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Insomniac On Game Design: We Can Always Be More Efficient

Insomniac has already made some of the best PlayStation 3 exclusives currently available – and yet another one in the form of Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time releases today – so they're quite familiar with the hardware in question.

And not long after Naughty Dog said they believe they could optimize their Uncharted game engine even further for a third installment, Insomniac echoes this optimism by saying we haven't yet seen the best Sony's machine can produce. According to CVG , Insomniac community manager James Stevenson said it could take at least another three years before the PS3 is technically "maxed out." He goes on to mention many points we at PSXE have made so far this generation, but we're sure it means more coming from him:

"There's always ways we can become more efficient. The PlayStation platforms are built with a very high ceiling and I think that's part of the success Sony has had in creating these platforms with really long life spans. The first couple of years are all about developers getting games up and working. You see what Naughty Dog has had the chance to do in the past two years. You've seen what we've been able to do in that time. This is where it gets exciting."

He goes on to say that the PS3 "still feels like a young system" (feels that way to us, too) and we won't see it "really maxed out for another two to three years." He says his team is using just about all the capability of the console but it's all in how you use that capability; i.e., a developer can always be more efficient with the game's design. Most developers have said it comes down to efficiency so we're inclined to believe him, and we figure it makes perfect sense. Now, how's about working on Resistance 3 …?

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14 years ago

yea i think the ps3 is young…

id be thoroughly dissapointed if i heard there would be another system in the next 3-4 years, i expect the ps3 to go atleast 4 more years!

this is where it gets exciting as they said, it was awesome in the beginning but as time has gone on, im loving it more and more, and games are shining brighter and brighter!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/27/2009 10:34:37 AM

14 years ago

I agree. I don't want the "next generation" to come for quite awhile. I can't afford it. PS3 quality games are fine by me for a long time to come.

14 years ago

I know I say this every generation but how could the graphics ever possibly get any better?

14 years ago

I'm pretty sure the next gen of graphics will be in the form of 3D or CGI quality graphics. I don't know about you but a console capable of CGI would be totaly kick ass.(imagine seeing cgi explosions, like those in terminator salvation, in games like killzone or resistance)

14 years ago

@ World

They could actually be rendered in HIGH-definition (1080p). : )

14 years ago

I wish all the future multiplat games be as good as sony exclusives from ND/Insomniac and GG.

14 years ago

Wonder what would happen if Naughty Dog and Insomniac worked on a game together…

14 years ago

Drake kickin' some Chimeran a$$….but seriously that wud be best game ever.

14 years ago

Well, i don't want to give away any spoilers, but that kind of happened in U1.

14 years ago

Oh yeah, and if you look at towards the end of the rolling credits at the end of the game, U2, Naughty Dog doesn't forget to give them, Insomniac, credit.

14 years ago

Plenty of life left in the young stallion yet, I love my black beauty and don't want to think about the next generation of machines for a good number of years.

14 years ago

I'm gonna get R&C, today, and I feel so psyched, that I feel like a kid, again! Hopefully, they'll still have the best buy deal going, so I'll be able to snag a copy of infamous and ninja gaiden sigma 2. I don't remember feeling this way last generation. So, for me, I thing this generation is good for couple more years, or as long as Naughty Dog, Insomniac, and Studio Liverpool keeps on releasing their brand of excitment.

14 years ago

The Best Buy deal lasts all week, so you should be good to go.

On the same topic, is anyone using the Best Buy deal to get Alpha Protocol? Since the release date used to be this week, it's showing up as a valid game for this deal.

14 years ago

Oh, thank goodness. I thought it was only a two day deal that was applying to a lot of other stuff. As for Alpha Protocol, the delay is official. Not until Q2 of 2010. Not to be too qwartastic, but I guess one just might have to settle with another lesser known title of intrigue, espionage, third-person action, albeit at a more galactic scale, for this month.

14 years ago

You HAVE to get inFamous, because it goes hand in hand with that feeling of being a kid gamer cuz for some reason it is one of those games that is just addicting and before you know it you've played way past your bedtime 🙂

14 years ago

Are you kidding me? you havent gotten inFamous?
Thats awful man. You're missing out on something great. haha

14 years ago

Yeah, I was gone from gaming for a while. Played inFamous last night. I'm loving it.

14 years ago

Oh yes, and you're eerily right about the bed time thing. Actually, I didn't even get to bed last night!

14 years ago

I really want to get R&C, but with COD MW2 around the corner and the fact that I have to get 2 copies of it, this one will wait till Christmas.

14 years ago

why two copies?

14 years ago

giving one to your kid brother?

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

One copy for me? Awwww you shouldn't have.

14 years ago

I just picked up my copy of R&C today- have not yet played it as I am still at work, so I can't offer up my review on the game, as I know many of you look forward to ~sarcasm~. And I probably won't be able to play it for a while because I know once I get it home, my son will not give up control until his eyes are bulgin' out of his head. And even then the kid's got a kung fu grip like you wouldn't believe….oh well could be worse, he could be in a gang….

14 years ago

haha i love it thats good stuff… ur the type of parent every kid wants. "as long as you let me play vids. ill be good!" and you know what low and behold it works most of the time, it did for me! your absolutely right though, things could be worse…

anyways i thought that was entertaining! i hope you like the game, seriously fill me in later when you got a chance to play it, becus i just recently bought R&C future: tools of destruction, and i like it but since U2 came out i havnt touched it so…

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/27/2009 3:49:28 PM

14 years ago

Resistance 3 is going to be so sick, I hope they can manage KZ2 graphics with that unique Resistance feel. And I'm not even an FPS guy but those are two series I will always buy.

14 years ago

resistance 2's ugly ass anti-aliasing, FIX THAT GOD DAMN SHYT. resistance 1 had better anti-aliasing. wtf man, they need to take their time making a good game.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

I don't remember a single 'bad' Insomniac game.
Was Disruptor a bad or good?

Next Ratchet & Clank has got to have it's super awesome multiplayer.. you can do it Insomniac.

14 years ago

the last spyro game on the PS2, think insomniac made it.
that sucked.
did not like resistance 2 much either.
they basically said ok whats the things our fans loved about the first resistance game?
offline co-op, weapon wheel ok there all in the bin.
than said ok whats the things our fans hated about the game?
ok there in, lets get to work,i was wondering if they did any research what so ever.
whats for if there not going to listen to their fans?
but yea, 99.999999999999% of the games they produce are pure gold, so they have a excuse.
and well considering 5games in 3 years.
thats not bad.

Last edited by ___________ on 10/28/2009 1:05:12 AM

14 years ago

Reviewers called Disruptor a good 'Doom clone.'

@ ______________
Insomniac's last Spyro game was Year of the Dragon.

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 10/28/2009 1:16:15 AM

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Well Resistance 2 didn't suck but numerous people didn't like it for said reasons 😉

Insomniac made a bad Spyro? Daymmm. I thought another developer took over.

14 years ago

hmmmm im still skeptical of that, i think GOW3 is as good as were going to get.

8 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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