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Kojima And Co. Explain Decision To Put Peace Walker On PSP

Metal Gear Solid: Rising represents a bit of a departure from the standard gameplay we usually find in the franchise, and Hideo Kojima has called Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker "the MGS5 within him." …so why is Rising for the PlayStation 3 and Peace Walker for the PSP?

Many fans have asked this in the past, and thanks to the latest Kojima Productions podcast , we now have a few answers straight from Konami. There are a couple reasons why Peace Walker is going handheld and one of them centers on the social aspects of the portable unit; Sean Eyestone explained that they want "people to go out and socialize with other people." Thing is, you "physically take the PSP with you" and this causes gamers to go over a friend's house and "hang out together." It's just not the same with online co-op (like what we might've had with a PS3 version), and the guys simply wanted to promote some old-school, in-the-same-room, "enjoying a game together" multiplayer. Yeah, maybe you young'uns don't remember, but this was how all multiplayer functioned in the past. As for the other reason, it sounds a great deal like Kojima and Co.; they just wanted to create a benchmark for the PSP:

"The other reason is just that we want people to take Metal Gear with them wherever they go. This is a real hardcore, no holds barred Metal Gear game. It’s the first time anything of this caliber has ever been done on the PSP. As always with Kojima Productions, we want to be the first and we are. So you got this great Kojima Productions game with great Hideo Kojima story in the palm of your hand that you can play with friends. And, really, what more could you ask for?"

A top-notch portable game that can be played with friends. No, we're not going to ask for much more than that, and we're convinced Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker be worthy of a purchase when it finally releases some time next year. It should be an absolute must-have for all PSP owners!

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

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14 years ago

Did you guys change the formatting on the site? Or is something wrong with my ps3 browswer? I can't read the entire article. Those ads are in the way on the right.

Last edited by Zemus101 on 8/20/2009 10:37:35 AM

14 years ago

Same here from my pc.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

It's happening to me too . What's going on Ben ?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Formatting thing. Should be fixed soon.

14 years ago

Okay, good to know… thanks a bunch Ben

14 years ago

Ben, you know I try not to write off subject on here, but I finally picked up Lost Odyssey and am slowly working my way through it. Told ya I'd do it 🙂 Don't worry, article related comments are below.

14 years ago

and for me, the news headline doesnt run across the blue top bar anymore, it just says "PS3 News"

14 years ago

I get that all the time on the PS3 browser. Usually, it's still readable.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I remember starting the "at your friend's house multiplayer" experience during the days of Atari 2600 and Colecovision. Did the same thing with the NES, Genesis, SNES and would have a great time. You just packed up your bag with some games or meet up and go to the rental shop and find some new games to try out. Playing Contra, Super C, Ninja Gaiden, Super Dodgeball, etc. Good memories.

Looking forward to Peace Walker for the storytelling, gameplay and overall experience. I'm curious as to how many cut-scenes will be included in this UMD game.

14 years ago

sleepovers man, that was when I could bring my snes to my friend's place who had a sega and we could play across systems without fanboy hate.

14 years ago

From what i've seen it looks simular to P.O's, as in you work with a team rather than solo, also i'm not sure if its just multiplayer but on the images i saw recently there was still multiple versions of BB….. is this something they are sticking to in the main campaign?

14 years ago

Im looking forward to this game but I really hope they find a better control scheme then what we got in Portable Ops. Those controls were aweful. With out a second analog stick to mimic the kind of scheme MGS4 had, the game is just about unplayable in my opinion. I noticed in a more recent trailer Snake was moving and shooting like in MGS4 so many they figured something out.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
14 years ago

You know there was a time when the control scheme didn't heavily depend on a both analog sticks. For example : MGS1, 2, and 3. I'm sure Kojima will find a way to make it work.

14 years ago

i found the other mgs of psps controls to be pretty good and made it feel just like metal gear

14 years ago

@solid fantasy,

that's true but those previousMGS's didn't rely on an over the should 3rd person view either. Portable Ops did and this one looks to as well. I'd be all for a traditional MGS camera view.

14 years ago

@ Solid Fantasy

It's called progress, and it's much better than nostalgia.

14 years ago

I do like the fact that I am gonna be able to take this anywhere with me, but I do still wish it was on the ps3, then it could be a bigger game with better graphics, but u can still go online on the psp, is he not putting that in? And did he forget about splitscreen, personally I feel he did this so he could give sony an exclusive without whiny xbots. but don't get me wrong I'm happy as hell this is coming, well both of em' 😛

14 years ago

I think so too. Xbots can have Rising.

14 years ago

I know it's not what you meant, but what you said made me think of having split-screen on a PSP…and I find that idea funny.

14 years ago

I would have loved to see this on PS3 instead of Rising. I see what they're saying about bringing it over to a friends house to have some old school multiplayer, and I like that idea, but it's harder to have friends that all have PSPs and this game I think. If that's the case you might not get to play with a friend you want to play with. If it were to be a split-screen multiplayer on the PS3, you could invite friends over to play it. I think the real reason they made it for PSP is Konami would have made them go multi-plat if it weren't. I'm sure the game is going to be incredible, but I'd rather not have to buy a PSP to play it.

14 years ago

im pretty sure microsoft had something to do with this…

14 years ago

My opinion (and most probably I'm completely wrong, but here goes) is that Kojima wanted to put MGS5 on a Sony machine (for whatever reason, maybe personal preference, maybe bias) but had to deal with pressure from Konami to make MGS multiplatform, so had to go the portable route for MGS where there would be little argument, and agreed to the MGS spin-off Rising.

Possibly incorrect, still, that's my take on this.

14 years ago

Thinker I agree with you. Def see Konami putting pressure on Kojima and wanting to make it go Multiplatform.

14 years ago

Thanks KingRed.

By the way, what is up with the Comments section? I cannot edit my comments.

Also, to Ben: It might interest you to know that appears to be a bug in the thumbs-up/down rating system. For instance, apparently I was just able to give myself a thumbs-up with my own login. Shouldn't that be disabled?

14 years ago

No matter what I'm getting this game. Can't wait.

14 years ago

Strange reason to make a game portable but okay I guess genius is hard to fathom.

14 years ago

I'm definitely getting this. It would probably cause me to carry my psp around with me, which I currently don't do.

14 years ago

The only time I take my PSP with me is when I go on a trip with friends. I use a pack of stuff called HandiTak which is a great removable adhesive (feels like silly putty) to stick it in the center compartment of my cars dash. It fits perfectly. Then I just hook of the AUX cable and it plays through my sound system. I watch alot of DBZ that way. I do mostly listen to it and pay attention to the road though. I promise.

14 years ago

I would have to upgrade my truck stereo to listen to it through my system. Which, by the way, is a great reason to go ahead and get a new stereo.

14 years ago

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and now this game… PSP is getting some epic games, go out and get one if you haven't already.

14 years ago

Man, I remember my first co-op game being Final Fight for the SNES. What a blast. I'm currently playing through it with a friend in the Capcom Collection for PSP!!!!! Oh yeah……Metal Gear. YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by fatelementality on 8/20/2009 5:08:26 PM

14 years ago

I may finally have to buy a PSP… With MGS:PW and Valkyria Chronicles 2 coming to the PSP Sony may have forced my hand. I wish these games were on the PS3 though because I'm not really into portable game systems, the last and only portable game system I ever owned was the Sega Game Gear.

14 years ago

I saw the new co-op gameplay video, and i must say….its looks hella fun! i can't wait for this game. maybe a psp go bundle? just wondering. And do they have greatest hits for psp? if not they should get them.

14 years ago

Yeah, there are Greatest Hits (lots of them), but as happened with the PS3, Sony waited WAY too long to institute them. Some cheap, quality games early in the life of a system might boost early adoption.

14 years ago

with all that said, i still would prefer it is a PS3 release and titled as Metal Gear Solid 5: Peace Walker. no explanation can change my mind on that, altho it will still be great on PSP

14 years ago

that first reason is not a reason just a pathetic excuse.
they want people to go over there friends house and play together.
1 im shocked i dident think devs wanted us doing that any more since every single game almost these days has online but no offline co-op.
2 whats wrong with offline co-op.
even death matches with your mates.
what the ps3 does not support multiple controllers anymore?

14 years ago

I don't even have any friends. Great idea, make the people without friends feel bad.

14 years ago


Anyway, I'm really confused by this trailer. Why are there multiple Big Boss's, its clearly part of the main campaign now. Thats all i could think about whilst watching.

As for the gameplay, it looks pretty good, very tactical.

14 years ago

Man thats lame ass hell yo. None of my friends have a PSP, but I have atleast one of my friends over my house everyday…and most of them bring their friends. All Kojima had to do was include split-screen in the PS3 version.

Man-o-Man do I miss the PS2 days. This generation there just aren't very many split-screen titles. I have so many friends that come over and want to play a game, but we have to take turns because almost every game I have is single player. Why is it that World at War has 2 player nazi zombie mode offline, but online 4 players can play?

All the fun is online nowadays…but developers have to remember that although the majority of americans have broadband, some don't have it availible to them yet (like me). When I want to play a game online, I have to travel 15 minutes by car to my aunt's house.

With all this new system power these consoles have, they can't make more split screen games? Even the Wii has a bunch! Playing online with strangers who cuss alot gets annoying after awhile. I have SOOO many friends, and I'd rather play with them. Screw those 10 year old racist potty-mouths i hear in every online game.

14 years ago

I would want it on my good ole PS3 though so it can be played on my big tv in my bedroom not when I am on the bus or travelling anywhere. I know you can hook up the PSP to your tv but then its looks crap graphically. I am just hoping that MG5 Rising is a good game.

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