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Darksiders Unleashes Hellish Brutality On January 5

If the rumored North American release date for Bayonetta proves true, we could be looking at a definite action battle in the early part of January.

Why? Because THQ has just announced that their long-awaited and highly anticipated action/adventure title, Darksiders , is slated to arrive in the US for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on January 5. It'll be available in Europe a few days later. Developed by Vigil Games, this is a game that has been on our radar for quite some time and although it was expected to hit store shelves this fall, THQ clearly wanted to give the designers some extra time. It features the art style of revered comic book artist Joe Madureira, and you will step into the large boots of War, one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The setting is the earth – or a fantastical earth, rather – a century after the prophecies of the biblical tragedy come true. It'll be your job to restore balance between Heaven and Hell as demons and all sorts of nasties traverse the battle-torn earth, lost and intent on wreaking havoc. For more media and information, be sure to check out the official site , and we've also got a couple videos for you as well:

Story Trailer

Brutal B-Roll Gameplay

It looks like a healthy dose of over-the-top brutality in all respects, and as we just said, if Bayonetta also launches on the 5th, action aficionados may have a tough decision to make. Would you rather control the sleek, sexy witch or the muscular, bad-ass dude that kinda reminds us of Gears of War ? Well, it'll probably all come down to reviews, now won't it?

Related Game(s): Darksiders

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14 years ago

Brutality FTW!

14 years ago

i'm not buying any multi plat games. the last one i bought was batman and that was worth it. but i wasnt companies to start using the whole 50gb. if it ain't exclusive i ain't buying it. I'll just wait till heavy rain and GOW 3 comes out while i continue playing all the sweet exclusives we have right now

14 years ago

Same here, this game just looks like brutal fun! The last multiplat I bought was Madden 10.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Phew. I saw the speculation on PSLifeStyle and they have since corrected it. Looking forward to trying this one out.

14 years ago

Wow GoW, MAG, White Knight Cronicles, GT5, Bio Shock 2, FF XIII, and supposedly Killzone 3, Resistance 3, and now Dark Siders 2010 is already looking great I feel sorry for my wallet already lol.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

I laugh at your wallet!

/nerd rage

Last edited by Banky A on 10/19/2009 10:44:27 PM

14 years ago

Im interested in this but I would like a demo.

14 years ago

this game is gonna be sick, i love the trailers, should be a good buy, dont disregard it just cuz its multiplatform.

14 years ago

off topic. what do u guys tink of the spam massages we get on psn

14 years ago

did not get any yet

14 years ago

there driving me crazy.
already deleted 2 guys because they kept sending me chain mail.
1 about the MW2 beta.
2 about sony charging for the PSN.

14 years ago

Darksiders! until GOW3 comes

Last edited by shindelion on 10/19/2009 5:31:09 PM

14 years ago

This game looks good but I need a demo or review before I make a purchase. I just read an article talking about xbox live going up to $100. The fanboys are going nuts!!!!LOL

14 years ago

Me too, thats hilarious, but who would want a free online experience? Pshhh…probably no one. Please charge us Sony, please! Haha, stupid M$. Well this is a good thing for us PS3 gamers, think about it, we better get ready for a lot more players on the PSN, were gonna see a lot more people switching to PS.

14 years ago

Me too, thats hilarious, but who would want a free online experience? Pshhh…probably no one. Please charge us Sony, please! Haha, stupid M$. Well this is a good thing for us PS3 gamers, think about it, we better get ready for a lot more players on the PSN, were gonna see a lot more people switching to PS.

14 years ago

Microsoft: unreliable and pricy. This game looks excellent!

14 years ago

I've been gettin those stupid spam msg's in my psn from ppl who are gonna get takin off my friends list if they don't stop. They are from someone from this site too 🙁

14 years ago

I haven't gotten any and am friends with a few people from here…I would defriend and block anyone who spammed me though.

14 years ago

Passing on this game, waiting for bigger better ones. I'll be curious to see how many trades of this my store gets however. Feels like it's gonna be InFamous and Prototype all over again.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

This game, genuinely looks awesome!
Though a tad unpolished so far but sweet.

14 years ago

january febuary are the new october november these days.
but this was a MASSIVE! mistake.
this would of sold well because theres no other game like it out this year.
next year?
well lets see.
dantes inferno.
GOW collection (if EB are to be trusted)
darksiders would of been much much much better off releasing this year.
meh, its your money.

14 years ago

Hmm, good point. It could get lost in the shuffle of similar games.

14 years ago

I remember Joe Madureira when he was a high school intern working at Marvel during my time working for Bob Harras in the X-Men office. Even then, people were wowed with his art.

Ah, those were interesting times, I was there for the launch of McFarlane's Spider-Man 1, Lee's X-Men 1, and X-Force 1.

I was also there when Harras fired Claremont.

14 years ago

one of the 4 biggest action/adventure titles i must get
along with GOW3, Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno

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