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THQ: We’re Going After The “Best Developers In The World”

THQ has been striving to match the big boys lately and in the near future, the rising publisher believes they can compete with the likes of EA and Activision.

They've already given us the critically acclaimed UFC-based titles, along with the entertaining Darksiders and the freshly announced Devil's Third by Ninja Gaiden mastermind Tomonobu Itagaki. But it won't end there, as the studio attempts to locate even more of the industry's top talent; in speaking to VG247 , THQ boss Danny Bilson says they're just getting started. Actually, a lot of what he says may be surprising to you, especially the part about new projects that will "blow your mind:"

"I think what you’re going to see is the best developers in the world coming to THQ over the next year, because our system is completely different to the other companies. Of course, we can be competitive in the deal, but it’s not about that. At THQ Core, our marketing department and our product development department work as one, together under my supervision. I come from creative, so at THQ, games are built from a creative [standpoint] first, then marketing looks at it and figures out a creative campaign. We don’t do market research on, 'What do kids want to play?' We make games that we want to play, and we hire professionals. We are very professional, and we play games all the time. What we’re building at THQ are the games we want to play the most.

Honestly? To compete with our friends at Activision and EA? I think they’re going to have to start worrying about competing with us. Everybody wants to work here. There are two big announcements coming that will blow your mind."

We'll definitely have to keep an eye on THQ; such strong words warrant attention, do they not? We have high hopes for Devil's Third , certainly – it has also been confirmed that the PS3 version will boast 3D compatibility – and whenever THQ feels like unveiling those new announcements, we'll be interested in reading about them. Hey, you gotta love confidence in the dog-eat-dog business world.

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14 years ago

I pray to God this is a new Tak and The Power of JuJu or Big Motha Truckers.

14 years ago

itd be nice if one of their announcements was… "we're going to fix the online in ufc 2010" its always nice when a dev sticks behind their product and right now they should be ashamed with the rushed online for ufc 2010!

14 years ago

lol, they have a long way to go.

darksiders was a good game though.

devils third doesnt really appeal to me, but ill wait till i see more of it.

lets hope these "big announcements" aren't just them blowing smoke.

14 years ago

wait now that i think of it, activision sux too.

only activision game i ever bought was MW2 and that lasted a month b4 it got sold. (Poorly designed game)

guess THQ aiming for EA.

14 years ago

MW2 is the worst game ever. I loved the first which is still one of my favorite games but the second, It looked like it was rushed. It looked like the first just now they had motorcycles… on every map.

14 years ago

LOL!! …. Oh wait, they're not kidding? THQ can't even make a bug free Smackdown vs Raw game for gods sake. And no, I don't mean any little bugs and glitches in the series. If anyone plays SvR regularly, you will know what I'm talking about.

Evil tele
Evil tele
14 years ago

THQ made saints row right? not certain

but if they are, i'm sure saints 3 will be one of their new announcements. I heard it was in development.
I kinda like the series, they kept the craziness that gta4 did away with in this gen.
Better character and gang customization, better coop, graphics and customization = 'nice'

14 years ago

Saint's Row 3 was pulled from E3. It will appear at the Spike Awards in December.

14 years ago

Lets hope these announcements won't dissapoint.

14 years ago

confidence is good, because he knows that if he doesn't deliver THQ will no longer be in the limelight and nobody will be interested in transferring over to them. Don't know too much about devils third but I'll be sure to look into it

14 years ago

THQ who? I can't even remember the last time they made a game I was interested in. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but I played a bit of darksiders and didn't really care for it, just didn't hold my attention.

Devil's third doesn't appeal to me at all and so this announcement really just sounds like them blowing smoke.

14 years ago

I agree about Darksiders, it coulda been so much more. Then I was like "All I'm doing is hitting square" meh.

14 years ago


14 years ago

He's certainly very enthusiastic! I like their strategy though – develop good games and then let marketing figure out how to sell them. I think there's WAY too much of marketing departments getting involved in the game development process.

Red Faction Guerrilla was my favorite game that I've played this year, and I'm very hyped for Armageddon. Looking forward to their two new "mind blowing" announcements 🙂

14 years ago

I really liked Red Faction:Guerrilla but traded it in a long time back. Kept all my save data so if I ever got around to picking it up again, I'd be able to continue on where I left off.
I've seen it in many many bargain bins for seriously feck all prices, some might even say the prices are a real steal. Yet for some reason everytime I look at that game with it's really great value sticker stuck to it, I still can't get myself to re-purchase it. I have no idea why. I enjoyed it and played through quite a bit but something subliminally is stopping me everytime.

Last edited by frostface on 6/24/2010 4:14:29 PM

14 years ago

While I no longer believe anyone who has mind blowing announcements I like the cut of his jib. Let's hope they step up to the plate and make some higher quality games than they have been.

14 years ago

What a coincidence THQ, because I'm going after the worst developers in the world. Now, where are you, Activision?

14 years ago

<<<<There are two big announcements coming that will blow your mind.">>>>

And how do we even know that they're talking about 2 "game" announcements here???

It could very well be that they're talking about forming a 5-10 year contracted working partnership with 2 development companies, or that they are acquiring 2 development houses to add into th efamily, thereby expanding THQ into one of "the big boy clubs" too.

Guess, we'll really just have to wait for their "big reveal" to find out what's really up their sleeves

14 years ago

Other than the Dawn of War series and Red Faction: Guerrila, THQ hasn't really released anything worth playing. I am keeping tabs on the next Red Faction and Homefront though.

14 years ago

there not running with the big boys, there beating them!
THQ dont release many titles but when they do boy are they a doozy!
they remind me of ID and valve, they take their sweet time but every game they pop out is worth its weight in gold!
darksiders is still one of the best games ive ever played!
saints row 2 is just such a fun game with a great sense of humor unlike that other crap.
red faction guerrilla is one of my favorite open world third person shooters, the physics engine in that game is nothing short of breathtaking!!!!!!!!

most big publishers like EA, activision, ubisoft, bethesda, release heaps of games and maybe 30 or 40% of them be really good.
THQ on the other hand releases much less, but every single one can stand up to the assassins creeds, dead spaces, fallout 3s or CODs no problem!!!!!!!!

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