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Pick Up A 40GB PS3 For Only $219

Maybe you desperately want a PlayStation 3 but have never had the opportunity – or motivation – to buy one. And maybe you're not the biggest fan of the new PS3 Slim model and you actually prefer the old fat version.

Well, you may wonder what has happened to past PS3 models that are now discontinued, and given the fact that you don't have deep pockets right now, you're wondering if they're still available somewhere… The good news is that Sony is perfectly willing to clear out their stock of older PS3 consoles with a pretty appealing sale: head on over to the Sony Style online store, where you will find a refurbished 40GB PS3 for only $219.99. Now, it's only 40GB compared to the 120GB hard drive in the Slim, but you can always purchase a larger hard drive – and remember, it's not an overly difficult or expensive process – and it's basically the same system. It even comes with a Dual Shock 3 controller instead of the old Sixaxis, so you can save a decent amount of money. You may not even need the larger hard drive and if that's the case, it's a big savings. It's not like you can't play all PS3 games on both models (and neither offers backwards compatibility for PS2 software).  Some say, "hey, a PS3 is a PS3."

So anyway, you'll probably be seeing the older PS3 models for good prices over the next few months, so be sure to keep an eye out. Retailers are going to have to clean that stock out somehow.

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14 years ago

What a freaking steal!

Seriously, the default HDD is not what matters. You get the ps3 and then get yourself a 300+ HDD for less than $100 and you're set

Seriously, might get this!

14 years ago

*stares at the Wii*

14 years ago

haha, there might be some good Wii games in the far future.

14 years ago

maybe…but im not gonna hold my breath for them

14 years ago

Ughh it's a shame really. Although I still get my casual on with wii sports and wii play but that's only when there are humans over.

14 years ago

Sounds good 🙂

Bandit King
Bandit King
14 years ago

Go for it I can't think of a better way to spend 220 bucks, this is a real bargin especially when you consider this has the exact same functions of all the best PS3s. PS1 compatibility, Wifi, Blu-ray, everything except PS2 compatibility but the BC on the PS3 never worked that great any way.

Plus you could pick up a 320GB HDD from amazon for 58.99

Last edited by Bandit King on 9/3/2009 12:32:55 PM

14 years ago

Great avetar my friend.

Truly the saddest thing ever for the industry to have that franchise now gone, unfinished.

Thats my one gripe and sadness with this industry.

Forgive me whilst i go replay it on my still up and running Dreamcast to shed many tears.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 9/3/2009 5:51:26 PM

14 years ago

I never got to finish the second game due to a bad disc, I am actually sad, that game stirs up some emotions in me. Was beautiful.

14 years ago

Ha I told you all in the last article this would happen and nobody believed me. Hate to say I told you so

14 years ago

Doesn't it violate the warranty if you switch the hard drives, I have the 80 gig and I'm down to 26gigs I might just have to swap the drive

Bandit King
Bandit King
14 years ago

No it does not void the warranty, Sony actually wants people to upgrade on their own (saves them the touble of introducing tons of SKU's just for HDD changes) its very easy (just be cafeful not to strip the screws) There are tons of instructions on the web but it shows you how to do it in the system manual too.

N a S a H
N a S a H
14 years ago

i'm pretty sure it does void the warranty on the Original PS3. Not the Slim though.

14 years ago

Actually N a S a H, it doesn't void the warrenty no matter which version of the PS3 you have.

14 years ago

nope, warranty wont be voided if you change the hard drive but you should keep the old hard drive just in case the worst happens cause they'll probably send you a refurb system so you might not want to send it in with a bigger drive.

Anyways, The screws are really easy to strip because of a combination of soft screws and sony put it on tight as hell. I know because i stripped the hard drive screws on my first system and again when i changed the drive on the refurbished ps3 they sent me. If you strip the screw, just use a pair of pliers to turn it.

14 years ago

That is a steal, but if I upgrade it'll be to a slim model but at this time I can't see that happening anytime soon. All my cash is taken over by all the great exclusives being released.

14 years ago

You can also get a Slim for $199 if you apply for the Sony Visa CC. You get a $100 credit after a few weeks if you purchase $299 or more with your first purchase.

14 years ago

My apologies, I was reading posts as I scrolled down, normally good at taking in it all. Glad to see someone else saw the better deal as well 🙂

14 years ago

Or get this one with that sony card and get it for $120!

14 years ago

a ps3 model less than a Wii? Nintendo must issue a price cut! (sarcasm).

Great buy for those that don't have a ps3 yet.

14 years ago

Because the early purchasers of the PS3 are likely dumping their old units for the slim and likely those old units will now be bought by new PS3 owners, I would suspect software sales to increase. (Is that a run-on sentence?) Which is a win-win for Sony. M$ can't expect the same thing because old units of the XBox 360 are broken.

14 years ago

broken six times over for that matter.

14 years ago

i was on another board and this guy was argueing that the 360 is the best system out there……despite having it break 14 time!!! Seriously, 14 times, I'll be pissed if it broke 2 times at least.

14 years ago


You could get a brand new slim for $199. On SonyStyle you can apply for a Sony Visa card, purchase the PS3Slim and on your first Bill statement instead of it reading that you owe an estimated $300, it will instead be $200 since you get a $100 credit for signing up for the card.

14 years ago

Then pay interest on that card -_-
No thanks

14 years ago

Huh, if you pay off the total amount owed on the card before the end of the month you owe ZERO. A majority of people pay upfront for their PS3s, by doing this not only do you save 100 dollars but you get a month to collect the amount you need. If you dont pay upfront and do the credit card thing to begin with than this deal is the exact same thing except you save 100 dollars!

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 9/3/2009 1:48:08 PM

14 years ago

I wrote the same thing six posts up.

Read, son, read, that way we don't duplicate posts.


14 years ago

Christ on a cracker, my apologies.

14 years ago

WTH!!!! is Sony getting rid of all their refurbished consoles? What happens if I send in my ps3 for repairs(and since we all know they don't repair them) will they even bother taking in the Real ps3s? I hope that they aren't considering ending the their "repair" service for the old ps3 models. It is still to early for Sony to even consider ditching the original ps3 for this ugly slim.

14 years ago

They'll give you a Slim

14 years ago

All ps3s right now are the same, excluding the 20, 60, and the initial 80gb system, so all they really need to have is a hard drive so it shouldnt be a problem. and since the phat system is being phased out, they'll probably just give you a slim, unless you tell them you want to get your system back i guess.

14 years ago

Great deal for anyone looking to be a first owner..I'll keep my fat ps3 don't really like the look of the slim…as stated earlier tho..switching the hdd doesn't void the warranty

14 years ago

I woulda bought one if it had full BC, mine only has software BC.

14 years ago

I've not found a real reason to rush out and buy a Slim as my fatty works fine and I just put a 320GB hard drive in it. The Gamestop offer for fatty trade-ins is totally ridiculous. Why would I give them my perfectly fine fatty for $150? They must think people are stupid. Anyways, if I do get a Slim down the road it would be to use my fatty as a dedicated Linux server, of which it would do well and would be nice to have around to play with. Slim model obviously doesn't take another O/S. Even if I were loaded and could buy a Slim for kicks I'd still not give up my fatty just due to the fact it can run Linux unlike the new Slim. That's a pretty nice feature for those into tech stuff.

14 years ago

How much you pay for that 320?

14 years ago

I paid $59 for my 320 about a year ago, why do you ask?

Last edited by Frenchy17 on 9/3/2009 2:38:54 PM

14 years ago

I also paid $60 for the Western Digital Scorpio Blue 320GB I just bought. I stuck with the same rpm as the drive Sony uses. I didn't feel like searching the net too much so I just ordered it from Amazon which is still a pretty good price considering it's from there. I'm sure Newegg has it cheaper but the first and only time I ordered a hard drive from them it had the click of death one week after I installed it so I don't order anything from them anymore despite their seemingly good reputation.

14 years ago

Just wondering that's not a bad price. I like to see other informed gamers doing the right thing and upgrading their hard drives.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Limited: I'm all for deals and everything, but it seems like you base your life around saving money…

Not that that's a BAD thing – I save more than just about anyone I know – but I mean, there are subtle implications from you that someone who pays a little more than they need to is an ignorant idiot. I'm just saying.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/3/2009 8:58:26 PM

14 years ago

I apologize if I've come across that way. I do think people are idiots if they over spend by exorbitant amounts when the knowledge of something easy and simple could produce the same outcome for far less.

I also have a problem with anyone that defends and justifies Microsoft's pricing and format of their hard drives. I view it as highway robbery.

I do enjoy paying far less for the same product others do, maybe I come down too hard on those that choose not to. I love your site, I'm sorry if I irked you a little again, seems to be a trend 🙁

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

No, it doesn't really bother me. I don't mind people looking for deals and helping posters out. And I too have a pet peeve about people spending money that really doesn't need to be spent (hence, the credit crunch we're currently in).

I just don't want you to come across the wrong way to others. That's all.

14 years ago

I hope there haven't been any complaints, my intentions are good but my execution may not be very smooth. Thanks for letting me know, I will take these things into account.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I elect a few rounds of Snakeball so everyone can "duke" it out. Yeah, that's right. I play that game still. My kids and I still love it. I'll shoot anyone, anytime.

14 years ago

Did You Know?

That I had my recent 3rd brand new 80GB PS3 for 240 Pounds?

I had the PS3 bundled with inFamous for 280 Pounds. And at that time inFamous was 40 Pounds, so 280 minus 40 gives you 240 Pounds. HA!

I just realized I benefited from a price cut a long time ago.

King James
King James
14 years ago


14 years ago

Here in Hong Kong you can buy a 2nd Hand PS3 for about $200 USD. And it would still look and work as fine as a full priced un-boxed PS3.


14 years ago

I've always been scared about buying something used though, never had a used car or any form of electrical device. Always been under the assumption if you buy used you buy other peoples problems (in regards to somewhat expensive things).

14 years ago

A lot of my friends by 2nd hand PS3's and they're still working like a charm. I forgot to add that remark heheeh… the reason why 2nd PS3's exist because at that time there were no games for it so you can say that most of the 2nd PS3's we have here are the 60GB model.

14 years ago

wheres the bravia link sony was talking about?
is it the control HDMI thingy under the main settings menu?
i remember reading that if you have it turned on, your ps3 will automatically turn on when your TV turns on, and your PS3 will automatically turn off when your TV does. but thats not happening for me.

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