inFamous remains one of the best games of 2009 and certainly one of PSXE's favorites, so we're always on the lookout for news regarding a sequel.
While the original was most certainly absorbing in a free-roaming, Grand Theft Auto type of way, many were quick to point out the lack of an online mode. In this generation, that's like a colossal no-no – even when we're talking about games that don't necessarily need it – so perhaps Sucker Punch is looking to remedy this perceived fault. A reader points us in the direction of a recent Gamasutra job listing and as you can see, it's for a Network Programmer who can work to "implement the on-line component for our forthcoming AAA title." Now, technically, Sucker Punch hasn't officially announced inFamous 2 but we've seen several pieces of evidence in the recent past that point towards what we assume is an inevitability. Thing is, many may ask if this is even necessary, despite the huge push to include online multiplayer for every major release. Other games of this nature tend to live and die with the single-player campaign and we imagine that if the sequel has the same style as the original, multiplayer might almost seem…superfluous.
But hey, if they do it correctly, we can totally get on board with the idea of zipping around the city and lighting up our opponents with all those bad-ass electricity skills. The only quote I would like to leave you with (and this analogy may be poor, but I'll still make my point), is what Orson Welles said when he heard they wanted to colorize "Citizen Kane." He said, "You keep Ted Turner and his damn Crayolas away from my movie." I interpret this as, simply, advancements aren't 100% positive in every possible situation.
Related Game(s): inFamous
IIRC, the first uncharted game didn't too well with sales either, I think it barely cracked 100,000 in its first month. Sequels tend to do better; the game will be more recognizable and studios are willing to put more money into something they know will sell. I'll use AC2 as an example, I didn't play the first one but I'm getting AC2 today as soon as I get paid(yes, I know, I get paid on a Tuesday and that is wierd.) They build hype, they put money into adverts, they get more buyers.
I guess what I'm saying is that new IP's rarely tend to sell as well as they should have.
Let ND help you make the graphics like U2.
That's probably impossible because U2's graphic might be too powerful to be in a sandbox game.
But if they can however do it…….
Sure hope the main villain in inFamous 2 is the Beast.
inFamous 2 will be an excellent title regardless of what feature is there, or not there.
Uncharted 2 is a perfect example of a Sony exclusive doing things right.
Sucker Punch will not disappoint if indeed this is the case..
I think it would be pretty sweet if they added a Left4Dead style of online play, playing as different enemy types. Reaper Conduits, Reaper Couriers and so many kills lets you control a Golem…
Can i just point everyone to Uncharted and Uncharted 2. the first was great, and everyone loved it even with its faults. then they announced the second and only those who loved the first got excited. then, everyone starts gettin really excited. and think about it. the co-op, the multiplayer, they were all questioned, but Uncharted2 pulled it off. it improved the gameplay, graphics, story, and online.
now lets picture it, infamous 1 pulls the same sortof card as the first uncharted, in a deviated sense, and therefore, a sequel, like Unchrtd2, could completely rule.
I think it could pull off what i call, quite juustly, and uncharted2.
and if it does, lets all get hard ons and go celebrate.
lets enjoy it.
Last edited by Zorigo on 11/17/2009 1:05:29 PM
And then Sony would have 2 must have games that the public knows about!
I say they mix Infamous, Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted together. ( Big city, Sweeeet guns, Great graphics and online and story)IMO that is the perfect game. 🙂
Guess we'll just have to wait and see what becomes of this.
I bet you the Government will recreate the Ray-sphere and Zeke will get his hands on it somehow.
LMAO, everyone hates Ted Turner.