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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Demo Slashes Onto US PSN Next Week

"Jiggle feature" aside, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is guaranteed to be yet another highly polished action extravaganza that'll be well worth the price of admission.

But if you're not convinced, you can always try out the playable demo. According to GamersDigest , the Sigma 2 demo will hit the Japanese PlayStation Store this week, and become available in North America next week (September 24). This demo will present you with two scenario stages; you'll play one with Ryu and the other with the busty, purple-haired ninja, Ayane. Tecmo will even give us the option of trying two co-op stages (obviously, Ryu and Ayane will team up in this situation), and if you don't have a willing buddy, the CPU will control the other character. However, bear in mind that you won't be able to sample the online play with this demo; online multiplayer will be reserved for the final retail version. I know a lot of you out there aren't quite familiar with this franchise as it debuted on the Xbox last generation, but you're really missing out if you don't give these games a try. They'll give you a few of the most intense and challenging gaming experiences available.

Expect to see our review of Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 some time soon as well; it's one of many titles that we may have to recommend for a holiday purchase. We apologize in advance to your wallet.

Related Game(s): Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

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14 years ago

Man the most high octaine action game out there! And a demo for it to??? Hell yeah im on it ^_^. Hopefully gets a better camera in the ps3 version or at least an update for one.

14 years ago

It was the common thing to knock the camera, but really, one would just have to correct it by tapping R1 (or R3 was it?) occasionally (when going around corners or when turning around quickly) which became very intuitive and effortless, much like controlling the camera in gta4, minus having to adjust it along the vertical axis, which when driving on hilly terrain or streets was an irksome affair. And for one or two times in the whole game when one couldn't adjust the camera, and an enemy was to jump out at you, it was a deliberate fear inducing event, and not at all representative of something happening typically during frenetic gameplay whereby unavoidable tourettes's syndrome and controller-hurling frustration would be induced.

14 years ago

I like the extras they added so I definitely have to get it.

14 years ago

I'm looking forward to playing this demo. As hard as ninja gaiden sigma was, maybe this demo will last until sigma 2 comes out.

14 years ago

its pretty funny cause the first time i played ninja gaiden sigma, it didnt bother me. But after going back to play it again, that game is damn hard.

14 years ago

Since I played the original NG (i got an xbox just for that game as I got a 360 just for the sequel), I remember not being interested in getting Sigma. But after playing the demo obsessively completing each difficulty including the insane Master difficulty,, I grabbed myself a copy and it remains one of my most oft-played title in my collection.

14 years ago

I never got around to playing the 360 version. So glad I waited. Come to think of it, I haven't played anything on my 360 in months. Poor thing, it looks so lonely just sitting there. *Puts teddy bear next to 360* There ya go buddy, now sleep tight.

14 years ago

Lol, mine would work up quite a sweat every time it would play ng2, and make noise like jetplane taking off because it was constantly loading. So, I'm glad I can get the ps3 version knowing it won't break the system, and I can keep my 360 red-ring free long enough off to play Gears 3. Sure, the missing blood spray and littering of body parts does take away from the Kill Bill motif of the game, but the gameplay remains the same, as the amputation and obliteration techniques are still intact. It's just that instead of being followed by over-the-top blood spray, and remains that don't dissappear, it's followed by purple haze (not the drug), and body parts vanishing as they did anyways with some enemies in the original NG2. But what did we get in return? Since those effects and dynamic on-screen assets before were taxing on RAM, Team Ninja kept the original game at a sub HD resolution of 585. This time we have a 1080p resolution as we had in the original Sigma, not to mention new characters, enemies, bosses, cutscenes, subareas/levels, weapons and coop mode. Not a bad deal.

14 years ago

It will be on the Japanese PSN this week if you have an account. I'm sure the language barrier won't be a problem.

14 years ago

There's actually a nice trailer for it on the Japanese store right now.

14 years ago

Im actually stoked about this entry…before the jiggly feature but that was just icing on the cake!

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Is the breast-jiggling feature coded in this demo?
Just wonderin'.. lol.

14 years ago

yeah, I wanted to test my controller's sensitivity.

14 years ago

SHHHHH. Don't mention the jiggle factor. You might piss off Ceedot again.

14 years ago

I kinda feel sad because they can throw all the demoes they got at me but even if i find their games amazing, I cant buy all the games i want this holiday season because i cant find a job in vegas. I guess i'll have to wait till a lot later.

14 years ago

Tecmo will even give us the option of trying two co-op stages, and if you don't have a willing buddy, the CPU will control the other character. However, bear in mind that you won't be able to sample the online play with this demo;

So wait a minute, does this mean that there's OFFLINE multiplayer too?

14 years ago

the uncharted 2 beta has made my choice so simple.
thanks to it i no longer need any games till it closes on the 12th.
now as long as uncharted 2 is out by the 20th of october in australia (FU***NG!!! better be or sonys going to get a unpleasant phone call).
im set.
sorry teamco you lost me on the minimizing blood and dismembering limbs.
plus ive already spent 30+ hours playing ninja gaiden 2.

14 years ago

As I said in my previous comment, the dismembering is still there. It's just that instead of being followed by hyperbolic blood spray, and body parts that don't disappear, their followed by mystic purple haze with fewer remaining body parts to reserve the RAM for a resolution of 1080p instead of the previous sub HD res of 585, as well as new characters, playable ones, enemies, bosses, areas, levels, cutscenes, weapons, and online coop. Not bad, plus you don't have to worry about red-ringing your 360 as i remember my 360 would make a lot of noise everytime a new or previous area had to be loaded, and it would freeze often as specific places.

Last edited by Aftab on 9/16/2009 3:13:25 AM

14 years ago

@Aftab, I know I sound like a Noob but thats the first I heard that! Those facts have made this 'decision' easier than it already was.

14 years ago

Other thing worth noting is that the AI has ramped up. Standard enemies no longer resort to the same attack patterns in each area, but instead are varied and randomized. And spamming attack methods like throwing a projectile followed by a hawk dive will be quickly countered unlike before.

I'm not sure if they have removed the ridiculous spamming of projectile attacks by enemies, but I can only assume so, as that was one of the major criticisms levied against the game, and Hayashi has made major steps at fixing each of the well-known bugs or nuances about the game, including camera ones, slow-down, and freezes, as heard from direct feedback by the fan community.

Besides the near-doubling of resolution (585 to 1080p), other visual changes include depth-of-field effects, and an improved camera that requires less manual adjustment. The 360 version (while still being based on an evolved engine of the original xbox ng) seems to do better hardware anti-aliasing, but ps3 version uses the Sigma engine which offers better lighting and dynamic shadows, and redone/improved character models, on screen assets, etc.

The only thing left to keep in mind is that NG has always been and still is HARD. It is not for the feint of heart, and other games of the same genre like DMC4 are comparatively a walk in the park. So, please keep that in mind.

14 years ago

SHHHHH. Don't mention the jiggle factor. You might piss off Ceedot again.

Metal Head
Metal Head
14 years ago

Ninja Gaiden was my favorite game when Nintendo was a real gaming console. Is a shame they release this game when I have better options. Ryu is the coolest Ninja ever.

14 years ago

I played the demo. I had screen tear like 5 times and couldn't really tell if they jiggle cause I was playing in an SDTV lol. The demo was good, you unlock the chick with purple dress and 2 team mode map's, which are awesome.

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