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L.A. Noire Development “Coming Along Quite Splendidly”

The questions have always been similar: "Where did it go?" "What's Team Bondi and Rockstar doing?" "Is it still coming?" Well, we've got good news: Rockstar really is planning to tell us all about the mysterious L.A. Noire .

According to GameSpot , the game we first heard about way back in 2006 is still in development and in fact, things are going "splendidly." Better yet, we "won't have much longer to wait" concerning fresh details and a progress report. This is Team Bondi's first project and while some gamers have been losing faith in the game, you needn't concern yourself with the dreadful "vaporware" term. L.A. Noire is set in a "perfectly recreated Los Angeles" and players will have the opportunity to solve a series of dark murders in their own way. There will be some open-endedness involved in this particular story, and the film-noir premise features all sorts of atmospheric bonuses, including old-time gangsters, corruption, and even a bit of jazz. And no, the game isn't still exclusive to the PS3, as Rockstar has said it's coming to "next-gen consoles," which presumably includes the Xbox 360. We don't really care about this; we just want to hear more about the game, just because the entire concept sounds very, very intriguing.  Also, be sure to check out the second official trailer through the link above.

So stay tuned for the info that is surely headed our way regarding L.A. Noire . We know a lot of you have been hoping for such news for quite some time, so just be patient a bit longer…

Related Game(s): L.A. Noire

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14 years ago

Its good to know that it still exist. Maybe by the end of the year they will show it off with a lengthy trailer.

Last edited by bebestorm on 9/29/2009 10:11:36 PM

14 years ago

I was super excited for this game when i first heard of it, but then it slipped under the shadows and i can honestly say, i don't care anymore.

14 years ago

would pc count as a next gen console? cause it would be funny if it was for PS3/PC and see how the 360 fanboys would like it(ala mass Effect 2)

i really am excited for this game hopefully it'll have that old 1940 movie feel, with jazz and all:D

Last edited by NightHawk17 on 9/29/2009 10:42:29 PM

14 years ago

Gentlemen, ready your fedoras.

14 years ago

Meh to this; the real good question is where`s The Agent footage at?

14 years ago

I think this is going to be made for both Xbox 360 and PS3. Its Rockstar's way of balancing things out since Agent is for PS3 only.

14 years ago

More like Rockstar's way of f*ucking over the original fans who stuck with them from the beginning then after taking a 50 Million dollar bribe from Microsoft decided that Sh*tBox would be better to have the exclusive GTAIV content on…it's a sad world we live in…

I remember a day when GTA's used to be exclusive…then L.A. Noire was announced as exclusive but obviously that changed…I'm willing to bet at some point Agent will find it's way over to the Sh*tbox

Last edited by ThePearlJamer on 9/30/2009 10:40:56 AM

14 years ago

considering it was suppose to be out by now ITS ABOUT F**KING TIME!!!!!
now the million dollar question is release date?
since this is now going to the 360 i wonder if that resets the contract sony had with R*.
when GTAIV went multi there was a agreement that in exchange sony would get 2 exclusives from R* LA Noire was suppose to be one of them.
so does that mean sony lost one exclusive, or another is being thought of.
because im pretty sure the 2 were LA Noire and agent.

14 years ago

Great news that RStar is coming out with two new intrigue/espionage/mystery IPs for the current consoles. Cant wait to see how they turn out.

14 years ago

Agent for the win…

14 years ago

LA Noire will release exclusively for the PS3. In about a year after release the 360 will get LA Noire Sigma.

14 years ago

I was wondering what was going on with this game. We can always use more good games. This thing disappeared faster than the Next Gen "The Getaway" (another game that I wish would pop up again.

14 years ago

I took a look at he trailer looks good

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