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New Ratchet To Feature “A Lot More Replay Value”

We're all anxiously awaiting the finalized release date for Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time , but in the meantime, any new information is greatly appreciated.

Fans of past installments very much enjoy the experience due to its sheer fun factor, and many gamers simply wish the adventures would last a little longer. For the record, games in this franchise aren't short; they typically last a good 20 hours at a bare minimum, and I have friends who could easily drop in 30 or 40 hours. However, Insomniac still wants to enhance the "replayability" in A Crack in Time . According to PS3Center , Insomniac's Bryan Intihar said:

"It’s hard to talk # of hours when the game is still in development, but I can say that this game will have a lot of replay value in comparison to ToD and Q4B."

Now, this could indicate a longer single-player campaign, but it more likely refers to an online mode or new multiplayer mode of some kind. It's really the only thing missing from this stellar series, although I imagine that most fans certainly care more about the single-player experience in R&C. As of now, A Crack in Time has an estimated launch date of "Fall 2009," but the developers have said we can expect a concrete date some time soon. Here's hoping it arrives ASAP, and we'd certainly like to know more about this added replay value. Stay tuned.

Related Game(s): Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time

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14 years ago

Or probably difficulty level options (this one is needed badly in platformers)

Either way, will be fun as hell!

14 years ago

Awesome. I've played ToD about 5 times and still havent gotten bored of it. ACiT looks likes it might be the best game Insomniac has ever made, and they set the bar pretty high.

I hope its not online multi-player. Too many current games are relying on online play as a crutch and an excuse for a crappy single player campaign. Im sure ACiT will have a great single player experience, but i'd rather see them make single player even better than bother with multiplayer at all.

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 7/29/2009 10:55:45 PM

14 years ago

Insomniac's games always have a strong campaign in addition to strong multiplayer.

14 years ago

There was some replay value in the previous game. You run through the game once, and then its just leveling up the lvl10 weapons. First try was 10 hour play, second time everything is collected already, is about 3-4 hour replay value.

14 years ago

Last time I checked (not long ago ^.^), I spent 23 hours in Going Commando, around 30 for Up Your Arsenal, 18 in the first Ratchet and Clank, 12 for Tools of Destruction (I borrowed from a friend, when my parents refused to buy me more than one game for my PS3, since I just bought it at the time), 14 hours in the PSP entry Size Matters, and 28 hours in Deadlocked (I had LOTS of fun playing co-op with my younger brother).

I also played Secret Agent Clank, spent a good 8 hours on it.

So, excluding Secret Agent Clank, even if Insomniac Games don't choose to lenghthen the single-player, or add a multiplayer component to the game (never played online in Deadlocked and Arsenal, but played lots of online in Size Matters), I can always expect myself to sink in ANY R&C game I buy (except Quest For Booty, the Crack in Time trailers kind of spoiled me, and I watched my friend {accidentally} finish the game).

Ratchet and Clank was my first game on my PS2, when I got the console for my surprise tenth birthday.

Hearing any news on R&C, especially from trusted, good-hearted sites ;), always makes my day better.

*Also of note, it was my dad who got me my PS2; the main reason he got it was because he was amazed with the graphics of this particular game.

I never guessed it would be Gran Turismo 4. And it was! ^.^

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

But wait.

Ratchet & Clank has always had immense replay value.

What madness could they add this time?

14 years ago

platinum bolts?

14 years ago

Why, trophies of course ;)!

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago


Maybe they'll have co-op. Since there's that old Lombax-master guy.

14 years ago

ive spent over 40 hours on TOD.
took me ages to buy all the weapons than upgrade them to V10.
worth it though, i wish they would take out the swere mission out of R&C 3 where you fought those slime monsters to get crystals than trade them in for bolts.
that was so much fun and a verry easy way to get lots of bolts quickly.
and this time make the RHINO more powerful.
in TOD its useless a slightly more powerful than the missile launcher.
in R&C 3 you can take out the final boss in 3 shots with the rhino, the one i TOD is far to weak.
this is a gun that was banned because its deemed to powerful so it should be.
making it slightly higher than the others is stupid and makes you fell why the others were allowed.
i love it how there constantly talking up the RHINO 3 in the holo vids in TOD than when you finally get it its weak as donkey piss

14 years ago

I get your argument, but you can still kill the final boss in about ten seconds. Got something else to do that takes 7 seconds?

The RYNO (correct spelling, no relation to the Cubs second baseman) is plenty powerful.

On topic: I just finished TOD and, if anything, it had too much replay, meaning the need to replay levels in order to unlock everything / max the weapons.

…still great fun, though.

I'm all in favor of multiplayer a la Deadlocked.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/30/2009 4:56:39 AM

14 years ago

Too much replay? Nah. Games like Spyro have too much replay and start to feel tedious. I read somewhere that Ted Price (ceo of insomniac) wanted to make a game like Ratchet and Clank because platformers were turning into collect-a-thons with all the gems and statues and whatnot hidden everywhere.
Imo, Ratchet and Clank is the perfect balance between too much to do and not enough. Look at a game like GTA4. Theres way too much to do in that game and i dont even bother trying to get 100%. R&C makes you earn everything, but it never feels tedious.

14 years ago

Indeed. I like Spyro, but the levels feel so 'samey' after a while that it becomes difficult to proceed. With Ratchet and Clank I have finished every game except Secret Agent Clank (the final boss fight in that is a pain in the….). R&C games have great replay value without becoming repetitive.

14 years ago

I did say "if anything" (not that anyone voted me down).

I just feel that the "perfect balance" would allow me to unlock everything by the time I finish the Challenge Mode, without having to grind about ten extra runs through one or another level and ten runs through all of the Arena challenges.

…especially since the save system requires one to restart a level if they have to quit before they've completed it.

The core gameplay was always fun, but I started to get tired of the maps, even though they often had different enemy locations on subsequent playthroughs.

p.s. I got a sh*t-ton of bolts and crystals with nothing new to purchase.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/30/2009 5:01:12 PM

14 years ago

Dont flame me, but i threw away R&C SM, i got annoyed with that damn Clank in space mission on hard mode, i didnt enjoy that game, ive played the PS2 versions and I like them way more, i do hope they make a new PSP R&C game though.

14 years ago

Maybe Karma.
Play as good or evil stuff, and have 2 different stories.

As the title suggests 'Crack in Time'.
Maybe you choose to travel to the past or future and have 2 different stories and settings.

That could add to the replay value.

14 years ago

Wouldn't it be fun if they re-imagined some of the Boss battles from the earlier games, or even some of the levels from the earlier games. As you say, it's a crack in time. What if they fall through into the past or the past leaks into their present….

14 years ago

Yes it'll be great fun.

14 years ago

trophies, obviously.

there was quite the demand for a trophy patch in the last game, so i would imagine that's what theyre refering to here.

14 years ago

They always have Skill Points anyway, so all they would do for a trophy patch for ToD is makes Skill Points into Trophies. Not a big deal to have it, imo. I like trophies for the replay value, but skill points were essentially the same thing, you just couldnt brag about them as easily.

14 years ago

As JohnnyGold says, Trophies.

Trophies, that elusive platinum, will be a big part of the replay value. The usual replay with escalating multipliers for the Bolts, higher levels of weapon upgrade and what not should also help. I'd also like to see a couple of difficulty modes, kind of a Doom style 'ultra violent' mode where enemies respawn behind you making it rather more difficult to mow through a level. Didn't Deadlocked have something along those lines? As much as Deadlocked got away from the platform game roots of the original it was still a hell of a lot of fun mowing through the ridiculously large hordes of bad guys. Actually it kind of reminded me of the old arcade game Gauntlet since you invariably entered a room that was *full* of bad guys, and the longer you hung out in the space the more bad guys would respawn until you cleared their respawn points.

Anyway, Insomnia can add as much replay mayhem as they like, I will be very happy. A multi-layer mode, even just a simple death match and/or co-op that you enable by finishing the solo game would be a great thing too.

14 years ago

'multi-player mode', not 'multi-layer'….LOL!

14 years ago

Multi-layer… You may be on to something there…

14 years ago

I don't know about being on to something, but I may be on something…

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago


14 years ago

I honestly just can't wait to play this installment. I have every single game in this series and play them way more than any of my other games. They are so much fun and the replay has always been fantastic.

I'd rather see no multi-player and a killer single player campaign though. Too many games are focusing on this area when there are alot of gamers out there (myself included) who simply don't wish to play multiplayer.

All of that aside I'm sure this game will be better than ever. Come on and give a definitive release date so we can start counting down.

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