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Home Interview With Jack Buser: Submit Your Questions

PlayStation Home has come a very long way since it launched towards the end of 2008 and if you haven't visited recently, you should certainly step inside to check things out.

Home continues to grow and impress and as the definitive online social meeting place for gamers, it must continue to cater to the needs of an expanding industry and a diverse clientele. These days, there's a little something for everyone within the virtual (and ever-expanding) confines of Home, but Sony's just getting started. Details for more improvements are on the way, including new game spaces and an upcoming partner announcement that will bring indie developers closer to Home. Next week, you'll start seeing such info as PlayStation will be holding a Holiday Preview Event, with the spotlight on hot impending third-party titles, PlayStation Move, PSP and yes, PlayStation Home. We won't be there but that won't stop us; we plan to have a chat with Home boss Jack Buser very soon. And because we continue to think PSXE is closer to its readers than just about any other site, we invite you to submit a few questions for Jack.

Just toss them into the Comments, as you did for our interview with the "real God of War," Joseph Gatt . We apologize for not being able to take your questions for David Jaffe and Scott Campbell , but…well, you know why we couldn't. At any rate, we'll take a few questions from you guys and add a few of our own. Feel free to be creative with the questions!

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14 years ago

When will there be a PS Store shop front in the Mall?

When will we be able to play our own locally stored music or video in our private Home apartment spaces?

Can we have a Walkman type of item that let's us play (locally) our own music while we play in Home regardless of where we are in Home?

Can we have a TV for our Home space that lets us launch BluRay, DVD or MP4 video from within Home?

Can we please have a filter that simply does not render those other home users we deem unacceptable to us?

Will we ever have avatars with realistically rendered smiles?

Any chance of a trophy room in Home to display our PlayStation game trophies?

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/14/2010 9:50:01 PM

14 years ago

World's post below reminded me of another one…

Can Home be integrated with your Free Realms MMORPG so that we can start in Home and literally enter Free Realms from within Home by simply changing into our Free Realms outfit and going to the Free Realms Space?

14 years ago

Good questions.

14 years ago

Will Home integrate Move controls?

Will Home support 3D presentation?

Will home support both 3D presentation and Move making it a truly virtual environment?

14 years ago

There is a space on the Japanese Home that plays just like an MMORPG with swords and spells and battling monsters. You play as your home avatar – however you have decided to dress. Is this space – or a version of it – going to come to other markets? Is this space a sign of things to come in terms of bringing MMORPG, or just multi-player online games in general, to PlayStation Home?

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/15/2010 11:04:17 AM

14 years ago

I do like the Cole outfit they gave me for some reason, but Home still needs a battle system or something.

Will there be Move integration with any released or upcoming Home games?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/14/2010 9:55:30 PM

14 years ago

I like that idea. Move in home would mean they wouldn't need most of those games they are bringing out like ping pong and boxing etc. As it could be added as a minigame.
You could also have user generated dances lol.

14 years ago

Will home ever allow us to have avatars that aren't human?
In a virtual world I just don't want to be human.

14 years ago

dunno bout that but you can make some creatures that barely look human 🙂

14 years ago

If I remember correctly before Home launched someone stated that the avatars would remain human so Home wouldn't seem too chaotic. But now you see all kinds so they may as allow non humans.

14 years ago

I know you can get costumes, but underneath you're still just some dude, I don't want to be human, even underneath.

14 years ago

Make a hobbit or dwarf?

14 years ago

My question is why should I be interested in Home? I use my PS3 for games and movies, and I don't need Home to do that.

14 years ago

Okay, that's what I thought. Thanks.

14 years ago

Is home going to have that xbox thing where you pay 50 cents to play a game your friend's own??

14 years ago

I want a HOME DOG. Can i get one?

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
14 years ago

Will Independent Movie Directors be given a chance to show some user generated movies on the PSN store or Home spaces?

14 years ago

How 'bout a sprint button? Or maybe some sort of mini vehicle? Like a segway or a low flying magic carpet. People like to float at Home you know.

14 years ago

mini vehicle!? i wanna 2011 blue faggio to ride in the plaza.

14 years ago

i wish sony would from now on stream E3 on home like they did in 2009 live.
but this time make sure it runs properly, i tried to watch it and every 3 words jack got out the stupid thing would freeze to buffer for 5 minutes!
kinda counterproductive when it takes 7 hours to load a 1.5 hour movie!

14 years ago

last year i had no problem, IGN had it up at like 9 in the morning here.
this year, 1PM i checked the actual conference was on at 6AM here, so a good 7 hours after and no site had it on there yet.
i searched and searched, than 3PM finally GT added it.
IGN did not have it till like 5 in the arvo!

at least if sony stream it off their blog or off home at least you wont have to wait hours for IGN and co to do it!
or even better, do what M$ did and throw a briefcase at fox 8 and get them to telecast it!
both the kinect briefing and M$s briefing were televised live on foxtell.
i only wish sony would do that next year!

14 years ago

Are there any plans to reopen "hear everyone" chat option?

Are there any special plans for PS+ subscribers? I'd like to see some free personal spaces or personal games….I like anything that's free.

Last edited by NeoHumpty on 7/15/2010 7:57:32 AM

King James
King James
14 years ago

Where's my trophy room?

14 years ago

Here's my 10 cents (each being worth 1 cent)

1. Is it entirely impossible to ask for speakers to play CDs and MP3s from the PS3 HDD or the TVs play Bluray, DVD, or files from the hard disk?

2. Would it seem possible to add some type of battle arena to PSHome for fellow Home users to battle eachother?

3. Does the idea of a full Home expanded card game sound interesting? To be able to obtain or buy cards and play against your friends using a Home Trading Card Game would be interesting, I think. Just sit down anywhere on home and start up a trading card game.

4. Could we get our trophy room? Even if it has to be included in a premium space or something, I'd get a PSN card just to buy that space.

5. I don't blame Home for getting rid f everyone hearing you on headset, but what about being able to make a call with one or more person on Home? Gets kind fo annoying only being able to talk to one friend when all your friends of Mics. It can actually start arguments on who gets to hear you or not…I've I've seen it, lol.

6. Ways on creating your Avatar should be upgraded. Is there a way to do that? Just maybe more options on what and hoe to customize an avatar?

7. Could you add the ability to take a picture of yourself using the Eyetoy and create your avatar based on that? I know the Tony Hawk games did it on the PS2, it should be possible, right?

8. Is it possible to be able to buy or obtain for free picture frame that can change depending if the picture is in a 4:3 or 16:9 format? I'll put a widescreen photo into my picture frame and it looks terrible.

9. Is there a way you could put little addons into home where you could bring up things like the weather in your area and the time? Or even other addons that would just be fun?

10. Could traphies add something extra to home? Like some type of point system that can get you a special item from a space made from the same developers? That would be interesting. :p

14 years ago

Also, a random note, I got rid of that annoying ad that gets in the way of comments by getting AdBlock Plus for Firefox and then right clicked and got rid of it. lol.

14 years ago

My Wish List.

1. Home Space Editor/Creator. Play. Create. Share.?

2. Social Networks Integration via custom app compatible with all sites. FaceBook, Twitter..ect.

3. Revised World Map showcasing Home from other regions. Travel to Europe, Japan…ect.

4. Take me to the moon. Home in SPACE. Create spaces representing other planets. The moon. Saturn. The SUN.

So many possibilities. Will list more later.

14 years ago

Custom Music. Even if Im the only one that can hear it.

14 years ago

Home in space… YES!!! We have to fill up that empty space in Uranus.

14 years ago

Yes! Even Uranus. Its not empty tho.. That planet is full of sh¡t!

14 years ago

Regarding your custom music that only you can hear…how hard can it be for Sony to create a virtual Sony Walkman for Home users?

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/16/2010 10:22:30 AM

14 years ago

When can I post my own photos as posters in my apartment?

14 years ago

You already can. Simply purchase one of the picture frames – such as the Harbor Studio apartment one which is usually on sale for chea – and you can display any image on your PS3's hard disc.

14 years ago

Do I have to pay for every picture frame?

14 years ago

No, once you buy a particular frame you can use it as many times as will fit in the particular home space you want to decorate, and each time you hang a frame you can put a different image in it. So buy the frame, and use it as many times as you please.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Thanks for all the questions, guys. The interview is complete, though, so you can stop. 🙂

It'll go up for tomorrow's update.

14 years ago

I would really like to see PSXE in Home that would be awesome then it would be easier to explain where to find you guys. and my friends can read up on it for themselves.

P.S. THe Highlander add me CWS_BattleFox721 I share ur POV's. love going over the PS3 news.

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