We know how much many of our readers appreciate JRPG info, which is why they'll probably want to read a Siliconera interview with NIS America president Haru Akenaga.
Highlights of the interview include Akenaga's talking about their new game, Neptune , and whether they plan to release it in North America, as well as the company's continued support for Sony and an apology concerning Last Rebellion . As for Neptune , a promising title created by JRPG veteran Idea Factory, Akenaga says NIS has been asked to localize the game for the US and Europe, and as far as licensing is concerned, "the deal is almost done." So yeah, you can expect that one at some point in the future. Secondly, NIS America's commitment to Sony and the PlayStation 3: they have "no plans" to work with the Xbox 360 and although they don't rule out the Nintendo 3DS, they "just got a development kit" so any projects may be a ways off. Finally, Last Rebellion , which was just abysmal, and Akenaga knows it:
"Once we got Last Rebellion we realized it was not the kind of title we should release in the United States because of its quality. I feel really sorry for our customers because we released that title. That’s why I told Nao (PR Manager) we have to release the announcement for Last Rebellion, but never push that title. We cannot say it’s a really great title. We felt really sorry, but we had no choice to release that."
See? Publishers often know they're releasing a sub-par product but there is a "point of no return" and once reached, there's no going back. However, we have high hopes for Neptune and for the most part, JRPG aficionados really appreciate NIS America's efforts to bring niche titles from the likes of Idea Factory and Gust to Western territories.
This is the kind of stuff I respect
Will keep my eyes on Neptune
I'm touched by their apology, do we even get apology from some other publisher who were suppose to give theirs but didn't?
Maybe NIS prefer working with Japanese, no surprise there but obviously it's the right choice.
If NIS can do this right, I can see them joining the best of the best such as Capcom, Square Enix and Sega.
And if they can give me Disgaea 4, I'll follow them for life!!!
I actually liked last rebellion haha… I'm glad nis loves the ps3. 🙂 I love these quirky chibi games they release and I'm loving trinity universe so far
Say…..I just looked it up in Wiki, it says that Neptune is being developed by Compile Heart and published by Sega.
Can anyone tell me what's going on here?
Trinity Universe is in stores tomorrow where I live. Fresh anime' turn-base stylish good looking jrpg. Best thing is its only for PS3 . Just like Level 5 , NIS is bringing the goods to PS3 . 🙂
Trinity universe is awesome by the way:p
NIS is quality over quantity.
Its like Devs are starting to wake up and realizing what gamers want and that MS is the Devil.
This kind of up-front and honest discourse is what wins friends and fans among the population of 'thinking' gamers. Well done guys. I always watch out for NIS games, now I'll look even more carefully.
Indeed indeed.
Last Rebellion is just a disaster, period.
Yep, that's what he said.
I didn't realize that trinity universe was already out, kinda blanked on that one I guess.
Ben is there going to be a review because even tho its characters from games I've never played I'm always interested in jrpg goodness.
NISA Just keeps getting better. They released an excellent localization of "Sakura Wars" (Sakura Taisen) earlier this year, and that comment above only makes me like them more. And yeah, we forgive you for "Last Rebellion". I doubt a lot here played that anyway. LOL
SONY needs to buy NIS and help fund their games to their core audience. We don't need a company such as NIS to go extinct.
Sony don't need to and NIS won't go extinct.
They're not doing great that's for sure but they're certainly not struggling as well.
How about Sony simply contract NIS to do subtitle localization of a slew of lesser known PS3 and PSP games from Japan that otherwise would not get localized for release here? I wouldn't mind Sony buying them, but it might be better if Sony simply guarantees them a certain income by commissioning localizations.
The best thing about NIS isn't about them sticking to Sony, it's about them sticking to their roots, doing what they do best.
Anime artsyle, turn-based battle, tactical battle etc.
While their game certainly doesn't pack in quality, they certainly are fun to play with.
But well, because of that I rarely buy NIS games at full price.
It's good to see a company admit to their fault & willing to humble themselves in front of their fans. It shows they DO care.
And not that I would think of mentioning any names here, but I can think of a whole slew other company's that should take lessons from NIS…….
Yes, I'm "F"ing looking at you MS, Anti-vision, SE, Capcom, Sega, ETC, ETC.
(In my best Erkel voice:)OOPS, did I do that?
Your inner dialog escaped didn't it?
Neptune articles and vids:
Yeah I had hopes for Last Rebellion, but that's what reviews are for right? So what's the story with Neptune?
Yeah Lol, NIS Digaea 3 AOJ was awesome. I look forward to Neptune.