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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Coming To Consoles?

One of the more critically acclaimed and popular franchises on PC, it might go multiplatform in the future.

After S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl debuted to solid reviews, GSC Game World followed up with two more – Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat – and unsurprisingly, they're currently preparing yet another installment. This time, however, it might be coming to multiple platforms: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 was recently announced and apparently, it's going to benefit "from an all-new multiplatform game engine that's being built in house." Dubbed "the next chapter" in the franchise, it now appears as if this true sequel will be available for several major platforms when it releases in 2012. The question is whether or not console gamers will be interested in the series; it's pretty well-known amongst PC gamers but those who don't normally play their games on a PC might be indifferent. Then again, if it drags in high review scores and plenty of recommendations, more consumers stand up and take notice.

We'll let you know if S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 ever gets officially confirmed for the PS3. If it does, we'll bring you the details.

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13 years ago

Since it's on the PCV, I've never heard of it.
But if it's good, I'll keep one eye open for it.

Just got to get more details & a good look at it first(guess I'll mosey over to youtube & see if there's any vids on the other games in the series).

13 years ago

Yay another FPS.

13 years ago

this is far from another fps, it is kinda like fallout 3 mixed with survival horror

13 years ago

@ World

That's not a Call of Duty clone….

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 8/16/2010 12:07:49 AM

13 years ago

Okay, if it isn't a typical FPS then color me interested. Maybe the word "Call" in the title discombobulated me 😉

13 years ago

Damn World, where do you come up with those words… 🙂


"it's a discomboframbulation"

13 years ago

Confusticate you Qubex! I cherry pick them out of my massive amount of media exposure 😉

13 years ago

I liked that game on pc. If its coming to ps3 I'm definitely getting it.

13 years ago

Just watched a bunch of old trailers & game-plays of the series so far on YouTube.

So now Stalker's on my watch list

13 years ago

…and this list continues to build… yes…


"it's a discombofrabulation"

13 years ago

First one was quite unique and had some enjoyable moments. If they add on to what they've already got in a smart way, they could really have something with part 2. Hope the console version rumors are true.

13 years ago

Cool. I just bought the first one. Takes forever to load on my pc though.

13 years ago

This is truly an amazing IP, and like Crytek, GSC can seriously make some beefy engines. I'm really hoping they can bring the experience from the first 3 Stalker games, and translate it well to the consoles.

It should have a wide-open environment, NPC's should not only interact with you, but also other creatures/NPC's in the environment (mutated packs of dogs/rats/other can ravage basese), incredibly erratic weather, and a very gloomy feel to it. Combine that with tons of weapons/ammo types, creatures, loot and a pretty interesting storyline, yeah it's a great game.

Totally psyched for this!!!! Mebbe they'll even figure out a way to get some mods on consoles for this one. There are some amazing mods for SoC and CoP.

13 years ago

oh lord please no!
as if we have not had enough games watered down for consoles!

13 years ago

They are not watered down for consoles! If the damn developers actually studied the goddamn hardware pc purists wouldn't be calling foul and always blaming them. If they use the ps3 to its fullest completely maxing out the bluray disk you could have something as good as a pc game!

13 years ago

no you could not have something as good as a PC game because the ps3 hardware is not as advanced as a PC.
the cells equivalent to a q9500 which is a good 2 years old!
the RSX closest PC relative is a 7 series GPU which is 3 years old!
any decent gaming rig would wipe the floor with the ps3, my computers fairly basic even with my new 470GTX card but it will still kick the crap out of any console out there!

developers are to freaking lazy to create games for PCs because than that would mean allot of cuts.
if they made games for PC, half the features would have to be cut because they wont work on consoles.
so instead they create games for consoles than port them across to PC, which is why DX11 cards have been out for ages and very few games support it!
as crytek said if its not compatible with consoles its not going in the PC version.
thats why i was disappointed when they announced crysis 2 for consoles, and thats exactly why im disappointed stalker is also going to consoles.
the PC has so very few exclusives, the last thing we need is more to disappear!

13 years ago

Never heard of it, but if it's like Fallout 3 with a horror aspect to it, I'd be interested. I just hope these PC developers don't take the Crytek route of coming off like a bunch of egomaniacal a-holes and turn me off on the game before I even know anything about it.

13 years ago

Never heard of it, but I'll look into any game that gets good scores across the board. I'll give most games a try, don't have any reason to knock this one, so let's see if it comes to ps3 and if it does, we'll see how it does.

13 years ago

I will be interested to see if it does come to the PS3. If it's halfway decent I might even pick up a copy, the screen-shot is pretty cool at least.

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