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Sucker Punch Adding Online Multiplayer To InFamous Sequel?

inFamous remains one of the best games of 2009 and certainly one of PSXE's favorites, so we're always on the lookout for news regarding a sequel.

While the original was most certainly absorbing in a free-roaming, Grand Theft Auto type of way, many were quick to point out the lack of an online mode. In this generation, that's like a colossal no-no – even when we're talking about games that don't necessarily need it – so perhaps Sucker Punch is looking to remedy this perceived fault. A reader points us in the direction of a recent Gamasutra job listing and as you can see, it's for a Network Programmer who can work to "implement the on-line component for our forthcoming AAA title." Now, technically, Sucker Punch hasn't officially announced inFamous 2 but we've seen several pieces of evidence in the recent past that point towards what we assume is an inevitability. Thing is, many may ask if this is even necessary, despite the huge push to include online multiplayer for every major release. Other games of this nature tend to live and die with the single-player campaign and we imagine that if the sequel has the same style as the original, multiplayer might almost seem…superfluous.

But hey, if they do it correctly, we can totally get on board with the idea of zipping around the city and lighting up our opponents with all those bad-ass electricity skills. The only quote I would like to leave you with (and this analogy may be poor, but I'll still make my point), is what Orson Welles said when he heard they wanted to colorize "Citizen Kane." He said, "You keep Ted Turner and his damn Crayolas away from my movie." I interpret this as, simply, advancements aren't 100% positive in every possible situation.

Related Game(s): inFamous

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Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Network programmer just for DLC or Co-op?

14 years ago

Oh, if Co-op were to be in the sequel…you and I can look forward playing more than 40 hours in the first one…

Because Co-op in a game like Infamous would really add longevity, in my opinion.

14 years ago

how would co-op work.
the camera goes bonkers trying to track you climbing a building let alone you and a friend.
also who would you play as?
most of the guys from the circle are dead, so i cant see how they would get another guy the powers.
and playing as a regular joe shmoe would suck.
co-op for platformers just wont work.

14 years ago

Why don't you call suckerpunch and voice your frustrations.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Well yeah it'll get clustered to the max, but I'm sure the guys can problem solve a way ^_^

It doesn't need to be co-op with powers turned up to 11.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago


Last edited by Banky A on 11/17/2009 12:56:32 AM

14 years ago

they are talking about online component for the game. you wont have your camera tracking both players on the screen at once for online coop. you'll only see your character while the other would just be a dot on a minimap or something. check out how ninja gaiden sigma 2 is doing it. Or think of uncharted 2 coop.

14 years ago

Although split-screen would be nice too, actually i would rather have split screen co-op than online.

14 years ago

Completely unnecessary.

14 years ago

Why not just focus on making the single player game that much better, right? Not every game has to have online play. Im so glad Insomniac didnt put online into the latest ratchet and clank.

How would this work anyway? Having a bunch of super heros flying around? Unless the story changes considerably the co-op is going to make no sense.

14 years ago

Before everyone goes ape insane let's see what sucker punch has in store for us, i mean no one thought naughty dog was gonna pull of multiplayer in UC2 but they did it didnt they?

i look forward to inFamous 2, especially after the first being so great.^_^

14 years ago

Some ones not paying attention.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Yeah but multiplayer will always work with a game based around guns =]

14 years ago

co-op based missions could work.

and how am i not listening?

14 years ago

Wasn't talking about you nighthawk. No name had a heart attack below. He ignored your reasonable request to reserve judgement.

14 years ago

inFamous 2 is a day 1 buy for me, hell it's an hour 1 buy for me. Even if it has the multiplayer though I will probably never use it. I'm glad we have blu ray for space so that these things can be added as an afterthought because the last thing I want is a game's SP to suffer just to include this "superfluous" addition.

edit: What in hell is going on with the site? I can't reload or do anything without being signed out.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/16/2009 10:18:22 PM

14 years ago

Afterthought like a 4 hour campaign mode in moderrrrrr…… Nevermind.

14 years ago

Co-op could make sense…

14 years ago

I would buy inFamous 2 with or without multiplayer. Hopefully we'll get some news on a sequel soon.

14 years ago


I hope it's not mindless Team Death Match
Hope it's co-op play!

Now THAT would be fun

14 years ago

You know everytime I think MP I think Deathmatch and stuff. Co-op could really work for a game like this and would definitly make way more sense.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

InFamous just wouldn't work with competitive multiplayer.
Co-op is the way to roll with Sony's army 😉

14 years ago

If GTAIV can slap that nonsense multiplayer in there then so can inFamous. However, if they haven't even hired the guy yet, I won't get my hopes up to be playing it anytime soon.

14 years ago

Probably 2 years away before Infamous 2 rolls out… maybe 18 months if lucky! I have no interest in that game though; sorry!


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 11/17/2009 12:34:51 AM

14 years ago

Don't say that too loud around these parts…

14 years ago

good for mp whores I think .

14 years ago

serious question, do you have a problem with multiplayer or multiplayer aspects of videogames? not trying to start something, just figure i should ask. I mean, multiplayer helps with a games replay value.

Last edited by johnld on 11/17/2009 3:54:20 AM

14 years ago

MP WHORES = People that don't buy games if they don't have mp, usually online mp.

No I don't have problems but Infamous was a great game I don't see the need of it having mp I would trade the time they spend on mp to polish the game more.

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/17/2009 6:03:31 AM

14 years ago

People probably said that about uncharted too.

I don't think it's needed for a game like infamous but I'm not worried it will take away from the story mode. Lord knows there plenty of room on the Blue Ray. Give it a chance. It could be cool.

14 years ago

actually I'm going to wait to be surprised.

about uncharted mp even if I don't use it too much and I can live without it has a gamer I must admit that was a good add…but in the other hand you have RE5 mp that you even need to pay for it xD.

But like GOW 3 I dont think Infamous would need or fit the style of gameplay for a good mp.

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/17/2009 9:16:06 AM

14 years ago

I had a feeling RE5 was doomed from the beginning. I wanted to believe it would be good but capcom tried the co op thing before and that was a failure. It's a survival horror franchise. Having co op takes away all feeling of isolation. With uncharted it was almost a must I think. Best 3rd person mutliplayer yet.

14 years ago

alright, thanks for the clarification. For me, as long as the main game is not suffering then i dont mind if they add multiplayer. Hell, i bought uncharted 2 for its story but enjoyed the multiplayer aspect too. I see multiplayer as an add on if the game is amazing single player wise. I do appreciate that multiplayer increases the game replayability. In infamous and batman AA, you cant really do anything after you complete the game. I would say i bought MW2 for multiplayer because i love playing it online, the single player was passable to me so its worth it. This coming from a guy who bought haze and found it decent. I make my own opinions for what games i like.

14 years ago

I didn't mind that lack of online play. In fact I didn't even think about it until now. Don't care either way. Just want another infamous.

14 years ago

o god please no MP has already destroyed 2 of my favorite games for this year, 2 is enough.
not every game needs MP for crying out loud, if those rumors are true that GOW3 is getting MP im going to be knocking on SM door at 2am in the morning with red eyes, cape and a pitchfork.
thats what i hate about the industry these days, everything is a fad, everyone has to jump on the bandwagon.
the wii has motion controls so everyone has to follow suit.
M$ had netflix so sony had to follow suit.
M$ had facebook so sony had to follow suit.
how about some originality people?
in a few years time i can see myself going back to old games and not buying a ps4 or whatever they call it.
just the way the industry is going, in the complete opposite direction i want it too.
if every system has the same things, than why own multiple systems?
some games need MP like FPS or racing games.
some games just WILL NOT WORK with mp.
i seriously do not want MP in infamous or GOW it just does not match open world action games.
if infamous 2 has MP count me out, and thats really sad because infamous is my GOTY for this year.
sucker punch dont disappoint me like that 🙁

14 years ago

And you know they wouldn't work how? Stop whining. Wait till the game is out before you complain. It's not all about you kid. Some might like mp in infamous.

I happen to like netflix on my ps3. Wayda go Sony!

Last edited by Jawknee on 11/16/2009 11:28:04 PM

14 years ago

Dude if the industry didnt evolve we would still be playing Atari's and Commodores.
You should sit back, shut up, and enjoy the ride. Why do you own a ps3 other than to shoot down new ideas or only look at the flaw's that YOU feel are in a game? What do you like to play on your playstation? If I may ask I've only seen negative feedback from you in the few months I've been posting here.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Yeah game balancing is very hard work for for normal people. Sometimes it's good to play it safe.

But we don't know what ideas they have. So if you're not going to touch the sequel to a game you love – just because they're adding a shady feature/mode, then that's kinda' lame.


14 years ago

Damn extra/optional features! They're ruining gaming.

Seriously, you can't even say that an MP mode will take away from the SP mode anymore, not after UC2. The inFamous sequel will have a bigger budget than the first game, they won't gimp the SP just to make a MP mode. I never understood people who whine about extra stuff. Waaaaa I have heated seats in my car!!! Boohoo I got an extra chicken nugget. Just stop. I mean, please explain how having netflix on PS3 is anything to complain about. FFS, it's OPTIONAL.

14 years ago

chill out man, whatever work they were going to put in the game in the first place will be there, its one of sony's top selling games. Of course they're gonna put their best effort on that. The multiplayer is just the icing on the cake. If you dont like it then scrape it off. If you dont want to play multiplayer, then dont, its not like you're forced to play multiplayer.

I know what you're talking about, i've seen mostly negative feedback from him like how much he complained about uncharted 2, like about the cover button, game was too hard, etc. when noone had any problems with it. but im sure i seen some positive feedback from him, i just cant remember the articles.

Last edited by johnld on 11/17/2009 4:00:59 AM

14 years ago

i think its quite obvious.
putting in MP takes time, time is money.
there for its going to take them longer to make the game and its going to cost more for them to make it.
somethings got to give, if theres no MP than i know everything has gone into the SP but when there is MP you dont know.
the more the merrier as long as its needed and relevant.
just like killzone 2 GG said in a interview KZ2 would of been out in 2008 if it did not have MP, but they wanted to do some more work on it and minimize the lag.
they also said most of the work was spent on building the engine, than the MP.
minus the MP 50 bucks says the SP would of been longer and better.
same goes for MW2.
also how would you link that to the story?
this guy fell out of the sky and thats how he got his powers?
kesler is dead, the other guy is dead, the sphere is destroyed so where do the powers come from?
you cant just chuck something in all willy nilly it has to be there for a reason.
MP does not suit open world games, and it especially does not suit platformers.

Last edited by ___________ on 11/17/2009 6:00:09 AM

14 years ago

The multiplayer in uncharted 2 is brilliant. Get over it.

14 years ago

If they are to add co-op gameplay, they will need to introduce more playable characters, we can't ALL be the same character. Maybe someone with fire or water element added to the gameplay. It might become another Uncharted 2, if multiplayer is correct.

14 years ago

Yea and then there could be combos using the different powers like water/electricity mixed or something like that. I think that would be a lot of fun. Personally though I think they really could make a good competitive mode out of Infamous, if they do it right and leave the platforming in and everything I think it could be amazing.

14 years ago

Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart!

14 years ago

okay those are good ideas that can work…because having just a bunch of Cole's would be lame.

14 years ago

I wonder where the next game will take place? Maybe they'll be a time traveling aspect (as suggested by the plot).

I'm sure they can think up some clever territory/gang games involving variations of capture the "ray sphere", Karma points determining sides, and so forth…

14 years ago

Im more interested to know how the game is going to begin. I mean i beat the game both as infamous and hero, i want to know if your old save files would have an effect on the story you play.

I hated the fact that no matter which way you go, infamous or hero, when you tried to save the girl from falling, she died which ever choice you make.

14 years ago


Yeah, like you mentioned, especially since there wasn't a huge difference in how the story played out, other than changing Cole's tone of voice, in-game character appearance, sky color, NPC behavior, and a few script lines here and there, the story seems more or less written around Good Cole instead of Naughty Cole. This was slightly disappointing as I was expecting two divergent stories with two different endings. No BFD, because the game was so fun and ruled in so many other ways.

Also, and I'm not sure if this was a deliberate move, but the story was left very ambiguous at times. Like how come John, the agent, perishes from the 3rd Raysphere blast because he was a non-conduit, but Zeke, also a non-conduit, doesn't from the 2nd one after the fight with Alder? Who was the "Beast"? Was it a vision of InFamous Cole or someone entirely new? What happened to Sasha and Alder?

14 years ago

I believe they released the game knowing full well that theres going to be a sequel. I mean the story was about preparing himself to combat this enemy which he is going to meet in the future. He went back in time to prepare himself and went to great lengths as to play the villain. I mean, why will they talk about this all powerful enemy and not even fight him in the game. well it could be dlc but then a full sequel is much more needed.

14 years ago

although unneccessary, if it works it'll bring so much more to the game. although i want them to focus a bit more on the gameplay, perhaps make some missions really stealthy like AC2. and i found out that this only passed the million in terms of sales. surely this deserves more

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