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Assassin’s Creed III: “A New Hero And A New Setting”

Gee, we were just getting used to the idea of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood this fall.

But we don't mind if Ubisoft wants to continue on with this awesome series, and if they're willing to talk about Assassin's Creed III already, we're listening. Ubisoft Production Manager Jean-Francois Boivin has revealed the first ever details for ACIII and the highlights are these: a new setting and a new hero. This means Ezio's return in Brotherhood will be his final appearance. Boivin said they intend to introduce a new setting and main character "with each numbered title." He goes on to say that they've known for a long time where the franchise is headed and remember, the team said they've had the story in place for Ezio's follow-up for quite some time. That's why there will only be a one-year gap between ACII and Brotherhood and for the record, ACIII will not be ready in 2011. At least, that's what we've heard.

Provided they don't go overboard with the new multiplayer component in the upcoming title in November, we'll likely be plenty happy. This is rapidly becoming one of the most impressive and fulfilling franchises of the generation.

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14 years ago

its funny how they didnt even want to do a second one because they thought it wouldnt sell. then they asked and people screamed yes lol. now they are gonna pump them out.

i just got ACII this week and im just getting into it. i have the first one still and im glad they are gonna keep going with this.

ACIII with MOVE support and in 3D exclusive to the PS3!!

14 years ago

if only certain other companies listened to fans…

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

What fans?…

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
14 years ago

What companies???

14 years ago

PS3 fans , SE.

2 birds one comment 🙂

14 years ago

Square maybe???

14 years ago

The devs stated from the get go that the Assassin's Creed franchise will have at lease 3 game in the main story…

I can hardly wait, for AC3, heck can hardly wait for Brotherhood, except for that stupid multiplayer gimick…

14 years ago

Fulfilling franchise…don't know if I can agree with that, but hey opinion is opinion. But hell yeah, bring on ACIII.

14 years ago

I want Brotherhood for the single player. Sad to say that there's really not that much time in a week for dedication to a bunch of mp games. But assassinating around Rome? I'll take it.

As for ACIII, I'm glad it's coming but I'm also glad it's not next year.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

i want to see feudal japan

14 years ago

Wasn't there Japanese text that could be seen on the holding room wall at the end of the first game…?

14 years ago

I want to know more about AC: Brotherhood.

14 years ago

There was a teaser image a month or so ago that showed an Egyptian assassin. THAT could be cool.

14 years ago

They are gonna squeeze this one to death too soon at this rate.

14 years ago

lol, yah, while I can't have an opinion for the quality of the franchise because I haven't played the AC games, yet, Ubi-soft really appears to be milking it's success while it's hot.

14 years ago

wasn't it supposed to be a trilogy?if so,then this is the final one and we shall be playing desmond

14 years ago

Damn, now I wish I had saved the artcle where Ubisoft stated that they're going put out a new AC every single year, just like Anti-Vision does with their COD franchise.

14 years ago

Hey that's cool just as long as they take their time with it.

14 years ago

Well, I wouldn't call it "taking their time", if there's going to be a new game every year.

We can only hope that Ubisoft doesn't turn into just another soft-serve Dairy Queen franchise, like Anti-vision's become.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/9/2010 1:59:11 AM

14 years ago

I agree with you I don't want a yearly installment of AC. So if it's true this one won't be out till 2013 then that's fine by me.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

BAHAHA. Six games in three years is a bit of overkill for me. And people take the piss out of CoD. Okay, okay, I know that three of them are on portables, but it's still being milked. I'm waiting for the GOTY Edition of AC2, when is it coming out? When are they going to announce it, because they have to.

Also, I already knew about it being in a new setting. I'm thinking, Feudal Japan, as mike rlz said, Egypt, as Alienange said, or Middle Ages Europe. I dunno.

14 years ago

Hopefully it will be desmond if not maybe the fourth one. Or probably make a spin off where we play as desmond in a new title.Hopefully its the first option

14 years ago

ACIII will not see a 2011 release?
Now that's good news.

Brotherhood will have to wait for a price drop, I'm not willing to pay full price for it even though I love ACII very much.

14 years ago

I honestly just don't get the appeal, I have not played the second one because the first was so incredibly boring, wash, rinse, repeat.

I've asked on several occasions what makes 2 so much better than the first and never heard much of anything other than that there is more variety. Is there anyone who can explain it, because I just don't have the money to spend on a game that looks exactly like the first one, when I didn't enjoy it after the first hour.

14 years ago

I never played the first AC but after playing ACII, I'd say it's one of the most satisfying experience I ever had.

It even took my playtime while I was going on a rampage with UC2.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
14 years ago

What game have you played that isn't "wash,rinse,repeat"?

For me it's the immersion into the game world I enjoy wether it be ACII, GTA, UC2, Killzone, Red dead redemption.

14 years ago

ok let me explain the wash, rinse, repeat. Yes every game has the same general play thru the whole thing, but in AC you could do everything there was to do in about 5 minutes and so you were basically repeating everything every 5 minutes.

Where as in other games there are lots of options and everything is not exactly the same.

In AC every tower you climbed was an exact copy of every other tower. They made 1 tower and then copy/pasted it into the rest of the world. The combat was hitting 1 button repeatedly until the game decided you killed someone.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
14 years ago

In Uncharted I took cover and shot some bad guys in the first five minutes and that never changed , no matter what "level" I was playing.

The climbing never changed much either but the story was very immersive and engaging…I couldn't wait to see what happened next.

AC pulled me in with the story also….did you give it a chance or were you listening to all the lemmings that bashed it?

14 years ago

played it for 3 hours and was bored out of my mind, so I quit playing it, a friend had rented it and I told him I was done with it and he was too, so he took it back.

I never gave it another thought, how much time do I need to give the game?

14 years ago

AC3 apparently wont be out till 2013.
though it was obvious ezio wont be in AC3.
the whole point of AC2 was to build dezmond up to a strong fighter so they can use him in AC3.
that was the whole point of transporting desmond from absergo and to the new place, that was the whole point of plugging him into the animus 2.0 and play as ezio, just as training.

i think what they mean by new character is not a new character as in one we have never seen before, but new character as in one we have never played before.
the whole point of AC2 was training for desmond, so why would we play as anyone else but desmond in AC3?

14 years ago

Yea, the story has to end, I'm looking forward to playing COMPLETELY as Desmond, free running in a modern city?

I'm game.

14 years ago

I have yet to play ACII, but from what I've seen (seen, not read, seeing as you guys praise it a lot) it hasn't impressed me much. Guess I'll have to find someone I can borrow it from.

On a sidenote, I went to some horribly annoying things the last couple of days…
So I went to work 2 days ago and after I finished my shift at the mac, I waited for one of my friends to finish his shift, so that we could go freerunning after work with another one of ma buds.
Anyways, after that we went to my house, since I had to change and get my freerunning shoes.
So I stationed my 2 friends in front of my PS3 and TV so they could check out Demon's Souls (which ended up being too difficult for a quick check so they decided to play resistance instead).
This is were the annoying starts, as I turn on my monitor, I see a pop-up from some strange(and ultimately fake) anti-virus program I didn't download and didn't install, but still wormed it's way onto my pc, spamming it with warning messages and shutting down everything I tried to open (browsers, taskmanager, AVG…)
After shutting down my internet for safety and deleting some things in the far dark corners of my pc and turning the machine off, I managed to get rid of this fake anti virus and thus the shutting down of everything I opened, which made me happy again, until I found I could not use anything internet related(yes, even after turning it back on). My Playstation's internet still works though and so does my brother's which are(including my pc) all connected to the same router, which means it's not the router but still my pc.
After checking my network connections, it seemed my 1394-connection wasn't working properly (my LAN is, but seemingly every thing related to internet on my pc doesn't work with just LAN)
I did some digging through the only browser on my pc currently working(since one of my friends messed around with the proxy settings, which we can't seem to find on internet explorer), the Opera browser, which I'm using currently as well. Thus it seems the 1394 network card is for firewire, meaning it doesn't have anything to do with my malfunctioning internet… meaning I can't find anything different from before this virus(which also downloaded a whole bunch of trojans and all sorts of other things on my pc, which I did manage to get rid of, at least, I think o.O)

Anyway, maybe one of you guys can help me with this problem, I tried re-installing the 1394 network card, but that didn't seem to help, and it can't find anything from an earlier date to replace it's current settings.
Also, sorry to Ben for being so very off-topic, I just want to resolve this as soon as possible and I tried all over the web, finding nothing that worked, also I don't really want to format my C-drive…

14 years ago

This fake Antivirus trend is getting worse by the minute. I work in IT and deal with this issues all the time.
Forget about 1394, that has nothing to do with network, Windows is retarded like that.
Just right click your "My Computer" icon, click on "Manage", Click on "Device Manager", click "Network Adapters" and delete your network adapter. If it asks if you want to delete the drivers for it say "No". Now on the top menu click on "Action" and "scan for hardware changes" that will reinstall your NIC and reset any DNS changes that the virus might have caused.
Now go to "Control Panel and open "Internet Options", go to the "Connectios" tab and click on "LAN Settings" at the bottom. The only option that should be selected is "Automatically detec settings".
While still in "Internet Options", go to the "advanced" tab and all the way to the bottom, click on "Reset" to reset IE8 but be warned, all yous saved passwords and forms will be gone. That need to be done because many infections stay hidden in the temp files in Internet Explorer.
You should have Internet working at this point. Go to and download and run Combofix, them go to and download and run Malwarebytes. That should fix it.
Combofix is great at removing rootkit virus that are almost impossible to get rid of.
Please let me know if that does it.
By the way, if your computer is behaving bad while you are trying to fix it, you might want to got into "safe mode with networking" first. Restart the computer and during the post screen, press F8 and chose Safe mode with networking.

14 years ago

Thank you for the reply Karosso, I'll try it as soon as I get back from work tonight.
Will update on the situation here.

14 years ago

Will check it from time to time, hope you get it up and running again.

14 years ago

Alright, I'll thank you right here for fixing my internetz, since it worked, yay!!!
I just finished scanning my pc with the malwarebytes program and found another 21 viruses hiding somewhere.
I'm going to use combofix tomorrow, since it seems like quite a time consuming project, not that the malwarebytes scan wasn't, luckily I had Demon's Souls right here with me.

Anyways, ima go to sleep now, since it's 4:00 AM here…
Thanks again Karosso!! 😀

14 years ago

Happy I could help 🙂
Yes, Malwarebytes could take over an hour sometimes two depending on the computer and amount of data but, its a great software to clean those kinds of infections.
Please do Combofix as soon as you can, if you have any rootkit virus it could comeback to hunt you.
By the way, if I were you I would remove AVG and install Avira's Antivir Personal, I find it better than AVG even thou I had used AVG for so many years.
Have a good weekend and be careful when surfing the Internets 😀

14 years ago

Alright, everything done now, combofix did find a couple problems, but those are fixed as well.
So thanksss again and happy PSX-ing

14 years ago

Im slightly confused now. whats Brotherhood then ? Is that extra DLC stuff for AC 2 ? I thought Brotherhood was AC3 lol ?

14 years ago

Brotherhood is not really a sequel.
More like an expansion of ACII, take Dragon Age Origins Awakening as example.

14 years ago

Dude, GTFO!

14 years ago

Hmmm, i still haven't tried ACII, AC just underwhelmed, aside from its beauty it was kinda droll. However, if so many people think its worthwhile perhaps its time to get of the denial bucket and go out for a rent.

14 years ago

Even if the 2nd one was great. I think them announcing brotherhood and this is a little overwhelming. Slow down just a notch. Wait until another game expo or something. If its a ways off then put off announcing it then. It makes me not so excited to play them as much when they do things like this. But hey its Ubisoft i guess. Who cares… It's getting a bit much now isn't it?

14 years ago

lol. Thats pretty funny. AC2 was done right. AC1 wasn't. It's a sandbox/open world game so it's nothing but repitition anyways. Again ac2 did it to where it was varied enough to where you didn't notice it as much. Red dead did this too. The only few sandbox games that didnt get boring to me really. inFamous was awesome too but it did get repetitive after a while. It just seems as if they're turning the franchise into another guitar hero. "Here's 8 different versions of the same game sucker!!!!, Enjoy!!!" The funny thing is they're going all crazy and they've really only made one good game so far. LOL.

14 years ago

Hey Ben, just wanted to let you guys over here at psx know that if you see any "new" Assassin's Creed images online, they are not for the game its self, but for an art book. I found this link and followed it… I recomend that you guys do the same… I think youll enjoy it. These "new images of ACIII" are actually just for an art book.


14 years ago

I think this is great news! I loved AC1… & AC2 was "off the hook"!
I got my first PLAT in AC2 so we have a 'bond'. LOL

I knew about AC Brotherhood from E3, but just the other day the 'ticker' on Attack of The Show seemed to say they were giving the AC franchise a rest after Brotherhood…?!?!

So which is fact?

14 years ago

I'm thinking feudal Japan with the new Assassin being a ninja, think about it, take the Assassin's cowl (hood) and add a piece to the lower half of the face to cover up the bare part, looks a bit ninja-ish, no?

or a samurai, since the did quite a bit with armor in ACII

14 years ago

"This is rapidly becoming one of the most impressive and fulfilling franchises of the generation."

I find it hard to agree since the first one was not that impressive .Maybe after brotherhood is released i ll be able to agree .

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