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Gran Turismo 5 Awarded Best In Show Of GamesCom 2010

GamesCom 2010 is over and while many developers and publishers were on hand to show off their best upcoming projects, one title stood above the rest.

If you don't know, GamesCom releases their list of "Best in Show" winners after every annual event; a jury of press and industry insiders selected by organizers hand out awards in seven different categories. This year's "Best of GamesCom?" It's Gran Turismo 5 , the highly anticipated racing simulator from Polyphony Digital, and coming exclusively to the PlayStation 3 on November 2. It also won "Best Console Game," while Sony took home another award for Best Hardware Accessories: PlayStation Move. The full list of winners looks like this:

Some unbelievable new screens and footage were shown at this year's GamesCom, and GT5 offered some of the most impressive media of the show. Sure, the expectations are sky-high but considering what we've seen, and considering all the information we currently have, it almost seems impossible to assume GT5 won't be the best racing experience of the generation. …but wait…did they have similar confidence in Daikatana ? Never count your chickens and all that.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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13 years ago

November can't come any sooner. I so want this.

13 years ago

Nice avatar,
It reminds me of a Jet Moto character.

13 years ago

Is that Motoko from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex?

Sorry if I said something stupid but it kind of reminds me of her.

As for the news… – predictable. This is the way its meant to be. Now people with their PS3s simply can't wait.

13 years ago

That's her, nobody else has that hair.

13 years ago

I'd like to give Gran Turismo 5 a standing ovation. You have gone beyong my wildest dreams with all the new content and the mind boggling graphics. Cheers to you and may Polyphonic Digital have a wonderful fall.

13 years ago

Pre-ordered a GT5 Collector's Edition and now I'm just waiting for November.

13 years ago

Me too!


13 years ago

I'm really excited for this game, because I know it's going to be amazing and I feel really confident about it's November release.
It's also awesome that this game managed to win an award at Games-con. I also have read that the 3D mode really does improve the play of the game by giving the player a better sense of spacial awareness.
And a neat little tech-head piece of info was recently revealed by the Digital Foundry. That while the 360 can do stereoscropic 3D, because the system lacks the HDMI 1.4 spec, it's unable to render two full 720p images-something GT5 supports =)

13 years ago

I can say this: I'm looking forward to all the excitement this game is bound to generate here at PSXE.

13 years ago

if it didnt get this the universe would implode

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Aww, Kirby over LBP2? I'm disappointed.

Okay, now that that little outburst is over… Best in Show? It's getting that much closer to GOTY. I mean, didn't Uncharted 2 win the same award last year and look how that turned out. Also, GT5 beat Reach… Awesome. Now, lets see if the sales figures are finally indicative of true quality in this generation.

13 years ago

It seems in Europe, certain things are thankfully opposite to how they are here in the States. There is a stronger preference for the PS brand than for MS's. For example, If you look at IGN's awards for example, they didn't even mention GT5, if I'm not mistaken.

13 years ago

If that's so then it's typical of the IGN fanboys. Every single time they write anything about a multiplatform game, the link brings you to the 360 version.

13 years ago

IGN buys advertising space on MS's console. I don't know if I'm being overly presumptuous but that prospect about IGN doesn't feel comfortable with me.

13 years ago

Cross advertising like that plus probably kickbacks plus a massive conflict of interest equal the path to the dark side.

13 years ago

im not sure but the reason ign likes Xbox is probably the merge of team Xbox

13 years ago

interesting reading all the awards only to see M$ not present. Sign of things to come? maybe.

Anyway I'm glad GT5 got alot of recognition and the Move. i think they will both be successful for Sony GT5 more so. Its nice to be hearing about all the new GT5 details too after many years of them saying it's coming along nicely then as we get months closer to launch we have our frigging minds blown by new details. let hope it continues up till launch.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
13 years ago

Sony should learn to plan their releases better. This and LBP2 in a span of two weeks is not a very good idea. I'm surely getting both, but with all the content both games will offer, it will be very hard for me to give even one of these games the time it deserves.

Last edited by Sir Shak on 8/20/2010 10:17:39 PM

13 years ago

I guess they aren't moving GT5's release date, well, because it's GT5 and it has been a long time coming. And they want to get LBP2 out there ASAP so that it supercedes EA's Create in reaching the masses. I mean, Sony employs people who don't take their jobs lightly, and there are people employed specifically just to observe market trends and figure out when and how best to market Sony's AAA IP's. In other words, these guys are putting at least as much thought as we would as avid customers.

13 years ago

If they changed GT5's release date they'd have people marching on Sony headquarters with torches and pitchforks 🙂

13 years ago

A very worthy candidate for GOTY as well. I can't wait!

13 years ago

Can't wait for GT5. I start building my Logitech G27 cockpit in October and I already have my 3DTV ready to go. November 2 is gonna be a great day indeed.

13 years ago

I still have to get a wheel and pedals, and at least an 32" HD.

Banky A
Banky A
13 years ago

Good luck on your rig! I need to set one up aye.

13 years ago

I'm glad for Sony. And for GT5 to finally get some love. I can't wait for Nov.


13 years ago

Anyone else debating on getting a logitech racing wheel for this game?

13 years ago

Im trying to find a used one, I really wouldnt mind finding a G25 either. But i wont spend $300 lol I just cant get myself to do it. Although ive said that type of thing before! 😉

13 years ago

same, i wanted to get a G27 but the cheapest one i have found is 500 bucks!
ill be long in the cold hard ground by the time i spend 500 bucks for a racing wheel!

13 years ago

Only because Final Fantasy Versus XIII wasn't there, lol.

13 years ago

Something off topic here, I read in the forum and other sites saying that the PS3 has been hacked and pirate games for PS3 will become reality.

Confirmed or rumour?

13 years ago

Is this a Joke?

Last edited by StangMan80 on 8/20/2010 10:51:40 PM

13 years ago

Last I checked, that's old news. It was because of that Sony had stripped PS3 of linux support… Unless what you've read has taken place even afterwards. Either way, I'm not interested. Piracy ultimately starves the industry.

13 years ago

Snaaake is right, there is a new USB modchip for the PS3. It allows you to dump a blu ray onto your hard drive (like say a rental) and play it with any other game in the drive.

At least that's what the videos make it look like. However, I expect the next firmware update to make it non-functional.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/21/2010 12:16:28 AM

13 years ago

Dumping 25GB/50GB into your HDD is not very practical lol

Anyway, a simple firmware update can easily stop that kind of stuff

13 years ago

ozmodchips got the first one in yesterday and popped a few videos up.
o, and no it cant be patched because it makes the ps3 think its a dev unit.
if they patched that, well than the millions of dev units out there would be useless, and well i dont think sony are going to piss off devs like that!

karma is beautiful, sony steals our linux to prevent this so now she has struck back.
revenge is so bitter sweet!
have not been this happy in a long, long, long time!
only thing that could make me happier is if DNF finally got a release date!

13 years ago

You're hating Sony for removing Linux?
The hell?
You buy your PS3 for what?

Sony can remove every single little crap in the PS3 for all I care as long as they don't remove the feature to play games.

13 years ago

of course i am, you cant advertise a feature than remove it!
if any other company tried this, they would of had the pants sued off them by now!
i dont see mercades advertising air con for their cars, than removing it because of whatever reason.
sony forcefully removed a advertised feature, last time i checked thats ILLEGAL!
so, they deserve everything they get!
they want to break the law, well than everyone else can follow suit.
tis a dual sided penny, whats good for the goose is good for the gander!

Last edited by ___________ on 8/21/2010 10:11:37 AM

13 years ago

Sony can make the device useless. How many developer kits use a regular ps3 and have you writing code through the usb port? Don't kid yourself, a firmware update can look for data manipulation via usb and close the door.

This generation firmware updates are the answer instead of releasing model after model of consoles to defeat hacks.

If Sony obtains the device, they'll shut it down faster. While they are at it, they ought to disable your console if you use one.

Karma is BS. You reap what you sow.

Last edited by tes37 on 8/21/2010 10:55:11 AM

13 years ago

please do not speak on what you do not know.
if you did any reaserch what so ever you would know you dont have to download and burn the games.
maybe thats the whole point of storing them on the HDD?
will help with loading times too, since its running off the HDD than off the disk they claim your games will load twice as fast.
now, thats what MNR needs!

13 years ago

Ben!! Are you reading this crap??

"___________" go right ahead and use that mod chip, cheat your way through Modern Warfare 2, steal games from the dev's and get yourself banned for life from the PSN! When you whine about it here, remember, YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF!

Last edited by smileylyon on 8/22/2010 1:01:22 PM

13 years ago

From what I read about the device it is a product of stolen or leaked data. The PS3 was not hacked, but the damage is the same as if it had been. Nobody gets the idiotic bragging rights.

13 years ago

Also, sony has stated that anyone using the device while conected the psn will be alble to be tracked and banned from psn, so its just pointless.

and its for anygame 4gb and under, i dont think hardly any of my games are under that.

i mean all new games such as gt5 which are proberly 50gb, wont be able to be pirated anyway.

whats wrong with just suporting the developers, if you cant afford a up, simple.

13 years ago

"Karma is BS. You reap what you sow."

TES37, you get mad respect from me. Thumbs up.


13 years ago

I'll be honest with you guys, GT5 is going to last practically any hardcore gamer who's even remotely interested in games like GT5 a very long time….I'm saying 5+ years kinda long time. There's just so much to do and experience…the perfect RPG manifested as a racing simulator!!

Polyphony Digital shouldn't say anything about a GT6 or anything else that can be considered a further evolution of GT5 for the next 3 years after its release date; but they can develop on the next if they wish 🙂

13 years ago

Exactly, it's gonna be so engaging for such a very long time that I'm only expecting a new GT or new Polyphony game on ps4.

13 years ago

They did say GT6 will be another 5 years and I expect GT5 to keep us busy for at least 4-5 years.

Not to mention we'll probably get GT6 Prologue in 2 or 3 years time.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 8/21/2010 1:49:20 AM

13 years ago

Let's hope it happens guys ^.^

Last edited by Victor321 on 8/21/2010 1:49:26 AM

13 years ago

Great game, November's gonna be fun.
And I like the comparison to an rpg for this game. It really will be that grand in scale.

13 years ago

Did I just jizz in my pants?

Last edited by IrreducibleSUN on 8/21/2010 2:42:09 AM

13 years ago

You sure did.

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