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Batman Developers: “We Haven’t Hit Our Peak”

Batman: Arkham Asylum was excellent and we expect more top-notch greatness from next year's Arkham City . But if you think either project represents the best possible effort from developer Rocksteady Studios, think again.

This doesn't mean they'll be skimping on the new Batman ; it simply means the designer is confident in their talent for the future. In speaking to Develop , Rocksteady boss Sefton Hill says it's not arrogance, but confidence that will allow the team to reach new heights. Provided the upbeat attitude can be properly managed, we should see some amazing stuff from this studio in the coming years. Said Hill:

"As we were designing Arkham, our confidence as a studio had begun to grow. After the release it grew even further. Now I’m really excited, because, as a developer, I look at our team and I don’t think the studio has hit its peak. I still think we have places to go.

I’ve seen us grow as a company – and I mean in terms of confidence and ability – and I genuinely can see us grow further still. I don’t think Arkham Asylum is going to be the best game we make. We’re growing and developing as a company all the time."

Hill mentioned Arkham Asylum 's review scores as fuel for the team's confidence, which means they plan to be "just as daring" in future projects. Does anyone else think they should tackle Superman when they're done with Batman? They've already said that Arkham City would be the last Batman-based game they do, so…how's about giving us the first great Superman game? Just do it.

Related Game(s): Batman: Arkham City

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13 years ago

They can develop Arkham City exclusively on the PS3!They can get more graphics!For a open world game to look like Batman Arkham Asylum.The Hardware should be really powerful as well as the developers.Hope RockSteady Does This!!!

13 years ago

After years of trying them, I am convinced that noone can translate a good Superman story into a game. Batman and Spiderman work because they rely heavily on melee fighting. Maybe Superman is just too powerful. I'm waiting to hear the pricing for DCUO, that should get pretty close.

13 years ago

Very true. Big problem is that too many writers over the years wrote superman as if he's invincible. Very few writers, write superman well, so it's very hard to do a video game of him well.

13 years ago

Maybe if they started you as a teenager when Superman was just learning his powers. Gives you a way to introduce leveling or at least skill learning, I guess. And give the bosses some form of kryptonite each that limits you in various ways.

13 years ago

I can only imagine what a Spiderman title would turn out like with this developer behind the title…

I also quiver at the thought of RockSteady and Sucker Punch teaming up and working on a co-operative title. Can you imagine what type of Super Hero game could be brought to life with both these developers working together?



13 years ago

Seriously, we need a good Spiderman game. Craptivision is killing Spiderman games.

The new one looks interesting but since it's being published by Activision, i will not be getting it unless some one gives it to me. 🙂

13 years ago

never really liked superman all that much. Weird, I know. Always been into batman and spiderman. If they made an amazing spidey game I might be interested. Good to hear their confident that they will be capable of producing better games 🙂

13 years ago

Me personally, I would KILL to have a Green Lantern game with all 7 Corps and possibly the Black lanterns as a sequel. My God the limitless opportunities a game like that would have. To recreate something like the Sinestro Corps war would be freaking sick!

13 years ago

I am not much of a Green Lantern fan, but I completely agree. I just don't see a Superman game working. Superman's basically invincible and he has way too many powers, and that would be just plain hard to incorporate all of it into a game, while keeping the game balanced.

Green Lantern on the other hand is not invincible and massively over-powering. There are plenty of ways they could go for the game, and I feel they could more than likely incorporate most of what he can do into a game, and still keep it balanced.

Now, who says anything about them sticking to DC?

13 years ago

You know what would be really cool in a green lantern game, Move support. That way when you're using his ring you can draw up whatever you want and use it as a weapon. I'm shivering just thinking about the possibilities.

Last edited by just2skillf00l on 8/13/2010 12:10:12 PM

13 years ago


LOL you're right, who said they would stick to DC. LOL just hoping DCU does well enough to get some kind of GL fix.


Wow you know what, I was thinking to myself, "how in the world would they incorporate the powers of the ring without it being sketchy/cheesy." That's a fantastic idea and a great way to really utilize the "supposed" precision from the move control. Man that makes me freaking shiver too lol.

13 years ago


LOL you're right, who said they would stick to DC. LOL just hoping DCU does well enough to get some kind of GL fix.


Wow you know what, I was thinking to myself, "how in the world would they incorporate the powers of the ring without it being sketchy/cheesy." That's a fantastic idea and a great way to really utilize the "supposed" precision from the move control. Man that makes me freaking shiver too lol.

13 years ago

I'd like to see them move out of the superhero thing and do something totally original.

13 years ago

They are a great studio. They could end up being one of the greats, up there with Naughty Dog and Bungie. Now, they need to have their own original IP. Something simple, but elegant and fresh. They can do it. Unless they're a one trick pony and can only do Batman games, in which case, lol

13 years ago

Excuse me? Bungie?
hehehehehehahahahahah ahahahahahahaha!!!!

13 years ago

What I'm saying is, they are who people identify most with both consoles. Come to think of it, Bungie's kind of a one trick pony itself. They haven't changed their game formula since the first Halo…

13 years ago

I'd love to see these guys tackle Superman after their Batman wraps up. I also think they'd be perfect for a Sherlock Holmes game, but then that'd be a given after Batman: Arkham Asylum.

13 years ago

It's obvious that these guys have a lot of talent. They did some impressive things with arkham asylum, but I'd love to see what they can do on something original.

I want them to make a game from scratch, build their own engine, create their own vision and story. I just want to see what they are truly capable of.

13 years ago

Hate to say it but I've always been a Marvel fan. I stopped liking Batman after I discovered he didn't have any real super powers. Plus they keep riding the joker out. The Joker is tired as a lead villain. Just like Magneto in the xmen. As for Superman, I've never really seen a predominantly flying character. Now I think an Aquaman or Namor game would be cool with this generations graphics.

13 years ago

Aquaman or Namor could easily make for an awesome game IF they have a stellar developer behind them. Unfortunately, I have a feeling the only way we'll see games based on them is if they have a movie coming out. At least if that's the case, Aquaman has a better chance of being better due to the involvement of WB Interactive. Namor, on the other hand, would probably come in the same form as the craptacular Iron Man games (thanks again, Sega).

13 years ago

The fact he kicks ass without super powers is the reason has been my favorite super hero since childhood.

13 years ago

You seriously want a Superman game?? Not me. Oh lordy… not me. Making an amazing Batman game doesn't make Batman cool, he's ALWAYS been cool. Having the game is doing video games proud, not the other way around. Superman on the other hand has never been cool. A game won't change that.

13 years ago

I've never been a huge Superman fan, but being that he's a classic character and an icon, I think he finally deserves a decent game. Personally, I'd rather see these guys work on a video game based on an Image Comics character. Give me an Invincible game, and I'd be smiling forever.

13 years ago

I'm going to get this game, i just wish they would use a different engine or make their own. Unreal is soooo Unreliable.

13 years ago

Superman video game would be awesome.

13 years ago

I'd love to see a Flash video game.

13 years ago

no ones hit there peak, there is no such thing as perfection, there is always room for improvement!

13 years ago

In the world of music the artists definitely hit their peaks (if their career ever span long enough for them to do so), I don't see why the same could not apply to games developers.

Though philosophically speaking you are of course right.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/12/2010 7:01:55 AM

13 years ago

but music and games are 2 very different mediums.
bands are not really going to get better, and they really dont rely on anything but there skills.
game developers have to rely on so many things, theres there skills, time they have, budget they have, technology,restrictions.
no developer will ever reach their peak because there will always be new tech available, and they may even hire new staff who are more talented than others.
in music your relying on your self and thats about it, theres really no variables, nothings really changing.
in games that could not be further from the truth!

13 years ago

Hehe – ask any struggling musician if words like "budget", "technology", "staff talent" and "restrictions" means anything to them… Why do a Michael Jackson album sound so different than a demo tape found on the internet…? It's all about budgets, technicians, technology and of course, hired talents. Multi-national chart toppers very rarely become that "by coincidence" or rely only on the artist's talent.

But, again, you are of course right in that "there's always room for improvement", don't get me wrong.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/12/2010 10:56:26 AM

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