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Ubisoft Reveals Racquet Sports For PS3 And Move

Well, it's only natural that one of the first titles for PlayStation Move will involve striking a ball with a racquet.

Today, Ubisoft has announced that Racquet Sports , a game that includes tennis, ping-pong, badminton, squash and even beach tennis, will be released for the PlayStation 3 this fall. Compatible with the upcoming Move motion-sensing system, the package will offer "unprecedented realism and pinpoint gameplay mechanics, bringing every serve, swing and backhand to life while replicating the sporting experience in the comfort of the living room." With over 30 environments available in locations inspired by real-world landmarks (including the beach of Copacabana and the foot of Mount Fuji), the "playing fields come to life with animated backgrounds, dynamic sound mixes and day and environments." We'll get 11 different athletes with which to experiment, and each athlete will have 30 outfits, 30 hairstyles and 15 different racquets, so there's no shortage of customization options. Lastly, because it will likely be best played with others, the game allows four people to play together cooperatively or competitively.

"Racquet Sports and the PlayStation Move motion controller combine highly precise and intuitive motion control with the full PlayStation 3 system HD gaming experience to create the most accurate, responsive and ultra-sensory gaming experience that will allow players to pull the game out of the TV and into the living room."

For more information and new media, go ahead and visit the game's official site . …did anyone else suddenly get that Copacabana song in their heads just then? Or was that just me?

Related Game(s): Racquet Sports

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14 years ago

Aaaattt theeee Copa… Copacabana… The hottest place north of Havana! … Music and Passion were always the fashion at the Copaaaaaa…

*embarrassing note… Underdog15 <— once appeared as Willy the Waiter in the musical, Copacabana*

Are Lola or Rico one of the optional characters?

14 years ago

How about that fact that I have never appeared in a musical and yet I know that music and passion were always the fashion at the Copa? I guess knowing Lola and Rico would probably count too. Let's not forget that Tony always tended bar…I sure hope Rico doesn't go to far, or it will all end in punches and a gunshot…But of course, the question is, just who shot who, at the Copa…?

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/8/2010 3:34:18 PM

14 years ago

If you are going to get Move, you just have to get this game. You know its going to sell well. Its a family friendly game.

Last edited by Danny007 on 7/8/2010 3:40:06 PM

14 years ago

I'm really impressed that almost everything announced so far for Move has been so much more impressive than everything MS has announced for Kinect.

I'll most likely pick this up too but my first buy will be Time Crisis.

14 years ago

PS Move is the next Wii in my book.

14 years ago

thats insulting

14 years ago

I should have elaborated more, but my statement meant the PS Move will be big seller like the Wii.

I am sure Sony won't find that insulting one bit.

14 years ago

Interesting. Some thoughts.

1. The inherent higher resolution of Move is necessary for the precision.
2. the accelerometers and other sensors in the move allow the games to implement spin on the ball properly.
3. the far quicker response time of the move controller combined with the accuracy and other sensors gives a level of real time control of the on screen activity.

Contrast this to the way this game would be implemented on Kinect (or with the EyeToy – why not, they have the same resolution and response). Kinect doesn't have the precision of Move, the response time for Kinect is nearly twice that of Move and without a motion sensitive controller there is no way to detect subtle movements that would impart spin on the ball.

Basically what we have right here in this one game is a summary of what move can do, and Kinect cannot do. If anyone has played EyeToy or PSEye games where you use your hands to move things on the screen. Then they know the Kinect experience pretty well, because it will be very similar.

This collection of racket games looks like fun, just make sure you have a high ceiling if you're trying to serve aces in tennis, wouldn't want that fancy LED ball to get knocked of the controller when it hits the light fixture.

14 years ago

"wouldn't want that fancy LED ball to get knocked of the controller"

I can see that happening a lot, unless it's a lot tougher than it looks. I'm already planning some furniture shuffling.

14 years ago

I was under the impression that the ball could be taken off and replaced with a different color? Is that not right?

14 years ago

Possibly so, but I'm still not sure that knocking it off mid-serve is going to be that good for it….

14 years ago

I thought you could change the color of the ball.
either way I going to pick up move as soon as it comes out:)

14 years ago

I can see myself really going to town with Move stuff. Personally, I'm just thinking *Gun* but I love watching my 5 yo niece grappling with LBP, MNR and even Uncharted. So I think I'll treat her to some of these casual-type games that she's more accustomed too with her Wii.

I just hope the Wii hasn't developed her into a motion-gaming demon. If she's better than me I'll sell it!

14 years ago

The only thing I'd be unsure about with this is that the sports game in the move bundle will have tennis and table tennis.

Even tho this game boasts all this stuff, I'm not sure how many tennis games I'll need for the move. I guess I'll have to wait and see how much I like the bundled game and how the reviews for this are.

14 years ago

I don't know. I doubt I give move a try. I'm one of those who doesn't believe in all that moving to play a game. If I feel the need to simulate tennis in my living room I might as well go grab a partner and do it for real. The WII didn't appeal to me for the same reason among others so I'm not interested but to each their own. I understand the need to be innovative and competitive and I applaud Sony for this, it's just not for me.

14 years ago

Neat but I'd hoped the Move would "move" away from Wii-esque avatars.

14 years ago

yeah I'm more interested in stuff like sorcery and kz3 for the move.

14 years ago

Who are these people who spend $200 on waggle-motes so four people can play? Or are your friends supposed to bring their own? I never liked that idea because then you're wondering if they're happy to see you or if it's a Move in their pocket.

14 years ago

ok ps move is like wii but ps3 has way beter graphics and games

14 years ago

see this is what bugs me.
there is a sport game out there for almost every single sport under the sun!
SO WHY NO SNOOKER GAMES???????????????
there is not enough paper in the universe to list the amount of pool/snooker games on mobile phones and such but not one on the ps3.
or even pinball games, we have zen pinball and thats about it!

we have a million soccer games.
we have a million basketball games.
we have a million golf games.
we have a million tennis games.
we have a million football games.
we have a million baseball games.
so why cant we have 2 pinball and 2 pool/snooker games?

14 years ago

Umm there are pinball and pool games on psn, and I know at least 1 of the pool games is going to be updated t be move compatible.

14 years ago

Is it really that big of a mystery? I suggest you visit PSN, but still… it's not really a mystery why sports that have 10's of thousands of people visit their stadiums every match have games versus activities that have maybe 100 spectators or your brother watching you play pinball.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/9/2010 7:48:33 AM

14 years ago

Strangely enough, as it happens, you can now buy (in PlayStation Home) both Darts and Pool. You can literally buy a darts set for your personal space, or a pool table. Both feature multiple rule sets and play pretty well.

So, I guess that Mr Anonymous Cowherd has a reason to use Home now?

BTW Underdog, Snooker is a sport watched by thousands in arenas in the UK and other parts of the world (I believe it's popular in Australia). In the UK Snooker was a big TV sport for decades, as was/is darts.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/9/2010 9:23:15 AM

14 years ago

Um, I'm actually aware of MORE pool games than tennis games.

Top Spin 3 came out, made with a horribly low budget, including not NEARLY enough real-life players, but at least with really solid, realistic gameplay mechanics, but nobody bought it, so there was never any continuing support and very little hope for a sequel EVER.

So I have very little pity, sorry.


Casual Friday
Casual Friday
14 years ago

Isn't this simply a port of a mediocre Wii game. It's been out for four months and has sold around 50,000 copies total worldwide. Also, the link for the game is all about Wii with no mention of it coming to the PS3.

What happened to "If it didn't work on the Wii, don't port it to the Move"?

14 years ago

What if the extra precision and responsiveness of Move adds sufficient to the game to make it a good game instead of a sloppy one?

Casual Friday
Casual Friday
14 years ago

I agree that it should be more accurate, however accuracy does not seem to be what made this game mediocre according to the reviews I checked out before I posted.

Evidentely the Motion+ works fine but it has been poorly implemented, It has very bad AI, counter intuitive menu system, shallow game modes and an overall cheap presentation.

14 years ago

So, it's basically shovel-ware?

14 years ago

It looks nice!

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