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Lost Planet 2 Co-Op Demo Mobilizes On PSN Today

It took a while for the first title to reach the PlayStation 3, but there should be no waiting for Lost Planet 2 .

Furthermore, PS3 owners can finally get a taste of the top-notch mech action; all they gotta do is log on to the PSN today and download the new co-op demo! You will become a member of a four-man squad that must work its way through three missions in the wild jungles of E.D.N. III. Your goal is the collection thermal energy from the Akrid inhabitants, which we assume can only be done by first eliminating the Akrid. Towards the end of the demo, you will encounter the massive Category G Akrid that has been shown off at previous events this year; it really wowed the crowd at E3, for instance. Said Capcom:

"The demo is a brief glimpse into the world and possibilities of Lost Planet 2, highlighting the range of weaponry available to players while showing off the high definition graphical capabilities of MT Framework 2.0, the latest version of Capcom’s proprietary 3D game engine. The first generation of MT Framework powered Capcom games like Dead Rising, the original Lost Planet and Devil May Cry 4, while an updated 1.5 version made possible the award-winning visuals of Resident Evil 5."

We really do expect the sequel to be bigger and better in just about every conceivable way, and although other major titles are higher on our "most anticipated" list, we still like the look of Lost Planet 2 . If you do as well but are still undecided, you should definitely take a gander at this demo. It should be well worth your time.

Related Game(s): Lost Planet 2

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14 years ago

I downloaded this last night.

14 years ago

I too downloaded this last night and I wanted to like this but it stinks. I didn't like the first game either so that may explain why. I don't like their MT Framework engine either.

14 years ago

what don't you like about the MT Framework engine? just wondering, when someone says something like this, normally they have reasons

14 years ago

Ummm, it doesn't seem to run well on either console. You get a lot of screen tearing on the 360 and framerate dips on the PS3. I think most of my dislike of it comes from Capcoms promises about how great of a multiplatform engine it is, then RE5 came and disappointed me. There's much better engines out there. I don't hate MT Framework, I just don't prefer it. I'm being picky I suppose.

14 years ago

those are your reason, i can respect that. I also hated RE5 but not cuz of the engine, cuz the game was just horrible, from the story to the gameplay, what a let down.

As far as those issues with MT Framework ( i think you are talking about 1.5, but maybe you are talking about the first iteration ) I didn't experience that on the demo, but it could be cuz it wasn't as obvious as other games with screen tearing can be.

14 years ago

Your probably right. Although I thought RE5 looked better then this demo. The RE5 demo looked better then this demo. Maybe it's just the art direction that's making the difference. I don't know.

I'm with you on all those points about RE5. It was my most anticipated game this gen. I love the RE series and RE5 was just terrible. I think my biggest disappointment with it was it's length. Sven at Capcom Unity promised an 18 our campaign. Finished it in 10 my 1st play through and 3 in a speed run. He lied.

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
14 years ago

@ Jawknee,

Were you the same cat who didnt like UnReal engine either? AND you thought RE5 was bad? Wow, you ARE picky 🙂

FWIW, I thought RE5 was one of the best looking games this generation. The controls issue has really hampered the game, but it was still great IMO

14 years ago

That is correct. I don't like the Unreal. Most of my gripes with MT Framework are performance related. I didn't think RE5 looked bad, although it did suffer from some minor visual defects on the PS3 version. Like self shadowing texture res etc. Nothing huge, but something I noticed that disappointed me. I am picky I know. I just want to best possible and with Sony turning out so many great exclusives is hard to drop $60 on a half assed multiplat.

14 years ago

Downloaded today and played….the graphs hurt my eyes and the gameplay sucks.

14 years ago

You're insane, the graphics are awesome though the controls do need some fine tuning…

14 years ago

I didnt say they are bad..but they sure hurt my eyes when I shoot and move .

14 years ago

I know what you mean Ox. It looked almost like…..grainy. Hard to look at.

14 years ago

i agree, didn't like it at all

14 years ago

I am busy downloading it… your comments are not promising 🙁


"i am home"

14 years ago

i did not like the first one, the second one wount be different

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

I enjoyed it. I played the 360 demo first, but the PS3 version of the demo adds a bit more. There are only a few short sections of levels that were added, but it helps give a better idea of how the levels will play out.

The giant lizard thing is very SotC like. Even the music is similar.

I wasn't as blown away with it as I was expecting to be, but it was fun. It's worth checking out. I'll probably end up buying this when it comes out.

14 years ago

There's still lots of flaws in the demo, hope they fix it. The boss fight is intense. The controls are clumsy. I hate the fact that they used the R2 as shooting, just because xbox has a dedicated "trigger" for the controller. This is just too straight a port.

14 years ago

I agree. I hate it when R2 is for shoot.

14 years ago

last i checked, you can change the controls on the game, although i havent cuz im ok with the defaults. Besides, sony made that r2 button more trigger like for a reason

14 years ago

What he's taking about though is a lot of shooters on the 360 by default use the R2 while the same game in the PS3 use R1 by default. Having an option to change it would be great but not all 360 ports to the PS3 give you an option to change. Like Bioshock for example. I don't know in the case of LP2. That may not be the case.

14 years ago

Yea i really liked lost planet 1 but this demo didnt really impress me with that wow factor. I like the enemies and all but the graphics didnt really blow me away like theyve said it should. But just remember everyone its not coming out till march. If you ve played any beta u know theyll always make it look better. I hope they make another demo closer to release otherwise im skipping this one for now..

14 years ago

I thought the demo was awesome, for the 360 and PS3. I like the PS3 version better cuz it's longer.

14 years ago

Wow you guys need to donate your eyes to some blind men, because the demo I played was great. The boss battle at the end of the second mission was epic. And yes the graphics didn't impress me right away, but it had its moments. Is it just me or do multiplats get treated like red-headed step childs around here? They aren't all bad guys, get over yourselves.

14 years ago

I didn't like it and I wanted to express my opinion also having games coming next months like Ninja Gaiden S2,Uncharted 2,Demons Souls, Tekken 6(multiplat) etc…The only reason to buy this must be for a hardcore of shooter games .

14 years ago

Why do you question the validity of others opinions when they dont fall in line with yours? You liked it, great good for you. I'm happy you like it, but because some of us didn't makes us self obsorbed and what ever you meant about the eye donations?

Your contempt for differing opinions says more about you then it does any of us. Some of us just didn't like it.

14 years ago

Actually I agree with Byakko. It does 'seem' like these are just fanboy type responses. But um …yeah whatever, if you don't like it you don't like it. Too bad for you I guess. I know a good game when I see one (well ….of course the full version could be crap but the demo rocked) and I don't really think there can be excuse why you don't like shooting giant freakin bugs with many different types of weapons. All while playing co-op with a friend or 2. Oh man ….now I just want to play Borderlands.

14 years ago

Whether you agree or disagree with the original posters statement about the donating eyes comment, he brings up an extremely good point.

Multiplatforms in the comment sections here are often seen in an unfavorable light, i have been here long enough to know this and it can't be denied. Unless it has some kind of exclusive dlc for the ps3 version or it looks better. Not faulting anyone, just stating an obovious truth

14 years ago

Byakk have fun playing a subpar game while I enjoy AAA titles.

14 years ago

How is does our dislike for a demo translate into fanboyism? That makes absolutly no sense.

14 years ago

I'm not saying you guys aren't entitled to your own opinions. I'm just pointing out the comments on this site as of late when it comes to other games that aren't exclusive. It seems like fanboyism – emphasis on seems. For example, look how everybody reacted when a guy came on here and said he thought Infamous was rather average. We do remember that don't we? Infamous was treated like the holy grail of gaming when in fact it was just another sandbox game with a very pretty face.

The lot of opinions on multiplats are definitely negative here, and are based solely on the preconception that exclusive titles are better by miles. I won't argue with that, but all I'm saying is they aren't that bad either. Even if you aren't a fanboy (I won't call you guys that), anyone who reads the comments can get a strong indication of that. That's all I'm saying really, this is what it seems like.

Back on topic, I know a good game when I see one, and Lost Planet 2 is surely going to be one of those games. And no I don't question somebody's opinion just because "it doesn't fall in line with mine". But really guys, I wouldn't dare spam the comments section on say Killzone 2, Infamous, or Uncharted 2 with stuff like "Yeah, I don't like this average, sub-par game.". By the way, those are all great games, but to pretend their flawless works of art is definitely exaggerating, in my opinion.

I'm curious though, do you guys know what made the first 2 Playstation platforms so great? You'll probably point out the exclusives, but no it was the diversity the consoles offered. They wouldn't have gone on to sell over 100 million each were they to rely solely on Sony's flagship titles. Without companies like Capcom, Squaresoft, Namco, and Konami the Playstation brand would never have been so popular. You can't expect 100 million people to like the exact same things, can you? So please halt the "Crapcom, Squarebage" and other nonsense now. Those days are over, and the nicknames are tired and childish.

14 years ago


I didn't buy Infamous cuz the demo show me wasn't my type of game and I expressed that if its for me I like multiplats too the only games I criticize are the ones I don't like I didn't like LP 1 but LP 2 was looking badass but the demo just didn't do the trick for me.

also aren't you taking this LP2 going to be a great game and people that don't agree with you are fanboys too far? what are you going to do if this game ends being bad ? are you going to say sorry?

Last edited by Oxvial on 9/25/2009 4:42:32 PM

14 years ago

Good points Byakko, Ive just noticed in some of your posts lately you've attacked the poster instead of his post. By accusing people of being self obsorbed or calling them blind doesn't help to advance your arguement. I do agree some times people can come off "fanboyish" my self included but i think for the most part some people just love their exclusives and are tired of dropping $60 bucks on a multiplat that could have been much better had it been exclusive.

Your right, all of those 3rd party companies helped Sony get to where to they are but this gen most of the games those same companies have been turning out have been subpar or have taken a certain bias towards the 360. Especially Capcom. I still have faith Square will wow us with FFXIII, and I know Konami is still doing great things but Capcom has been a huge let down for some. Especially me. The 1st game I ever owned was Megaman on the NES. Ive been a loyal fan since and this gen all we've gotten from them are ported Xbox games and I see mediorce multiplat written all over this demo. I could be wrong and the game may be great, but that still remains to be seen.

In regards to Infamous, I thought It was more then just another sandbox game. I usually hate sandbox games but for some reason infamous stuck the right chord with me. Just a matter of taste I suppose.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/25/2009 5:17:50 PM

14 years ago


Let me clarify something real quick. I'm not saying you're a fanboy if you disagree with me, and I apologize if you got that implication from my post. But this is what it seems like lately, and I believe it would be bad for the community were the attitude to become the norm. And for what it's worth, I think everyone's opinions should be valued here. My opinion here is that the LP2 demo was great, and I'm willing to bet it would score mid to high 8s from reviews. I might be going out on a limb to call it a 9 especially since it's just a demo, and the graphics probably won't be easy on everyone's eyes. What was there was solid though, and I can't wait to get on some Co-Op with my nephew.


Well I have to disagree about Capcom, but only because I enjoyed RE5 and SFIV a lot. Also, they made a good move for Sony by making a retail version of Marvel vs Capcom 2 I thought. I don't even really like MVC2 much, but given its popularity, I think the retail version helped Sony sell more PS3s. As for the bias you were referring to towards the 360, I have to disagree there. They were simply playing the hand they were dealt; Sony had sold less PS3s and the 360 had a significant number of 360s sold, they had to look at it. But now those things are changing and we're seeing more exclusives than the 360. I'll give you that, that Square and Capcom have been a little less than favorable towards PS3, but we got to remember they're a business still and they're making decisions based on good business. That said, I think 2010 will yield better results for PS3 when it comes to third parties, and there's certainly enough evidence to support that.

14 years ago

I hope your predictions come true. I would nothing more then to see my favorite companies from the glory days start supporting Sony again like they used too.

14 years ago

Well the only company's this gen I'm mad are rockstar for obvious reasons and capcom for no Dead Rising 1.. I don't want to play DR2 without playing the first part .

14 years ago

Byakk the PS2 had 2 things on its side. DVD and RPGs.

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
14 years ago

I just played it and thought it was amazing. You can definitely tell it's the same engine as RE5. I thought it looked a lot better and ran really smoothly.

The controls are really bizarre, but I thought it looked really promising.

Anybody else notice the audio bug? Audio would cut out sometimes when switching weapons?

14 years ago

I noticed it too. Same problem occured in the RE5 demo.

14 years ago

Can't wait to give this a try.

14 years ago

Ben i love you guys, although i have been MIA recently

On topic: I came in here expecting the majority of people to say " damn, this demo is AWESOME " but instead its quite the opposite. I hated the first game, however this demo is extremely promising, its a damn good demo and although i know we all have our opinions, i gotta question those who instantly panned the game in this comment section.

Are there 2 demos for the game? cuz the one i played looked fantastic and played well, even with the r2 button as the fire button.

Again, not calling anyone a fanboy but be honest guys, are you disliking the game due to capcom's previous ways?

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Yes, yes they are.

Just kidding o_O

14 years ago

I think Capcom has done an amazing job with this game (from the way the demo was) I absolutely loved this demo, and I'm going to continue playing it for weeks to come. I wasn't interested in Lost Planet 2 at all really, I've just seen some gameplay vids over the past months and it looked graphically stunning. I'm not easy to impress but this game looked and played great. This demo is way too much fun with a friend playing over psn with headsets. Pretty intense.

Last edited by Zemus101 on 9/25/2009 1:39:17 PM

14 years ago

I downloaded last night but I havent played it yet.. The trailers look good.I've thought about buying the first game.

14 years ago

It was a tremendous letdown for me but I'm understanding of it being a demo. I thought the graphics were nothing compared to what I'd been shown in videos. Way to bright and the brush/trees were low detail as well as the enemies. The controls while different didn't really effect my gameplay in a negative manner. I'm hoping they polish this up. A demo is supposed to excite me, not let me down and question purchasing a product.

14 years ago

The prerendered videos DO do more justice to the games then the demo. The video footage sparked my interest and I had hoped to like this one. But this demo is no good IMO.

14 years ago

It's not bad really, its fun co-op I just have no idea what in gods name is going on! Assaulting an alien planet? Ok, man I don't notice screen tearing really at all, the graphics aren't bad, and the framerate remains solid. I have no complaints except for me being completely lost on the story. Off Topic, Also Wolfenstein is down right awful!

14 years ago

My damn tv decided to finally die after 6yrs of good use, didn't even get to try out the demo after downloading it last night, time to move my ps3 to my parents hdtv in the living room XD

14 years ago

i wish there was an offline coop though, at least one person. I mean haze had 4 players with at most 2 people playing on one console and 2 online. Thats the one thing i liked about it. If haze had it why can't lost planet have it. hell even resistance had that 2 players on one systems when you go online either. I know online is where its supposed to be at but you cant just ignore local coop. Hell i was on that last stage with the big boss for this demo but everyone on my team died. I had to pilot the 3 person suit myself and it was crap.

14 years ago

Well this demo was in fact very fun!! I wasn't blown away but it's fun as tohers siad and yes offline co-op like resistance 2 should be in every ps3 game that has online co-op that just makes it funner for the person that sits next to you everytime you play online. Though i don't see why some people hate the shooting system, it took me awhile to get used to it but in the end iI got addicted , but everyone has thier perferences.

14 years ago

I agree with the nay sayers, this demo sucked. I was looking forward to what capcom could do with the new jungle enviroment but i can't see this game doing very well with the reviewers.

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