has always been very important" to them, and they remain "fully committed to the project." They admit that Duke stole the show this past weekend but he clarifies that nobody should worry about Borderlands or their Brothers in Arms games, either. For the former, Gearbox announced a release date for the latest batch of DLC, Claptrap's New Robot Revolution: September 28. They also talked about a level-cap increase (up to 69, we believe) and "re-balancing for the game." The designers say they're "still playing it today" and in fact, there will be even more Borderlands news in the near future…possibly the announcement of a sequel?

We'll have to see more of Aliens: Colonial Marines before we allow ourselves to get excited. For now, it really is all about Duke's new digs. Sorry, Gearbox…the Internet says so.

Related Game(s): Aliens: Colonial Marines , Borderlands

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14 years ago

It's good to hear that they're working on several projects, even though I was never really a fan of Borderlands. I do however have plenty of faith in them when it comes to Brothers in Arms, Duke Nukem, and hopefully Aliens.


14 years ago

for the fans of Borderlands can some one tell me when does the Borderlands game of the year edition come out ? I read it some were that it is coming out but i can't remember the release date.

14 years ago

Just as soon as somebody votes it game of the year.

14 years ago

October 12th as of right now.

14 years ago

@Geobaldi :thanks, i can't wait for it to come out

14 years ago

Aliens: Colonial Marines!!! I'm really interested in that game but all I ever hear about it is an annual assurance that's it's still in development, somewhere deep within the bowels of some studio somewhere.

14 years ago

They need to come out with a 3D IMAX "Making Of" documentary for DNF. I want to know exactly what the hell has been going on for the past decade.

14 years ago

My buddy Zemus101 convinced me to pick up Borderlands when it came out and I'm really glad he did. I think Gearbox is a pretty good studio so when I heard they were making this vapor ware into a tangible game I was pretty dang excited. I have Duke Nukem 3d on my Sega Saturn.

14 years ago

I wish I'd kept my Saturn. Was that game toned down the console version? (Tame porn and swearing)

14 years ago


Lobotomy software kept it all intact for Saturn and PS. Something which the industry thought couldn't be done.

14 years ago

Good on them I say.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Of all of those games, I want Aliens the most. That is of course if they can pull it off and not do a AvP on us. I want a great Aliens game that'll have me on the edge of my seat as much as the movies.

14 years ago

i want an aliens game that is just bad ass. im want something that will scare me and have me waiting to spill some acid blood. if im a marine i want intelligent a.i. and co-op local and online. i am so sick of not being able to bring a game somewhere and play with a friend. no they have to have it and we both have to be at our ps3's.

maybe it should be Duke Nukem: FUBAR

are the they the only ones still playing it today?

Last edited by frylock25 on 9/6/2010 1:45:13 PM

14 years ago

i think borderlands is a awesome game and gearbox committment to making DLC for it makes it all that better of a purchase

14 years ago

I wonder that myself, but it's Duke, so I have to have it. Just probably not day 1.

14 years ago

have to aggree man i cant help but think that too

14 years ago

Can't wait for Aliens and Duke. Now just waiting to hear more about Borderworlds.

14 years ago

so that means will have to wait less than 13 years for Aliens: Colonial Marines?
sweet, hopefully it will only be 12 now that would be a record!
lets hope both are a dam site more polished than borderlands!
ive played many buggy games, some unplayable buggy games like mercenaries 2 or fallout 3.
but NEVER have i had a game corrupt my save file not once, not twice BUT THREE F*CKING TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i asked a simple question on gearboxes forums and there piss poor response was its my ps3, which it could of not been because many others had complained on the forums about it.
so i called him up on his BS asking him to explain it, and he deleted my profile and all my posts!
i part ways with my hard earned cash, ask a question and this is how they treat me?
his lucky i did not sue his ass!

14 years ago

Please delete this moron from the server/website. ^^

14 years ago

As long as they never try to make another racing game.. lol.