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Wardevil Alive And Kicking, More Details Coming Soon

A developer never wants their project to be dubbed "vaporware" by the media, but Wardevil has been flirting with that damaging label for some time now.

Wardevil: Unleash the Beast Within by Digi-Guys was announced all the way back in 2005 (even before the PlayStation 3 launched), and was initially canceled for the Xbox 360. Then it quietly became a PS3 exclusive, but we haven't heard much about it since; the game's official website hasn't been updated with new content since 2008. Obviously, all of this points towards the dreaded "vaporware" assignment, but at the end of last year, Digi-Guys insisted that Wardevil was "progressing to plan," and they even said they were adding "Wardevil Chronicles," a 2D cartoon that would enhance the game's storyline. Now, as noted by GameZine , Ignition Entertainment (the game's publisher) has revealed a new official website with a comment by Ajay Chadha, Ignition's president:

"We are determined to live up to our commitment to bring premium quality games to multiple platforms. We look forward to utilizing this website to help communicate news and information with our partners and unite our fans and gamers worldwide."

You can view a new teaser trailer and ponder the words "Coming Soon," which may indicate a late 2009 release. At this point, we can only hope that the title really is moving along towards the final development stages, because we've always liked the concept and style of Wardevil . We'll keep you updated and let you know what transpires.

Related Game(s): Wardevil

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15 years ago

I have never even heard of this game. But w/e just another game for playstation 3, and with that logic, i cannot complain. 😉

King James
King James
15 years ago

I hope this game turns out great because – being in development for so long – at this point Digi-Guys can't give us mediocrity. They need to bring the heat like Guerilla did.

The vidz I've seen for this game look impressive if it was still 2006! They cannot come out with a game that looks like that now. Here's to hoping Digi-Guys improved the game's engine.

Last edited by King James on 7/21/2009 10:40:20 AM

15 years ago

hmmm seems to have raised its head again. like you said ben, vaporware, and i think that is all it is. sorry.

15 years ago

i have a feeling we will see DNF once the law suit is over.
if 2K win there going to release whats done or pay some one else to finish it.
if 3d realms wins than they probably will sell it to some one else so they have some cash to re open.

15 years ago

Well, they've been talking about Wardevil for years now, so hopefully all the quiet time has been put into putting together a decent game engine. We'll have to wait and see.

15 years ago

I think the Digi-guys are waiting until the six year mark so they can say they finished their game in half the time it took Duke Nukem Forever (:In Development) to get canceled.

15 years ago

I thought this slipped away like Elveon. Maybe it will come out sometime next year.

15 years ago

War what now?

King James
King James
15 years ago


15 years ago

hopefully it's still in development and will be out soon

15 years ago

Another exclusive? They'd better take their time with this or it'll end up like Infamous. Loved the game but it's the buggiest exclusive I've seen to date, they should've fixed those issues as well as polishing up the graphics before releasing the game. I don't mind waiting a bit longer, gives me damn space to play my 3rd party games (oh GTAIV and Dead Space)

King James
King James
15 years ago

Infamous was suppose to release last year. They did polish it and remove a lot of bugs. Check Arnold's preview.

15 years ago

sounds like another game.
LA Noire.
has it been canned or turned into agent.
im starting to think its agent because the style of gameplay sounds very similar.
i hope it has not been canned, i havent heard any news on it since beginning of last year.
why do the games with the most potentional get canned.
like getaway 3 and 8 days.
there basicly GTAIV and that sold what 8M coppies?
so they have 2 games exclusive to there system that have the potentional to sell 8M coppies and they can them.
to me thats taking a briefcase of cash and throwing it in the fire place.
if you dont want it ill have it.
mayb the getaway 3 or 8 days is the exclusive bens been teasing us about?????????

King James
King James
15 years ago

LA Noire isn't canned. Check Team Bondi's website. They were looking for a lead animator last month.

15 years ago

im starting to think its been changed to agent.
because i asked a friend of mine who is a game journo one of the guys that worked with him on his site has now moved to team bondi.
i asked him if its been canned or changed to agent and he said "no its still in development……….
that wink to me confirms the name change.
but only time will tell.

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