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Analysts Expect L.A. Noire, GTAV To Release In 2011

We don't know when we'll get Grand Theft Auto V , and we still don't have an exact release date for L.A. Noire .

For the latter, we've all been hoping it'll arrive for the holidays. Various estimated release dates had it dropping anywhere between September and December. But now, according to research firm Cowen and their predictions, the long-awaited Rockstar title won't make it in 2010. On the good side of things, they expect the fifth GTA to drop during the second half of 2011, which probably shouldn't surprise anyone.

"With just nine weeks until the end of FY10 and no announced release date for the title, we now assume 'LA Noire' will be released in 2011, and have removed it from our FY10 revenue build. Take-Two continues to struggle with timely title releases. This presents risk to our FY11 estimates, which continue to assume the next console 'GTA' release in 2H:F11."

Yeah, well, that's only an assumption. We've still heard nothing official on a launch date for L.A. Noire but the analysts do have a point: if it wasn't at E3 and it wasn't at GamesCom – where it would've made perfect sense to provide us with a release date – so it does seem unlikely that it'll be out this year. The only big game show left is the Tokyo Game Show next month, but Rockstar is hardly a big deal in Japan.

I still say the next GTA should be Vice City 2 , even though I know it won't be. 'sigh' 🙁

Related Game(s): L.A. Noire , Grand Theft Auto V

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13 years ago

hopefully GTA V is nothing like GTA IV(what a waste of time)

13 years ago

Seriously, GTA IV is the one the best this generation though that's just my opinion. The game was ahead of its time when it released, just life Fallout 3. GTA IV plays better than most games that are pure action/adventures plus Rockstars produces convincing stories. I wouldn't even have a PS3 if it wasn't for GTAIV, but thank god I picked it up because now I play more games today than I ever did when I was a kid (when I have the time thought).

13 years ago

GTA IV wasnt that bad. I actually liked it. It was different.
Hope GTA V will have more stuff to do like.

Last edited by IronFace2 on 8/26/2010 11:21:17 AM

13 years ago

I just hope that GTA5 will fix its driving. It got old real fast when every car would slide even driving at low speeds when you took every corner. It was like the ground was made of ice.

13 years ago

I am interested in LA Noire(which means Night in French).
I like it when a maker of a team doesn't like how their game is coming along and takes more time to work on it because you'll be getting a better game. I wish there was more devs like that.

13 years ago

I thought it meant black.

13 years ago

"black" in french is noir, not noire.

13 years ago

Let me deliver pizzas on a scooter and I'm sold.

13 years ago


"You meet the nicest people on a Vespa"

(Oh wait, that saying was from Honda's old 1960's commercials)

13 years ago

Dude anything that doesn't go over 35mph is adorable!

13 years ago

"Take-Two continues to struggle with timely title releases."

Maybe that is a problem for investors, but it should be music to gamer's ears. I'll take the high expectations and high quality standards that R* is known for, with inevitable delays, over annualized crap any day.

With the improvements to their game design seen in RDR and Episodes From Liberty City (that's right….remember that?), the next GTA should be even better.

13 years ago

My favorite GTAs were Vice City and San Andreas 😀

13 years ago

no gta will top san andreas.

13 years ago

I hope they fix the camera control in GTAV. You would literally have to fight the camera controls sometimes. If you didn't hold the camera in one direction it would swing back on its own. Or while driving, the slightest turn of the car would make the camera swing top down or bottom up or whatever. Almost as if it had a mind of its own. I also expect a graphical leap. A hot female protagonist would be an interesting twist too.

13 years ago

GTA 4 wasn't bad. That job interview was a trip! The bank robbery was awesome. Michelle was a Fed! OMG!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

GTAIV ruled. I will FIGHT anyone who says otherwise. 😉

13 years ago

Damn right! One of the best games ever, no question. It wasn't worse than San Andreas or Vice City — just different. And I give Rockstar all the credit in the world for changing the tone, style, and feel of each of their GTA titles.

13 years ago

It was the Shiz-nite, but I say its pretty close with San Andreas. If SA had the graphics of IV it'd have been a beast.

13 years ago

Totally agree. Game was ahead of its time in 2008 and it still better than alot of releases today. If I had to play one game forever…it would be GTA IV. A mature audience can appreciate GTA more than say a younger crowd because of the obvious.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

As long as there are no trees around, I'd gladly get my a** kicked by you Ben. GTA IV was good, but not a great as it was made out to be.

13 years ago

It was good, but not as good as San Andreas.

13 years ago

Well Ben put them gloves on and you might want a helmet cause I pack a hell of right cross 🙂 GTA IV was seriously overated, I will agree it was a good game but not deserving of the great game status. I believe that if a game comes out and it has less to do in it than the older generation games it cant be great. San Andreas was huge and epic, while GTAIV felt huge and empty.
P.s Don't throw me in a tree, I have terrible allergies 😉

Last edited by Cuetes on 8/26/2010 4:03:07 PM

13 years ago

GTA4 is one of my favorite games this generation, and is THE best multiplatform title, imo, probably followed by Deadspace. I didn't play Fallout 3 because it reminded me of Oblivion with guns, and I don't care for the generic look of most WRPG's.

13 years ago

People say GTA IV is overrated because they don't see what others see in it. Calling something overrated is subjective. I loved Demons Souls and I can easily say it is underrated, but I don't because it doesn't matter. Public opinion doesn't always match individual preference. GTAIV was rated very high for a reason. Many gamers says San Andreas is better than GTA IV which is right depending on the argument. GTA IV definitely has a better told story, better graphics, and better gameplay while San Andreas may be the King of open world gaming due to endless activities, but I can't get over the fact that San Andreas had a horrible story that was hidden by vastness of the game. And making gang life seem cool wasn't a selling point to me at all. I use to live in that enviroment and my brother got taken out by that senseless violence. People who don't know anything about the hood love being a hood n*ggas. I hated that aspect of the game even though it gave the game a certain charm and I did find it fun, but even without it…San Andreas is hardly better than IV. Vice City is the coolest of all the GTA's, San Andreas is the biggest and funnest GTA, IV is testament to how far Rockstar has come in the open world genre and III is of course the Daddy. Can't wait for V.

13 years ago

I can see why so many people liked the game.. but the game to me just got less and less fun as it went on.. just like RDR. Perhaps Rockstars games just aren't for me.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I just can't understand the idea that San Andreas was "better." Why? Because I could go down to the gym and work out for a week and get all pumped? Because I could eat crap food, never exercise and become a blimp?

The other RPG elements were kind of cool, like getting better with a particular weapon the more you use it (and I had hoped they would've included that in GTAIV), but all the other complaints are just because GTAIV was different. Rockstar wanted it to be more authentic so no, you couldn't fly a plane and jump out with a parachute. The entire experience on the whole was less arcade-y. There was also very, VERY little wrong with the entire production in terms of score-able flaws.

San Andreas and IV can't be compared. Almost entirely different goals. And besides, the Vice City setting was the best, anyway. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/26/2010 6:48:15 PM

13 years ago


GTA4 saw a reduction in gameplay options from previous games in the series. I can see how this alone would make fans of the series treat GTA4 as a step back.

Add to this the reduction in story missions and the overall storyline. I feel like RS held back so they could charge us later with the 2 expansion games.

I enjoyed GTA4 but it didn't engage me or entertain me nearly as much as past GTA games.

13 years ago

I don't think one was better than the other, But Limited hit the nail on the head.

I just liked SA a bit more cause I got most of the culture they were satirizing.

Last edited by main_event05 on 8/26/2010 8:04:03 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

The only reason that reduction in gameplay options existed was because they didn't want arcade-y, unrealistic stuff in there anymore. That's all.

I also don't think the story was gimped at all. It was far better paced, better acted, and better produced the whole way around than any other GTA before (although I still say VC is a contender in this category).

13 years ago

SA was so much better for several reasons.
1 there was so much crap you could do, FUN crap not drive around to find some pigeons to shoot.
2 the RPG elements you mentioned, being able to change your character, being able to upgrade your weapons, being able to take over turf and have to defend it.
the missions were so much more fun too, it was not go pick this guy up, take him here, take him home which was more or less 4s missions.

13 years ago

One of my favorite things about IV was the choices you had to made and how they affected the game. That added a lot to the replay value. IV and SA were both pretty on par with each other but I'm thinking most people may have felt a bit let down by IV. But perhaps some just set their expectations to high, I know I did.

13 years ago

Duke Nukem Forever 2.0

13 years ago

You're thinking of FFVSXIII

13 years ago

In February 2004, Brendan McNamara, Team Bondi's president, responded to an interview with Kristen Reed that "the project is wholly funded by Sony Computer Entertainment America. We have a long-term exclusive arrangement with SCEA."

Yep…L.A. Noire has been in development since 2004 .

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It's an Aussie dev. We like to bludge down here. You could wait ten years and not get a game, but you can bet it'll be good when it does drop.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 8/27/2010 1:43:01 AM

13 years ago

I figured this game would be pushed back to 2011. I'm sure it will be worth the wait!

I agree Ben I'd love to see Miami Vice 2. I loved the wholes 80's vibe. Gta Iv wasn't bad at all I just think it lacked the flare vice city and san andreas had.

13 years ago

If the analyst keep saying "it'll come out next year". They'll eventually get it right.

13 years ago

L.A. Noire just about makes sense, but since GTAV hasn't even been announced yet, I seriously doubt we will see it next year.

13 years ago

I hope they come back down here to Miami with GTAV.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It's not going to be GTA V. There is going to be a subtitle. But I'm thinking maybe early 2012 for its release. L.A. Noire on the other hand will be released about midway through next year and it will be awesome. I just want to know when R* are supposed to be holding their trade show. They said they didn't need E3, but they need something to show what they've got to the public.

13 years ago

So there's a better chance of getting GTAV in 2011 than there is of getting FFVSXIII ?

This is getting ridiculous.

13 years ago

Let us not forget about another Rock* game, Agent! I haven't heard anything about that title in quite sometime. Might it be ready in 2011 too?

13 years ago

Just announce either one preferrably both. Just do it sooner rather than later 🙂

13 years ago

GTAV or a GTA spin-off?

13 years ago

Ben, I don't know. I think Vice City stands the greatest chance of being the next location. Just I hope it's back in the 80's which I doubt. Rockstar don't really seem to break the mould with the GTA series most probibly because they don't have to. The formula works great and ever since the very first version on the PS1 it's always been LC, VC & SA (except for GTA 2 and London).

Personally I think this generation of consoles has many years left and the RAGE engine seems pretty good still so I hope they'll do VC then SA and then look into new locations. Washington DC, Russia, Austraila perhaps?

13 years ago

San Andreas is still my favorite GTA game but IV was great, but what i want in the next GTA is rewards for doing side stuff, for example in SA:

Paramedic mission = more health
Vigilante = more armor
Firefighter = Fireproof
Taxi = nitro and hydraulics jump
Robbery = infinite sprint
100% completion = 1 million, the hydra and a tank

But i cant wait for next GTA game.

13 years ago

cant believe im saying this about my favorite series ever, but screw GTAV!
screw it because i know it will be another massive disappointment just like 4 was!
i dunno what was more a disappointment, GOW3, GTAIV or RE5.
just give the fans what they really want, a HD collection of all the previous ps2 games and if possible throw in the PSP ones too.

13 years ago

Didn't some analyst or another also say that GTAV, or whatever the next installment may be, would be announced at E3 this year?

And while this is interesting and all… where's the fighting game love? There's been all sorts of news and information surrounding several fighting games that are being released in the foreseeable future over the past few weeks and none of it's made it to psxextreme. Makes me kinda sad I have to go elsewhere to find it.

13 years ago

I personally love how GTA IV is more realistic than previous Grand Theft Autos. It's my favorite Grand Theft Auto so far, and I think number 5 will be even better. I'm really looking forward to it, as well as LA Noire and Agent… Rockstar has quite a few treats in store for us.

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