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TGS 09: Japan Receives Special FFXIII 250GB PS3 Slim

Square-Enix's Yoshinori Kitase just recently left the stage during Sony's second TGS conference; he popped up just long enough to announce something super fun for Japan.

First of all, Final Fantasy VIII is now up on the Japanese PlayStation Store for download; if you don't have a Japanese account and you're a huge FF fan, we just gotta feel for you. But that's only the lead-up: Sony and Square-Enix are collaborating to release a special "Lightning PS3;" it'll be pink and white and boast a big ol' 250GB hard drive, which may or may not be an early indication of the impending 250GB PS3 Slim. The hardcore Final Fantasy follower will definitely want to import that FFXIII-themed PS3…you know, provided you don't have a problem with the pink, and you shouldn't, if you're a stable, secure male individual. We have no wish to be sexist, though, so we won't continue that train of thought. Anyway, Kitase also reminded the crowd that FFXIII would release on December 17 in Japan, but there was no mention of a North American or European release date. That's really what we were hoping for, but instead, he is already gone and Capcom's Jun Takeuchi is up there now, showing off the new motion sensing for Resident Evil 5 . The demonstration looks pretty sweet, actually.

When we can find some pics of that sweet FFXIII Lightning PS3 – which we assume will be "Limited" – we'll nab 'em for you. In the meantime, we know you're pondering an import…

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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14 years ago

I would buy it, I actually think pink rocks. I'm so thankful to have FF, no other game excites me like FF and I've been a patient boy.

14 years ago

pink and excitement….good words together in the same paragraph. lol

14 years ago

I wear perfume, enough said. Clinique Happy if you're wondering.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 9/24/2009 12:29:41 AM

14 years ago

A pink PS3 for FF fans? I always knew FF players were a bit "fruity" and "fabulous", but this is ridiculous. Some things just don`t need to be pink.

14 years ago

Vertigo, I thought you already bought a Slim, your buying this one too?

Hezzron, what do you mean FF players are a bit fruity? I'm not a huge rpg fan and pink is JUST a color,get over it.

14 years ago

That is correct www but I LOVE the FF series more than any other gaming series and I really like the look of this. I know it's splurging, especially having 2 PS3s already but sometimes you have to treat yourself, you know?

14 years ago

www – All I`m saying is that, JRPGs led by FF have some of the most effeminate looking male characters, and now a supposedly appealing pink PS3 is being put out for these FF fans. You do the math.

However, having seen the pics in LV`s links, it`s actually more white than anything else.

14 years ago

The pink doesn't bother me at all. That bundle is sexy.

14 years ago

You can see pics of the system at SrawlFX dot com

14 years ago

@ hezzron73 – The hero of FFXII would buy this bundle. Let's put it that way. LOL

14 years ago

Hopefully they'll follow up with a release of FFVIII in other territories sooner than later. I would love to take that game along with me on my PSP like i did VII.

14 years ago

Same here. Playing Dissidia has made me want to play VIII over again.

14 years ago

Bagh! Once again us round eyes don't get a sweet FF Sony bundle.

Can't believe it's been this long since XII. Feels like I just played that game yesterday. Stoked for XIII. I too have been good and patient.

14 years ago

It was nearly 5 years between FFX and FFXII (FFXI wasn't a true FF game). I don't really think the wait has been that long for XIII. The PS3's lack of RPGs sometimes makes it seem longer than it is.

Btw Jawk that first sentence was soooo racist but since I made fun of rape I can't really get upset at you 🙂

14 years ago

I may have played XI but the sub fees are like Jawknee repellant. I do remember waiting a loooooong time for XII. This wait didn't feel that long. As I said I feel like I just finished XII recently but looking at the time that gone by it's longer then I thought. I haven't played any RPG's this gen except Eternal Sonata and that's taken a back seat now to Batman and Metroid Prime. 🙁 I need to finish that game.

Ha! Made fun of rape. You would. You think the round eye comment scored me the thumbs down? Is it really racist if it's said about myself?

14 years ago

Well the thing is by calling yourself a round eye you're clearly pointing out they aren't round eyes which is kinda you know…wrong to say. I don't care, trust me.

I've spent the gap between 12 and 13 doing the usual, replaying a majority of FF titles. They never get old (except 8, can't stand that pu*** Squall but I do enjoy its gameplay).

14 years ago

you guys forgot X-2 🙂

14 years ago

I tried to pretend it didn't exist. Thanks for reminding me Worlds. Hahaha

I don't know about LV but I hated X-2.

@Limited, I haven't replayed any of the older FF is some time. I've been holding out for PSN versions so I can carry them around on my PSP. Have you played III and IV on the DS? Squall was a giant vag. VIII's game play was great but I have this tick where every stat has to be maxed, and when ever I found a new spell i had to draw 300 of each to stock up stats. It's a problem I know. It bugs me to no end when I don't have everything maxed out In any FF title.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/24/2009 1:06:09 AM

14 years ago

Damn, you're right World. Totally forgot. I remember playing that in the fall of 2003 while home from school. My gf at the time and I were having problems and I spent a vast amount of time playing that game to get it off my mind.

14 years ago


I actually loved X-2 but can see why people might not enjoy it. It does have a girly tone to it but the closure involved between Yuna and Tidus makes up for it all. I actually loved the job system and found later areas to have a rather high difficulty level and I love that.

I haven't tried out any FF on the DS. I typically play the old FF titles on my computer through emulation. I love streaming it to my high def television and using a wireless 360 controller.

14 years ago

FF IV on the DS its awasome too bad PSP dont have a port of that one.

14 years ago

@Limited, I may have to give X-2 another try then. I stil have my original copy and guide. Tha opening scene with Yuna singing like a Korean Pop star turned me off from the start. Maybe I'll play through X and try playing X-2 again while we wait for XIII. if you have a DS(i think you said you did)I'd buy III and IV. they are pretty sweet. Complete graphics over haul and some new cut scenes.

@Oxival, they should have made them for PSP too. III actually supports the stylus so I don't know how that would have worked. I like the DS though so I don't mind so much that it's exclusive. I just bought Dragon Quest IV and will be getting V and possibly Chrono Trigger for it as well. One of my favorite RPGs.

14 years ago

I sure do have a ds, I will hop on ebay and snag them both up today, pronto.

14 years ago

Um, is that all the announcements from SE?

14 years ago

What else would they announce? All they DO is announce. It's a company built on non stop FF announcements/teasers when all they've actually got is a FFXIII demo. They jumped on the phony March 2010 bandwagon for a NA release of FFXIII and FFXIIIVs is a pipe dream that NA won't see until 2012. Now they've announced Nier which is just more hype about games that don't exist to make it look like they're busy doing something over there.

If they hadn't blown their fortune on crappy 360 rpgs then they'd have delivered the games people really wanted by now. But no, now it's show after show of FFXIII is coming.

14 years ago

I must have this..

14 years ago

now i wont pass judgement on the color scheme til i see it but pink and white seem like an odd color combo. being that it is only in japan and the culture there is different and that they get all their systems in every color they can think of this does not suprise me.

i think what gets me is that the system goes from black to pink/white… odd in my mind.

14 years ago

Here is the picture of the console for anyone that wants to see…

14 years ago

I've seen the bundle, the console looks amazing (in my opinion. It's a pearl white slim console with a pink lightning silhouette on top of the console. The lower right of the top (right above the blue ray drive) it is etched "Final Fantasy XIII) in pink.

I've posted a link to the picture but as usual it's pending approval :sigh:

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 9/24/2009 1:43:21 AM

14 years ago

ok now after seeing it i think its bad ass. i would def buy that. thanks for the pics.

14 years ago

Now that's pretty f*ckin sweet!

14 years ago

Super fun for Japan… But dammit, when is the U.S. gunna get to have super fun?

14 years ago

They better release some form of bundle for FF13 when it arrives here in the states. If Sony doesn't I will be VERY pissed and they will miss out on the money I'd gladly shell out. I already own 2 PS3s and I'd willingly put down money for a 3rd if it was this.

14 years ago

pink and white?
WTF is going on with sonys style lately?
first they release a Hanna Montana pink PSP
a bloody purple PSP and now a pink and white ps3.
sony im really worried about you.
here, my mother use to work for a very good psychiatrist i think you should go see him.

14 years ago

What the hell is wrong with pink? I think the console looks amazing and I'll gladly throw down 400-500 for the bundle if it comes stateside.

14 years ago

most of no names posts are usually pretty negative towards sony in general. i agree with you limitedvertigo the system does look very cool. not at all what i expected when i read the article.

14 years ago

Ok Mr. Underscrotum, you're missing out the AWESOME bundles Sony have released.

-GunMetal Grey
-Cloud Black
-Crisis Core PSP
-God of War PSP
-The list goes on…

And this new bundle, is certainly one of the prettiest of them all. If the Japansese version includes English subtitles [wishful thinking], I will actually consider importing this piece of awesomeness.

14 years ago

If I didn't already buy a slim I'd get this in a heart beat.

14 years ago

@ BlankInside -Nintendo slapped Sony and MS upside the head and showed them that "girl colors" are cool and can sell by the truck load.

14 years ago

Is that seriously all SE announced?

14 years ago

Like I already predicted, we're gonna have different colored Slims in the future, so there's no need to rush.

14 years ago

It's a beautiful machine. This will do wonders for FF13 fans in Japan moreso than MW2 bundle will do for the 360.

14 years ago

Bundles with multiplatform games are retarded.

14 years ago

Meh FFXIII shouldnt be on the 360 to begin with

14 years ago

FFXIII is a multiplat game though so your statement doesn't make any sense about bundling with multiplat games.

Go ahead and give me a thumbs down, I'm okay with it.

14 years ago

Actually it does make sense because FFXIII is PS3 exclusive in japan and so is this bundle.

Thinking is hard sometimes I know. 😉

14 years ago

So you are saying the game Japan will receive is completely different from both what the other regions ps3 and 360 will receive.

It must be lonely being so stupid.

Last edited by vicious54 on 9/24/2009 11:24:23 AM

14 years ago

I'm sorry, I'll stop. You have right to your own opinion, my discontent for your comments just carried over from your previous day's post.

14 years ago

No, what i was saying is since FFXIII is exclusive in Japan a Japanse bundle makes sense. Not so with the MW2 and even that fugly red RE5 bundle since both games were available on both consoles in Japan. The PS3 RE5 bundle in Japan was stupid too.

FFXIII is not a multiplat game in Japan so a Sony bundle in Japan isn't a multiplat bundle. The MW2 one is. If a FFXIII Sony bundle comes to the states where the game is multiplat then I'll eat my words. Although it's highly unlikely we get one.

Don't take what I say to heart. There's no reason a random person on the Internet should offend you. 🙂

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/24/2009 12:46:55 PM

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