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Modern Warfare 2 US Gameplay Causing Controversy

There's no doubt that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be a gigantic seller, but the game is suddenly facing its first real bout with controversy.

We're not posting the trailer here for a variety of reasons, but in the latest promotional video for the game in question, we clearly see massive battles being fought on American soil. More specifically, Washington DC, where both the Washington Monument and the White House get reduced to rubble, which is bound to turn some heads. Of course, it's not a civil war; opposing forces are attacking, but perhaps in light of the past decade of terrorist fear, it might go over badly in the eyes of certain people. Veterans may grimace at the imagery as well, so don't be surprised to see some vocal complaints and even boycotting on the part of offended citizens. Up until now, we didn't know that some of the gameplay would take place in the US, but we do remember Infinity Ward saying they hadn't shown everything yet in regards to available media. Well, maybe it would've been a good idea to keep a firmer lid on this until the game launches, even though the controversy may have been inevitable either way.

Feel free to discuss this topic but fair warning: if anyone starts a political or moral war, they're gonna get booted. If you can't suppress the urge, go to the forums.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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14 years ago

I don't see the big deal. That kind of stuff has been shown in games and movies before. I find Activision's CEO more offensive.

14 years ago


14 years ago


14 years ago

Yeah, I don't get it either. I mean, how many movies have shown the White House getting blown up, seriously?

14 years ago

exactly, totally agree

14 years ago

I think I remember this movie called Independence Day…I'm not quite sure but I think that had something in it about an exploding White House…Maybe I'm remembering wrong though. Oh, right that movie did pretty well at the box office but we were triumphing over an evil invading alien attack, in this game we would just be triumphing over an evil terrorist threat.

EDIT: I see Troy beat me to the Independence Day punch

Last edited by coverton341 on 10/5/2009 11:44:21 AM

14 years ago

The Day After Tommorow.

14 years ago

MW2 is ripping off Fallout 3.

14 years ago

I dont think MW2 is rippping anyone off, expecially Fallout 3. Fallout 3 is post nuclear war, where as MW2 would more then likely be post terrorist attack. Different concepts at the same general location. I feel that if someone doesn't like this Sinario of MW2, don't watch Independence Day with Will Smith, don't watch any Die Hard movie, don't watch the news, and don't play Fallout 3 (still not the same concept). Basically don't live life as an American because we like what-if situations…

14 years ago

politics are for the pretentious people who think they know what's going on in the world.

for me, i admit that i don't know because i like to play games.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
14 years ago

remember, movies with ppls insides hanging outta their ass are acceptable, but a game with a few F-Bombs, or a realistic scenario such as this 1 will obviously be boycotted…

what will it take to change that mindset??

im canadian, so maybe i dnt understand… but yet if it was ottawa tht was on fire and our parlement was F'd to sh!t, i'd prolly love to play that game…

@ titch:

remember the previews for 2012??

you know… the 1 where the JFK aircraft carrier was riding a wave right for the whitehouse??? if mw2 gets bi+ched at for that, and 2012 gets perfect reviews, i've lost all hope in humanity…

Last edited by Gregory Freeman on 10/5/2009 3:28:05 PM

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

@coverton341, you are correct. In ID4, they were pulling away in a helicopter and you saw the large beam blow up the White House. Kablooey!

14 years ago

There was NO controversy when the Conduit was set in and around the monuments and sights of Washington so why would this matter?

Sure, you fight aliens in The Conduit but still-THEY'RE BOTH GAMES-and this isn't in any way goin to effect the world of international terrorism in any way. People should realise entertainment is entertainment-COD isn't about total accuracy anyway, it's an arcadey FPS rather than a simulation like Flashpoint or based on real events(well not this time at all)like the pulled "6 days.." was.

Very little to see here, imo.

14 years ago

Yes, I agree…


"i am home"

14 years ago

I have to agree with your sentiments

14 years ago

I'm sure it's deliberate. It just means the game gets more publicity, and those who publicly protest are inadvertently helping them.

14 years ago


14 years ago

I agree with you here. I bet its even planned by activision. Controversy = Exposure (mainstream). Remember when that falujah game was introduced before it was canned. Everyone was talking about it. I was even interested in it for a bit. But then some people who didnt really get that its just a game got it canned.

14 years ago

It didn't offend me, some ppl just take things out of context. The footage actually excited me now I can wait to get my hands on the game.

There shouldn't be a big deal its just a damn game ppl.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
14 years ago


now, the sooner we get to liberate washington DC, the sooner i can play that spec ops mode that i've been hearing about all too much

14 years ago

the way i see it, dont throw stones if you live in a glass house, as in, dont think its ok if your shooting russians in russia in a video game, but then if the battle is in washington kick up a storm, this is a world wide game not a game just for americans.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
14 years ago

This is politically and morally wrong, and I DECLARE WAR!!!!

Nah, I don't see the big deal. The white house got blown up in Independence Day, and I'm sure a ton of other movies.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

If it can happen in crappy movies like Mars Attacks , then why can't it happen in a game ?

14 years ago

thats because those were aliens and can be clearly classified as fictional while modern warfare can really possible. Whether aliens are real is a completely different subject, lol.

14 years ago

meh… everything is a controversy these days. people need to chill out.

like Troy said, we've seen these buildings blown up before in movies, no biggie.

Last edited by gumbi on 10/5/2009 11:12:33 AM

14 years ago

Exactly. Just a few examples;

– Eastern Shore = Deep Impact.
– White House, NY City = Independence Day.
– Day After Tomorrow = NY City
– White House roof = Superman 2

14 years ago

Let us not forget the Statue of Liberty in Planet of the Apes, the original with Charlton Heston.

14 years ago

I'm offended by all the offended people over the questionable offensive material about sensitive subjects.

Why are we Americans so damn sensitive? When did we become a bunch of tutu wearing pansies? First Fallout 3, now Modern Warfare 2. Who the F*** cares? Its fictional!

It's not like Activision made fun of Nigerian billionaires.

Last edited by Nynja on 10/5/2009 11:10:47 AM

14 years ago

I was wore a tutu and ate chocolate pudding in Golden Gate Park while a buddy of mine blared LeftOver Crack on a boombox and another buddy video taped the whole thing. We were carted off by the police for being a "public nuisance".

See even if you are wearing a tutu you still aren't in the right.

I don't think there is anything you can do to make everyone happy.

14 years ago

Who is gonna boycott the game? Most likely people who would never buy it anyways… Stupid and pointless, I say let them have their little freaking out party and we just go out and buy the game.
I'm tired of all this crap that comes along every time a game has combat in US soil and some landmarks get caught in the crossfire, if it was a Hollywood movie, we would not be getting any flake for it… Wish they would extend the same respect to games.

14 years ago

so people r fine with stuff getting blown up in other countries but when it happens in the America people get offended

14 years ago

People would be equally offended if it were France or Great Britian. Depends on who your talking to. Besides I doubt anyone outside the US is going to care and most likely the Americans that do care are the ones who will try and turn this into another race debate.

You see it's racist to blow up a fake white house right now.


Last edited by Jawknee on 10/5/2009 11:42:53 AM

14 years ago

lol yeh thats what i mean not just in america in all the big countries like england,france etc

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Actually, I'm starting to think people around here would be MORE offended if another country's capital was blown up.

If it was ours, many would just say, "meh, it's our fault, anyway."

14 years ago

I have to agree with Ben on this one. I think a ton more people would be up in arms and protesting if an American game studio was making a game and it depicted another countries capitol being blown up.

Heck, my ex's cousins are just that sort of people.

I knew that there were a lot of those people on the west coast because I get to hang out with them all the time but I thought the East coast was a bit more level-headed.

Looks like there are people of both extremes everywhere with no one standing in the middle.

14 years ago

It was never popular doing what's right. Like standing up for freedom in the face of tyranny.

14 years ago

People gotta chill. The Power and Relevance of the Constitution isn't found on the paper it was written on. What I'm saying is that ideas live longer than materials. The trouble is when the idea crumbles like the aforementioned building.

14 years ago

Think about COD world at war and the japanese. I believe that it didnt get out in the japanese market and they wouldve been pissed.

14 years ago

in resistance 2 London got blown up, i wasnt offended

14 years ago

yhe i wasnt offended when london got blown up in r1 and 2…actually thought it was pretty cool to look at from a game perspective

14 years ago

So there's no controversy when it's depicting battles on German, Japanese or Russian soil but whatever you do don't have anything happen on US soil because thats too much realism for the Americans to take. Sorry if that sounds too political, it's not meant to be but…CoD5 depicted battles against the Japanese and the Nazi's, ok fair enough thats history being told (CoD style), but how did the Japanese or the Germans take CoD5? Was there any controversy at all? I'm sure they didn't want to be reminded of that part of their history. But did they complain or did they go out and buy the game? I didn't hear any complaining (someone prove me wrong here please), don't know how the sales went but these are war games. The movies depict these kind of scenarios all the time and noone blinks an eyelid or boycotts the movie, so why should they for this game? Other then ya man Activision Bobby being a complete tit, I don't see why this game shouldn't be allowed to be left alone.

14 years ago

one thing is for sure, infinity ward is pretty smart in creating all this hype around MW2, although they do know its essentially gonna be same as MW1, and i'm still gonna buy it 🙂

14 years ago

So has anyone actually been offended yet? Because if I'm reading the article right you're just speculating that people will be offended…

14 years ago

After playing Uncharted 2 when it comes out next week, i'm sure it'll be hard to play games with lesser graphics. I hope MW2 lives up to it's visuals.

14 years ago

It looks no different then MW1. It's not even going to display in 720p. 600p is the max IW could get out of the Xbox while maintaining 60/fps. Don't expect any new achievements in the graphics dept. It may look slightly better but it will be no Uncharted 2 or even a Drakes Fortune for that matter.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/5/2009 11:37:39 AM

14 years ago

So is that what the xbox is stipulating now? I know they released the strangle hold they had on the "You must run at 720p or more to be on the 360" stipulation a bit ago. Are they now requiring games to run at 60fps and is that why MW2 is being held back from the 720p point?

14 years ago

Modern Warfare isnt about its graphics, its more about its gameplay. Uncharted 2 is marketed/main point is in the graphics especially what the ps3 is capable of. Of course it great that the gameplay is amazing too. We get the best of both worlds.

14 years ago

Obvious publicity stunt is obvious…

14 years ago

obviously 🙂

14 years ago

No doubt the uber liberal media elites will figure out a way to call this racist.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/5/2009 11:36:11 AM

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