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Devs Working To Fix Lengthy Load Times In Bayonetta PS3

Perhaps having to wait until next year for Bayonetta is a blessing in disguise for PlayStation 3 owners.

Not only has Sega America said they'd use this time to try to erase the frame rate issues, but now we learn that Platinum Games is also working (on all region's versions) to try to decrease the significant load times. The PS3 version suffers from lengthy load times apparently and according to a reply from the devs over at their official forums , the problem has been recognized and is being addressed. Furthermore, if you scroll down a bit, you'll see another reply from a Sega representative, which reads:

"I can, in fact speak on their behalf in saying that a patch to correct this is under consideration through development to address the matter of the overwhelming load times with Bayonetta. Something I cannot address directly is when this will occur however I will be tracking this directly on all sides (the Japanese, North American and European versions) as to ensure that we know exactly the status of each one."

When a game comes out that is plagued by various technical issues, everyone gets a little annoyed. But North American gamers won't even know about these issues (provided they didn't import) so when January 5 rolls around, we may have a seriously spruced up version of Bayonetta . And if that happens, maybe the 38/40 Famitsu awarded the Japanese version might be considered too low…

Related Game(s): Bayonetta

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14 years ago

So no progress on the poopy frame rate then?

14 years ago

This is a never buy for me. Ha! Demo was terrible.

14 years ago

The demo wasn't that bad… the frame rate didn't look so bad… but the game itself was mediocre, just another mindless hack and slash.

14 years ago

As games are getting more sophisticated (relatively speaking), it seems certain genres are on the verge of becoming obsolete. Unfortunately, beat'um-ups are one of those (and I'm not referring to one-on-one fighters), though, I was quite surprised by the success of Batman:AA (though it did add elements from other genre's to the mix).

14 years ago

I wouldn't call it mindless, there are ALOT of combos to memorise, and I really wish people would stop with the whole gfx thing, it isn't all aboot gfx, frame rate issues yes that is buy/ not buy scenario. But to not buy a game because the gfx arent crazy is just stupid, game play and story is what matters. GFX would only matter if it were to have ps1 type gfx.

14 years ago

How was it terrible? The demo was freakn amazing!

14 years ago

has to be said this is NO button masher.
try that for 5 minutes and you will get your ass kicked.
this is allot harder on medium than what devil may cry 3 was, and that was not easy.

14 years ago

Snipysnake, the frame rate sucked and the screen tearing was horrendous. Ports don't do it for me.

14 years ago

I didn't notice either of those.

14 years ago

I agree ___________.

14 years ago

This game is no blessing.

14 years ago

Unless they fix the washed out graphics too, I'm not buying it. They should've ported from PS3 to Xbox instead. The majority of the sales goes to PS3 anyway. I just don't understand their design concepts:

"Let's design a game to look nicer for the minority of the gamers that will purchase the game."

14 years ago

Well, nice of them to fix the loading and frame rate issues but with so many games coming this winter on the PS3, I don't think I'm going to be buying this game as it's not my cup of tea. I'd rather play Yakuza 3 when it arrives here instead. That's a sure buy for me!

14 years ago

Im glad they are fixing what they should've had set from the very beggining. If anything I do like Bayonetta and I was going to import but this makes it a tad more promising ^_^

14 years ago

Forget this, port Yakuza.

14 years ago

High 5 my brother!

Last edited by NightHawk17 on 11/18/2009 12:50:38 PM

14 years ago


14 years ago

playing as a Japanese mafioso > playing as Sarah Palin

14 years ago

Yum yum.

14 years ago

still not buyin this game. we're not accepting any crappy ports.

14 years ago

right on, devs need to realize this, rather than trying to save a buck. still cant believe this kind of thing is happening after 3 years.

14 years ago

and they have the nerve to try and drop the price by five buck hoping that will sway our decision. sega must know we aren't happy about this game.

14 years ago

If pornstars read this site you can be certain Sega does too.

14 years ago

THQ should've did that for Red Craption. Not that it would've made that abortion any better, but it did have pretty long load times.

14 years ago

urgh i'm having a moral dilemma! i swore off this game out of principle (not accepting shoddy ports) but then got to wondering if i was cutting off my nose to spite my face…now they say they're fixing it.
i wonder if they'll fix her tiny head…you know, make it proportional? hmmm…

14 years ago

Does Naughty Dog offer tutoring? These guys need one.

14 years ago

i wish most of these developer take a page from naughty dogs book. we want quality.

14 years ago

and bayonetta is nothing short of that.
dont talk about a game your yet to play, its nothing short of brilliant.

14 years ago

I was looking forward to this game for I enjoy a good button masher, but after playing Uncharted 2 the shenanigans Sega is trying to pull is simply unacceptable.

14 years ago

This game is honestly getting too much hate. Nobody appreciates games like this these days…

Can someone tell me why this game is SO bad?

Last edited by SnipeySnake on 11/18/2009 8:54:00 PM

14 years ago

havent noticed any loading times, nor frame rate issues.
the only thing disappointing me is the graphics are not that good, DMC4 had better graphics.
besides that its a brilliant game, better than DMC4.
ill take getting the game 3 months early over long loading times any day.
you want to talk long loading times, go to tekken 6.
the campaign mode made me buy it, but it absolutely SUCKS!
10 minutes of video, 2 minutes of playing, 10 minutes of video, 2 minutes of playing.
im sorry i did not realize this is metal gear solid 4.
i want to PLAY my games now WATCH them.
to make matters worse its all in bloody asian!
play on a SD tv and its impossible to read the subtitles.
WTF happened to localization?
that should be illegal, thats pathetic!
if you cant be bothered to switch the audio from asian to english go jump and keep the game for asia only and save me my 110 bucks.
i know reviews said the storyline was crap, but being able to understand whats being said is kinda a necessity!

14 years ago


14 years ago

a very shameful port! sega and platinum should be ashamed.

terrible load times. menus take forever to open. takes away from the continuity of the game. very blurry gameplay. frame-rates are bad. you just cant launch combos effectively, and the gameplay is lost!

this game was suppose to be a great release! alot of gamers were waiting very patiently for it to be released. an absolute shame on the part of the developers and porters to let down ps3 owners, as we are so many in numbers. devil may cry was a great game, and this was it's following…..but the sad part is devil may cry 4 was way better in quality than bayonetta and it was released many years ago. i cant believe platinum would allow this.

if you play video games infrequently, you wont notice. but if you play video games alot, and were a fan of devil may cry, and were patiently anticipating this release of bayonetta, you will be disappointed. again, a real disappointment on part of sega for such a terrible port, and even moreso a real disappointment on part of platinum for allowing it to be released like this. where were the beta testers in all this!

fuck sega……fixing it wont solve shit. you write a port, and then you compile the code. a "fix" is just a patch of code on top of already bad code.

and what about those who already bought the game? we just suppose to put the game down and not play it until the fix is released?

as an old gensis owner, i was so excited to hear sega got the contract for the port. i was glad to hear they are back in the scene. but they let me down. i will never purchase another sega product again. no self-respecting video game company would release a game like this. not at today's standards.

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