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Rumor: All Fighters For Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Revealed

It's one of the more anticipated fighters of the generation and although it won't make it this year, it'll be a big deal for fans of the genre in 2011.

We haven't received the finalized roster just yet but if the rumor proves true, PS3Gen has managed to discover the full list of fighters for Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds . Now, you have to take this with a grain of salt, but it certainly seems like a plausible roster:



Yes, we realize that Mega-Man isn't included in Capcom's list, which certainly seems a little bizarre. But besides that, we like the look of both rosters. One can just imagine what kind of insane clashes can be produced by pitting any two combatants against one another… We'll let you know if Capcom decides to issue a confirmation or denial concerning this list.

Related Game(s): Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

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13 years ago

A little under whelming if you ask me. Though I'm glad to see Zero there. He's great in Tatsunoko vs Capcom.

No Ken or Megaman huh? Lame.

Seriously, there's so many better Capcom characters they could have used besides Veiwtiful Joe and Felicia. Also Shuma-Gorath again? Seriously?

Last edited by Jawknee on 7/28/2010 9:46:35 PM

13 years ago

Guess we were posting at same time and both missing Ken lol. Oh well, I sgree with you on roster size but maybe they will give us more. She Hulk, Deadpool, Super Skrull, and Dante make the ommission of Ken bearable for me.

13 years ago

No Ken is really ridiculous

You can't have a VS game without Ken
And I'm with you, it looks extremely underwhelming

13 years ago

the first MvC didn't have a Ken. It had a Ryu that could "pretend" to be Ken. I'm with you though. Ken needs to be in it. What about Strider, Gambit, and Magneto???

Last edited by RockhounD on 7/29/2010 3:37:34 AM

13 years ago

I also don't see Ken on the Capcom side but Ryu is there so I'm good and I don't remember seeing She-Hulk in any of the trailers but that's an intriguing character option. While I do wish the character list was on the same scale of MVC2, I'll take quality over quantity and they might release more characters as DLC anyway. This is certianly a day one buy for me and should fill in nicely while I await Street Fighter X Tekken. Is it me or is there a shortage of fighting games? I'm tired of Tekken 6,Virtua Fighter, and Soul Caliber now. Looking forward to this and especially Mortal Kombat.

13 years ago

We definitely need a new evolution in full blown 3D fighting games with new characters and some sort of innovation that makes it worth playing for more than a couple weeks.

And we need DOA on PS3…Bounce…

13 years ago

I'm surprised.

I thought they'd put more on there than what was available in MvC2.

Where's Cyclops and Storm? Where's Jill Valentine? Megaman?

Like the addition of Albert Wesker though. That guy is such an awesome bada$$!!!

13 years ago

Krauser is badasser

13 years ago

If badasser means stereotypical…er

13 years ago

Wesker used to be cool until after he watched the Matrix.

I'd prefer Krauser as well.

13 years ago

You can't beat the shades man. :p

13 years ago

Hopefully we'll see more characters become available over time. If worse comes to worse, they'll just bring out more as DLC after the game's release, hopefully expanding the roster to include everyone's favourite characters.

13 years ago

You'd think they would add more characters then MvC2 because of bluray…oh wait!

13 years ago

Lol I know huh! But most of those characters were forgetable. Make it on ps3 then port it over to xbox with 3 discs for the rest of the characters.

13 years ago

Forgettable like Shuma-Gorath? I bet you Capcom is holding out cause they know suckers will pay extra for DLC characters. Pieces of crap. I can't stand Capcom this generation.

Last edited by Jawknee on 7/28/2010 10:25:48 PM

13 years ago

Like the extra costumes on sf4. So lame!

13 years ago

Yup, they have been the worst when it comes to over priced DLC. Most of it is crap and they charge an arm and a leg for it.

13 years ago

I wish Nemesis was on that list

Last edited by hellish_devil on 7/28/2010 10:02:07 PM

13 years ago

That would be sweet.

13 years ago

Wow that article looks odd with a big white space. Anyway, since these games don't look any better than the old 2D fighters and things have advanced so much, why can't companies knock one of these out in like a week?

lol @ She Hulk

13 years ago

I thought the fantastic four weren't gonna show up since super skrull has all 4 powers? No ken means no go. 😛

13 years ago

That's what I'm saying! They put Ryu and Akuma but not Ken? They put Zero but not MegaMan X?

It's not a no go for me but its certainty not going to be a day one purchase for me.

I'll wait till they release Super Marvel vs Capcom 3. By then it will at least be half the game it should be. 😉

13 years ago

Yea knowing capcom. I'll wait six months after super marvel vs. Capcom 3 for super marvel vs. Capcom 3 turbo! 🙂

13 years ago

Do we really need Trish here? I would have liked to see someone from another series rather than double up on DMC.

Also, having Daredevil would have been pretty cool. Why bother with Elektra?

Last edited by Drake_RB3 on 7/28/2010 10:33:26 PM

13 years ago

i just realized there is no Jill either. Get rid of Spencer and put Jill back in. What a disgrace.

Bargain bin for me.

13 years ago

I can't believe there is no carnage. He would have been awesome, but they didn't even put venom in there. At least I got deadpool, but what the heck is up with the hulk and she-hulk.

Seems a little redundant. As for Mr. Fantastic, seriously? One of the lamest Marvel characters and why have any of the fantastic four when you have super skrull?

I was kinda excited about this game, but now I just feel let down. Sure they could add more later with dlc, but that just seems like they'd go out of their way to screw us over as much as they can.

Here's the game and on the day of release here's 5 different character packages, each with 4 more characters and each for only $9.99.
That will suck.

13 years ago

And you know they will. This whole generation has been about Capcom and Capcom only. Not their fans. Just like how they cut content from Lost Planet, just like how they won't patch the launch version of RE5 for Move support so it will get people to go out and buy the Gold Edition, just like how they will likely add the characters we want for inflated prices.

Capcom be damned.

13 years ago

Carnage would have been way better than Juggernaut

Seriously, is Marvel/Capcom dumb or what?

13 years ago

Wow, no Ken, really?
No Cyclops?
Non Gambit or Rogue?

Crap lineup

I'll pass

13 years ago

:'( cyclops *sniff*

13 years ago

You know, my assumption would be that a roster would continue to GROW, not get weaker. Like all other fighting games we enjoy seeing a tried and true roster receive new recruits. Marvel vs Capcom 3 should include Mega Man because cames out being a main reason why a high percentage of consumers bought the other installments. Besides, Mega Man Universe is coming out soon and Mega Man could use a little cross over love.

13 years ago

Capcom is only about growing their wallets. So keep an eye out for DLC.

13 years ago

hmmmm… another game that dropped off my day 1 list. at least its easier on my wallet. now its just another one of those fighting games, getting it whenever. dont really care cause i wont be playing it online anyway. online fighting games are ruined by lag, no matter how small. along with socom 4 to go 2011, i'm getting some breathing room.

heres hoping for mode change RYU like in marvel vs capcom 1, that was sweet. hayato's not there too. my main lineup is spiderman and 2 wolverines, all about speed there. glad sentinels not there too. hulk and shehulk, what the hells up with that. who asked for shehulk? ask the FANS damnit. its just like what happens to fighting games making the transitions from ps2 to ps3 gen, they loose characters. dragonball z did it and so did naruto. i believe the same thing with street fighter and tekken although not that noticable since their characters are pretty much set.

13 years ago


No Strider either. :*(

13 years ago

Don't worry bro, they said at the moment he wasn't in the game but that there's still about 8 months left so keep your fingers crossed. I wouldn't see why not Strider as he was VERY popular in the franchise and still happens to be. But read my other post. This is most def fake. And spiderman…..well nuff said 😉

13 years ago

As long as Zero makes the list, it's all good in my book.

13 years ago

Wanna stay updated? Merry X-mas

The only 4 on there list that isn't backed up by anything is Spiderman, Storm, Magneto, and Dormammu. But considering Dormammu has never been in a fighter before, and these guys don't put up new character pages for the fun of it, I can place my faith in wut they have listed.

13 years ago

Dormammu is in the game. He's in the trailers as the big ball of fire falling to the earth towards the end, then showing his firehead at the very end. Could be the boss character.

13 years ago

If this is the real roster for this game, then it's going to be as disappointing as The King Of Fighters XII. Not having Ken and Mega Man is like not having Mai Shiranui in a KOF game, it's just not right.

Last edited by iGraves1 on 7/29/2010 1:33:43 AM

13 years ago

This is definitely fake as one of the creators confirmed there would be NO Fantastic Four characters other than Super Skrull and Doc Doom.

I can't find the link but it's a play through video with one of the creators describing Super Skrull's moves, think I saw it on Game Trailers somewhere. But trust me, this (for the most part) is definitely a fake list, Cyclops is a staple of the series and with a new Mega Man game coming out some time I really can't see him not being there.

13 years ago

well, they did say the total roster would be just over 30 games, so 36 is pretty close to that if you ask me!

its far too early though, capcom aint going to confirm this, not for a while still!
the games not due out till Q2 2011 so we have a while to wait till they tell us all the characters appearing in this.

13 years ago

I swear I'll curse Capcom if they put Zero in but not Mega Man X.

Not to mention the next game in the Mega Man X series is nowhere to be seen!!!!!!

13 years ago

lol, where's mega man?
i'll tell you where, they're holding him out for DLC and you're going to have to pay 5 or 10 bux for him and his alternate outfits.
oh the sad world we have created

13 years ago

Actually guys I'm 99% sure this is a fake. During the Capcom stream at Comic con they confirmed for a fact that Emma Frost wont be in the game as well as some others. Also, though they did it with the last game and still do it till this day with others, I doubt they want to create clones such as War Machine and Iron Man or Super Skrull and Mr. Fantastic. BUTTTTT than again they could just be pulling our strings which leaves that 1% for whoever wants any of those unconfirmed characters. Still…it's pretty close 😉

13 years ago

This list is false. Ryota Niitsuma, the game's producer, has stated that the following characters won't be appearing in the game: Nemesis, Tyrant, the four main members of the Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Emma Frost, Gene, Ghost Rider, the Punisher, Phoenix Wright, and the characters from Rival Schools and Powerstone.

He also stated that about a THIRD of the roster will be compromised of characters that weren't in MvC2. That's roughly ten new characters, not the twenty or so that appear here.

Toss this list right out the window 'cause this isn't the actual list.

13 years ago

who the hell is trish is she the girl from DMC???

Dante awesome super awesome awesome.

Viewtiful Joe super awesome.

Just need to decide on my third ( Akuma is right up there though )

She Hulk???? never heard of it. like one pissed of green mutant wasn't enough, they had to give us a PMSing Woman

13 years ago

WTH is this. If your not putting Ken, then don't put Akuma and let Ryu transform into both like in MvC.

Also no Megaman?

Sorry but this is obviously fake… either that or not going to be a purchase.

13 years ago

They have Zero… but not MegaMan. lol

At least Zero is FROM MegaMan…

13 years ago

If they don't add some more characters, I may not even bother with it… what a shame..

13 years ago

Mr.Fantastic? I'm sure he gonna fight like Dalshim , damn theres a bunch of very bizarre characters in this one and Mike Haggar would fit better on SSF4.

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