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Batman: Arkham City Officially Unveiled, Set For Fall 2011

We've known the sequel has been in the works for a while, but we've always referred to it as "Arkham Asylum 2." …that's just because we never heard the official title.

Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has announced the sequel to be Batman: Arkham City , which will be a direct follow-up to last year's award-winning hit game. This new adventure will allow Batman to break free of the confines of the asylum and patrol the streets, where all sorts of insane enemies flourish, despite a huge amount of security. Now, you won't be running about ala GTA-style; you will be restricted to a certain district in the heart of Gotham City, but at least there should be a bit more in the way of exploration. We'll get a brand new story with an all-star cast of classic characters and your favorite villains, plus "a vast range of new and enhanced gameplay features to deliver the ultimate experience as the Dark Knight." The developers did very little wrong in Arkham Asylum but there's always room for improvement; as an example, the team admitted that the detective mode in the game was "overpowered" and they plan to tone it down in the sequel.

In development at Rocksteady Studios, Batman: Arkham City will be available for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in the fall of 2011.

Related Game(s): Batman: Arkham City

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13 years ago

Arkham City? It should be gotham city.

13 years ago

I think you miss the point.

We all know Batman resides in Gotham; but I think the title Arkham City might refer to an all-out prison break from Arkham Asylum so Gotham is infested with inmates, making it like one large Arkham Asylum.

Anyway, I was hoping this would come out sooner rather than later.

13 years ago

Sorry my mistake.

13 years ago

Maybe it'll be like Yakuza!

13 years ago

The only part of this news I don't like is the "Fall of 2011" part. That's a long wait before I get to wear the spandex again.

13 years ago

Be careful of wearing spandex too often cause there's one villain more sinisterly silly than any Batman has ever come across so far.

And if Richard Simmons does catches you, you'll spend the rest of your natural born days doing calisthenics while "sweating to the oldies".

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/5/2010 2:41:52 PM

13 years ago

Can't wait to play it… The first game was a masterpeice… Easily the best superhero game ever made

Last edited by Deathb4Dishonor on 8/5/2010 11:00:51 AM

13 years ago


13 years ago

Yep. That Wolverine game on the PS3 wasn't half bad either.

13 years ago

Agreed. Now if rocksteady can get there hands on Superman, that would make my year. I wouldn't mind giving them a shot.

I kinda liked the Wolverine game but it had two things going against it. Firstly it was multiplat and second it was based off the movie. If it wasn't based on that bad movie then it might have been better, idk.

13 years ago

Just beat it yesterday, the first one that is. A quite enjoyable game and I can certainly see how it went far beyond most peoples expectations. Best superhero game ever? Yea, I can run with that. Quite the experience and a second one is on it's way to being a D1P for me.

13 years ago

i wish it was sooner, but if we want to get another master piece like the first one they can take all the time they need. i hope they add more gadgets. the first was flawless. easily one of the best multiplats i've played this gen.

13 years ago

I for one would be quite happy if this remained solely single player (though at this day and age in gaming i expect that will be unlikely). Either way, i'll be getting it as i loved the first one.

13 years ago

no robin please.

13 years ago

Keep in mind, the character that has been Robin in the comics (Tim Drake if you think back before Bruce Wayne was "killed" and the time when the first game took place) is not that young. Nor is he any less formidable than most vigilante characters. He is quite the detective himself having deduced Batman's identity in his early years.

Comic nerd-alert, I know. I just get ticked at how badly he is thought of to the general public.

13 years ago

Bat Mobile,Bat Bike,Bat Jet should be in the game please Rocksteady

13 years ago

I want two things, Bat-vehicles, bat-grappling from building and a shot of Bats standing on top of Gotham Towers. Wait that's three things…

13 years ago

I wonder if some of my Batman:AA records are still around? Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the sequal.

13 years ago

And holy snappin crap !!! Catwoman looks HOT as HELL!

13 years ago

Wonder if the same detective bits will be in ie following footprints but in the streets this time. Also can you drive the batmobile or the batwing too ?

I'll more than likely get this I didn't mind the 1st one butI wouldn't say it was my all time fave game to play.

Last edited by tlpn99 on 8/5/2010 12:58:59 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I didn't like the FreeFlow system. Other than that, I really enjoyed Arkham Asylum, but I think I will wait a bit before geting this, as I did for the first. inFamous was a better superhero game imo.

13 years ago

how did you not like the free flow system? it was awsome. you can't compare batman and infamous, cause they're two different games. infamous is not a comic hero. i love them both, but they're way to different to compare the two.

Last edited by ace_boon_coon on 8/5/2010 1:36:33 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'm not sure, I just didn't like the way it was so heavily timing based, but the camera kept slowing down when you scored certain hits, making it harder to time properly. I also would have preferred the implementation of a modifier button in order to enter the FreeFlow system, such as holding down a shoulder button so that then all of the face buttons could be used, rather than relying on Square, Circle and doble buttons. Just an annoyance to me.

I know it's not really right to compare the two games, but they are both superhero games at the core. The problem is that I can't think of a game that offers a better comparative base. The closest to B:AA in my collection is the original Assassin's Creed, but it's worse to compare that to Batman, IMO.

13 years ago

@ Lawless
You are laggy man

13 years ago

I agree with Lawless. Understandably, die-hard Batman fans will likely disagree. But, I am most excited about inFamous 2 (D1P), then AC3, then Arkham City. But it'll be interesting to see if they add the Batwing and Batmobile. That would be pretty darn cool if done right.

While it's true Cole and Desmond aren't based on a 40-year-plus paper-based, comic book franchise (which makes me more curious as to what happens to them and what they become), and Desmond and Batman are more technologically-aided heros than the super-powered Cole, and Arkham Asylum is more of a corridor-crawler than an open-world game, to me these are just hair-splitting comparisons.

It's about story, character, action, exploration, and upgrades. Infamous wins out in terms of fun and story. AC2 was remarkable for it's artistic vision. Batman was cool for being a surprisingly creative use of the Unreal Engine, and not abusing a previously existing icon/franchise.

Last edited by Shams on 8/5/2010 8:47:48 PM

13 years ago

Can't wait

13 years ago

i am glad that they are taking an extra year to develop and work on this. they could have pumped it out by this fall im sure, but i hate the oversaturating of good games turning them into average games simply to rush making the dollar. i look forward to hearing more about this game.

13 years ago

Man this is both good and bad news, I for one was looking forward to the sequel being a sand box game, which is one of the reasons I haven't bought the first game, I didn't like the idea of playing the whole game in one place. But I had high hopes of going any place at any time in the batmobile, bat bike and the most bad ass air craft ever the bat wing. I'll wait and see what the demo tells me about it before I decide though.

13 years ago

I cant wait to check this out.

13 years ago

ooooooooooooooooooo yeah this and infamous 2 will be fighting it out for GOTY!
color me excited!

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