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Beta Testing For Online Create Mode In LBP Is Complete

Okay, so we're only a few days away from the LittleBigPlanet Game of the Year Edition, and if you still haven't jumped aboard the Sackboy bandwagon yet, feel free to download the upcoming demo on the PSN.

They're talking it up over at the PlayStation Blog but perhaps the most interesting information came below that update in the user posting section. Someone asked if the Online Create Mode was finally going to arrive, and SCEA Marketing Manager Mark Valledor replied that "Beta testing went well, so it's almost there…" Now, if you're not aware, this is one feature the game has been without since its original launch almost a full year ago. Media Molecule has always said we'd get the online create mode at some point, but it hasn't arrived just yet; maybe it'll come not long after the GotY edition hits store shelves next week. September 8 is the day and that edition will include all sorts of stuff, including $30 worth of downloadable content. Oh, and let's not forget about that Water beta test ; that's just another great advancement in the world of LBP. But this online create mode will really help to solidify the validity of their "Create, Play, Share" slogan.

So we'll let you know when the official announcement comes about, but in the meantime, you should have more than enough excuses to have LittleBigPlanet in your collection by the end of next week.

Related Game(s): LittleBigPlanet

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14 years ago

Water is going to be fun! Already filled in the form to enter for the water beta test.

14 years ago

Hope I get in

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
14 years ago

Water makes the chicks wet.

14 years ago

How much is the goty edition going to cost??? My phone won't let me look up anything else but lol I guess my sidekick likes you ben (^_^) but seriously can anyone update me to some of the greatness of the goty edition of lbp? Much appreciated.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

It'll be the full $60.

But as I said in the article, it includes an extra $30 worth of DLC from the Store you'd normally have to buy, plus any and all updates they've made to the game so far.

14 years ago

You'll be supporting a great 2nd party company.

Keeps them creating innovative and awesome games for us all

Rather than another FPS

14 years ago

wow, u truly hate FPS's dont you??

14 years ago

Don't we have enough already?

Unlike third person games, FPSs have limitations in terms of how diverse they can be

Third person games:
-Ratchet and Clank
-Metal Gear
-Crash Bandicoot

There's so much more freedom you can have with third person games as opposed to first-person games. I don't mind FPSs, but don't we have enough? Every new game this day needs to be an FPS to sell

14 years ago

yea i no where your coming from, but u shouldnt go on about it so much, cos FPS's can be really fun

14 years ago

FPSs have a ton of variety: WWII, WWII vs aliens, in space vs aliens, in space vs nazis…oh wait, they just change the skins. The only people who really get into FPS these days are are the uber elite players who enjoy thrashing people online and actually use words like 'n00b' and 'pwn' in conversation and teenagers who are too young to have gotten over the idea ten years ago when it was already tired. (trnsl8shun for teens whu r 733t: u r awesum!!111one post moar plz cuz ur nput iz n no wai mking mai hed hurt. ZOMG!!! okthxno, by.)

14 years ago

Uh, I get into FPS's and I'm one of the mature civil people on PSN 🙁

14 years ago

interesting scarecrow, i used to think this way, but im starting to see their appeal. i do agree, way too many, and not enough with the polish they need, but with there being just a selection of good ones, and a whole variety of good TPS, im quite happy actually. with racing im screwed, GT5, Dirt2, Motorstorm and many more, so much to chose from not enough cash. im glad FPS dont have this problem. If there were more good ones, good, but im not a millionare, so i cant buy everything.

14 years ago

But its difficult to get people to play your own levels! So annoying….

14 years ago

Same here. I made a level a few months back and its only been played like 6 times.
psn id yak4life85 add me and play level

14 years ago

constantly go into ur level, change anything (doesnt matter what, as long as you get the "Save changes" option) and then publish.

This sends your level to the top of the search pile.

For a further push, display and sell your level at either:-


Registration required.

Im on both.

14 years ago

Is that all that matters really?
Just make some friends and let 'em spread the word for you.

I'll add you to my PSN friends list

14 years ago

I hear you Lotusflow3r

14 years ago

There are over a million levels. It's not really surprising most don't get played much.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I hear you all on that one. I've got some levels created but they hardly ever get played. There are so many levels in that game. I'll never get the Create trophy.

14 years ago

Aw man I thought the goty would be cheaper but man it is a value I've sold at least 3 copies of lbp to get games like infamous and batman AA but im selling them to buy the goty edition lol the circle of gaming continues (^_^) thanks Ben

14 years ago

You need a wider shelf.

14 years ago

I'll try to trade it in to replace it with the GOTY edition if released here.

14 years ago

Don't think they'll let you

Just support a great company here

PS: Don't mean this personally, but why are people so cheap?…

14 years ago

Because where I'm at, they sell US games but no US PSN cards. In other words, I'm not able to download the MGS: pack for my SKU (region protected, argghhh). And the US/UK version gets the "extra" sackboys you don't see anywhere else.

14 years ago

what's this "online create mode" your talking about?? i haven't been following LBP news except for the water beta testing… is it like creating community levels online with a bunch of people you don't know? lol that's my guess, don't hit me :D…

14 years ago

Let's you create levels online WITH friends (online)

Before you'd have to create levels by yourself

14 years ago

i thought there was a trophy for creating a level with one other person… you mean, you could only get that one creating a level offline with someone else? hmm… i did not know that…

14 years ago

Yup, you could create a level with more than one player offline

But now they'll allow you to create levels with friends online

14 years ago

Hi everyone I'm new to the PS3 but not the PS Family (as I've had the original grey PS and still have the slim PS2).

This is an aside, but it kind of relates to testing, has anyone else played The Darkness recently since 3.0 or other games that had the vibration function added (through firmware I assume) for DS3 vibe support but now, seems as though that rumble function has been pulled for some of the older games? I've only noticed this on The Darkness thus far and it's disappointing and at first (although still a little) infuriating. If anyone else has noticed this or could test it out for me (and possibly others) it would be greatly appreciated.

But now back to the main topic of this page, LBP looks very fun, the water element welcomed and I do intend to get the GotY Edition. However as I'm still playing catch up (obtained the 120GB "Slim" PS3 the 26th of Aug) I hope to get this after I've gotten some of the older, popular, interesting (to me) and less costly games first (also before they disappear here and are very hard to find.

Thanks in advance for any positive response to this dilemma and for having this site.

Peace and later to all.

14 years ago

Welcome to the PS3 fam my man.

14 years ago

Thanks jaybiv. :d)

14 years ago

Water is not an element btw, just saying, as it comprises two elements (2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom, hence the Chemical formula H2O), making it a compound not a native element,and it can be broken down into simpler substances. An element however cannot be broken down, as it is comprised of one native element, and if its split, you just get the same element in a smaller piece. O and welcome to the site, enjoy, alot of smart, knowledgeable, and unbiased journalists and members.

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 9/5/2009 8:28:58 PM

14 years ago

water does not consist of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, a water molecule does 😉

14 years ago

Love the game, but I'm not paying for the online create. A feature that should have been in from day one. That's all I'm saying.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

They said they were going to charge for online creation mode? I haven't seen that. Did I miss something or did you assume something?

Metal Head
Metal Head
14 years ago

Bought LBP first day and still haven't publish a level. I never knew how frustrating and fun can be to create your own level. This is the most entertaining game in a long time. The ability to create any style of game like fps,rpgs, using LBP tools would be a godsend.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago


14 years ago

@ Scarecrow
RE: 'your – Saturday, September 05, 2009 @ 3:24:55 PM post!
The reason why FPS games will always rule is because it was the first games long ago, limitations how? Third-person games have been around for years too but online play with them suck real bad, FPS games were always gonna be a hit as soon as online play came into action, the future of gaming will always involve online modes and FPS titles are great for online play because your in the character rather than looking at them. The anoying thing about GTA4 and the other games you listed is that they have the worste limitation of all, everyone needs to stay next to each other, none of them actually separates screen when someone goes of screen, lets face it, third-person games and basic games should be kept for NINTENDO to deal with, and hardcore gamers should hang on to their ps3' and xbox360's and those all important FPS titles no matter what they are, online play makes even the crap titles like CallOfDuty a nice game to play! ps, I love KZ2 and before that KZ1 which came out many years ago on PS2, they made a third-person version of KillZone for the PSP, you can see where i'm going with this init, third-person games are just great for playing in ya hands and by ya self, no need to burn out the plasma screen playing third-person games that their are too many of that are on the older systems, the only processing power being used in LBP for example is the online engine feature's like the globe with community levels, other than that, I turned on the N64 for some Mario64 after being on LBP for a few minutes, online mode for Mario would be great. LBP just gets irritating when the Host of match decides to do their own thing and screen goes wherever they go causing you to die, thats absolutely crap! The level making thing is the best idea, hope other games will learn from it, it would be cool if KillZone had a map making feature, its what will make the ultimate FPS game I think!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x