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Modern Warfare 2 Hits Tech Issues Out Of The Gate

Whenever a video game makes it into the local news, it means someone either backed over someone's face with their car and claimed " Grand Theft Auto made him do it," or a certain title is just really, really big.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is in the latter category, as hundreds of thousands – perhaps even millions – of eager gamers with shining eyes and twitching fingers snagged their copy yesterday. However, not everything is roses as it seems many complaints have been popping up around the Internet; for the most part, these complaints revolve around the supreme online multiplayer experience. Some have been surprised at the severity of some of these issues, and players have even noticed problems with certain unlockables and Trophies/Achievements. Forums everywhere feature topics with such complaints: we've seen users not being able to join games on either the PS3 or Xbox 360, the matchmaking failing to work on the latter, and even outright freezing issues. However, Infinity Ward isn't just sitting around, hoping everything works itself out; they've already said they're working on a patch for the PS3 version, although 360 owners might be a little confused as to why their platform hasn't been included in the "fix-it" discussion. These problems are definitely affecting all versions of the game, as feedback proves.

Ah, but don't you worry. Everything will be settled soon and you'll be left with one of the finest games of the generation, as most all reviews will tell you. Just have a little patience…

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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14 years ago

i had problems like these in the first one, sometimes it would take about 10 attempts to play a single match, just for the host to end game

14 years ago

mine wouldn't connect either. i wish i didn't buy this game. i should have listened to you guys on this site. this game is horrible. i like world at war a lot better.

14 years ago

Seems to be a new update every time I load up this disc (all 2 times so far) but really enjoying the single player enough to tie me over till the online is sorted.
Btw how long before we get the game review here?

14 years ago

I hope Psxtreme doesn't give the game a 10 on the graph department like some reviewers are doing.

14 years ago

If PSX didn't give the likes of Uncharted 2 a 10.0, you can bet your lunch money they won't give this game a 10.0.

Ben and Arnold are not as loose with their praise as some websites and reviewers.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 11/11/2009 11:31:53 AM

14 years ago

If they feel the game deserves a 10 or 11 then that's what it's getting; you really expect the graphics of a multiplat to be better than an exclusive of any platform!?

14 years ago

Indeed. From a visual standpoint, MW2 does not approach the graphics of Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2.

The graphics are really good though.

14 years ago

I agree. In some aspects the graphics are worse then MW1.

14 years ago

didnt mgs4 snag a 10?

14 years ago

I had trophie problems but that's a non issue now, I just kept loading and unloading the disc until the trophies popped up. I haven't tried the multiplayer I'm still enjoying the story mode.

14 years ago

they fixed that with patch 1.02 so you dont need to redownload. The problem now is that it messes with the trophy sync up system. When i sync trophies to server, it stops at 91% and gives me an error.

14 years ago

Yeah I see. I was wondering what that patch was for.

14 years ago

Ben, you guys reviewing this?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Of course.

14 years ago

Ben, you should have answered, "Nah, we're gonna pass on this one."

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
14 years ago

Yes. Review will be up tonight or tomorrow.

14 years ago

I say 9.something!

14 years ago

I have an honest question: do you guys actually play through to the end the games you review? Or, for craptastic games like Africa, do you play until you just can't stand it anymore?

I'm sure it varies, I'm just curious and not trying to be facetious.

14 years ago

Don't forget the Dragon Age review though Arnold!

14 years ago

@ WEWM – It's up already

14 years ago

where? Did I miss it or forget I read it? I'm swamped in reading material these days… sigh.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/11/2009 9:15:56 PM

14 years ago

Yeah its pretty but not a ten pretty, its just really shiny, kind of reminds me of when I used to play my 360 every thing seemed to have a clear coat.

I have had these problems as well, as far as the not being able to join my friends parties(which is essentially the only reason I bought MW2), but the weird thing is we all picked it up at midnight came home had to do an update. O.k so its not the first broken game I have bought(socom), which seems to be more common this gen, but every body was connecting for the first three or four games and then we had connection problems, its to the point where I just ignore any and all invites now, and almost everybody in my friends list has this game so I have a lot of invites I mean a lot of them.

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago

I won't buy a game to play the role of a solider in the transgressive American army, and enjoy killing innocent Muslims. Yes, I know it's a game, but even if it's a game.

14 years ago

Lol, what are you talking about? I don't even think there's a Muslim in this game. The chapter you're talking about happens in Moscow, Russia. The dude goes undercover, and you don't even have to fire your gun, except at the people shooting back, but you don't have to shoot any civilian at all. AND you can even skip the chapter, it has the option to not play the chapters that are considered 'offensive'

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago

Forget about killing Muslims. I'm completely against representing a black army like the American army even in a game. We aren't talking about WWII, we're in 2009 when the American army represents the symbol of disgust to many nations.

14 years ago

@Paolo Kutaragi

That's not right man. That falls under a stereotype what you think the American soldiers are. Even though some have done wrong dose not mean they all are evil. Both of my friend's older brothers died in Iraq, and a lot of other peoples family. That comment can seriously hurt people dude.

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago


Don't misunderstand me please. I didn't say that America or the American soldiers are evil, I'm pretty sure that there are thousands of the American soldiers who don't agree with the decisions of the government, but this doesn't deny the fact that they still represent such an army.

What baffles me is, why do people always care about the feelings of the American families and completely forget about the Iraqi and Afghani people who have got ripped apart by the American army? Are the American families made of blood and flesh and the Iraqi families made of some shit?

Last edited by Paolo Kutaragi on 11/11/2009 11:36:57 AM

14 years ago

Paolo, your comments are downright offensive. Not that your comments would ever be appropriate, but they come on Veteran's Day of all days!
You are blurring reality with a video game. You have problems. Where ever in the world you live, if your country ever has problems, don’t come crying to America for protection or financial help.

Also, your comments don't represent all Iraqis or Afganis. Do you believe Iraq and Afghanistan would have been better off with Saddam and the Taliban still in power?

Nevermind, you are not worth the time.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 11/11/2009 11:40:03 AM

14 years ago

Ok, first of all the United States military isn't a a black army. Second of all you aren't fighting as the army, you are fighting as the marines.

You clearly have no clue what the game is actually about, so maybe you should read up on it before bashing it and other things.

You're speaking on behalf of many nations but yet what gives you authority to do that?

Do everyone a favor and stop posting your media brainwashed crap you call an opinion on here, this is for game discussion. Honestly if you can't leave your anti-american feelings out of this you should just go.

14 years ago

"What baffles me is, why do people always care about the feelings of the American families and completely forget about the Iraqi and Afghani people who have got ripped apart by the American army?"

Once again what in gods name do you think gives you the right to say this… you do not know what people are thinking.

You can take your media illiterate mind and leave before you make more of a fool of yourself.

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago

My comments are offensive to whom? The American army or any other army in the world doesn't have the right to interfere with the internal affair of another country. Why does America have the right to do so? To spread democracy…lol…my arse.

Last edited by Paolo Kutaragi on 11/11/2009 11:47:28 AM

14 years ago

Lol, you might as well just leave this convo be, Ben's just going to tell y'all to stop and probably delete all these comments, so might as well stop now

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago


You are another brainwashed American…nothing more. I don't know you, but I tell you that I read many many books. And since you won't do the same as me, I advise you to search youtube for "The Arrivals".

14 years ago

This is going way off topic.

Paolo, you really need to bone up on your current events. Although the beginnings of these wars are not so current anymore, I suppose.

Who would you like the oppressive America to go after next? Great Britain, France, China, Australia? We just enjoy invading other counties for the purpose of mass domination don't you know! It is a blast, losing our soldiers.

And it is nice that you read books. Perhaps your books have a slanted agenda that closely resembles your own. Take your hate mongering to another web site, there are plenty of them that are more suited to your perspective of world events.

Here, we mostly discuss video games, unless derailed by the likes of you.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 11/11/2009 11:55:35 AM

14 years ago

You are uninformed… please just stop. It's annoying -_-

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago


I'll stop, but trust me, I understand what's going on behind the closed door of the pentagon more than millions of Americans out there.

14 years ago

Since you like to read please allow me to suggest the book media literacy by James Potter, its good to know the contents of this book when reading anything that can be biased.

9001 Thumbs up for you

WTH are you doing matt? You should be studying for finance!! better get to it.

Last edited by laxpro2001 on 11/11/2009 12:00:02 PM

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago


I didn't want to derail anything, believe it or not, you won't make a difference though. I was innocently (Yes, I'm generally an innocent bloke) stating why I won't get MW2, despite me being a FPS fan. That's all. I can't represent the American army, even in a video game.

14 years ago

You understand what is going on behind the closed doors of the Pentagon? Damn, Paolo found us out. Ok everybody, the jig is up, Paolo is onto us.

Glad you are going to stop.

I am sure in your original post, you didn't think it would cause this much of a stink, but words do matter.

If in Uncharted 3, we learn that Drake spent a tour in Iraq when he was in his 20's, would you stop playing Uncharted? They are only video games for gods sake.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 11/11/2009 12:06:57 PM

14 years ago

I wouldn't let that deter you from the online mode… I think its worth the $60 alone

14 years ago

HAAAHAAAA, paolo. I do agree on alot of what you say. While my heart does go out to those american families who've lost loved ones, it seems to be a double standard. you guys that are crucifying paolo for what he is saying are selfish. while many brave american SOLDIER have died in the middle east, many more INNOCENT civilians have died at the hands of american soldiers. So don't go off as if the american army is innocent and they can do no wrong. OK? He's right you know its ok for americans to spread democracy but if someone says anything against it they automatically become a terrorist. May I remind you of a little false flag operation called vietnam? The american government is using the military to force their way of life on other nations.

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago


I know the online is already fun and the game is worth every penny, but I have my reason.

Anyway I told that I'd stop. After I get the rest of the trophies of WAW maps I'll have no FPS to play, I also got 100% in Killzone 2. I think I'll be getting Bioshock to prepare myself for Bioshock 2. Many gamers recommend Bioshock, and I liked its demo.

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago


Couldn't have said it better, frankly.

14 years ago

Lowkey, you are right, innocent civilians do die in war. Never been a war and never will where civilians don't. I wish wars could be fought in a neutral site, where there are no innocents that can get mixed up in the mess.

You are making wide spread generalities with your comments, and I have made some of my own.
We are not forcing our way of life on Iraq for example. They have free elections, and with the power of their vote, they can choose whatever government they want.

This is my last post regarding this.

So, has anyone played MW2 yet? I hear it is supposed to be pretty good. Short campaign, but still good… =)

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 11/11/2009 12:17:06 PM

Thrill Kill
Thrill Kill
14 years ago

you are a disgrace to the human race. i hope you die in a random marketplace by a suicide bomber….or you can go praise to are weak and pathetic so just go play your video games and leave the real world to people that matter.

14 years ago

Your ignorant comments are offensive to me Paolo. You have no idea what your talking about. Innocent Muslims? Some of those Muslim murdered 3000 American civilians in cold blood on 9/11. A man named Hasan murdered 13 of his fellow soldiers in TX last week while shouting Allahu Akbar(god is great in Arabic). Do you know anything about that religion and what it teaches? I assume not. Get a freaking clue man. America didnt start this war. They did! Not all Muslims are terrorists but just about all terrorists are Muslim. any where in the world were there's suicide bombings and terrorism it's always Muslims behind it. They've killed more of thei own people then American has in both wars. And a great majority of the dead civilian in Iraq and Afghanistan were killed by their fellow Muslims. Get the hell out of here with your propaganda. Who's your favorite author? Howard zinn? Noam Chomsky? Go back to San Francisco and hang with your buddies code pink. You have no idea what were accomplishing over there. I DO! Iraqis have a democracy now. In Afghanistan woman can go back to school. No one in a hundred years thought could happen but it did all done with the blood and treasure of America you freedom hater. What baffles my mind is people like you look the other way when tyrants like sadam and the Taliban murder rape and pillage their own people but as soon as America stands up for those down trodden at our own sacraficed I might add you cry murder and war crimes. I so sick and tired of you ignorant antiamerican nutters. Read a book and get informed.

Last edited by Jawknee on 11/11/2009 12:35:47 PM

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago


I said I should stop, but there's one more point I'd like to add, I'm sorry. In response to your last post, the point isn't just killing civilians, it's as well about the legitimation of the war itself and whether or not the American governments have justified the reasons which led them to invade two different countries.

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago


Granted, I know more than you when it comes to Islam. What do they teach Muslims? You've simply shown how Fox News has succeeded in its inferior mission. You love Israel too, right?

Last edited by Paolo Kutaragi on 11/11/2009 12:27:41 PM

14 years ago


Its awesome! sadly I thought the campaign was too short. But the worst part about the game is the No Russian level, I should have skipped it but I wanted to see how it would play out, when the level came up I couldn't even pull the trigger, it was horrible.

14 years ago

Paolo, it would appear that no war is ever justified by your standards then. No matter what another country does, America has no right.

Over simplification to follow: Afghanistan, you give safe harbor to Bin Laden after he takes ownership of 911, then you are going down.

At the beginning of Iraq, we did plenty of justification. And Saddam did plenty of provocation. Ignoring 20 something UN sanctions, resolutions, constant cat and mouse game he played with nuclear inspectors, threatening with weapons he didn't have, leading the world to assume he had them, years of murder and oppression, it all added up.

And you claim to know much about Islam. If that were the case, you would spend more time denouncing those who perpetrate despicable acts in the name of Islam than you do denouncing America. And now you have a beef with FOX news? Where will it end with you? In regards to Israel, you must think they need to be wiped off the face of the map like Iran does? Are they a “stinking corpse” like Ahmadinejad says?

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 11/11/2009 12:48:19 PM

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