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Uncharted 2: The Highest Rated Game Of The Generation?

As if you needed any reminding, the PlayStation 3 exclusive Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is receiving some lofty review scores from critics worldwide, and as the analysis continues to be glowing, we're starting to wonder: will it become the highest rated game of the generation?

It's well on its way. As of right now, it's averaging 96.43% according to GameRankings , and that is currently counting 7 reviews. To add to those, most recently we've seen a 5/5 from G4TV, a 9.6 from Vandal Online, a 93 from Videogamezone, and a 95 from JeuxVideo. In comparison to the best of the best this generation, Grand Theft Auto IV for the PS3 owns the top spot (and is actually the second-highest rated game of all time behind The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ) with an average review score of 97.31% and Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii is at 97.28%. But beyond that, nothing can quite reach Uncharted 2 right now, including Bioshock (94.99%), LittleBigPlanet (94.50%), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (94.17%), Gears of War (93.88%), and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (93.14%). Obviously, we've got a long ways to go – our review is still to come, for instance – but Naughty Dog's sequel is definitely off to a fast start. If this isn't enough to convince you to be a PS3 owner at this point in time…well, nothing will.

Where will Uncharted 2 end up on the overall rankings? We're not entirely sure, but we feel confident in saying it's easily one of the best video game productions in history.

Related Game(s): Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

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14 years ago

Metal Gear Solid 1 should be first

14 years ago

you are delightful.

14 years ago


14 years ago

so true

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
14 years ago

what about Metal Gear 1 from the 1986. Now there's a game that was ahead of it's generation.

14 years ago

Well, it gets on my nerves when a beta goes public like this and those already used to the game team up to get a load of easy kills off the newbies-it always happens and it's always a bit cheap.

However, seeeing how I'd only got into the first bera in June I'm just so glad to be back playing the game again-it's amazing and the reviews have all been just as good so far-even Eurogamer! Lets just see what comedy score Edge gives it bwefore we start slapping ND too hard on the back though-even if what we already have seen looks to deserve every last 10/10.

Finally a game that might rival MGS4 as best this gen for me! Uncharted was already the best new IP this generation, imo better than Gears by some good distance(and I love Gears)and to improve upon it so much in such a short time is a great effort. Literally can't wait to get stuck into the SP!

14 years ago

This game is going to be so much fun to play, I swear.

14 years ago

wE BeLiEvE YoU BaDrAdIo!


"i am home"

14 years ago


Just downloaded demo/beta from ps3 store this morning and I tell you guys it deserves pretty high scores. Its freaking awesome game. I loved the co-op level(forgot the name). Deathmatch was good too except one guy on the opposing team was really good already.

14 years ago

well he was playing it nonstop since sep. 15th i guess 🙂

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Definitely above 90%

But some site already gave it a 8/10.
Can anybody else beat that? We'll see ^_^ Where's Edge?

Last edited by Banky A on 9/29/2009 10:06:52 PM

14 years ago

Well, at Metacritic, the rating is at 97/100 and that's with 24 reviews. A lot more reviews have been put up compared to Gamerankings' measly 7.

14 years ago

loving the demo so far, I can't get enough of it, this game deserves its high scores!

14 years ago

I have a feeling a certain internet site/magazine is going to give it close to a 60 for not being "innovative." Funny how that very same company gave Halo ODST a 90… (Not saying Halo ODST isn't a good game because personally, it's next on my gamefly queue but in terms of innovation… well… enough said)

Anyway… Review scores aren't EVERYTHING but just from playing the beta, this game surely deserves high marks.

14 years ago

I've seen people defending Halo 3 ODST's high scores on the basis that it includes the Halo 3 multi-player game engine stand alone. But let's be real here, what percentage of those buying ODST don't already own Halo3? If it's even 10% I'll be shocked. At essence ODST is an expansion pack, possibly the most over rated, under criticized and most expensive expansion pack ever.

14 years ago

does it rhyme with hedge?

14 years ago

Well Fatcat whatever site you're talking about, they CAN'T give it any low score cause they'll look very STUPID!

Even Eurogamer who like to give 7 like Edge do, gave it 10/10, so any other site claiming otherwise need to lay off whatever they been drinking or smoking.

I'm expecting a 10 from PSX or 9.8 the least 😉

14 years ago

On metacritic I think its got an average of 98 w/ like 20 reviews

14 years ago

Can't wait for this game to coe out, the multiplayer demo has already pulled me in. And thats just a demo! It's probaly my favorite game this gen 😀 and thats saying something!

14 years ago

just wait for God of War III, were gonna start seeing a %99.99 average

14 years ago

I'm not too sure about that.I could see many reviewers being completely gross out and would whine and b!cth about the game being to graphic.

14 years ago

I think GOW3 is going to be somewhat like DMC4, proving to be a solid title, but not a massive jump from the previous iteration.

14 years ago

i dunno i think god of war 3 will be on the same playing field as uncharted 2 and all the other greats the first two gows were breathtakingly good

14 years ago

Oh, it's definitely up there with my games to get on day 1. But from what I've seen, it seems like more of a suped-up GOW2, which is still an awesome thing. I hope I'm wrong, and my expectations are defied, but I'm not holding my breath. As far as action-adventure's are concerned, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 will hold me over until then (which although maybe lacking in the "adventure" department, it definitely surpasses in the "action").

For the time being, I'm looking foward to Uncharted 2, R&C:ACIT (more or less in the same rank), GT5, and then GOW3.

14 years ago

I believe it could stay in the 96-98 mark permanently(my guess).The only thing that I could guarantee is that I will buy it on day 1.

14 years ago

LOL I don't think we should take that website's ranking system to seriously… I mean they have some reviewer there that gave Killzone2 a 6 out of 10!?? WTF??
They take into account too many non credible sources but, regardless of what some paid to bash websites might score it, U2 is gonna be a 10 out of 10 for me 🙂
Oh no wait! make that a 11 out of 10! LOL

Last edited by Karosso on 9/29/2009 10:36:13 PM

14 years ago

Exactly what I was thinking

14 years ago

that is amazing, thanks Ben, i saw metacritic rating for U2 at 98 after 20 critic reviews, this one is GOTY for sure, come oct. 13, i'll be staying home and playing U2 🙂

14 years ago

I hated GTAIV, most overrated game IMO. Uncharted 2 is going to be so awesome 😀
October 13th can't come soon enough
Really hope this gets the top spot on the PS3

14 years ago

I agree 100%

14 years ago

I thought gta iv was the shi*! I actually started a new game file in order to get all the trophies. Second time taking it to 100%.

14 years ago

well everyone just loves to jump on the hate gta iv bandwagon….

14 years ago

i hate GTAIV and for 1 simple reason.
its boring as bat sh*t.
half the missions your a fuc**ng taxi driver, the other half your backpeadeling fixing either you cuz or friends problems.
thats the problem with GTAIV you feel like a kabana boy.
doing peoples dirty work, i want to work for myself and do what i want to to help me.
like the whole point of you coming to america was to find that guy who screwed you in the army.
and theres like 3 missions based on that.
GTA vice city is the best of the series followed by san andreas.
take the mission and area types of VC add the gameplay like upgradable weapons gang wars flying planes hellis of SA and you got a perfect GTA game.
GTAIV is THE! most overrated game ever.
followed by halo 3 and ODST

14 years ago

I'm not jumping on any bandwagon, I bought this day one thinking it was going to be amazing, but unfortunately I was wrong… it sucked

14 years ago

I got it day 1, expecting to be disappointed (I never got in to the gta craze before). And I was wrong. The game rocked, mainly because of the subtle touches and random events that just made it feel like it had a life of it's own. The game started off slow, admittedly, but the it ramps up feverishly like a quarter through the game. Online was fun and refreshing as well.

14 years ago

i agree

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

I got the Platinum Trophy on GTA IV…
.. so yeah I hated it.

I loved it!

14 years ago

BTW, when are we gonna see your review, Ben??

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Arnold's reviewing it. And I don't really know when it'll be done.

14 years ago

Correction: The TRUE Highest Rated Game of the Generation.

GTAIV did not deserver all those great review scores. If anything San Andreas should be the one to be getting it.

The reason why the average is so low is thanks to gamereactor……

And here I thought Eurogamer will be included but I won't leave out EDGE.

14 years ago

Someone explain to me how Super Mario Galaxy scores anything like that. I mean, really?

And I have to admit, I am surprised that Halo doesn't feature on the Xbox list of games. Really though, Bioshock and Gears of War?

I'm not sure that I'd really agree with best game of all time rankings that are based of aggregate review scores. Standards have changed – even during this generation of games. Not to mention numerical oddities like the mostrously high scores that some are donating to Bungie and Microsoft for Halo3 ODLC…oops, I mean ODST.

Ah well, Uncharted 2 probably deserves to be listed as one of the best games of all time, until I see it myself, I'll leave Uncharted 1 on that list (actually it should probably remain on the list since it's the first of them).

Deciding the best games ever is like asking how long is a piece of string. It's such a subjective question.

14 years ago

Super Mario galaxy is really innovative in gaming. That is the real 3D platforming.

14 years ago

well because nobody can really find any fault in it, it is enjoyable for kids and people who grew up on the old ones. It is kind of lame that the top two spots are held by singleplayer games though

14 years ago

Well it's Mario: It doesn't matter if the story rarely changes or if it uses the same basic platforming (with here to there changes).Mario is destine to always get high scores no matter what it does(right or wrong).In fact I predict that the next 10 Mario games will get 95 and beyond.Buy yeah U2 looks like it will be up there with the best games of this Gen.

14 years ago

Then I shall speak heresy. I shall call the emperor nude to his face. The Emperor's new clothes are not new at all!

Mario is the same as it's been for more than a decade and that stinks – almost as much as the game itself. If there was never another Mario game (or character spin off) it would be too soon!

:sigh: well, glad that's done, I had to get it off my chest sooner or later.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Evn though I haven't played any of the 3D Mario's , I can't bring myself to say anything bad about him . Mario is probably the only character in gaming that no one hates .

14 years ago

I don't hate Mario, but for me Mario has had his day. Actually not only that, he's had his brothers day, his girlfriend's day and more. There have been so many sequels, spin-offs and iterations that I am personally sick of Mario games. How many Mario, or Mario related games came out for Wii in the first two years of it's life? How many of them were fairly reviewed, and how many were given the review equivalent of a free-pass because they're Mario?

I don't hate Mario, I hate the 'Mario Machine' that Nintendo has become. MArio would benefit from some time off, and some fresh blood on the team.

14 years ago

TLOZ: Ocarina of time is still being used for it brought Z targeting which is auto aim in todays games etc… Super Mario Galaxy was just innovated with control and 3d space etc… and Uncharted 2 should go down as the most realistic cinematic experience ever in a video game averaging a 10 or higher

14 years ago

did i mention that this game is a work of art

14 years ago

I still can't believe the inflated scores GTA IV got. Of course it's not a horrible game but it's WAY too flawed to come even close to the 2nd greatest game of all time.
I'm fairly certain U2 will deliver the goods unlike GTA 4 which was nothing but hype.

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