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Bioshock 2 Single-Player DLC: The Protector Trials

If you missed Bioshock 2 , you really missed out .

But you can always catch up on gems that didn't make it into your gaming rotation and besides, you have even more incentive with the upcoming DLC. Publisher 2K has announced the new single-player add-on content for the excellent sequel; the Protector Trials will cost you only $4.99 on the PSN or 400 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live Marketplace. You will step into the boots of that Big Daddy and defend Little Sisters from wave after wave of nasty Splicers; you might remember it from a few set pieces during the campaign. The action will take place over a span of six maps taken directly from the game's single-player narrative, and be ready to go on August 3. In addition, purchasers have the option of three difficulty levels and can nab concept art, videos and seven new Trophies/Achievements. Up until now, we've only had multiplayer expansions to the title so this is great news, primarily 'cuz Bioshock 2 is part-RPG to begin with.

That's what we like to see; games that might look and play a bit like a standard FPS, only with a lot more beneath the surface.

Related Game(s): Bioshock 2

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14 years ago

Not a bad deal.Sign me up!

14 years ago

Nice job Bioshock, something for SP mode players

Way to go!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

i cant wait for this. i loved bioshock 2. i will be playing it again. im glad that single player is getting some attention. everything is always about the multiplayer. nice too see a developer say they will make the dlc and then keep their word.

14 years ago

I might get this. Such a cool game. I don't know why but i liked this much more then the first. It was more fun to play and i enjoyed the story just as much if not more.

14 years ago

Still haven't played the first one and while fps with some rpg elements is better than straight fps, I'd rather have my rpgs without fps in them.

I still plan on trying these games tho, but not until I can catch up on the games I really really want to play.

14 years ago

Hardly excited. Downloaded the dlc for Bioshcok back in the day and it was not fun. I feel this DLC will suck too primarily because you are doing what was pretty much annoying by the end of Bioshock 2 campaign. More Heavy Rain, not Bioshock 2.

14 years ago

The Plasmid/Weapons combo in Bioshock 1 & 2 was just insane. Off the charts fun. Check this combo: Cyclone Trap + Telekinesis + Electrobolt 3! Oh my God!. Straight Emperor style lightning frying them to a crisp. In some ways the bioshock games are better than almost any other game. I hope they make part 3. Only bad thing about this game is the characters look to cartoonish and stupid. The multiplayer was lame too. Aside from that this ish was sick! Imagine this game with Uncharted's graphics. Badass no doubt! Loved th

14 years ago

Uncharted graphics would probably mean uncharted map-sizes too, in other words tiny pieces of land glued together by an endless stream of loading screens. So… No thanks.

14 years ago

Boombeam, im starting to think you have never even played Uncharted.

There is no loading between set piece and maps. The only time the game loads is in the beginning when you first pop it in.

The size of the maps has nothing to do with it. Most of Bioshocks maps were just as linear if not more then Uncharted. The reason the graphics aren't that great is because they are using an older Unreal engine. Killzone 2 proved you can have large areas and great graphics.

14 years ago

Jazwk, as far as I understand (and believe) the cutscenes are "covering up" the loadtimes between the maps. Thus being load screens, although well camouflaged. But a game like BioShock, with it's more open-ended nature, could never have such cutscenes.

14 years ago

@boombox – Pleaseee! The power of the PS3 can provide superior graphics and minimal load screens. Uncharted had very few load screens if any. Only reason the graphics were un-uncharted-like are because the game was a multiplat. They had to cater to the weaker 360 systems so they couldn't set the bar too high.

14 years ago

He just hates Uncharted. Every time he trashes it, it becomes clearer and clearer that hes never even played the game.

14 years ago

With gamestops buy two used games get one free deal I picked up Bioshock2. Haven't got around to cracking it open been busy with ACII, ResistanceII, FFXIII, BCCII etc. Once I beat resistance I will start up Bioshock2, the DLC def. sounds sik tho

14 years ago

@Jawknee – You're probably right. How can anyone not like UC1 or UC2. I'm still playing the multiplayer 8 months later.

In my opinion, Assassins Creed 1 had a better story than Assassins Creed 2. AC2 was just barely better because of the added stuff to do. The setting and time period was far more interesting in AC1.

Last edited by amzngskillz on 7/2/2010 1:26:21 PM

14 years ago

The story in Bioshock1 was better than Bioshock2. I mean the golf club scene was priceless. Also, building the EMP bomb was a real slick incorporation into the plot.

14 years ago

The golf club scene was pretty cool. It was a nice twist to the story. I didn't see it coming. However i liked the 2nd better. I liked the relationship between the Big Daddy's and the Little Sisters. It made me care for them a bit more.

I liked the game play better too. I liked being able to combo plasmids and gun fire.

14 years ago

WooHoo. Very excited for a single player dlc.

@jawknee i have no clue how anyone can hate UC1 and UC2 I'm still playing them, I love them the only thing I have a problem with is finding people online to play with 🙁 either than that i'm still going with both of them oh and I'm addicted to Toystory 3 thats right I"M ADDICTED! LOL

14 years ago

That's why i think he just talks and doesn't play them.

If you want to play Uncharted 2 online. Hit me up.

PSN: Jawknee1

14 years ago

Robochic I think I've battled you in Uncharted2 before. I knew the name looked familiar

14 years ago

You can add me too. I'm always looking for people to play Uncharted online with. I have a few people on my list who like to play but i have been busy with Red Dead, i haven't played Uncharted 2 for a few weeks. Ill get back on it though.

14 years ago

This game didn't even hit a million sales, got to pass.

14 years ago

MS's KIN phone only sold 500 units opening day. lol

Don't know why but your comment made me think about that.

14 years ago

@ Jawknee
500 units!? Really? For a major tech release,that is very bad. Yet,when you said MS. I had to smile.

14 years ago

They killed the project as result. Who'd thunkit? Cellphone consumers are smarter then gamers.

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