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PSXE Poll Update: Uncharted 2 Is The Cream Of The Crop

We're still blown away by Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and not surprisingly, our readers are massively impressed as well.

The majority of you believe Naughty Dog's stupendous sequel is not only the best game of the year, but also the single best title of the generation. It's certainly tough to argue as the game seems to be a lock for GotY 2009 and we already know that any action/adventure or third-person shooter made from here on out will be measured against Uncharted 2 . Most people will say the only real competition comes from the epic Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and personally, I get the feeling Arnold and I could blather on about this topic for a long time. You may notice we gave MGS4 a perfect 10 and Uncharted 2 got a 9.8, but we'll be the first to point out that standards change – even over the span of only a year and a half – and on top of which, it's almost impossible to compare two games that are so drastically different. They both offer cinematic experiences but they even approach that aspect of the entertainment in a different fashion. It'd be interesting to see how many of you would change your vote if you put in MGS4 right now and played it again…final impressions are everything to gamers, and unfortunately, we tend to have short-term memories.

For me, I'll just say the two games in question are, without any doubt, the two best titles of the current generation. Hands-down. Now, on to this week's poll: besides gameplay, what do you consider to be the most important aspect of gaming? Is it the graphics? Do you need that stellar atmosphere and environment? Or is it the sound; do you have that awesome home entertainment system? For other people, it might be depth, or perhaps longevity (more bang for the buck). It'll be interesting to see what people have to say, just because this is often an endless debate. Vote now!

Related Game(s): Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

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Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
14 years ago

Why isn't story a direct option? Or is that what is meant by depth?

14 years ago

That is exactly what I was thinking so I went with depth as it seemed the closest.

14 years ago

i think longetivity is most important. Mirror's Edge had cack for story and depth, well it had some, but not enough too interest me, but i still bought it on gameplay alone. after that, the length is the next bit important to me.

14 years ago

Besides gameplay I would pick story , but that's not an option. Or would that be in atmosphere or depth?

I want to get caught in the story like I did with FFVII and FFX or Uncharted 2 just to name a few.


14 years ago

If I had to choose either Uncharted 2 or MGS4 to play through again, it would be Uncharted 2 by far. I love the humor throughout the game, puzzle solving, I just like the whole formula of the Uncharted series.

Naughty Dog, PLEASE keep more Nathan Drake adventures coming!!!! Job Well Done. You all deserve at least a month vacation after all the work that went into this game, plus all the DLC you will be coming out with. Then after that vacation, straight to work on Uncharted 3, or a prequel to Uncharted.

<<Stands and Applauds>>

14 years ago

This week I played through three titles (after returning from a 7 month international trip): U2, KZ2, and POP:Epilogue. And while without question, POP couldn't compare to the other two games in terms of polish and content, it was amazing how far level design, art direction, and a well written story with professional voice talent went. So I would say, after gameplay, if presentation includes story, character development, and art direction (which means presentation would over lap with graphics for art direction and sound in the case of voice talent for example), then presentation would be the next most important thing.

Online/MP obviously has it's own charm and can extend the longevity of game by years, but really, I see myself only playing a couple of games for that. So I would say for every other game I play, presentation would be more important.

14 years ago

I voted for Uncharted 2 as the best so far. The exciting part is, things are going to get better.

I do like for the graphics to be good, but I would go with depth.

14 years ago

Totally unrelated but…
Hey everyone, were getting Netflix! Check the Blog and see for yourself.

I think Uncharted 2 Is the best of the generation, on a more related note.

14 years ago

I dont see why we need netflix. we already have the psn store. I think this is just to shut up the people who only have an xbox and to cater to those with netflix account already. As for the rest of us, the psn store is more than enough. All i can see is just netflix clashing with the psn store. I rather have my Hulu video streaming back on my ps3 browser. Damn those bastards!

14 years ago

its good news because while u spend 3-5 bucks for a rent on the PSN store netflix offers unlimited rentals for 8.99 a month. now dont get me wrong i love thr PS store but whats the better deal? its obvious!

anyways i like a good story next to gameplay! which leads me to say Uncharted 2 is by far the best game of this generation! i loved mgs4 but uncharted 2 brought me to a new level of gameplay experience!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/26/2009 11:58:30 AM

14 years ago

Netflix isn't going to be exciting to everybody out there, and I probably won't use it (I've downloaded PSN videos in the past, and not in great quantities either). But it's great for that other group who watch tons of movies/tv and find it more convenient to pay a single fee for them.

14 years ago

I got U2 on Friday and I've loved every second of it. There are a few parts in which you feel like you will never stop climbing on walls, but I would give it GOTY without a doubt. I'm only 80% finished right now and done playing for the night. Why God do I have to work tomorrow?

14 years ago

To buy more of the awesome games coming out of course. Lucky bastard with a job, hahaha. the only games i'm getting this coming months is Uncharted 2 and Modern Warfare 2, and i got Uncharted 2 launch day.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, sorry, story should be an option. I just added it.

14 years ago

Can I take a re-vote?

14 years ago

I was watching the 'It only does Everything' advertisment for Uncharted 2, and I couldn't believe that I recreated the same scenario with FOUR of my none-gamer friends! I got them glued on the tele for 3 hours straight. We were solving the puzzles and watching out for oncoming enemies together. And, of course, those massive chase scenes! Only such a great game has such an effect on non-gamers and I have not come across one in the past decade or so.

Definitely side-by-side with MGS4 in terms of 'Game of the Generation'. All I can say is "Thank You" to both Konami and Naughty Dog for their unwavering loyalty towards the PS3.

Last edited by noodles619 on 10/26/2009 12:21:48 AM

14 years ago

Wow that's a toughie because some of these mean different things to different people. But as an RPG nut story should come first for me.

14 years ago

story means a lot to me.

14 years ago

thank god ive platnumed uncharted 2, now i only need to do the same for operation flashpoint 2, SAW,brutal legend and borderlands before R&C comes out on the 5th of November.
should be easy right?

as for the poll im more interested in the storyline, thats why i loved assassins creed and cant wait for AC2, and also why i cant wait for heavy rain.

everythings important to make up a good game, but if i had to sacrifice 1 thing to make everything else better it would be the sound.
i love having my floor and glass vibrating as much as the next guy (probably more) but longevity variety and storytelling are the more important ones to me.

thats one you missed ben, that definitely should be in there.
allot of games are far to repetitive these days.
that needs to change.

14 years ago

Easily Presentation

And I agree, there are so many great ps3 games, but only MGS4 can touch Uncharted2, those two games are in a world of their own.

Gran Turismo 5 or God of War III might enter this world. We'll see!

14 years ago

Come on guys! How can you forget how great MGS4 was? Uncharted 2 is great, really great but but I don't think it's as good.

14 years ago

I agree.

14 years ago

i dont agree lol!

im sorry i just absolutely loved both, but uncharted 2 brought it!

14 years ago

I just got U2 yesterday (for my birthday), along with Fallout 3 GOTY and two other games (jackpot!), so I haven't had a chance to play it yet (and didn't vote in the poll). I think I'm gonna play Quest For Booty (thanks, $50 PSN card) first, since it's so short.

I'm trying to decide whether to buy Siren, Fat Princess, or the Queen track pack with the rest of the card. I may have to get another card.

If you're wondering why I won't just charge the rest, it's because I can buy PSN cards for 20% off (indirectly); it's complicated.

I voted for story.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 10/26/2009 1:59:44 AM

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Uhhhh we all know Online/Multiplayer is the most important thing.


Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Okay who voted for Graphics, lulwut?

14 years ago

Its funny how everyone is all into the online multiplayer aspect but man I get bored with it pretty quick, and apparently others do too. After a year has gone by and new games are out not too many people keep up the multi.

14 years ago

hey world, to each his own i guess. As for right now i would agree for online/multiplayer though. I really got to stretch my buck. A game with no online just doesnt make the cut right now for me. So i'm hoping uncharted 2 and Modern Warfare 2 will keep me occupied till MAG, then until i can finally get the games that i am passing on right now because Its not worth the 60 bucks to me. When i mean its not worth the 60 bucks, i meant getting more than my money's worth.

14 years ago

I agree with world. Multiplayer gets super boring after a few matches.

I like depth.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Did I forget to mention I was pullin' ya leg? xD
Super ecstatic face.

14 years ago

I dont know whats holding kojima productions from releasing the trophy patch, just release it already. they already said its coming right? I played through MGS4 about 4 times already and decided that i wont go for another playthrough until the patch arrives. wouldnt want to beat it on big boss extreme and find out a trophy comes out later.

14 years ago

MGS4 is a much deeper game and U2's story is not even closer to the complexity of the MGS saga. U2 is great in graphics, but it is nowhere near MGS4 or any MGS games in terms of the overall impact to the gamers in emotion, in meaning or in the story. Also, I bet many of us here are still addicting to Demon's Souls but not keeping hands on the U2 after finishing it.

P.S. Story, Gameplay, Graphics, and Music got to be the four pillars of a great game.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 10/26/2009 4:02:59 AM

14 years ago

I went with Graphics solely because its rare that we get REAL eye candy. Something polished to the gills and lacking story is like trying to say no to a hot blonde for not having any brains…it is still good to look at…right, RIGHT?

Eh, I may be wrong but shows you my priorities.

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 10/26/2009 5:08:57 AM

14 years ago

Your just like me. I'm also a big fan of Graphics, no wonder you enjoyed RE5 so much like me.

14 years ago

Re5 grpahics looked good but that greenish tint over everything bothered me.

14 years ago

Greenish Jawknee? Sure about that….

14 years ago

In the cut scenes espcially. It had this grainy greenish hue to it. Now that I think about it, the. Lost Planet 2 demo had the same look. Must be the MT Framework engine.

14 years ago

I don't know what's up with me. I've had MGS4 for a month or two and I played it once for a couple of hours and never picked it up again. On the other hand I couldn't put uncharted 2 down. It was the yin to my crack.

14 years ago

Same. I beat MGS4 in 3 days back in June 2008, never re-played it, sold it and RE-bought it just this June 2009, I beat it again and I've never gone back.

With Uncharted 2, after beating it on Normal, am on my 2nd run on Hard. I wonder if the Trophies are to blame, maybe cause MGS4 doesn't have no trophies, there's no motivation to go back.

All the same they're both great games except MGS4 doesn't have trophies and Kojima is still not doing anything about it!

14 years ago

You two are crazy. Haha I played through mgs4 10+ times. Then spent hours on mgo.

K maybe I'm the crazy one. 😉

14 years ago

Wow 10 times, your exaggerating.

14 years ago

Im not. I just checked my last saved game. In the middle of game ten. Mgs4 was only my 2nd ps3 game. I had nothing else to play except MW1.

Ok the + is an exaggeration.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/26/2009 11:35:09 AM

14 years ago

😮 the only games I've played through that many times are RE4 and FFX!

Last edited by Kowhoho on 10/26/2009 3:01:23 PM

14 years ago

It was hard for me, MGS4 and U2 are very different but both equally awesome, i think i'd choose U2 tho, its more varied, more (in need of a better word) casual i suppose. MGS4 is like an epic, whereas U2 is more amazing.

14 years ago

You know If any game fails to have decent graphics, story, longevity, great sound, presention and a enjoyable reliable online mode then it is poor to me and completely lifeless.

So what would be the most important that I would at least expect from any game? maybe graphics if its vibrant, realistic and artistic (PoP,okami etc etc)
But sometimes any that look great, are usually bad or short so longevity is the most important piece of any game I play.

14 years ago

As much as I love uncharted 2 I still love mgs4 more. Just a smidge though. Mgs4 gave you a big more freedom to play how you wanted and had way more detail interms of guns and battle. Stealth worked in U2 but is a bit quarky at times.

14 years ago

*a lot more freedom.

Sorry. Two thoughts at once.

14 years ago

I think Uncharted 2 has MGS4 beat by a frog hair. They're both the best this gen, but Naughty Dog knows which butt we want to look at.

I know you don't find that kinda stuff funny, but I am just playing.

Last edited by tes37 on 10/26/2009 3:32:51 PM

14 years ago

I wish I could chose 4 Graphics, Longevity, Multiplayer, & a Good Story Mode. Wait left one out…Co-op is coming back with a vengance!!

14 years ago

Also, If I had to chose one I chose Longevity!!

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