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Dungeon Siege III Gameplay Revealed

In addition to nabbing some new screenshots this past week, we've now located some gameplay.

We didn't get any in the debut teaser but in the full debut trailer – see below – we get lots of good ol' action/RPG gameplay. Now, this was supposed to be one of Square-Enix's bigger 2010 announcements and although the unveiling of DSIII wasn't received with a ton of enthusiasm, avid role-playing followers should be pretty encouraged by what they see here.

No, it isn't the prettiest game in the world, but neither was Dragon Age: Origins . And speaking of the latter, this one appears to be closer to Demon's Souls in terms of real-time combat rather than the D&D-style, go-when-you-get-a-turn-in-real-time mechanic. We're expecting plenty of depth beneath that fast-paced RPG exterior, and hopefully, Dungeon Siege III will be a must for fans of the genre.

Related Game(s): Dungeon Siege III

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13 years ago

Looks ok but I will wait to test out the final product.

13 years ago

LOL, When I saw the first few seconds of that video I thought, "There's my Onimusha that I've been looking for..then as it kept playing I changed to, "Nope! That's the Baldur's Gate I've been waiting for!!" Now? I'll have to wait and see but it kind of looks like a dumbed down version of Dungeon Siege II.

I'm going to have to wait and see on this one…

13 years ago

"avid role-playing followers should be pretty encouraged by what they see here."

…I'm not. It looks too much like the standard hack n' slashers I've played for years. If this game doesn't have *something* to keep the inherent repetitiveness of this genre at bay it will fall flat on its face. And I mean something more than walking down a hallway/corridor without hacking at something for a minute or two.

13 years ago

Hey I think it looks pretty good, I never played a Dungeon Siege title so I don't know if it will have the depth I like but I'll stay optimistic. Obsidian is going to have to re-earn some respect with New Vegas after that Alpha Protocol debacle. At least this doesn't appear to have Square Enix stink on it.

13 years ago

Excited,Something to quench my Diablo fix on consoles. Plus i love playing these types of games with my friend. Win win for me.

13 years ago

Coming 2011

Yeah just like any other new games recently announced. I guess devs love to test our patience. lol

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

There's four months worth of 2010 left… Do you really expect devs to finish and polish a game that was only announced three months ago in that time?

Besides, for all we know it could come out in January.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

So, they have gameplay footage of a game that was announced this year, and an estimated release date of next year, yet FFVersusXIII, announced what, four years ago? Nothing. A couple of screenshots and like two videos, neither of which featured any gameplay. I think PSXE should sponsor a mass excursion to Japan so that we can personally slap the bosses at most every Japanese dev company.

13 years ago

The trailer sure looks interesting. Next year, eh? Another one for the huge wishlist.

13 years ago

The trailer looks promising. But trailer makers should start changing the same sound effects they use for almost all movie trailers and now game trailers.

13 years ago

Depth was never one of Dungeon Siege's strengths. I honestly think I'll just stick to Sacred 2. It's about all the mindless hack and slash I can handle right now.

13 years ago

When you consider the fact that DS3 will be nothing but a dumb down DS title, its quite obvious why those who have played it on the PC should be furious. To this affect I don't give them any wrong given the fact the DS games have a history of being supported by mod, something PC gamer probably will never get…

13 years ago

"No, it isn't the prettiest game in the world" – No kidding, going by the trailer this game looks worse than the what 5+ years old DSII, sheesh!

13 years ago

Bushido Blade or Brave Fenver Musashi would've been better than this

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