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Fans To Crytek UK: “We Want TimeSplitters 4!”

The newly branded Crytek UK wouldn't rule out the possibility of a new TimeSplitters , although they said it would depend on "market demand."

Well, such a statement is bound to create that demand. Crytek UK is currently hard at work on Crysis 2 – and that CryEngine 3 is getting a whole lot of positive attention – but after they snapped up former TimeSplitters developer Free Radical after the studio was forced into administration late last year, TS fans have been hoping…and hoping… And now, we have a user-made video urgently requesting the fourth installment, and if you want to add your voice to the mix, feel free to sign the online petition . The petition was just started so it's only closing in on 100 signatures but you can bet that more will sign over the coming weeks and months. This is a franchise that always fared well in terms of both sales and critical reception; its highly fluid and cartoon-y exterior always yielded top-notch entertainment, and most recently, the multiplayer really started to take center-stage. There are even a few die-hards who will claim to this day that the multiplayer in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect was better than Halo .

So anyway, we'll have to see how many people out there want TimeSplitters 4 , and if Crytek UK responds.

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14 years ago


14 years ago

Timesplitters is a terrible series of games, I don't know why anybody wants this back. I would just forget about it and look ahead.

14 years ago

Quit your Jibba Jabba!

I look ahead and you know what i see, a console full of bland FPS's! I hope to god that day never comes.

Timersplitters has a sense of charisma and charm that no other FPS has. They're the only FPS games i actually fully enjoy.

I fully approve of a 4th Timesplitters, i cant see me buying another 1st person perspective game until i get it.

14 years ago

Yeah, sorry Capt Ron but I have to strongly disagree with you there!

14 years ago

yeh have to disagrre timeplitters series rocked on ps2

14 years ago

Its the only fully FPS i truly enjoyed, i have so many fond memories. The level editor was great!

14 years ago

When the PS2 came out, Timesplitters garnered pretty much all of me and my friends playing time on that system. Every one in the series has been great, and I'm all for a new one. Consider my name also added to the petition.

14 years ago

TS offered a customizable across-the-couch-for-hours experience that the current gen systems have yet to even match, much less surpass.

When playing with buddies of different skill, TS:FP is still the game of choice, even after years of PS3 / 360 games with cooler graphics and physics.

14 years ago

I just signed …. #115!!

14 years ago

hmm i admit there are ALOT of FPS n theres only a few that actully are worth playing….i'd welcome another TS….online would be soooo good.

14 years ago

oh yes defintetly, there aren't enough variety of racers. gt5 is my sim fix, but arcade fix? its tough to find a gd one. burnout is gd, but im a bit bord.

14 years ago

I've missed out on the series, but from these comments im curious to see TS4 a reality.

14 years ago

TS4 would be amazing.. to throw another brick at a monkey, life just doesnt get better than that!

14 years ago

unless you were to throw a monkey at a brick.

14 years ago

Oh how I miss the days of driving a cat covered in C4 into a group of giant squids

14 years ago

I honestly can say timesplitters is far better than halo. Also brick smashing a chinese restaraunt is one my most memorable moments in gaming.

14 years ago

Just an update. As of this message it's up to 384 signatures 🙂

14 years ago

stuff time splitters 4 just hurry up and release crysis 2.
than give us HAZE 2.
from the ending i get a feeling that you ended up making the wrong choice, and there will be a sequel showing you why you made the wrong choice.
i love crysis on the PC and play it every single day, cant wait to see how the versions match up to each other.
and if the PC version is hindered in any way im going to be really pissed, this was the only series PCs had exclusive to them and now its gone to.
duke nukem has to come back and restore PCs back to their rightful throne, as king of gaming systems as all the other legends have sold their souls.
im afraid money talks, and a little louder than anything else sadly.
this going on another rumor of M$ getting exclusive timed deal for MGS rising.
i cant see it happening because i dont think konami are that stupid, seeing the MASSIVE backlash capcom copped after there ordeal with DMC4 and RE5, but than money does talk so mayb its not so crazy after all.

14 years ago

Yeh a new Timesplitters would be good, but i for one am more interested in star wars battlefront 3! I loved those games sooo much!

14 years ago

im want now TimeSplitters 4
%10000000000000000000 so game
i love TimeSplitters

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