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PSXE Poll Update: Most Wanted RPG Is White Knight Chronicles

We've been all kinds of excited about the upcoming PlayStation 3 RPGs, and we wanted to know: outside of Final Fantasy XIII , what was your most anticipated title?

Well, despite falling off the radar for a while, Level 5's White Knight Chronicles wins by a significant amount; nearly doubling the vote total for the runner-up, Demon's Souls . WKC will be headed to North America some time early next year, and it sports a dynamic combat mechanic plus a definite incentive to test out the online multiplayer. As your avatar will explore both the single-player campaign and the multiplayer scenarios, he will be able to use any acquired equipment and items in either mode. The full customization of your character lends a bit of Western-oriented freedom to the standard JRPG genre, and the battle is what they call a cross between turn-based and action. Of course, Demon's Souls will get here much earlier – it's slated to launch on October 6 – and has already received rave reviews. Perhaps surprisingly, The Agency just topped Bioware's Dragon Age: Origins for third place, and we'll definitely provide you with more info from SOE as it becomes available.

Now, we turn our attention to a current event that has been capturing headlines everywhere: the rumored release date of Gran Turismo 5 . Amazon lists it as December 29, but GTPlanet says it should launch even earlier . So when do you think it'll arrive? Do you buy this recent info, or do you still believe it won't hit shelves until 2010? Vote now!

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14 years ago

Well, WKC won, I really hope it's gonna be an awesome RPG. I'm sure by the time it releases, I'll be finished with Demon's Souls. Watch out world ! PS3 RPG's are coming !
On topic: I'm 100% sure GT5 will be released on December, GT Planet is a reliable source.

14 years ago

Oh I'm watching out 😉

14 years ago

Well, Q1 2010 is looking to be last year's Christmas season (at least for me), and 'White Knight Chronicles' is one of several games that I absolutely MUST own. Level-5 has done too much for me in the past for me to think they'll let me down now.

And I wouldn't be surprised if 'Gran Turismo 5' hit this year, but I don't want to overexcite and then disappoint myself, so I'll just keep working under the assumption that it's coming out next year.

14 years ago

I really want WKC, I can't believe they're already working on a sequel.

14 years ago

I will want WKC, but if it comes out around the same time Final Fantasy XIII does lord help it, ill have to get it when its cheaper, im now limtied to the ammount of games i can get 🙁

14 years ago

It IS a sad reality for many.

14 years ago

can't wait for this game already pre-ordered 🙂

GT5 crossing my fingers it's out before christmas my hubby wants it bad.

14 years ago

well Ben you guys are pretty adept at stating the obvious. lol I'm just buggin ya. But seriously they need to get movin on this game, I'm gettin pretty antsy.

14 years ago

Can't wait for GT5, definitely interested in WKC, but let's face it. Of all games, anywhere in the world, GT5 is the one I want.

14 years ago

Oooh, what a comeback. Demon's Souls was winning this poll for quite a fair margin if I can remember correctly.

14 years ago

i just dont understand wuts taking so long for them to release the north american version of WKC, the Jap version was released in Dec 2008 and they dont even have a date for north american version by the end of 2009, i assume they only need to add in the voice acting part, if thats the case, that's just so slow, unless they also add in some different content.

for Demon's soul, the Jap was released in Feb 2009 and we will have our version in Oct 2009 and that's a much acceptable timeline.

14 years ago

localization is a pain, gotta rewrite and implement the whole script, sometimes change a bunch of the graphics, we just gotta be patient unfortunately.

14 years ago

they're adding a great deal to it including a town building application!

14 years ago

that makes a bit more sense, and we all gonna wait for it and desire for it either way. I am just frustrated and dying for this gen epic JRPGs on PS3, so far we have none! (eternal sonata, folk-lore, disgaea 3, cross edge, valkary etc do not qualify my definition of epic JRPG, sorry)

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 8/3/2009 9:54:14 PM

14 years ago

I'm not that up for WKC if I'm honest as I don't see much there that's either interesting, pretty or new to the genre.

I'd take DS over it at any rate even if I will probably still play it-but as a UK gamer I won't be able to get DS unless I import and I've already been ripped off over it once when I tried to get the asian with english subs version a while back(got sent a PS2 game in a SotC box!)so if anyone can reccommend a reliable US import site for the US release I'd be thankful!

Btw, anyone else feel that there are even fewer Japanese games coming either west or to the EU this generation? I don't get why as all they need to localise is make a patch for subs available with region free PS3 games too-where's my Yakuza3 and Kenzan! for PS3!

14 years ago

WKC got my vote, Demons Souls I will probably get for xmas or something. DS will be sweet but I have a deep seated need for something more traditionally JRPG-ish.

GT5 is in Dec, no foolin.

14 years ago

Dragon Age coming in fourth is interesting. I'd like to say that I'm surprised but it's almost understandable. I've been a Bioware fan since the beginning and they've done some amazing games for sure, but lately I just don't know… I'm just not as interested as I used to be.

Level-5 on the other hand has been proving to be quite the contender in the RPG department. WKC looks fantastic and it's killing me that it's taking this long to get it.

14 years ago

It'll be in January

Voted for Tales of Vesperia
But Demon's Soul's<—(wtf? demon's and soul's :O) a close second. Though I like WKC I'm not sure if the story's really good. That's what truly will decide how good that game is, for me.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 8/3/2009 4:37:07 PM

14 years ago

I'm waiting for WKC and DS and maybe Dragon Age…hey I'm just happy that rpgs are starting to flow towards our little black monolith.

14 years ago

I'm thinking October 12 for GT5.

Last edited by Xbox_Killer on 8/4/2009 12:43:32 AM

14 years ago

Yay next year will actually bring some awesome PS3 RPG's to play, I just wish Sakaguchi over at Mistwalker would bring something to the PS3, no that Blue Dragon or Lost Odyssey were genre defining masterpieces like some of his previous works but to see his name roll as I start up a PS3 game would be nice. Maybe the PS3 platform brings up bad memories ie leaving Square, I wonder if relying on external production houses to fund the release of Mistwalkers projects might be a factor too.

Anyway yay for PS3 RPG's, essentially interesting alt games, the odd fps some civilisation and everything RPG defines my gaming taste, Sonys line up looks to seriously satisfy my already reasonably content palate.

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