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Rumor: PS3 Price Cut And Backwards Compatibility Confirmed

We've often talked about the possibility of a PlayStation 3 price drop and a redesigned model, but there is also some talk concerning the return of full backwards compatibility for Sony's new machine.

It should all happen at GamesCom, if it's going to happen at all. And to add more fuel to the fire, it seems there is some verbal confirmation from an anonymous Sony representative, who let something slip when asked a direct question by a GameStop employee. The supposed evidence comes from ScrawlFX , where the employee asked about the rumors going around about the PS3 slim and the chance of seeing b/c again. The response, which is already getting a ton of attention online, is as follows:

"All I'm going to say is this: both a price drop and a firmware update with backwards compatibility are coming soon."

Now, you will notice he makes no mention of the PS3 Slim, and we all assumed the price drop was coming in some form, for some version of the console. But this backwards compatibility idea has kinda sprung up out of the blue in recent weeks, and if proven true, it will come as a welcome surprise to those with big PS2 collections who often have to keep both the PS2 and PS3 hooked up. Only the original 60GB PS3 could play most all PS2 software along with PS1 software but since then, Sony has been phasing it out. As of now, the current 80GB PS3 doesn't play any PS2 games at all (although it can still play PS1 titles).

Therefore, to have the return of full backwards compatibility would definitely be big news. Guess we'll have to wait until Sony's press conference on Tuesday to find out…

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14 years ago

You forgot to mention that the 20 gig also had backwards compatability

14 years ago


Mine is 20 gigs original updated with a 250 gigs HD. I believe this completely black model was the best looking PS3 EVER made!!


14 years ago

Ill just wait until gamecon to see what sony says, I dnt trust gamestop.

14 years ago

I have the 60 gig and I love it. I was wondering if they do have an update with BC will my ps2 games run off the emotion chip or the emulation?

14 years ago

It'll probably run off of the one that gives the consoles the best performance, so the EE Chip pprobably for the 60 and 20 gb users.

14 years ago

Sigh….see…now that my 80gb PS3 YLOD'd, I'm wondering if I should just wait for a Slim or get mine refurbished ._.

Last edited by LegendaryWolfeh on 8/16/2009 10:42:31 PM

14 years ago

YLOD'd=yellow light of death?

14 years ago

yes =(

14 years ago

I'm on the same boat with my 60gb. I see the Sony Defense Force is out in full force. I can't believe you got down voted for that. Believe it or not the ps3 does break and it has it's own version of the rrod people

14 years ago

I got my 60Gb fixed a few months ago after a storm hit it out. 100% back to normal, apart from ALL my save files for every game played PS1 to 3 gone. 🙁 some of those games i will never play again because of that.

Last edited by shindelion on 8/16/2009 11:29:05 PM

14 years ago

lol yeah mike
and yeah shin, that's the only thing that's gonna suck, but hey, i'd rather have a ps3 that works without my saves, thena ps3 that doesn't with my saves =)

14 years ago

im in the same situation you are.
only i have the original 60gb.

14 years ago

@shin, that's why it's a good idea to make backups from time to time…

14 years ago

highlander, I wouldnt use the backup that the ps3 uses because its just a waste of time. I know because my 60 gb ps3 just got a ylod. They sent me a refurbished ps3 and when i did the restore, all of the copy protected files/video/gamesaves couldnt be restored because it wasnt the original system. So if your ps3 breaks, kiss those files goodbye. I found that it was more effective to just copy your noncopy protected save file on an external drive. i use an old psp memory stick. this way you can save time and can backup your game saves anytime you want.

14 years ago

Given Highlander's technical savvy, I'm pretty sure that's what he meant. Still, for protected saves like Rock Band (why, Harmonix?), you're screwed either way.

14 years ago

What the Highlander meant is back it from time to time before it breaks down so that we wont be stuck in your position.

My origional 60GB got the YLOD aswell, in Europe we can get it refurbished for free 😀 but I hear in the US u have to pay… :S So I was happy enough with my refurbished 60GB, the only thing I noticed is that it had a louder fan which is slightly annoying. Btw, Theres no way to back up data when it has the ylod.

14 years ago

Oh wait i read johnld's comment properly now.. lol

14 years ago


Are all 60 gb models gonna eventually llod. If so I'm going to cry cause I still have my original 60 gb model and love that monster. It's been working fine as usual Just some hiccups here and there. I just want to be mentally prepared for that time if it HAS to come even though there's no way to prepare yourself for such a tragedy. Also what is Sony doing about this issue beside warranty and stuff?

14 years ago

Just a quick question, how would i go about backing up my files? As in best method. i have a lot of stuff on my 60gb PS3 and im beginning to panic at these stories, anybody?

*just noticed many are asking the same lol

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 8/17/2009 7:23:51 AM

14 years ago

Yep, you're all right, I was meaning to backup your game save files to a USB drive of some kind, and not use the PS3 system backup/restore.

The PS3 system restore is as useful as a chocolate teapot unless you want to restore an entire PS3 on an identical PS3 and HDD to the one that failed.

Back when Burnout Paradise was having game glitching issues and you could lose a game if someone in your online session was glitching (rare, but it happened) keeping multiple game saves on a USB memory drive was truly a Godsend.

I keep a copy of all the important game saves on a USB drive, although I haven't updated my backups in a while. I need to make a backup tonight…

If you're worried about all yhour stuff on a PS3, do a full system backup, although be aware that you can't backup/restore some of the copyrighted media types. Although you should be able to re-download them without a penalty a long as it's to the same system. If your system fails, you need to have Sony deactivate it so that the existing activation doesn't count against you when you try to re-download your content.

I doubt that all 60GB (or 20GB) PS3s will flake out. In fact even with all the posts here it's still true to say that the PS3 has very good reliability, and very few units fail. However as electronics age, they have a greater chance of failing. That's not something unique to game consoles. And clearly the more heavily used a system is, the more likely it is to fail. BUT, unlike other consoles, the PS3 doesn't have a design flaw or deficiency that causes it to fail. PS3 failures are in general due to one of two things, wear and tear or a failure of a particular component. This is completely normal, and completely unavoidable. Some PS3s will fail over time, if you are unlucky enough to have one that fails, I sympathize with you, but it's not part of a plague of failing PS3s.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/17/2009 10:17:52 AM

14 years ago

I'm packin' some extra underwear on the 18th.

14 years ago

I already got some diapers.

14 years ago

No kidding! If they announce the next firmware as having BC then these shorts are history!

14 years ago

i dont no much nerdspeak but a firmware update would be for all ps3's or would i have to buy a new one?

14 years ago

It'd be for all, it's the system updates you have to do every couple months.

14 years ago


14 years ago

i can finally play Jade Cocoon and Drakengard again

Last edited by newchef on 8/17/2009 12:44:35 AM

14 years ago

Thats good news I hope its true I don't have bc. Maybe with the return of backwards compatibility we will see PS2 titles in the store, Im sure Japan will get them first! I forgot Gamescom is this week maybe a new rpg will be announced.

14 years ago

how can it be "rumor" and "confirmed" at the same time??

14 years ago

It's confirmed to be a rumor?

14 years ago

Lol nice one LegendaryWolfeh!

14 years ago

Thank you, thank you =D lol

14 years ago

RUMORS of CONFIRMATIONS run rampant here…I've lost count of how many just over the past 2 months.

14 years ago

I've lost count of how many people complain about it.

14 years ago

Backward Compatibility explains why Sony insisted on selling PS2 on E3 2009. They were going to bring BC so the 140 million PS2 owners gradually transfer over to PS3.

14 years ago

This has always been the plan IMHO. I think that the removal of the PS2 hardware before the software was ready was a mistake though.

If they add it back now though, I suspect a lot of people will forgive and forget.

14 years ago

The fact that PS2 is still selling, means that people are still into the last generation gaming. PS3 gaming might explode in the next couple years when PS2 production finally stops.

14 years ago

I definitely welcome backwards compatibility, but when I hooked up a ps2 to my hdtv it looked awful.

Does anyone know if ps2 games look better on a hdtv when played on a ps3?

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

In a word, YES. They look way better via a PS3 connected to an HDTV with an HDMI cable. This is why I don't have my PS2 hooked up anymore. It hurt to look at that thing on a nice sized HDTV.

14 years ago

Also, yes. You just have to turn on the PS3's DVD upscaler. It's one of the Video? (not sure) settings in the XMB. I play Ico sometimes and it looks, well not great but acceptable. And Ico is on a CD!

14 years ago

Yes, absolutely they do because the PS3 scales them for you resulting in the removal of a lot of jaggies, and a much better image.

We've found that some games actually look better on the PS3. Xenosaga 3 played on the PS3 still looks stunning, better than on the PS2, and basically as good or better than most early PS3 RPGs. GT4 runs at 480p or 1080i and looks great, and Soul Calibur 3 in progressive/ widescreen looks very PS3 worthy. I haven't seen any PS2 game look worse than on the PS2 itself.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/17/2009 12:08:57 AM

14 years ago

This is BIG! If it's true that is, (we all know how trustworthy some GS employees can be; Really? inFamous is multi-plat you say?!)A price drop coupled with B/C via firmware update and there is NO reason not to pick up a PS3. Then when we get motion control all those poor saps with Wii's can finally join the current gen.

End of line
End of line
14 years ago

Seriously the wait is killing me!

<Insert clip of Cartman running out of the classroom screaming in the Wii South Park episode>

14 years ago

i really hope ps2 games look better through the ps3. In HD, my ps2 looked horrid. Except for god of war 2 in 1080p. that looked great but controls were horrid.

14 years ago

Regarding Backwards compatibility.

With regard to PS1 games. All PS3 models and the PSP, and the most recent PS2 slimline models use software emulation to run PS1 games, and do not use any hardware at all for it.

With regard to PS2 games, the only PS3 models that come with backwards compatibility are the systems with 4 USB ports, that includes the 20GB and 60GB launch systems sold in Japan and NA, the 60GB launch system in Europe and the first 80GB PS3 models (only the ones with 4 USB ports) in Europe, NA and Japan. ALL 40GB PS3 models and ALL versions since the 40GB launched (these only have 2 USB ports)

Basically if your PS3 has 4 USB ports you have some form of PS2 compatibility built into the unit, and if your PS3 only has 2 USB ports you have no PS2 compatibility.

A PS2 compatibility update included in the firmware will work on all models of PS3, although I would be shocked if the emulation didn't take full advantage of any PS2 hardware your particular PS3 model happens to have, in order to improve performance and/or compatibility.

14 years ago

gamescon is turning into what sony shldve said at e3

14 years ago

E3 was all about the games, the reasons to buy a PS3. That was them saying "Hey, this is what we have in store, and you want it, you really want it. Look, see, you really want these games, look…."

Now they are saying "Hey, you want a pS3, right? how about this one? It's slim, it's less expensive, and you can afford it. Oh, it plays BluRays….Psst! If you wait a short while, it'll play PS2 games as well. You want it, you want the games. Now, you can have it…you CAN have it."

14 years ago

I suspect the announcement was "delayed" because the existing models weren't close enough to being depleted.

Also, it gives the new head of SCEE the chance to make a splash.

14 years ago

Does anyone know where we can see a live stream of the announcements taking place at GamesCon?


"i am home"

14 years ago

The European playstation blog

…and in the Euro version of Home, I think.

edited to remove URL

Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/17/2009 4:05:45 AM

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