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New Home Spaces For PlayStation Move And GamesCom 2010

Hundreds of thousands of PlayStation 3 owners went Home to check out Sony's virtual E3 booth, and that popularity seems to have resulted in more event spaces.

According to the official PlayStation UK site, two new spaces – one each for this month's GamesCom event in Germany and the impending arrival of PlayStation Move – will open. The Move spot will be the first as it'll be available for perusing on August 12; visiting will net you a unique Move costume that "lets you play as a PlayStation Move controller," plus a chance to participate in a new team game. The GamesCom space should be similar to Sony's virtual E3 booth, in that you'll be able to catch up on many of the GC details without ever having to leave your living room. You can see the latest news and trailers and of course, both new spots will allow you to purchase related merchandise and special items for your Home collection. Now, this is a European source so we can't say for certain if such spaces will open up in the North American branch of Home; GamesCom is in Europe, after all.

But hey, we're getting Move, too, so we should be treated to a Home event space, right? We'll let you know if SCEA confirms it.

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13 years ago

hope in this space, the videos dont take over 5 minutes to actually play like at e3.

13 years ago

The videos took that long to load for you? That really sucks I must have been on when there wasn't as much traffic then because they loaded fairly quickly for me.

13 years ago

yeah I didn't have any load problems either.

13 years ago

Your internet sucks, lol.

13 years ago

I like the technology in Move. I -really- hope it ends up being a fun experience!

I hope they show some videos that give us a number of titles to consider. I don't feel like I have a thorough understanding of what the Move experience will be like, yet.

13 years ago

Well I read a list of release (or near-release) titles and there is a total of 49 titles, the heavy hitter in my opinion being Socom 4. Killzone 3 can be controlled with Move, the Sly Collection will have Move minigames, and their sports compilation actually looks really cool, especially with table tennis and frisbee.
Other games that you already have will be patched to work with Move as well, like with Heavy Rain. It will also be incorporated into LBP2 in some way, for both creation and platforming (though for some reason will be added a bit after the actual release).
Echochrome 2 also looks to impress in my opinion. It'd be worth finding the trailer for it, I was very intrigued.

13 years ago

Well, I have Asian, European and US accounts… so for most demo's and HOME spaces I don't have issue. I have issue with the Video store and Music Video streaming service as the Singapore I.P. address is recognised to be outside the US and EU jurisdiction, therefore rendering those services useless to me



13 years ago

I hope the Move is as good as advertised. I must admit that I'm still skeptical. Some don't understand that the reason the Wii and "motion gaming" has sold like crazy is because parents were sold on it preventing childhood obesity. Everything geared toward children sells almost insanely automatic, for example, practically ever childrens movie that comes out just rakes in cash disgustingly. See the Shrek's or Toy story's or harry potter's.

It also was embraced by those who believe it provides excercise through fun. Those are the core elements that made the Wii a smashing success. If the Move is targeted at hardcore gamers and the emphasis is not toward parents and kids then it's sales results will be lack luster. Watch and see.

13 years ago

I want to see some videos of sports champion's boccie and fizbee golf. I have seen videos of ping pong, archery and the dual game but none of fizbee or boccie and those are the two i am most excited for.

13 years ago

Well I hope that the Home team does a better job of QA on these new spaces. The LucasArts Star Wars Cantina Bar is a disaster to use. They have a video wall that appears to stream a ton of video, which is fine until you realize it's saturating your bandwidth and making it near impossible for Home to download other Home resident's avatars or even the Lucasarts store in the space. I suspect that if you have lots of network bandwidth you won't see this issue, but if your DSL is as crap as mine…you won't be happy.

13 years ago

I was just in the cantina last nite and everything was running smooth and everyone was loading. However the streaming video you're referring to was off at the time. lol

13 years ago

Turning off that video would be the 'quick-fix'. Methinks Lucasarts boo-boo'd on that one. Stand by for a new version of the space with shorter and fewer video clips that cache locally instead of streaming. Perhaps if they made the video wall play on demand instead of all the time….

13 years ago

Yep. I actually reset my machine when I went to wardrobe because I thought the system was freezing. Had a headache by the time I got out of the cantina.

13 years ago

Is that why it takes the avatars so long to completely materialize on screen?

13 years ago

Yep. I tried it on launch day, and figured it was because it was so popular and servers were having a hard time keeping up. But, I set my avatar in that space for fully 30 minutes the other night, and there were still more transparent avatars than rendered avatars. It's the only space I've been in where the problem was so severe. I've seen it happen in some other spaces, and the mall can be a bear because Home has to cache the store inventories when you enter.

Apart from fixing the Cantina Bar by doing something about that bloody video wall. The single biggest improvement Sony could make to Home would be to make the caching of Home items and store inventory a bit smarter so that every time you entered the mall space it didn't have to download everything new. Especially as 95% of the items in the Mall (or anywhere else) don't actually change.

13 years ago

I gave my PS3 the largest Home cache possible (12 GB, I believe) so that it wouldn't have to re-load everything each time, but it actually seems to create the cache anew each time rather than keeping it on the system permanently.

The result, I still have crappy load times (though much better since the major update) and it takes well over a minute to get into Home (I get stuck on the black screen with the progress bar).

Harumph. }(

13 years ago

I hope it comes to N.A. I would like to have the move outfit, would be pretty funny. I was wondering around home this weekend and it had only been a few weeks since my last visit and there was already a lot more going on.

Crazy how fast they are adding stuff to it.

13 years ago

Damn, that's good insight there. I always wondered why some of the spaces' materialization was so slow but others were quick. The mall definitely. I'd say about 10 minute for 100% complete avatar materialization throughout. Maybe the pre-cache-ing upon entry to home needs to be expanded maybe that would help? Don't know…that stuff's beyond my realm of knowledge.

13 years ago

Is the E3 home space still up?

13 years ago

I think it was closed shortly after E3. Sony really wanted it to be like the E3 show. So, as it were, you had to be there…

13 years ago

i hope sites are a little more organized for gamescom.
it was 8 hours after sonys presser finished by the time IGN had it on their site!
also hopefully sony dont focus on move this time.
please, just focus on new hardcore game announcements none of this motion control crap!
we want syphon filter 5!
we want medievil 2!
we want 8 days!
we want the getaway 3!
we want resistance 3!
we want insomniacs new game, apparently to be R&C related!
we want Agent!
we want LA Noire!
we want ape escape ps3!
please sony, news on new announced hardcore games, and new unannounced hardcore games none of this move motion control kid crap!
if i wanted to play kids games id go to my wii!

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