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Beyond Good & Evil 2 Dev: “Please Have Patience”

Provided you have the requisite patience, the idea that Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still in the works should come as good news.

Not long after Ubisoft confirmed that the highly anticipated sequel remains in development, Michel Ancel spoke more about it in a French video (info translated by Eurogamer ), where he says the game "will take time" and he apologizes and asks everyone to "have patience." He went on to say the team is currently experimenting with "new development practices and tools" and they want to keep the staff small to preserve the project's "artistic spirit."

"On this game, we're keeping the team small, to preserve creativity and so the game doesn't become a commercial product, so that is has soul. It takes a bit longer, but we're very keen to use this system with this game, because it's an ambitious game and we want to create something exceptional."

It's interesting to note that Ancel said the tools and techniques they're using "were getting close to those used in cinema by the animators at Peter Jackson's effects house, WETA Digital." Ancel added that he was inspired by working with Jackson and WETA on the game adaptation of "King Kong." Ancel finished:

"But we don't want to go too fast, and that's a shame it's true, because the project is taking a long time to come out…but we want this project to be truly exceptional. [Beyond Good & Evil 2] hasn't been abandoned, it's an ongoing project, and we hope to do it in this way using these tools, that's to say making a 3D game with very few people."

So don't you worry; it's coming. Just have patience, BG&E fans.

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14 years ago

Oh don't you worry Ubisoft. I will be patient, so patient in fact, I'll pick this up in the bargain bin.


14 years ago

heh heh heh

14 years ago

i duont even know what this game is about. but i can wait too.

i say i can wait. i dont even care.
too much else to worry about now.

14 years ago

I never played the first one and know nothing about this one, but if they are using graphics tech from king kong, I wouldn't boast about it, it had terrible graphics.

I have no problem being patient for a game they haven't shown anything from.

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
14 years ago

We could wait 5 years for GT5, and it looks stunning despite the long dev cycle.

I can wait for BGaE2 until it's done.

Right now I'm content to hear that monsieur Ancel is supervising the project. That way I don't need to worry about the quality of the final product =)

Take all the time you need monsieur Ancel, I'll be waiting.

14 years ago

"On this game, we're keeping the team small, to preserve creativity and so the game doesn't become a commercial product, so that is has soul."

That's EXACTLY what i wanted to hear!!

Looks like it will be another gem in the rough this generation, just like the original was last generation.


14 years ago

I never played the 1st one but comments like that give me hope for the industry. Forgoing a commercial market to stay true to it's original fanbase is what all these Developers should be doing.

14 years ago


It's how it should be in all industries.

Then, the word "mainstream" wouldn't be associated with rubbish by people like us and casual folk will eagerly await a Team ICO rather than a COD.
…but, as it is, society is being dumbed down with soul-less, 2D products.

On a lighter side, my god that model in your DP is gorgeous!

14 years ago

She is isn't she.
Yuko Ogura, google her.

14 years ago

You got to respect them keeping their artistic vision together no matter the cost.

14 years ago

I still think the first game would have sold if it had a better name. Unfortunately, they're probably stuck with it for the sequel.

I'll be getting it regardless.

I finished BG&E (the first PS2 game I finished BTW) and I still don't see how the Nietzsche reference applies.

At least Xenosaga used the German title, so its meaning was opaque.

14 years ago

Thats fine… gives me plenty of time to pick up the first one and see what I missed and if I actually will enjoy it

14 years ago

OK, "I'm all in" for BG&E2!!!!

It's great to hear another developer has chosen the path to artistry in his craft, rather than just sell his soul for a fist full of dollars.

What makes BG&E2 all the more amazing, is that even though the first BG&Eflopped(financially) due to ill-timing, they are STILL hell bent on doing the 2nd game(in a 3 game trilogy) "their way".

BTW, the 1st BG&E was critically acclaimed, receiving a nomination at Game Developers Choice Awards for "2004 Game of the Year", plus tons more other awards (see Wiki link below). And Metacritic also gave it a rating of 8.7

Beyond Good & Evil1 had something for everyone, an action-adventure game, about an alien conspiracy, using third person prespective, with puzzle-solving, taking photographic evidence , & stealth involvments. It also utilizes hovercraft action & mini-games.

As for BG&E's surreal soundtrack, the soundtracks are featured in the Video Games Live international concert tour.
Beyond Good & Evil was nominated for the "Audio of the Year", "Music of the Year", "Best Interactive Score", and "Best Sound Design" awards at the second annual Game Audio Network Guild awards.

It was also nominated for the "Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition" and "Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design" awards at the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences' 2004 Interactive Achievement Awards.

But the game was soooo, sooo much more than all of that too…….
Check it out….


Beyond Good and Evil 1 (PS 2 Game Trailer)

Beyond good & evil 1 Gameplay

Some tasty licks from BG&E1's soundtrack….

Frame Of Mind

Fun and Mini Games

14 years ago

i think we have been MORE than patient when it comes to BG&E2!
i mean come on the only things i have heard about this game for the past year are constant rumors of it being canceled!
they wont even come out and say its not being canned were 100% dedicated into releasing this to the best it can be.
i think they owe us at least that!
if its definitely being made and will come out than why cant you assure us that!?
if its not, stop screwing over your fans and tell them the truth!
god customer service and fan loyalty has gone down the sh*tter lately!
why do developers have to be so decisive?

14 years ago

"…because the project is taking a long time to come out…but we want this project to be truly exceptional. [Beyond Good & Evil 2] hasn't been abandoned, it's an ongoing project…"

'nuff said

14 years ago

@ _______:

Aren't you the guy that likes it when devs are putting their heart and soul into a game instead of making it just for the money? To tell you the truth, methinks you're a bit hypocritical compadre.

14 years ago

hope we see this game before 2020! Anyway, i will support it and buy it.

14 years ago

oh, 10 years?
what is this, GT5 and Duke nukem forever? 😀

14 years ago

no, zorigo Duke Nukem Forever can't be compared to anything cause as the title suggests this Duke's game will be developed Forever.
Have they announced the consoles this will be available for. I guess PC, 720, PS4 and VR! At least, they should release the tools they promised to give out!

14 years ago

I'm in the never played the first boat, but from what I know of the first it's basically an update on the old adventure game type. Which is right up my alley, would be great if it came with the first on the disc as well.

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