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PSXE Poll Update: FF Versus XIII Fosters Uncertainty

We figured we'd get a split decision of sorts with last week's poll question.

When we asked the readers what they thought about the potential of Final Fantasy Versus XIII , it seems that a surprising number are locked and loaded; they've fully bought into the hype and expect nothing but an unparalleled FF experience. On the other hand, the second biggest group didn't waffle; they just said they're absolutely not interested in the slightest, and only the minority are split between the two in-between options. So what does this mean? Well, perhaps it means our first look at actual gameplay will be required to tip the scales. Maybe by the time the Tokyo Game Show has concluded, those on the fence will slip to once side or the other; whether they all cluster to the faithful or the skeptical remains to be seen. Final Fantasy fans still want a more traditional, recognizable RPG from Square-Enix this generation, and they're ardently hoping that Versus XIII will fit the bill. Well, cross your fingers. We certainly are.

For this week, we want to know what your view is on Sony's newest items: 3D gaming and PlayStation Move. Neither are exactly cheap for early adopters but at least you don't have to spend much more than a hundred bucks for Move, and you might really like the recent presentations. On the other hand, perhaps you don't care for motion-sensing in the least and you're far more intrigued by true-blue 3D viewing, which might do wonders for overall immersion. Either way, let us know.

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14 years ago

I'm probably going to buy it, like I did with FF13, but for those who tore 13 up, I wouldn't count on this game being a saving grace. Square has just changed way to much for this to go back to being traditional. I mean come on. It's known the combat system will not be turn based.

Last edited by DIsmael85 on 7/4/2010 9:58:46 PM

14 years ago

I agree, I though am still interested more in this simply for the darker tone it is said to carry and seems to have a weightier emotional impact to it. I just never cared, on any level for anything I saw of XIII before it was released. What I learned upon release just made me not want to spend money on it, and spend it elsewhere.

14 years ago

I totally agree with saying its not going to be turn based, kinda sucks:( BUT there's something else that made us love final fantasy in the past… Story and characters! I hope this has that classic final fantasy feel toward the story and characters.

14 years ago

Bought into the hype indeed. FF or not, getting excited about a game when you don't have a clue what it's about or how it plays is pretty weird. I say show us gameplay or you don't have a game.

14 years ago

In this day and age I personally tend seek mind blowing experiences. FF has that potential in the pedigree. But I will not purchase on hype alone. Square-Enix… Show me the Gameplay! Show me the Story! Only then will I Show you the MONEY!

Last edited by FatherSun on 7/4/2010 11:27:53 PM

14 years ago

exactly what i was thinking we've barley seen anything about the game

14 years ago

I remain skeptical after what they did to XIII, but I won't rule it out.

3D is gonna hafta wait like twenty years but I'm really warming up to Move lately.

14 years ago

im planning to get a ps move but i'll definitely play my games using the dual shock 3 first. i just imagine playing world at war on veteran and how much times it pissed me off using a game controller. i cant imagine what its like to play that game with move.

14 years ago

I'll jump on the 3D bandwagon when the technology advances and the prices fall. As for move, I'll buy the controllers(already have an Eye) and give some games a shot, but the DS3 will always be the bread and butter of playstation controllers.

14 years ago


With more games like The Socerer and it could be a big hit.

It just needs games developed FOR it. Hardcore games though, not casual BS.

14 years ago

If they MOVE forward with more games like SORCERY I have no doubt MOVE will be a success. (pun intended)

Imagine a Lord of the Rings level epic of that manner. Or the first true Light Saber 1:1 Dueling game.

14 years ago

I voted for both Move & 3D.

But I've just informed by my wallet that any 3DTV purchase will have to wait for a price drop or my leather clad pocket buddy will be filing legal court papers for immediate support payments.

14 years ago

You informed your wallet? Or your wallet informed you?

Last edited by FatherSun on 7/4/2010 11:37:12 PM

14 years ago

Knock Knock. Hello…? SQUARE? I know your still in there somewhere. Just follow my voice. You can do this.

I want both 3D and MOVE. MOVE, day one. 3D the day I can afford the purchase. May wait for the next generation models though. So any kinks can be worked out.

Last edited by FatherSun on 7/4/2010 11:32:46 PM

14 years ago

I was already sold on the Move, but I've recently decided that I'm going to take the 3D plunge too. I'm going to wait a few months probably, but I will certainly be 3D ready in time for KZ3.

14 years ago

All depends if this game comes out looking like it had the 360 in mind.

14 years ago

I am going to pick up Move but I won't be picking up 3D not tell next year when there is GT5, Kill Zone 3 and MotorStorm:Apocalypse. GT5 I'll have to dill with for a couple mounths in HD. GT5 is going to be amazing either way.
GT5 for GOTY!

14 years ago

My opinion of Move changed completely after E3, now I'm planning to buy a full set, PSEye, PS Move and Sports Champion bundle.

3D is way way way out of my reach for the next 5 years.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I still like the sound of Versus XII, but I'm not getting hyped for it. I've always preferred the darker side of life. As for Move and 3D. Well, I'll buy a 3DTV when the TV I've got now dies. Could be any day now. I paid $200AUD for it almost two years ago. LOL, el cheapo indeed. I am interested in PSMove, but I douobt I'll buy it unless Sony can show me a concept that seems like I must have it. No, I'm not sold on either of them, but I don't doubt that 3D will join me sooner or later.

14 years ago

I have been singing the praises of the Move for a while and I'm even more excited after seeing sorcery.

I'm a square skeptic, you are who you've been, not who you promise to be after all.

As for 3d, I'll get it when it's of the highest quality at an affordable price, which means not for a long time.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

That reminds me, (sorry to go off-topic here) can anyone tell me whether the implementation of 3D takes up more space on the disc than standard 2D? Also, can anyone tell me how Aaron Greenberg was touting at E3 that the 360 is already completely 3D ready? I mean isn't that false advertising because how in the hell is it capable of 3D? It can't even play Blu-Ray for goodness sake.

14 years ago

hmmmm according to gameinformer this is going multiplatform too!
i hope its not true, but knowing $E it would not surprise me.

14 years ago

hope its better than final fantasy XIII and its better be exclusive coz if not im gonna throw out of the window my new (first)ps3 😀

14 years ago

I was really unsure from the first trailer, it looked very stereotpically emo. with the over the top anime gy who cant die or be hit by bullets. but the next trailer was far more impressive, the rest of the cast seem more charismatic. I am confident on the art design,(even the lead character seemed more tame after the first trailer) i'm very curious to see what the enemies will be like, they said their aiming for a tale set in a fomr close to reality, so will there be classic fantasy enemies like the tonberries or dreaded Malboros. I could see them being slightly distorted wild animals or men in mecha i am interested to see what that will be like.

To be honest, i wish they would disconnect it rom FFXIII and call it FFXV, it would make me that little bit more excited (or just scrap XIV and take that number ^_^)

But i like many am just waitng for a gameplay trailer, i want to see what world i will be exploring and what the combat system will be before i really get excited

14 years ago

I agree, however, I think it's more skepticism than Uncertainty. The general opinion I've gotten back from FFXIII is while allot of fun, it definitely lacked some basic FF elements.

Then, we have the 360 version of XIII conondrum. Was anything removed from the game, to fit onto the 360? Were things deliberately left out during the design process? Even S-E has confirmed that they have to some degree. The real question is, how much? And…will S-E once again get enticed by an MS offer?

I don't want this to turn fanboy, because that's not my point. All gaming platforms have their advantages and disadvantages over each other. The PS3's (one of) is it's overwhelming capacity/royalty advantage over the competition. 9g Dual Layer DVD vs 50g Dual BR (and beyond of course), there's just so much more they can do, both Audio and Video-wise. It's important because companies have to pay more for each additional disc the game comes on.

S-E definitely has questions that must be answered. TGS is going to be absolutely massive this year. E3 was definitely about hardware/network direction. Now come the games.

14 years ago

Versus XIII looks interesting, certainly. I'll wait to read the reviews and see what the gameplay consists of before I decide if I'll buy it though.

I'll probably buy the Move. I might enjoy it, or I might not – gotta get it before I'll know. Looking forward to Dead Space Extraction. 3-D is way out of my price range.

14 years ago

I have a high hopes for ffv13. kingdom hearts games were master pieces. right. and so will ffv13. that's what I hope. and I am not planing to touch that mmo game called ff14. so I am patiently waiting for ffv13.

14 years ago

i dont know but it is a must buy for me

14 years ago

"So what does this mean? Well, perhaps it means our first look at actual gameplay will be required to tip the scales."
*OMG, he's going to show us gameplay!!!!*

"Maybe by the time the Tokyo Game Show has concluded, those on the fence will slip to once side or the other"
*cries because of letdown* damn mind hype…

14 years ago

I'm just not that excited about anything Square is doing anymore. They are dead to me. I'll give this game a look see and i hope i am wrong in assuming is not going to hold a candle to the SquareSoft's creations but I'm not going to hold my breathe.

14 years ago

No don't hold your breathe. I wouldn't want you to hold your "breath" either.

Last edited by Hitch on 7/5/2010 8:12:53 PM

14 years ago

People's biggest gripe about Versus is that it's not going to be turn based. People who think that: get over it! It was explained way back that it was going to be a mature Kingdom Hearts type of game. It's like people somehow completly miss that tidbit and think it should be turn based. Ever hear of Haeresis? It's a FFXIII name that was copyrighted by Square. I don't know much more about it, but maybe they're going to use that one and redeem themselves? Or maybe not, who knows, lol. Right now, it's looking like it's going to be Versus XIII and that will be the last real game from Square. Except for Dragon Quest, but that was Enix in the first place anyway. Can never get enough artwork from Akira Toriyama, that guy is a genious. Chrono Trigger FTW!

14 years ago

I'll wait for gameplay on Versus. If it plays like Kingdom Hearts I'll definitely get it. As for Move and 3D, Move is definitely a no go. I'm sorry I just believe that gaming is meant to be played sitting on your ass. If i wanna workout I'll do it for free in real-life. 3D is just too expensive right now but when the tech matures and becomes affordable I'll definitely get it.

14 years ago

I'm sure everyone just needs a big fat beautiful gameplay video AND…..even further to ensure the fanbase is happy and loyalists are happy.

TO KEEP IT ON THE PS3…..for obvious reasons and starters.

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