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Japanese Release Date For Final Fantasy XIII Found

Many believed we'd receive both Japanese and North American release dates for Final Fantasy XIII at the Tokyo Game Show this month; Square-Enix is holding one of their patented behind-closed-doors events, and future attendees figured they'd receive this information then.

But it seems we know well ahead of time: this online ad for FFXIII shows a Japanese release date of December 17, 2009! All along, Square-Enix has promised the most anticipated RPG of the generation would launch this year in Japan and they never wavered; this date – if accurate – drives that point home. Obviously, US and European gamers are going to have to wait until the middle part of 2010 (estimated) to get this game, but now we're really hoping to get a US release date at TGS. Typically, we'd allow 8-10 months for the lengthy localization process that is required, but Square-Enix has said in the past that this process will be shorter for FFXIII; perhaps only 6-8 months. This means we could see FFXIII as early as June of next year, and let's not forget that GameStop currently holds a June 21, 2010 release date for this region. Everything seems to be falling into place and we know a lot of hardcore RPG aficionados might be looking to import this one. We'll also be looking for a playable demo for the US, too; something along the lines of the one that released with the Blu-Ray edition of "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children" in Japan.

Obviously, we'll be one of the first to tell you when FFXIII receives a North American launch date from Square-Enix. But at least with the Japanese date, we can be a bit more accurate in our speculation.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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King James
King James
14 years ago

Finally…but it does make you wonder why S-E released this info right after the PS3 preliminary sales data got leaked in Japan. This could have been announced at TGS. S-E, your timing is impeccable.

14 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if M$ gives them a piece of paper with $$$$$$ on them so they could announce a simultaneous release date. I mean they said that 360's development will start after PS3 version is done right? But they showed a demo of FF13 running on X360 as well. What's with that?

14 years ago

I think it will Clash Gran Turismo 5 if it does come out this fall, and NA, EU version will clash with god of war 3. OMG

14 years ago

PS3 exclusives are too good, so good, that they must clash with Final Fantasy 13, which has done the taboo no FF has ever done: become multi-platform! The reason for doing so, is to punish it! XD

Lol twas my imagination ^__^

14 years ago

I think I'll be getting versus only…and GT5 that is

14 years ago

Even Kitase recently stated that they have to downgrade FF 13 to become fair to the 360

Maybe I'll buy just to show Square where Final Fantasy belongs

It will sell better on the Ps3

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Did he really say that?

That's pretty selfish of him..

14 years ago

He kitase really stated this recently

even saying the quest structures and other gameplay mechanics have to be changed
to be fair on both consoles

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Son of a.. !!!!

14 years ago

i wish it was a worldwide release:(

14 years ago

Technically it is, lol just import it, region-free

14 years ago

Next summer will be epic! Too bad I probably have to take Organic Chemistry over the summer though… Hmm, graduating college, playing awesome videogames… it's a tough choice. 🙂

14 years ago

there is a way to do both man…


14 years ago

You aren't very good at college if you can only do the class part. You have learned nothing if you haven't figured out how to party, play AND get you work done and keep your grades up:)

14 years ago

6-8 months still seems like a long time. Where is it written that localization must be done after the Japanese version is complete? Why not do it during development and save yourself a bunch of headaches.

14 years ago

Actually I think they have said this is what they have been doing

14 years ago

I think they recently reported that the English dialogue was already recorded, which would mean the script is fully translated.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Kiwi of DOOM
Kiwi of DOOM
14 years ago

I'm so excited for TGS it's not even funny.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

New Zealander too? 😉

14 years ago

Sweet, PS3 will sell like butter in sunshine this Christmas, release Gran Turismo 5 and it might surpass Xbox 360.

14 years ago

butter in sunshine?

14 years ago

I don't know either, maybe it's so hot the butter melts and people have to keep buying more and more butter? lol

14 years ago

Maybe they buy it, knowing it will melt and they can take a nice refreshing bath in it.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Maybe.. maybe they.. yeah…

14 years ago

it looks like a import from me, dont wanna wait for it next spring

14 years ago

I'll pick it up when its cheaper. Enix have let me down ever since they lost the 'Soft' touch.


14 years ago

Sweet beans!

14 years ago

I think you mean cool beans

14 years ago

I'm importing it. Why? Because Japanese voice acting sounds 10x better as always…and plus I have a friend from Japan..who would love to play the game as well. WIN WIN situation for both of us. Oh yea baby. 12/17/09 HERE I COME.

But oh god Akihabara is going to explode hahaha.

I mean think about it…didn't that one Advent Children with a demo of FFXIII move a ton of PS3s?! Think about what this will do in Japan. I mean everyone keeps saying oh yea…almost every single person in Japan has a PS3…but I think there's still that portion left…where this was the only game they were waiting for to buy a PS3.

PS3's going to win this holiday season that's for sure. It will outsell the whole competition by a bunch. I mean Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank Future, Gran Turismo 5 (most likely), then this…jesus christ.

Expect a Japanese only FFXIII PS3 slim bundle. I mean hell…they had a limited edition bundle for Advent Children Complete why not this? Oh yea…and expect a limited edition bundle. Ahh…now things are starting to be a bit more clear on how TGS is going to go.

Last edited by shadowpal2 on 9/7/2009 3:07:40 PM

14 years ago

"I mean everyone keeps saying oh yea…almost every single person in Japan has a PS3."

Almost no Japanese have PS3s; the sales figures there have been much lower than expected (due to a sparse line-up of games compared to the West). I think you meant "has a Wii", because that's what people have been saying (expecting Wii sales to fall).

FFXIII will sell tons of PS3s.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 9/8/2009 5:44:02 AM

14 years ago

how does the jap voice acting sound better infact let me rephrase that question…how does the english voice acting not sound good?

14 years ago

Will the japanese version also have the english track in it?

Last edited by Andysw on 9/7/2009 3:10:21 PM

14 years ago


14 years ago

Not even english subtitles. The only think I can possibly imagine seeing in english is "Final Fantasy XIII" and "Start game."

14 years ago

Where have you guys been getting your information? I was also hoping that the Japanese version will have at least English subtitles

14 years ago

To be honest Jackyl…we are just pretty sure of how it is going to turn out as. Hey if there would be english subtitles…I don't see the reason as why most people wouldn't get it from Japan in the first place. I'm simply making the claim that there wouldn't be any English subtitles judging by history itself. I don't remember seeing any English subtitles in the FFXIII demo released in Japan along with FFVII: Advent Children Complete on April…did you?

14 years ago

I meant to check that out but never got around to it. Might have been because they hadn't gotten far enough through the localization process at that point.

I don't know what percentage of people who would purchase the game with just English subtitles as opposed waiting for English voice-overs.

Either way, it may be a fool's hope but it would be a nice, slightly sneaky way, for SE to show us PS3 users a little love after taking away our exclusive title and making us wait longer for it as a result.

14 years ago

shadowpal2 i think ff ten had english subtitle and japanese voice overs. i think thats the only ff game to have english subtitles

14 years ago

Oh really? Wow now that makes things a bit more interesting. If they were to have english subtitles in this. I see no reason as to why people in the U.S, England, and Europe wouldn't just import it instead of waiting HALF A YEAR in getting it. Hopefully that issue gets answered at TGS.

14 years ago

I'm not that hyped up for this game which is sad being a hardcore fan for the FF series.

14 years ago

SE your faithful servant waits patiently for his next blessing.

14 years ago

lets hope this lives up to it since 12 sucked

14 years ago

In your opinion, I personally LOVED it and it has offered me tremendous re-playability thanks to it's game play and AMAZING soundtrack.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

FFXII was amazing.

Except the music was my least favourite for the series. I only loved some scores in it.
There was no song/piece I can remember that I want to play on guitar or piano. Or download and put on repeat whilst drifting to sleep.

I'm unhappy with myself that I just don't like the military (maybe Arcadian) type orchestras as much as the traditional eastern-Japanese-Gypsie-Arabic-Indian-Celtic (etc) flavoured music from it's predecessors.

14 years ago

It took me a second play through Banky to really get into the music. First time I thought it was good but after the 2nd time I LOVED it. I think it's cool you're able to play FF songs on the piano.

14 years ago

What if…Square-Enix were condiserate enough to feature English subtitles in the Japanese version? Now that would be sweet.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago


Even if I had the money I wouldn't be importing it. Because..

Well I'm Asian but I lost my language. And it just gets to me when I hear an Asian language being spoken more than 10 minutes when I'm alone (playing games, movies).
Because I'm that insecure lol – no joke, I have a problem.

But it's ok! in anime clips on YouTube and such
/end rant

So I need English!
Anyone know what kind of mental stigma this falls under? I'm not embarrassed of my nationality or Asians but I get uneasy when listening to our bad lisps and accents + high pitch language.


14 years ago

I'm German/Irish and I can't stand my Irish side if it makes you feel any better. Never understood the pride involved with poverty and potato soup.

14 years ago

Potato soup is delicious, at least it is when I make it.

Consume with a pint or two of Guinness.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 9/8/2009 5:52:34 AM

14 years ago

Make it Heineken and I'll give it a shot.

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