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A Crack In Time Progress Report

If history is any indication, the next Ratchet and Clank title will be extremely polished, wonderfully entertaining, and a true gem for another PlayStation platform.

Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time is one of the most anticipated action/adventure titles, and let's not forget that it'll be exclusive to the PlayStation 3. In the latest Full Moon Show podcast , we learn a bit more about the current progress of this promising title. First of all, the game will be playable at this week's GamesCom event and they will lift the lid on a new trailer during Sony's press conference, too. Insomniac won't be there, but they're going to PAX in September and Brian Allgeier, creative director for the game, will introduce us to the all new weapons and gadgets we'll find in A Crack in Time . The project itself is in the "final stages of development" and should be ready to head into the manufacturing phase at some point in the near future. Right now, it's probably safe to say that we'll be seeing the game on store shelves on October 27, as promised. And if that does indeed happen, you can bet that it'll be a highly sought-after item for the holidays.

As if October isn't full enough already. Well, at least we'll have a two-week grace period between the launch of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (October 13) and A Crack in Time .

Related Game(s): Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time

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14 years ago

yaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!!!!RaC is my fav ps exclusive series!!!

14 years ago

and as in internet fasion i have to say this….F1RST!!!!

14 years ago

You are first and second

14 years ago

Ben, please put an end to this sillyness…


"i am home"

14 years ago

🙂 love a good fail.

14 years ago

definitly on my top 3 games that i want this year 🙂

14 years ago

Good gravy gotta get cracking on finishing Quest for Booty (work's been awfully busy). I am so looking forward to playing ACiT. I was a late convert to the series. I didn't start playing the series until I saw one of my friends playing Going Commando and from that moment on I was hooked. I wonder what type of trophies it'll have.

14 years ago

To quote Flounder in Animal House….

Oh boy, is this great!

Can't wait for A Crack In time, in fact I need a crack in time to open up in front of me and deposit a copy of the game on my desk…well, I can hope.

14 years ago

Man, R&C, Uncharted 2, and Tekken6?!!! Damn you October! I can't handle it! Well my wallet can't, plus borderlands next month and MUA2. Must every year get better and better?!!!!!! I'm loving the cracked out kids to comment first tonight.

14 years ago

Oh dear, I forgot about Tekken 6….and don't forget the PSP with LBP, MotorStorm, GT, Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur Broken Destiny – to name but a few…..

14 years ago

'Nother great game!
This'll be a beautiful an awesome holiday season 🙂

14 years ago

i hope insomniac well sony dont follow their usual suit and release R&C a month after its out in the US, they REALLY pissed me off when they did it for resistance 2.
on a lighter note i watched a interview yesterday about ACIT and insomniacs new development team, and they reminded us how many games they have just on the ps3.
in 4 years they have released 5 titles, JESUS CHRIST thats amazing.
think about it, PD have spent how long on GT5?
in roughly the same time insomniac have managed to create 5 and release 4 games now thats impressive.
id love to see PD or GG or quantic dream or R* or any other studio really.
when it comes to quality insomniac are second to none, but for the icing on the cake their always the first to finish to.
i would have to say the worlds best development studios are.
1st naughty dog
2nd Insomniac.
3rd sucker punch.

14 years ago

"when it comes to quality insomniac are second to none
i would have to say the worlds best development studios are.
1st naughty dog
2nd Insomniac.
3rd sucker punch"

does not compute

(I agree with your general sentiment, though)

14 years ago

lol, with insomniac and naughty dog, i prefer R&C to J&D but uncharted to resistance so i dont no which studio i prefer :/

14 years ago

GOING TO BUY Uncharted 2,Rachet and Clank and Gran Turismo 5 this YEAR!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

How could you say what I wanna say as well!!!!!!

14 years ago

Anxious to play both U2 and ACIT. Pre-ordered both amazon. Comes with some nice extras too.

14 years ago

the sooner the better but not to soon to rush it.

14 years ago

I absolutly love this series, and i'm buying this game day 1! I have been playing since the first game!

14 years ago

Who is giving out stupid thumbs down, oh well can't fix stupid.

Anyway, looking forward to this game. No one will be the PS3 this holiday season.

14 years ago

I can not wait for this game. Its going to be the best R&C ever from the looks of it, and they have set the bar pretty high in the past.

14 years ago

Do I have to play Quest for Booty before playing this one? I'm in the middle of Tools of Distruction right now and tried to download Quest for Booty but had problems and had to fight with Sony to get my 15 bucks back. I don't want to try and download it again, worried I might have the same results. Over a weeksof troubleshooting with Sony got no where and trying to get my money back was like pulling teeth. Don't want to go through that again.

14 years ago

I've played both and they are separate storylines.

14 years ago

Not sure about everywhere else butin Aus you can buy Quest for Booty as a standalone disc from most games stores, might stop all your download problems.

Can't wait for this game. It is so totally gonna rule.

14 years ago

there not seperate story lines, quest for booty explains what hapend to clank and to some extent why he dissapeared.
you dont have to play it to understand the story line to ACIT but it would help.
just check arround your local game stores it should be on bluray disk by now, or even check ebay.

14 years ago

It's a spinoff of TOD on the pirate characters.

14 years ago

Some losers are on a thumbs down rampage today, damn kids.

14 years ago

Alright if someone doesn't like the series, please stop giving people a thumbs down because they like it, stop being immature.

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