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Bioshock 2 Lands Worldwide Launch Date Of February 9

We almost forgot about it after it disappeared out of 2009, but now that it has reappeared on the radar, we quickly and easily recall the excellent experience the original provided.

2K Games has announced that Bioshock 2 , the hotly anticipated sequel to one of the most popular and critically acclaimed titles of the generation, will be available worldwide on February 9, 2010. According to the press release, this new story will feature "two unique, yet intertwined experiences that form the perfect blend of explosive first-person shooter combat, compelling storytelling and intense multiplayer action." This is a true sequel in that the setting is a decade after the events of the first Bioshock ; a mysterious monster has been snatching little girls out of their beds at night and dragging them back to the undersea city, Rapture. Players will actually assume the role "of the most iconic denizen of Rapture, the Big Daddy," in their quest to discover the truth. Multiplayer will be an entirely different beast; this will have you playing as a Plasmid test subject for Sinclair Solutions, and "you will need to use all the elements of the Bioshock toolset to survive." Without a doubt, this is one of our most anticipated games, just because the first was so damn awesome.

For more details and media, head over to the game's official website , as well as the thought-provoking .

Related Game(s): Bioshock 2

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14 years ago

I should see what all the fuzz is about and get my self to play the first one already.

14 years ago

i played the first one it's not as good as they make it out to be, still pretty good though, but it's worth checking out nonetheless.

14 years ago

I agree. I played it for the first time a few months ago and I thought it was a pretty generic shooter. It had a unique setting, but I thought the story was kind of pedestrian. Maybe it seemed more impressive when it launched way back then, but I was expecting more.

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
14 years ago

Yea, I was very underwhelmed by just about every aspect of it. Then again, I never played more that 6 or so hours into it. Maybe it got better later.

The shooting mechanincs were just awful, and I thought it looked pretty poor technically.

14 years ago

What's wrong with you people…Am I the only person here that f*cking loved it…

14 years ago

the ending was a twist even m. night shamalayn(did i spell tht right?) couldnt even see coming

14 years ago

I liked the story, but everything else about it was blah.

14 years ago

@PearJammer – You fought the same handful of bad guys over and over, the picture taking was unappealing and the safe opening pipe mini-games were annoying and out of place. I think it was a little over hyped because it was an early 360 exclusive. It was just OK for me.

14 years ago

I still need to complete the firstgame. not sure why i just stopped playing it. I think it may have something to do with the long wait when i finally got it i just got sick of it. Its a good game though.

14 years ago

Me too. I got pass the first level and something came up (RE5?) and I never got back to it…

14 years ago

Same here. I got Bioshock to tide me over while I waited for Killzone 2. Stopped playing it when KZ2 came out and at that point I was sick of FPS. I've been in te mood for a FPS again, but now Bioshock has taken a back seat to Metroid Prime Trilogy. =P my wife keeps bugging me to finish Bioshock. At the rate that these good Sony exclusives are coming out, finishing Bioshock before Bioshock 2 doesnt seem likely.

14 years ago

@ Jawknee I want a wife like yours, you sure you were not dreaming her telling you to play more bioshock?

14 years ago

Actually I think the only reason she wants me to finish Bioshock is because she's tired of watching me play infamous, killzone 2, metal gear solid 4 and all the other addictive PS3 exclusives. =P Bioshock is pretty much the only game I haven't finished in my library.

14 years ago

Lol yeah. Good to know we don't have to wait a year for this one too lol. 😉

14 years ago

Same here, didnt play the first one till now, i think i'll get my hands on it before the release of uncharted 2.

14 years ago

The first one is a great game and if you haven't played it don't let anyone tell you otherwise. A definite must play, great graphics, sound, story, on my alltime list of great games. Any one who likes shooters or RPG's should at least give it a try. I demolished the Xbox version just had 2 or 3 more Achievments left. Got the PS3 version new on a steal waiting for another run through before the sequel hits. Great news, now I can run through these Jan – Feb and begin my conquest of Olympus in March with GoW 1-3. Ahh the gaming life is looking good for the next 6 months to year, now I just need Demon Souls to hurry up.

14 years ago

I pick the first one up from time to time but it's not as great as all the reviews say it is. Can't imagine whats really gonna separate the new one from the first one if you're still playin in Rapture. I imagine the map won't be much different and you'll probably feel like you're just playing extra content rather then a sequel??!! Also can't see how playin as a Big Daddys gonna be alot of fun, they're too damn slow and clumsy (ok they still manage to kick ass somehow) but maybe I'm just not really gettin it, whatever 'it' is that I'm supposed to get?!

14 years ago

Lol I havent even finished the 1st one. Unreal engine is so fugly.

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
14 years ago

Not all games that use Unreal look UnGood. I thought Arkhum Asylum looked amazing. It's had a lot of refinements over the years too.

14 years ago

Batman looked better but that greasy plastic look isn't my thing.

14 years ago

so i ant get into the forums apparently im not aloud to post there lol????

so im asking here! i found a logitech race wheel… i do not know which model it is, at first i though it was the g25 but later found out they also make a lower model the gt!

my question is im looking into getting a hweel but not at a hefty $300… the wheel i found is at a good price but if it turns out to be the gt is it worth getting and will i enjoy it as much or even enjoy using it at all? or should i pass on it completely and just wait til i find a g25?

im wanting it for gt5 and i want to experience a real good wheel, and actually enjoy using it, if i wont get that from the gt tell me cus i will easily pass on it if this turns out to be the gt!

thanks guys again sorry to be off topic but i cant post in the forums for whetever reason!

14 years ago

I think you have to recreate a login id to post in the forums.

14 years ago

Big Mama!! I see a trademark infringement. Get 'em Kojima!

14 years ago

Bioshock was alright but I'll be picking up SO4 that day instead

14 years ago

Sounds good!!! the loved the first one, It deserve to be in gamers libraries,IMHO. Sea of Dreams should also be a must play. I am kinda glad they push the second one a bit cuz of all the great games coming out in the next few months.

ninja gaiden 2- 9/29/09
Uncharted 2- 10/13/09
Modern Warfare 2- 11/10/09
GOW collection- 11/10/09
GT5- december 2009
MAG- 1/26/2010
Bioshock 2- 2/9/2010
GOW 3- march 2010

one great game per month!!!!!all set for the next 6 months.

14 years ago

"mysterious monster has been snatching little girls out of their beds at night"

-Its Gabe Newell, he is eating them.

14 years ago

ha ha ha ha ha

dude that was awesome

thumbs up from me 🙂

Last edited by frylock25 on 9/18/2009 4:07:47 PM

14 years ago

I tried the demo a few times on the 360, then I tried a few more times on my PS3, I wanted to like this but I could'nt get into it, hell I couldn't get through the demo it seem to bore me. Fallout 3 on the other hand I can't get enough of, I should have got this game when it came out in stead of last week either way great game so far.

14 years ago

well my bday is a few days before this games launch so i may just have to make this one of my presents on preorder. the first one was really fun. i see the comments about it being a genaric shooter but i didnt feel that way at all. i dont go for many of the big hyped fps (i will be passing on mw2 just like i have passed on every other CoD) but this game really made me want to keep playing.

off topic but is anyone else still having problems with their dualshocks even after v. 3.01? my dualshock keeps losing sync with the ps3. as far as i can tell its only after a system time out.

14 years ago

I still haven't played the first one, what a shame

14 years ago

Wow, so many good games coming in on 2010. As much as I enjoyed the first Bioshock, I won't be getting the sequel of it. I'll be buying Star Ocean instead of Bioshock 2.

14 years ago

It's going to be the most expensive 1Q ever in 2010 from a gamer perspective. It starts at the beginning of January with Bayonetta and ends with God of War in March for me.

14 years ago

There are other games higher up my priority list.
Especially if FF13 hits home early.

14 years ago

I liked the first one a lot. I wasn't expecting much, though because I'm not a big FPS fan. If you go in not expecting too much, the game was great. The surround sound was pretty freaky, too. My gripe was that it was very short. Worth the time to play it through (I did twice) and the price is right now. I'll pick up part 2 and probably still have plenty of time before FFXIII and GOW III gets to me.

Metal Head
Metal Head
14 years ago

I didn't like Bioshock, maybe because I got to played it a year later?. Maybe it was big because PS3 did't have alot of AAA like it does now. Maybe putting gamers first over $$$$ is a wiser option.

14 years ago

I can't wait for this I preordered it a few months ago almost paid off 🙂 So many great titles coming out at once what will I do

14 years ago

loved the first one,going to get this one asap…

14 years ago

Can't believe the lack of love for it around here. I'm pretty picky when it comes to FPSs but the story, atmosphere, and plasmids put it way above the comparatively bland CoD4 for me, though I agree it could have used more different enemies. Even beat it on the extra hard difficulty.
Might not get the sequel day 1 but it's definitely a must-buy.

14 years ago

While I was upset when the game was announced to be pushed back a bit ago, I am now a bit more relieved. As much as I love the first one (beat it 1100 achievement points on 360, then bought it for PS3 and got my platinum), I know I am going to love the 2nd one. So, with so many games coming out in the last quarter of this year, pushing this one to Feb. will allow me to enjoy it more, once I've beaten all the games coming out soon.

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